using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using; using UnityEngine; using Vector2 = UnityEngine.Vector2; using Vector3 = UnityEngine.Vector3; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { public class Path { const float _KAPPA90 = 0.5522847493f; readonly List _commands; float _commandx; float _commandy; float _minX, _minY; float _maxX, _maxY; PathCache _cache; public Path(int capacity = 128) { this._commands = new List(capacity); this._reset(); } public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder("Path: count = " + this._commands.Count); var i = 0; while (i < this._commands.Count) { var cmd = (PathCommand) this._commands[i]; switch (cmd) { case PathCommand.moveTo: sb.Append(", moveTo(" + this._commands[i + 1] + ", " + this._commands[i + 2] + ")"); i += 3; break; case PathCommand.lineTo: sb.Append(", lineTo(" + this._commands[i + 1] + ", " + this._commands[i + 2] + ")"); i += 3; break; case PathCommand.bezierTo: sb.Append(", bezierTo(" + this._commands[i + 1] + ", " + this._commands[i + 2] + ", " + this._commands[i + 3] + ", " + this._commands[i + 4] + ", " + this._commands[i + 5] + ", " + this._commands[i + 6] + ")"); i += 7; break; case PathCommand.close: sb.Append(", close()"); i++; break; case PathCommand.winding: sb.Append(", winding(" + (PathWinding) this._commands[i + 1] + ")"); i += 2; break; default: D.assert(false, () => "unknown cmd: " + cmd); break; } } return sb.ToString(); } void _reset() { this._commands.Clear(); this._commandx = 0; this._commandy = 0; this._minX = float.MaxValue; this._minY = float.MaxValue; this._maxX = float.MinValue; this._maxY = float.MinValue; this._cache = null; } internal PathCache flatten(float scale) { scale = Mathf.Round(scale * 2.0f) / 2.0f; // round to 0.5f if (this._cache != null && this._cache.canReuse(scale)) { return this._cache; } this._cache = new PathCache(scale); var i = 0; while (i < this._commands.Count) { var cmd = (PathCommand) this._commands[i]; switch (cmd) { case PathCommand.moveTo: this._cache.addPath(); this._cache.addPoint(this._commands[i + 1], this._commands[i + 2], PointFlags.corner); i += 3; break; case PathCommand.lineTo: this._cache.addPoint(this._commands[i + 1], this._commands[i + 2], PointFlags.corner); i += 3; break; case PathCommand.bezierTo: this._cache.tessellateBezier( this._commands[i + 1], this._commands[i + 2], this._commands[i + 3], this._commands[i + 4], this._commands[i + 5], this._commands[i + 6], PointFlags.corner); i += 7; break; case PathCommand.close: this._cache.closePath(); i++; break; case PathCommand.winding: this._cache.pathWinding((PathWinding) this._commands[i + 1]); i += 2; break; default: D.assert(false, () => "unknown cmd: " + cmd); break; } } this._cache.normalize(); return this._cache; } void _expandBounds(float x, float y) { if (x < this._minX) { this._minX = x; } if (y < this._minY) { this._minY = y; } if (x > this._maxX) { this._maxX = x; } if (y > this._maxY) { this._maxY = y; } } public Rect getBounds() { if (this._minX >= this._maxX || this._minY >= this._maxY) { return; } return Rect.fromLTRB(this._minX, this._minY, this._maxX, this._maxY); } void _appendMoveTo(float x, float y) { this._commands.Add((float) PathCommand.moveTo); this._commands.Add(x); this._commands.Add(y); this._commandx = x; this._commandy = y; this._cache = null; } void _appendLineTo(float x, float y) { this._expandBounds(this._commandx, this._commandy); this._expandBounds(x, y); this._commands.Add((float) PathCommand.lineTo); this._commands.Add(x); this._commands.Add(y); this._commandx = x; this._commandy = y; this._cache = null; } void _appendBezierTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { this._expandBounds(this._commandx, this._commandy); this._expandBounds(x1, y1); this._expandBounds(x2, y2); this._expandBounds(x3, y3); this._commands.Add((float) PathCommand.bezierTo); this._commands.Add(x1); this._commands.Add(y1); this._commands.Add(x2); this._commands.Add(y2); this._commands.Add(x3); this._commands.Add(y3); this._commandx = x3; this._commandy = y3; this._cache = null; } void _appendClose() { this._commands.Add((float) PathCommand.close); this._cache = null; } void _appendWinding(float winding) { this._commands.Add((float) PathCommand.winding); this._commands.Add(winding); this._cache = null; } public void relativeMoveTo(float x, float y) { var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; this._appendMoveTo(x + x0, y + y0); } public void moveTo(float x, float y) { this._appendMoveTo(x, y); } public void relativeLineTo(float x, float y) { var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; this._appendLineTo(x + x0, y + y0); } public void lineTo(float x, float y) { this._appendLineTo(x, y); } public void cubicTo(float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y) { this._appendBezierTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x, y); } public void relativeCubicTo(float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y) { var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; this.cubicTo(x0 + c1x, y0 + c1y, x0 + c2x, y0 + c2y, x0 + x, y0 + y); } public void quadraticBezierTo(float cx, float cy, float x, float y) { var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; const float twoThird = 2.0f / 3.0f; this._appendBezierTo( x0 + twoThird * (cx - x0), y0 + twoThird * (cy - y0), x + twoThird * (cx - x), y + twoThird * (cy - y), x, y); } public void relativeQuadraticBezierTo(float cx, float cy, float x, float y) { var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; this.quadraticBezierTo(x0 + cx, y0 + cy, x0 + x, y0 + y); } public void conicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w) { if (!