using; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public class Visibility : StatelessWidget { public Visibility( Key key = null, Widget child = null, Widget replacement = null, bool visible