(w > 0)) { this.lineTo(x2, y2); return; } if (w.isInfinite()) { this.lineTo(x1, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y2); return; } if (w == 1) { this.quadraticBezierTo(x1, y1, x2, y2); return; } var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; var conic = new _Conic { x0 = x0, y0 = y0, x1 = x1, y1 = y1, x2 = x2, y2 = y2, w = w, }; var quadX = new float[5]; var quadY = new float[5]; conic.chopIntoQuadsPOW2(quadX, quadY, 1); this.quadraticBezierTo(quadX[1], quadY[1], quadX[2], quadY[2]); this.quadraticBezierTo(quadX[3], quadY[3], quadX[4], quadY[4]); } public void relativeConicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w) { var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; this.conicTo(x0 + x1, y0 + y1, x0 + x2, y0 + y2, w); } // public void arcToPoint(Offset arcEnd, Radius radius = null, float rotation = 0.0f, bool largeArc = false, bool clockwise = false) { radius = radius ??; D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(arcEnd)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._radiusIsValid(radius)); var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; var x1 = arcEnd.dx; var y1 = arcEnd.dy; var rx = Mathf.Abs(radius.x); var ry = Mathf.Abs(radius.y); if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) { this.lineTo(x1, y1); return; } if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) { this.lineTo(x1, y1); return; } var midPointDistanceX = (x0 - x1) * 0.5f; var midPointDistanceY = (y0 - y1) * 0.5f; var pointTransform = Matrix3.makeRotate(rotation); var transformedMidPoint = pointTransform.mapXY(midPointDistanceX, midPointDistanceY); var squareRx = rx * rx; var squareRy = ry * ry; var squareX = transformedMidPoint.dx * transformedMidPoint.dx; var squareY = transformedMidPoint.dy * transformedMidPoint.dy; // Check if the radii are big enough to draw the arc, scale radii if not. // var radiiScale = squareX / squareRx + squareY / squareRy; if (radiiScale > 1) { radiiScale = Mathf.Sqrt(radiiScale); rx *= radiiScale; ry *= radiiScale; } pointTransform.setScale(1 / rx, 1 / ry); pointTransform.preRotate(-rotation); var unitPts = new [] { pointTransform.mapXY(x0, y0), pointTransform.mapXY(x1, y1), }; var delta = unitPts[1] - unitPts[0]; var d = delta.dx * delta.dx + delta.dy * delta.dy; var scaleFactorSquared = Mathf.Max(1 / d - 0.25f, 0.0f); var scaleFactor = Mathf.Sqrt(scaleFactorSquared); if (!clockwise != largeArc) { // flipped from the original implementation scaleFactor = -scaleFactor; } delta = delta.scale(scaleFactor); var centerPoint = unitPts[0] + unitPts[1]; centerPoint *= 0.5f; centerPoint = centerPoint.translate(-delta.dy, delta.dx); unitPts[0] -= centerPoint; unitPts[1] -= centerPoint; var theta1 = Mathf.Atan2(unitPts[0].dy, unitPts[0].dx); var theta2 = Mathf.Atan2(unitPts[1].dy, unitPts[1].dx); var thetaArc = theta2 - theta1; if (thetaArc < 0 && clockwise) { // arcSweep flipped from the original implementation thetaArc += Mathf.PI * 2; } else if (thetaArc > 0 && !clockwise) { // arcSweep flipped from the original implementation thetaArc -= Mathf.PI * 2; } pointTransform.setRotate(rotation); pointTransform.preScale(rx, ry); // the arc may be slightly bigger than 1/4 circle, so allow up to 1/3rd int segments = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Abs(thetaArc / (2 * Mathf.PI / 3))); var thetaWidth = thetaArc / segments; var t = Mathf.Tan(0.5f * thetaWidth); if (!t.isFinite()) { return; } var startTheta = theta1; var w = Mathf.Sqrt(0.5f + Mathf.Cos(thetaWidth) * 0.5f); bool expectIntegers = ScalarUtils.ScalarNearlyZero(Mathf.PI/2 - Mathf.Abs(thetaWidth)) && ScalarUtils.ScalarIsInteger(rx) && ScalarUtils.ScalarIsInteger(ry) && ScalarUtils.ScalarIsInteger(x1) && ScalarUtils.ScalarIsInteger(y1); for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i) { var endTheta = startTheta + thetaWidth; var sinEndTheta = ScalarUtils.ScalarSinCos(endTheta, out var cosEndTheta); unitPts[1] = new Offset(cosEndTheta, sinEndTheta); unitPts[1] += centerPoint; unitPts[0] = unitPts[1]; unitPts[0] = unitPts[0].translate(t * sinEndTheta, -t * cosEndTheta); var mapped = new [] { pointTransform.mapPoint(unitPts[0]), pointTransform.mapPoint(unitPts[1]), }; /* Computing the arc width introduces rounding errors that cause arcs to start outside their marks. A round rect may lose convexity as a result. If the input values are on integers, place the conic on integers as well. */ if (expectIntegers) { for (int index = 0; i < mapped.Length; index++) { mapped[index] = new Offset( Mathf.Round(mapped[index].dx), Mathf.Round(mapped[index].dy) ); } } this.conicTo(mapped[0].dx, mapped[0].dy, mapped[1].dx, mapped[1].dy, w); startTheta = endTheta; } } public void close() { this._appendClose(); } public void winding(PathWinding dir) { this._appendWinding((float) dir); } public void addRect(Rect rect) { this._appendMoveTo(rect.left,; this._appendLineTo(rect.left, rect.bottom); this._appendLineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom); this._appendLineTo(rect.right,; this._appendClose(); } public void addRRect(RRect rrect) { float w = rrect.width; float h = rrect.height; float halfw = Mathf.Abs(w) * 0.5f; float halfh = Mathf.Abs(h) * 0.5f; float signW = Mathf.Sign(w); float signH = Mathf.Sign(h); float rxBL = Mathf.Min(rrect.blRadiusX, halfw) * signW; float ryBL = Mathf.Min(rrect.blRadiusY, halfh) * signH; float rxBR = Mathf.Min(rrect.brRadiusX, halfw) * signW; float ryBR = Mathf.Min(rrect.brRadiusY, halfh) * signH; float rxTR = Mathf.Min(rrect.trRadiusX, halfw) * signW; float ryTR = Mathf.Min(rrect.trRadiusY, halfh) * signH; float rxTL = Mathf.Min(rrect.tlRadiusX, halfw) * signW; float ryTL = Mathf.Min(rrect.tlRadiusY, halfh) * signH; float x = rrect.left; float y =; this._appendMoveTo(x, y + ryTL); this._appendLineTo(x, y + h - ryBL); this._appendBezierTo(x, y + h - ryBL * (1 - _KAPPA90), x + rxBL * (1 - _KAPPA90), y + h, x + rxBL, y + h); this._appendLineTo(x + w - rxBR, y + h); this._appendBezierTo(x + w - rxBR * (1 - _KAPPA90), y + h, x + w, y + h - ryBR * (1 - _KAPPA90), x + w, y + h - ryBR); this._appendLineTo(x + w, y + ryTR); this._appendBezierTo(x + w, y + ryTR * (1 - _KAPPA90), x + w - rxTR * (1 - _KAPPA90), y, x + w - rxTR, y); this._appendLineTo(x + rxTL, y); this._appendBezierTo(x + rxTL * (1 - _KAPPA90), y, x, y + ryTL * (1 - _KAPPA90), x, y + ryTL); this._appendClose(); } public void addEllipse(float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry) { this._appendMoveTo(cx - rx, cy); this._appendBezierTo(cx - rx, cy + ry * _KAPPA90, cx - rx * _KAPPA90, cy + ry, cx, cy + ry); this._appendBezierTo(cx + rx * _KAPPA90, cy + ry, cx + rx, cy + ry * _KAPPA90, cx + rx, cy); this._appendBezierTo(cx + rx, cy - ry * _KAPPA90, cx + rx * _KAPPA90, cy - ry, cx, cy - ry); this._appendBezierTo(cx - rx * _KAPPA90, cy - ry, cx - rx, cy - ry * _KAPPA90, cx - rx, cy); this._appendClose(); } public void addCircle(float cx, float cy, float r) { this.addEllipse(cx, cy, r, r); } public void addOval(Rect oval) { D.assert(oval != null); var center =; this.addEllipse(center.dx, center.dy, oval.width / 2, oval.height / 2); } public void arcTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius) { var x0 = this._commandx; var y0 = this._commandy; // Calculate tangential circle to lines (x0,y0)-(x1,y1) and (x1,y1)-(x2,y2). float dx0 = x0 - x1; float dy0 = y0 - y1; float dx1 = x2 - x1; float dy1 = y2 - y1; PathUtils.normalize(ref dx0, ref dy0); PathUtils.normalize(ref dx1, ref dy1); float a = Mathf.Acos(dx0 * dx1 + dy0 * dy1); float d = radius / Mathf.Tan(a / 2.0f); if (d > 10000.0f) { this.lineTo(x1, y1); return; } float cx, cy, a0, a1; PathWinding dir; float cross = dx1 * dy0 - dx0 * dy1; if (cross > 0.0f) { cx = x1 + dx0 * d + dy0 * radius; cy = y1 + dy0 * d + -dx0 * radius; a0 = Mathf.Atan2(dx0, -dy0); a1 = Mathf.Atan2(-dx1, dy1); dir = PathWinding.clockwise; } else { cx = x1 + dx0 * d + -dy0 * radius; cy = y1 + dy0 * d + dx0 * radius; a0 = Mathf.Atan2(-dx0, dy0); a1 = Mathf.Atan2(dx1, -dy1); dir = PathWinding.counterClockwise; } this.addArc(cx, cy, radius, a0, a1, dir); } public void arcTo(Rect rect, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool forceMoveTo = true) { var mat = Matrix3.makeScale(rect.width / 2, rect.height / 2); var center =; mat.postTranslate(center.dx, center.dy); this._addArcCommands(0, 0, 1, startAngle, startAngle + sweepAngle, sweepAngle >= 0 ? PathWinding.clockwise : PathWinding.counterClockwise, forceMoveTo, mat); } public void addArc(Rect rect, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) { this.arcTo(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle, true); } void _addArcCommands( float cx, float cy, float r, float a0, float a1, PathWinding dir, bool forceMoveTo, Matrix3 transform = null) { // Clamp angles float da = a1 - a0; if (dir == PathWinding.clockwise) { if (Mathf.Abs(da) >= Mathf.PI * 2) { da = Mathf.PI * 2; } else { while (da < 0.0f) { da += Mathf.PI * 2; } if (da <= 1e-5) { return; } } } else { if (Mathf.Abs(da) >= Mathf.PI * 2) { da = -Mathf.PI * 2; } else { while (da > 0.0f) { da -= Mathf.PI * 2; } if (da >= -1e-5) { return; } } } // Split arc into max 90 degree segments. int ndivs = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.Min((int) (Mathf.Abs(da) / (Mathf.PI * 0.5f) + 0.5f), 5)); float hda = (da / ndivs) / 2.0f; float kappa = Mathf.Abs(4.0f / 3.0f * (1.0f - Mathf.Cos(hda)) / Mathf.Sin(hda)); if (dir == PathWinding.counterClockwise) { kappa = -kappa; } PathCommand move = (forceMoveTo || this._commands.Count == 0) ? PathCommand.moveTo : PathCommand.lineTo; float px = 0, py = 0, ptanx = 0, ptany = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= ndivs; i++) { float a = a0 + da * (i / (float) ndivs); float dx = Mathf.Cos(a); float dy = Mathf.Sin(a); float x = cx + dx * r; float y = cy + dy * r; float tanx = -dy * r * kappa; float tany = dx * r * kappa; if (i == 0) { float x1 = x, y1 = y; if (transform != null) { transform.mapXY(x1, y1, out x1, out y1); } if (move == PathCommand.moveTo) { this._appendMoveTo(x1, y1); } else { this._appendLineTo(x1, y1); } } else { float c1x = px + ptanx; float c1y = py + ptany; float c2x = x - tanx; float c2y = y - tany; float x1 = x; float y1 = y; if (transform != null) { transform.mapXY(c1x, c1y, out c1x, out c1y); transform.mapXY(c2x, c2y, out c2x, out c2y); transform.mapXY(x1, y1, out x1, out y1); } this._appendBezierTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x1, y1); } px = x; py = y; ptanx = tanx; ptany = tany; } } public void addArc(float cx, float cy, float r, float a0, float a1, PathWinding dir, bool forceMoveTo = true) { this._addArcCommands(cx, cy, r, a0, a1, dir, forceMoveTo); } public void addPolygon(IList points, bool close) { D.assert(points != null); if (points.Count == 0) { return; } this._appendMoveTo(points[0].dx, points[0].dy); for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; i++) { var point = points[i]; this._appendLineTo(point.dx, point.dy); } if (close) { this._appendClose(); } } public Path shift(Offset offset) { offset = offset ??; var path = new Path(); path.addPath(this, offset); return path; } public Path transform(Matrix3 mat) { var path = new Path(); path.addPath(this, mat); return path; } public void addPath(Path path, Offset offset) { if (offset == null) { this.addPath(path); return; } var transform = Matrix3.makeTrans(offset.dx, offset.dy); this.addPath(path, transform); } public void addPath(Path path, Matrix3 transform = null) { D.assert(path != null); var i = 0; while (i < path._commands.Count) { var cmd = (PathCommand) path._commands[i]; switch (cmd) { case PathCommand.moveTo: { float x = path._commands[i + 1]; float y = path._commands[i + 2]; if (transform != null) { transform.mapXY(x, y, out x, out y); } this._appendMoveTo(x, y); } i += 3; break; case PathCommand.lineTo: { float x = path._commands[i + 1]; float y = path._commands[i + 2]; if (transform != null) { transform.mapXY(x, y, out x, out y); } this._appendLineTo(x, y); } i += 3; break; case PathCommand.bezierTo: { float c1x = path._commands[i + 1]; float c1y = path._commands[i + 2]; float c2x = path._commands[i + 3]; float c2y = path._commands[i + 4]; float x1 = path._commands[i + 5]; float y1 = path._commands[i + 6]; if (transform != null) { transform.mapXY(c1x, c1y, out c1x, out c1y); transform.mapXY(c2x, c2y, out c2x, out c2y); transform.mapXY(x1, y1, out x1, out y1); } this._appendBezierTo(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, x1, y1); } i += 7; break; case PathCommand.close: this._appendClose(); i++; break; case PathCommand.winding: this._appendWinding(path._commands[i + 1]); i += 2; break; default: D.assert(false, () => "unknown cmd: " + cmd); break; } } } public bool contains(Offset point) { var bounds = this.getBounds(); if (bounds == null || bounds.isEmpty) { return false; } if (!bounds.containsInclusive(point)) { return false; } float x = point.dx; float y = point.dy; float lastMoveToX = 0; float lastMoveToY = 0; float commandx = 0; float commandy = 0; PathWinding winding = PathWinding.counterClockwise; var totalW = 0; var w = 0; var i = 0; while (i < this._commands.Count) { var cmd = (PathCommand) this._commands[i]; switch (cmd) { case PathCommand.moveTo: if (lastMoveToX != commandx || lastMoveToY != commandy) { w += windingLine( commandx, commandy, lastMoveToX, lastMoveToY, x, y); } if (w != 0) { totalW += winding == PathWinding.counterClockwise ? w : -w; w = 0; } lastMoveToX = commandx = this._commands[i + 1]; lastMoveToY = commandy = this._commands[i + 2]; winding = PathWinding.counterClockwise; i += 3; break; case PathCommand.lineTo: w += windingLine( commandx, commandy, this._commands[i + 1], this._commands[i + 2], x, y); commandx = this._commands[i + 1]; commandy = this._commands[i + 2]; i += 3; break; case PathCommand.bezierTo: w += windingCubic( commandx, commandy, this._commands[i + 1], this._commands[i + 2], this._commands[i + 3], this._commands[i + 4], this._commands[i + 5], this._commands[i + 6], x, y); commandx = this._commands[i + 5]; commandy = this._commands[i + 6]; i += 7; break; case PathCommand.close: i++; break; case PathCommand.winding: winding = (PathWinding) this._commands[i + 1]; i += 2; break; default: D.assert(false, () => "unknown cmd: " + cmd); break; } } if (lastMoveToX != commandx || lastMoveToY != commandy) { w += windingLine( commandx, commandy, lastMoveToX, lastMoveToY, x, y); } if (w != 0) { totalW += winding == PathWinding.counterClockwise ? w : -w; w = 0; } return totalW != 0; } static int windingLine(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x, float y) { if (y0 == y1) { return 0; } int dir = 1; // down. y0 < y1 float minY = y0; float maxY = y1; if (y0 > y1) { dir = -1; minY = y1; maxY = y0; } if (y < minY || y >= maxY) { return 0; } float cross = (x1 - x0) * (y - y0) - (x - x0) * (y1 - y0); if (cross == 0) { return 0; } if (cross.sign() == dir) { return 0; } return dir; } static int windingCubic(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4, float x, float y) { Offset[] src = { new Offset(x1, y1), new Offset(x2, y2), new Offset(x3, y3), new Offset(x4, y4), }; Offset[] dst = new Offset[10]; int n = _chopCubicAtYExtrema(src, dst); int w = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) { w += _winding_mono_cubic(dst, i * 3, x, y); } return w; } static int _winding_mono_cubic(Offset[] pts, int ptsBase, float x, float y) { float y0 = pts[ptsBase + 0].dy; float y3 = pts[ptsBase + 3].dy; if (y0 == y3) { return 0; } int dir = 1; // down. y0 < y3 float minY = y0; float maxY = y3; if (y0 > y3) { dir = -1; minY = y3; maxY = y0; } if (y < minY || y >= maxY) { return 0; } // quickreject or quickaccept float minX = float.MaxValue, maxX = float.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var dx = pts[ptsBase + i].dx; if (dx < minX) { minX = dx; } if (dx > maxX) { maxX = dx; } } if (x < minX) { return 0; } if (x > maxX) { return dir; } // compute the actual x(t) value float t; if (!_chopMonoAtY(pts, ptsBase, y, out t)) { return 0; } float xt = _eval_cubic_pts( pts[ptsBase + 0].dx, pts[ptsBase + 1].dx, pts[ptsBase + 2].dx, pts[ptsBase + 3].dx, t); return xt < x ? dir : 0; } static float _eval_cubic_pts(float c0, float c1, float c2, float c3, float t) { float A = c3 + 3 * (c1 - c2) - c0; float B = 3 * (c2 - c1 - c1 + c0); float C = 3 * (c1 - c0); float D = c0; return _poly_eval(A, B, C, D, t); } static float _poly_eval(float A, float B, float C, float D, float t) { return ((A * t + B) * t + C) * t + D; } static bool _chopMonoAtY(Offset[] pts, int ptsBase, float y, out float t) { float[] ycrv = { pts[ptsBase + 0].dy - y, pts[ptsBase + 1].dy - y, pts[ptsBase + 2].dy - y, pts[ptsBase + 3].dy - y }; // NEWTON_RAPHSON Quadratic convergence, typically <= 3 iterations. // Initial guess. // is not only monotonic but degenerate. float t1 = ycrv[0] / (ycrv[0] - ycrv[3]); // Newton's iterations. const float tol = 1f / 16384; // This leaves 2 fixed noise bits. float t0; const int maxiters = 5; int iters = 0; bool converged; do { t0 = t1; float y01 = MathUtils.lerpFloat(ycrv[0], ycrv[1], t0); float y12 = MathUtils.lerpFloat(ycrv[1], ycrv[2], t0); float y23 = MathUtils.lerpFloat(ycrv[2], ycrv[3], t0); float y012 = MathUtils.lerpFloat(y01, y12, t0); float y123 = MathUtils.lerpFloat(y12, y23, t0); float y0123 = MathUtils.lerpFloat(y012, y123, t0); float yder = (y123 - y012) * 3; t1 -= y0123 / yder; converged = (t1 - t0).abs() <= tol; // NaN-safe ++iters; } while (!converged && (iters < maxiters)); t = t1; // The result might be valid, even if outside of the range [0, 1], but // we never evaluate a Bezier outside this interval, so we return false. if (t1 < 0 || t1 > 1) { return false; } return converged; } static void _flatten_double_cubic_extrema(Offset[] dst, int dstBase) { var dy = dst[dstBase + 3].dy; dst[dstBase + 2] = new Offset(dst[dstBase + 2].dx, dy); dst[dstBase + 4] = new Offset(dst[dstBase + 4].dx, dy); } static int _chopCubicAtYExtrema(Offset[] src, Offset[] dst) { D.assert(src != null && src.Length == 4); D.assert(dst != null && dst.Length == 10); float[] tValues = new float[2]; int roots = _findCubicExtrema( src[0].dy, src[1].dy, src[2].dy, src[3].dy, tValues); _chopCubicAt(src, dst, tValues, roots); if (dst != null && roots > 0) { // we do some cleanup to ensure our Y extrema are flat _flatten_double_cubic_extrema(dst, 0); if (roots == 2) { _flatten_double_cubic_extrema(dst, 3); } } return roots; } static void _chopCubicAt(Offset[] src, int srcBase, Offset[] dst, int dstBase, float t) { D.assert(src != null && (src.Length == 4 || src.Length == 10)); D.assert(dst != null && dst.Length == 10); D.assert(t > 0 && t < 1); var p0 = src[srcBase + 0]; var p1 = src[srcBase + 1]; var p2 = src[srcBase + 2]; var p3 = src[srcBase + 3]; var ab = Offset.lerp(p0, p1, t); var bc = Offset.lerp(p1, p2, t); var cd = Offset.lerp(p2, p3, t); var abc = Offset.lerp(ab, bc, t); var bcd = Offset.lerp(bc, cd, t); var abcd = Offset.lerp(abc, bcd, t); dst[dstBase + 0] = p0; dst[dstBase + 1] = ab; dst[dstBase + 2] = abc; dst[dstBase + 3] = abcd; dst[dstBase + 4] = bcd; dst[dstBase + 5] = cd; dst[dstBase + 6] = p3; } static void _chopCubicAt(Offset[] src, Offset[] dst, float[] tValues, int roots) { D.assert(src != null && src.Length == 4); D.assert(dst != null && dst.Length == 10); D.assert(() => { for (int i = 0; i < roots - 1; i++) { D.assert(0 < tValues[i] && tValues[i] < 1); D.assert(0 < tValues[i + 1] && tValues[i + 1] < 1); D.assert(tValues[i] < tValues[i + 1]); } return true; }); if (dst != null) { if (roots == 0) { dst[0] = src[0]; dst[1] = src[1]; dst[2] = src[2]; dst[3] = src[3]; } else { float t = tValues[0]; int srcBase = 0; int dstBase = 0; for (int i = 0; i < roots; i++) { _chopCubicAt(src, srcBase, dst, dstBase, t); if (i == roots - 1) { break; } dstBase += 3; src = dst; srcBase = dstBase; // watch out in case the renormalized t isn't in range if (_valid_unit_divide(tValues[i + 1] - tValues[i], 1 - tValues[i], out t) == 0) { // if we can't, just create a degenerate cubic dst[dstBase + 4] = dst[dstBase + 5] = dst[dstBase + 6] = src[srcBase + 3]; break; } } } } } /** Cubic'(t) = At^2 + Bt + C, where A = 3(-a + 3(b - c) + d) B = 6(a - 2b + c) C = 3(b - a) Solve for t, keeping only those that fit between 0 < t < 1 */ static int _findCubicExtrema(float a, float b, float c, float d, float[] tValues) { // we divide A,B,C by 3 to simplify float A = d - a + 3 * (b - c); float B = 2 * (a - b - b + c); float C = b - a; return _findUnitQuadRoots(A, B, C, tValues); } static int _valid_unit_divide(float numer, float denom, out float ratio) { ratio = 0; if (numer < 0) { numer = -numer; denom = -denom; } if (denom == 0 || numer == 0 || numer >= denom) { return 0; } float r = numer / denom; if (float.IsNaN(r)) { return 0; } D.assert(r >= 0 && r < 1, () => $"numer {numer}, denom {denom}, r {r}"); if (r == 0) { // catch underflow if numer <<<< denom return 0; } ratio = r; return 1; } // Just returns its argument, but makes it easy to set a break-point to know when // _findUnitQuadRoots is going to return 0 (an error). static int _return_check_zero(int value) { if (value == 0) { return 0; } return value; } static int _findUnitQuadRoots(float A, float B, float C, float[] roots) { if (A == 0) { return _return_check_zero(_valid_unit_divide(-C, B, out roots[0])); } int r = 0; // use doubles so we don't overflow temporarily trying to compute R double dr = (double) B * B - 4 * (double) A * C; if (dr < 0) { return _return_check_zero(0); } dr = Math.Sqrt(dr); float R = (float) dr; if (float.IsInfinity(R)) { return _return_check_zero(0); } float Q = (B < 0) ? -(B - R) / 2 : -(B + R) / 2; r += _valid_unit_divide(Q, A, out roots[r]); r += _valid_unit_divide(C, Q, out roots[r]); if (r == 2) { if (roots[0] > roots[1]) { float tmp = roots[0]; roots[0] = roots[1]; roots[1] = tmp; } else if (roots[0] == roots[1]) { // nearly-equal? r -= 1; // skip the double root } } return _return_check_zero(r); } } public enum PathWinding { counterClockwise = 1, // which just means the order as the input is. clockwise = 2, // which just means the reversed order. } class _Conic { public float x0; public float y0; public float x1; public float y1; public float x2; public float y2; public float w; public int chopIntoQuadsPOW2(float[] quadX, float[] quadY, int pow2) { quadX[0] = this.x0; quadY[0] = this.y0; var endIndex = this._subdivide(quadX, quadY, 1, pow2); var quadCount = 1 << pow2; var ptCount = 2 * quadCount + 1; D.assert(endIndex == ptCount); if (!(_areFinite(quadX, 0, ptCount) && _areFinite(quadY, 0, ptCount))) { for (int i = 1; i < ptCount - 1; i++) { quadX[i] = this.x1; quadY[i] = this.y1; } } return quadCount; } static bool _areFinite(float[] array, int index, int count) { float prod = 0; count += index; for (int i = index; i < count; ++i) { prod *= array[i]; } // At this point, prod will either be NaN or 0 return prod == 0; // if prod is NaN, this check will return false } int _subdivide(float[] quadX, float[] quadY, int index, int level) { D.assert(level >= 0); if (0 == level) { quadX[0 + index] = this.x1; quadY[0 + index] = this.y1; quadX[1 + index] = this.x2; quadY[1 + index] = this.y2; return 2 + index; } _Conic c1, c2; this._chop(out c1, out c2); var startY = this.y0; var endY = this.y2; if (_between(startY, this.y1, endY)) { // If the input is monotonic and the output is not, the scan converter hangs. // Ensure that the chopped conics maintain their y-order. var midY = c1.y2; if (!_between(startY, midY, endY)) { // If the computed midpoint is outside the ends, move it to the closer one. var closerY = Mathf.Abs(midY - startY) < Mathf.Abs(midY - endY) ? startY : endY; c1.y2 = c2.y0 = closerY; } if (!_between(startY, c1.y1, c1.y2)) { // If the 1st control is not between the start and end, put it at the start. // This also reduces the quad to a line. c1.y1 = startY; } if (!_between(c2.y0, c2.y1, endY)) { // If the 2nd control is not between the start and end, put it at the end. // This also reduces the quad to a line. c2.y1 = endY; } // Verify that all five points are in order. D.assert(_between(startY, c1.y1, c1.y2)); D.assert(_between(c1.y1, c1.y2, c2.y1)); D.assert(_between(c1.y2, c2.y1, endY)); } --level; index = c1._subdivide(quadX, quadY, index, level); return c2._subdivide(quadX, quadY, index, level); } static bool _between(float a, float b, float c) { return (a - b) * (c - b) <= 0; } void _chop(out _Conic c1, out _Conic c2) { var scale = 1.0f / (1.0f + this.w); var newW = Mathf.Sqrt(0.5f + this.w * 0.5f); var wp1X = this.w * this.x1; var wp1Y = this.w * this.y1; var mX = (this.x0 + (wp1X + wp1X) + this.x2) * scale * 0.5f; var mY = (this.y0 + (wp1Y + wp1Y) + this.y2) * scale * 0.5f; if (!(mX.isFinite() && mY.isFinite())) { double w_d = this.w; double w_2 = w_d * 2.0; double scale_half = 1.0 / (1.0 + w_d) * 0.5; mX = (float) ((this.x0 + w_2 * this.x1 + this.x2) * scale_half); mY = (float) ((this.y0 + w_2 * this.y1 + this.y2) * scale_half); } c1 = new _Conic { x0 = this.x0, y0 = this.y0, x1 = (this.x0 + wp1X) * scale, y1 = (this.y0 + wp1Y) * scale, x2 = mX, y2 = mY, w = newW, }; c2 = new _Conic { x0 = mX, y0 = mY, x1 = (wp1X + this.x2) * scale, y1 = (wp1Y + this.y2) * scale, x2 = this.x2, y2 = this.y2, w = newW, }; } } enum PathCommand { moveTo, lineTo, bezierTo, close, winding, } [Flags] enum PointFlags { corner = 0x01, left = 0x02, bevel = 0x04, innerBevel = 0x08, } struct PathPoint { public float x, y; public float dx, dy; public float len; public float dmx, dmy; public PointFlags flags; } struct PathPath { public int first; public int count; public bool closed; public int ifill; public int nfill; public int istroke; public int nstroke; public PathWinding winding; public bool convex; } class PathCache { readonly float _scale; readonly float _distTol; readonly float _tessTol; readonly ArrayRef _paths = new ArrayRef(); readonly ArrayRef _points = new ArrayRef(); List _vertices = null; MeshMesh _fillMesh; bool _fillConvex; MeshMesh _strokeMesh; float _strokeWidth; StrokeCap _lineCap; StrokeJoin _lineJoin; float _miterLimit; public PathCache(float scale) { this._scale = scale; this._distTol = 0.01f / scale; this._tessTol = 0.25f / scale; } public bool canReuse(float scale) { if (this._scale != scale) { return false; } return true; } public void addPath() { this._paths.add(new PathPath { first = this._points.length, winding = PathWinding.counterClockwise }); } public void addPoint(float x, float y, PointFlags flags) { this._addPoint(new PathPoint {x = x, y = y, flags = flags}); } void _addPoint(PathPoint point) { if (this._paths.length == 0) { this.addPath(); this.addPoint(0, 0, PointFlags.corner); } ref var path = ref this._paths.array[this._paths.length - 1]; if (path.count > 0) { ref var pt = ref this._points.array[this._points.length - 1]; if (PathUtils.ptEquals(pt.x, pt.y, point.x, point.y, this._distTol)) { pt.flags |= point.flags; return; } } this._points.add(point); path.count++; } public void tessellateBezier( float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4, PointFlags flags) { float x1, y1; if (this._points.length == 0) { x1 = 0; y1 = 0; } else { ref var pt = ref this._points.array[this._points.length - 1]; x1 = pt.x; y1 = pt.y; } if (x1 == x2 && x1 == x3 && x1 == x4 && y1 == y2 && y1 == y3 && y1 == y4) { return; } var points = TessellationGenerator.tessellateBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, this._tessTol); D.assert(points.Count > 0); for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { var point = points[i]; if (i == points.Count - 1) { this._addPoint(new PathPoint { x = point.x + x1, y = point.y + y1, flags = flags, }); } else { this._addPoint(new PathPoint { x = point.x + x1, y = point.y + y1, }); } } } public void closePath() { if (this._paths.length == 0) { return; } ref var path = ref this._paths.array[this._paths.length - 1]; path.closed = true; } public void pathWinding(PathWinding winding) { if (this._paths.length == 0) { return; } ref var path = ref this._paths.array[this._paths.length - 1]; path.winding = winding; } public void normalize() { var points = this._points; var paths = this._paths; for (var j = 0; j < paths.length; j++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[j]; if (path.count <= 1) { continue; } var ip0 = path.first + path.count - 1; var ip1 = path.first; ref var p0 = ref points.array[ip0]; ref var p1 = ref points.array[ip1]; if (PathUtils.ptEquals(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, this._distTol)) { path.count--; path.closed = true; } if (path.count > 2) { if (path.winding == PathWinding.clockwise) { PathUtils.polyReverse(points.array, path.first, path.count); } } } } void _expandFill() { var points = this._points; var paths = this._paths; for (var j = 0; j < paths.length; j++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[j]; if (path.count <= 2) { continue; } var ip0 = path.first + path.count - 1; var ip1 = path.first; for (var i = 0; i < path.count; i++) { ref var p0 = ref points.array[ip0]; ref var p1 = ref points.array[ip1]; p0.dx = p1.x - p0.x; // no need to normalize p0.dy = p1.y - p0.y; ip0 = ip1++; } path.convex = true; ip0 = path.first + path.count - 1; ip1 = path.first; for (var i = 0; i < path.count; i++) { ref var p0 = ref points.array[ip0]; ref var p1 = ref points.array[ip1]; float cross = p1.dx * p0.dy - p0.dx * p1.dy; if (cross < 0.0f) { path.convex = false; } ip0 = ip1++; } } var cvertices = 0; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 2) { continue; } cvertices += path.count; } this._vertices = new List(cvertices); for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 2) { continue; } path.ifill = this._vertices.Count; for (var j = 0; j < path.count; j++) { ref var p = ref points.array[path.first + j]; this._vertices.Add(new Vector2(p.x, p.y)); } path.nfill = this._vertices.Count - path.ifill; } } public MeshMesh getFillMesh(out bool convex) { if (this._fillMesh != null) { convex = this._fillConvex; return this._fillMesh; } this._expandFill(); var paths = this._paths; var cindices = 0; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 2) { continue; } if (path.nfill > 0) { D.assert(path.nfill >= 2); cindices += (path.nfill - 2) * 3; } } var indices = new List(cindices); for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 2) { continue; } if (path.nfill > 0) { for (var j = 2; j < path.nfill; j++) { indices.Add(path.ifill); indices.Add(path.ifill + j); indices.Add(path.ifill + j - 1); } } } D.assert(indices.Count == cindices); var mesh = new MeshMesh(null, this._vertices, indices); this._fillMesh = mesh; this._fillConvex = false; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 2) { continue; } if (this._fillConvex) { // if more than two paths, convex is false. this._fillConvex = false; break; } if (!path.convex) { // if not convex, convex is false. break; } this._fillConvex = true; } convex = this._fillConvex; return this._fillMesh; } void _calculateJoins(float w, StrokeJoin lineJoin, float miterLimit) { float iw = w > 0.0f ? 1.0f / w : 0.0f; var points = this._points; var paths = this._paths; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 1) { continue; } var ip0 = path.first + path.count - 1; var ip1 = path.first; for (var j = 0; j < path.count; j++) { ref var p0 = ref points.array[ip0]; ref var p1 = ref points.array[ip1]; p0.dx = p1.x - p0.x; p0.dy = p1.y - p0.y; p0.len = PathUtils.normalize(ref p0.dx, ref p0.dy); ip0 = ip1++; } ip0 = path.first + path.count - 1; ip1 = path.first; for (var j = 0; j < path.count; j++) { ref var p0 = ref points.array[ip0]; ref var p1 = ref points.array[ip1]; float dlx0 = p0.dy; float dly0 = -p0.dx; float dlx1 = p1.dy; float dly1 = -p1.dx; // Calculate extrusions p1.dmx = (dlx0 + dlx1) * 0.5f; p1.dmy = (dly0 + dly1) * 0.5f; float dmr2 = p1.dmx * p1.dmx + p1.dmy * p1.dmy; if (dmr2 > 0.000001f) { float scale = 1.0f / dmr2; if (scale > 600.0f) { scale = 600.0f; } p1.dmx *= scale; p1.dmy *= scale; } // Clear flags, but keep the corner. p1.flags &= PointFlags.corner; // Keep track of left turns. float cross = p1.dx * p0.dy - p0.dx * p1.dy; if (cross > 0.0f) { p1.flags |= PointFlags.left; } // Calculate if we should use bevel or miter for inner join. float limit = Mathf.Max(1.01f, Mathf.Min(p0.len, p1.len) * iw); if (dmr2 * limit * limit < 1.0f) { p1.flags |= PointFlags.innerBevel; } // Check to see if the corner needs to be beveled. if ((p1.flags & PointFlags.corner) != 0) { if (lineJoin == StrokeJoin.bevel || lineJoin == StrokeJoin.round || dmr2 * miterLimit * miterLimit < 1.0f) { p1.flags |= PointFlags.bevel; } } ip0 = ip1++; } } } void _expandStroke(float w, StrokeCap lineCap, StrokeJoin lineJoin, float miterLimit) { this._calculateJoins(w, lineJoin, miterLimit); int ncap = 0; if (lineCap == StrokeCap.round || lineJoin == StrokeJoin.round) { ncap = PathUtils.curveDivs(w, Mathf.PI, this._tessTol); } var points = this._points; var paths = this._paths; var cvertices = 0; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 1) { continue; } cvertices += path.count * 2; cvertices += 4; } this._vertices = new List(cvertices); for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 1) { continue; } path.istroke = this._vertices.Count; int s, e, ip0, ip1; if (path.closed) { ip0 = path.first + path.count - 1; ip1 = path.first; s = 0; e = path.count; } else { ip0 = path.first; ip1 = path.first + 1; s = 1; e = path.count - 1; } ref var p0 = ref points.array[ip0]; ref var p1 = ref points.array[ip1]; if (!path.closed) { if (lineCap == StrokeCap.butt) { this._vertices.buttCapStart(p0, p0.dx, p0.dy, w, 0.0f); } else if (lineCap == StrokeCap.square) { this._vertices.buttCapStart(p0, p0.dx, p0.dy, w, w); } else { // round this._vertices.roundCapStart(p0, p0.dx, p0.dy, w, ncap); } } for (var j = s; j < e; j++) { p0 = ref points.array[ip0]; p1 = ref points.array[ip1]; if ((p1.flags & (PointFlags.bevel | PointFlags.innerBevel)) != 0) { if (lineJoin == StrokeJoin.round) { this._vertices.roundJoin(p0, p1, w, w, ncap); } else { this._vertices.bevelJoin(p0, p1, w, w); } } else { this._vertices.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + p1.dmx * w, p1.y + p1.dmy * w)); this._vertices.Add(new Vector2(p1.x - p1.dmx * w, p1.y - p1.dmy * w)); } ip0 = ip1++; } if (!path.closed) { p0 = ref points.array[ip0]; p1 = ref points.array[ip1]; if (lineCap == StrokeCap.butt) { this._vertices.buttCapEnd(p1, p0.dx, p0.dy, w, 0.0f); } else if (lineCap == StrokeCap.square) { this._vertices.buttCapEnd(p1, p0.dx, p0.dy, w, w); } else { // round this._vertices.roundCapEnd(p1, p0.dx, p0.dy, w, ncap); } } else { this._vertices.Add(this._vertices[path.istroke]); this._vertices.Add(this._vertices[path.istroke + 1]); } path.nstroke = this._vertices.Count - path.istroke; } } public MeshMesh getStrokeMesh(float strokeWidth, StrokeCap lineCap, StrokeJoin lineJoin, float miterLimit) { if (this._strokeMesh != null && this._strokeWidth == strokeWidth && this._lineCap == lineCap && this._lineJoin == lineJoin && this._miterLimit == miterLimit) { return this._strokeMesh; } this._expandStroke(strokeWidth, lineCap, lineJoin, miterLimit); var paths = this._paths; var cindices = 0; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 1) { continue; } if (path.nstroke > 0) { D.assert(path.nstroke >= 2); cindices += (path.nstroke - 2) * 3; } } var indices = new List(cindices); for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { ref var path = ref paths.array[i]; if (path.count <= 1) { continue; } if (path.nstroke > 0) { for (var j = 2; j < path.nstroke; j++) { if ((j & 1) == 0) { indices.Add(path.istroke + j - 1); indices.Add(path.istroke + j - 2); indices.Add(path.istroke + j); } else { indices.Add(path.istroke + j - 2); indices.Add(path.istroke + j - 1); indices.Add(path.istroke + j); } } } } D.assert(indices.Count == cindices); this._strokeMesh = new MeshMesh(null, this._vertices, indices); this._strokeWidth = strokeWidth; this._lineCap = lineCap; this._lineJoin = lineJoin; this._miterLimit = miterLimit; return this._strokeMesh; } } static class PathUtils { public static bool ptEquals(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float tol) { float dx = x2 - x1; float dy = y2 - y1; if (dx <= -tol || dx >= tol || dy <= -tol || dy >= tol) { return false; } return dx * dx + dy * dy < tol * tol; } public static void transformPoint(out float dx, out float dy, float[] t, float sx, float sy) { dx = sx * t[0] + sy * t[2] + t[4]; dy = sx * t[1] + sy * t[3] + t[5]; } public static float triarea2(float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float cx, float cy) { float abx = bx - ax; float aby = by - ay; float acx = cx - ax; float acy = cy - ay; return acx * aby - abx * acy; } public static float polyArea(List points, int s, int npts) { float area = 0; for (var i = s + 2; i < s + npts; i++) { var a = points[s]; var b = points[i - 1]; var c = points[i]; area += triarea2(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y); } return area * 0.5f; } public static void polyReverse(PathPoint[] pts, int s, int npts) { int i = s, j = s + npts - 1; while (i < j) { var tmp = pts[i]; pts[i] = pts[j]; pts[j] = tmp; i++; j--; } } public static float normalize(ref float x, ref float y) { float d = Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); if (d > 1e-6f) { float id = 1.0f / d; x *= id; y *= id; } return d; } public static void buttCapStart(this List dst, PathPoint p, float dx, float dy, float w, float d) { float px = p.x - dx * d; float py = p.y - dy * d; float dlx = dy; float dly = -dx; dst.Add(new Vector2(px + dlx * w, py + dly * w)); dst.Add(new Vector2(px - dlx * w, py - dly * w)); } public static void buttCapEnd(this List dst, PathPoint p, float dx, float dy, float w, float d) { float px = p.x + dx * d; float py = p.y + dy * d; float dlx = dy; float dly = -dx; dst.Add(new Vector2(px + dlx * w, py + dly * w)); dst.Add(new Vector2(px - dlx * w, py - dly * w)); } public static void roundCapStart(this List dst, PathPoint p, float dx, float dy, float w, int ncap) { float px = p.x; float py = p.y; float dlx = dy; float dly = -dx; for (var i = 0; i < ncap; i++) { float a = (float) i / (ncap - 1) * Mathf.PI; float ax = Mathf.Cos(a) * w, ay = Mathf.Sin(a) * w; dst.Add(new Vector2(px - dlx * ax - dx * ay, py - dly * ax - dy * ay)); dst.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); } dst.Add(new Vector2(px + dlx * w, py + dly * w)); dst.Add(new Vector2(px - dlx * w, py - dly * w)); } public static void roundCapEnd(this List dst, PathPoint p, float dx, float dy, float w, int ncap) { float px = p.x; float py = p.y; float dlx = dy; float dly = -dx; dst.Add(new Vector2(px + dlx * w, py + dly * w)); dst.Add(new Vector2(px - dlx * w, py - dly * w)); for (var i = 0; i < ncap; i++) { float a = (float) i / (ncap - 1) * Mathf.PI; float ax = Mathf.Cos(a) * w, ay = Mathf.Sin(a) * w; dst.Add(new Vector2(px, py)); dst.Add(new Vector2(px - dlx * ax + dx * ay, py - dly * ax + dy * ay)); } } public static void chooseBevel(bool bevel, PathPoint p0, PathPoint p1, float w, out float x0, out float y0, out float x1, out float y1) { if (bevel) { x0 = p1.x + p0.dy * w; y0 = p1.y - p0.dx * w; x1 = p1.x + p1.dy * w; y1 = p1.y - p1.dx * w; } else { x0 = p1.x + p1.dmx * w; y0 = p1.y + p1.dmy * w; x1 = p1.x + p1.dmx * w; y1 = p1.y + p1.dmy * w; } } public static int curveDivs(float r, float arc, float tol) { float da = Mathf.Acos(r / (r + tol)) * 2.0f; return Mathf.Max(2, Mathf.CeilToInt(arc / da)); } public static void roundJoin(this List dst, PathPoint p0, PathPoint p1, float lw, float rw, int ncap) { float dlx0 = p0.dy; float dly0 = -p0.dx; float dlx1 = p1.dy; float dly1 = -p1.dx; if ((p1.flags & PointFlags.left) != 0) { float lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1; chooseBevel((p1.flags & PointFlags.innerBevel) != 0, p0, p1, lw, out lx0, out ly0, out lx1, out ly1); float a0 = Mathf.Atan2(-dly0, -dlx0); float a1 = Mathf.Atan2(-dly1, -dlx1); if (a1 > a0) { a1 -= Mathf.PI * 2; } dst.Add(new Vector2(lx0, ly0)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x - dlx0 * rw, p1.y - dly0 * rw)); var n = Mathf.CeilToInt((a0 - a1) / Mathf.PI * ncap).clamp(2, ncap); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { float u = (float) i / (n - 1); float a = a0 + u * (a1 - a0); float rx = p1.x + Mathf.Cos(a) * rw; float ry = p1.y + Mathf.Sin(a) * rw; dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x, p1.y)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx, ry)); } dst.Add(new Vector2(lx1, ly1)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x - dlx1 * rw, p1.y - dly1 * rw)); } else { float rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1; chooseBevel((p1.flags & PointFlags.innerBevel) != 0, p0, p1, -rw, out rx0, out ry0, out rx1, out ry1); float a0 = Mathf.Atan2(dly0, dlx0); float a1 = Mathf.Atan2(dly1, dlx1); if (a1 < a0) { a1 += Mathf.PI * 2; } dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + dlx0 * lw, p1.y + dly0 * lw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx0, ry0)); var n = Mathf.CeilToInt((a1 - a0) / Mathf.PI * ncap).clamp(2, ncap); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { float u = (float) i / (n - 1); float a = a0 + u * (a1 - a0); float lx = p1.x + Mathf.Cos(a) * lw; float ly = p1.y + Mathf.Sin(a) * lw; dst.Add(new Vector2(lx, ly)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x, p1.y)); } dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + dlx1 * lw, p1.y + dly1 * lw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx1, ry1)); } } public static void bevelJoin(this List dst, PathPoint p0, PathPoint p1, float lw, float rw) { float rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1; float lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1; float dlx0 = p0.dy; float dly0 = -p0.dx; float dlx1 = p1.dy; float dly1 = -p1.dx; if ((p1.flags & PointFlags.left) != 0) { chooseBevel((p1.flags & PointFlags.innerBevel) != 0, p0, p1, lw, out lx0, out ly0, out lx1, out ly1); dst.Add(new Vector2 {x = lx0, y = ly0}); dst.Add(new Vector2 {x = p1.x - dlx0 * rw, y = p1.y - dly0 * rw}); if ((p1.flags & PointFlags.bevel) != 0) { dst.Add(new Vector2(lx0, ly0)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x - dlx0 * rw, p1.y - dly0 * rw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(lx1, ly1)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x - dlx1 * rw, p1.y - dly1 * rw)); } else { rx0 = p1.x - p1.dmx * rw; ry0 = p1.y - p1.dmy * rw; dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x, p1.y)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x - dlx0 * rw, p1.y - dly0 * rw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx0, ry0)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx0, ry0)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x, p1.y)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x - dlx1 * rw, p1.y - dly1 * rw)); } dst.Add(new Vector2(lx1, ly1)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x - dlx1 * rw, p1.y - dly1 * rw)); } else { chooseBevel((p1.flags & PointFlags.innerBevel) != 0, p0, p1, -rw, out rx0, out ry0, out rx1, out ry1); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + dlx0 * lw, p1.y + dly0 * lw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx0, ry0)); if ((p1.flags & PointFlags.bevel) != 0) { dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + dlx0 * lw, p1.y + dly0 * lw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx0, ry0)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + dlx1 * lw, p1.y + dly1 * lw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx1, ry1)); } else { lx0 = p1.x + p1.dmx * lw; ly0 = p1.y + p1.dmy * lw; dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + dlx0 * lw, p1.y + dly0 * lw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x, p1.y)); dst.Add(new Vector2(lx0, ly0)); dst.Add(new Vector2(lx0, ly0)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + dlx1 * lw, p1.y + dly1 * lw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x, p1.y)); } dst.Add(new Vector2(p1.x + dlx1 * lw, p1.y + dly1 * lw)); dst.Add(new Vector2(rx1, ry1)); } } } class MeshMesh { public readonly List vertices; public readonly List triangles; public readonly List uv; public readonly Matrix3 matrix; public readonly Rect rawBounds; Rect _bounds; public Rect bounds { get { if (this._bounds == null) { this._bounds = this.matrix != null ? this.matrix.mapRect(this.rawBounds) : this.rawBounds; } return this._bounds; } } MeshMesh _boundsMesh; static readonly List _boundsTriangles = new List(6) { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 }; public MeshMesh boundsMesh { get { if (this._boundsMesh == null) { this._boundsMesh = new MeshMesh(this.bounds); } return this._boundsMesh; } } public MeshMesh(Rect rect) { this.vertices = new List(4) { new Vector3(rect.right, rect.bottom), new Vector3(rect.right,, new Vector3(rect.left, rect.bottom), new Vector3(rect.left, }; this.triangles = _boundsTriangles; this.rawBounds = rect; this._bounds = this.rawBounds; this._boundsMesh = this; } public MeshMesh(Matrix3 matrix, List vertices, List triangles, List uv = null, Rect rawBounds = null) { D.assert(vertices != null); D.assert(vertices.Count >= 0); D.assert(triangles != null); D.assert(triangles.Count >= 0); D.assert(uv == null || uv.Count == vertices.Count); this.matrix = matrix; this.vertices = vertices; this.triangles = triangles; this.uv = uv; if (rawBounds == null) { if (vertices.Count > 0) { float minX = vertices[0].x; float maxX = vertices[0].x; float minY = vertices[0].y; float maxY = vertices[0].y; for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count; i++) { var vertex = vertices[i]; if (vertex.x < minX) { minX = vertex.x; } if (vertex.x > maxX) { maxX = vertex.x; } if (vertex.y < minY) { minY = vertex.y; } if (vertex.y > maxY) { maxY = vertex.y; } } rawBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(minX, minY, maxX, maxY); } else { rawBounds =; } } this.rawBounds = rawBounds; } public MeshMesh transform(Matrix3 matrix) { return new MeshMesh(matrix, this.vertices, this.triangles, this.uv, this.rawBounds); } } public class MeshPool : IDisposable { readonly Queue _pool = new Queue(); public Mesh getMesh() { if (this._pool.Count > 0) { var mesh = this._pool.Dequeue(); return mesh; } else { var mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.MarkDynamic(); mesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; return mesh; } } public void returnMesh(Mesh mesh) { D.assert(mesh != null); D.assert(mesh.hideFlags == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave); this._pool.Enqueue(mesh); } public void Dispose() { foreach (var mesh in this._pool) { ObjectUtils.SafeDestroy(mesh); } this._pool.Clear(); } } }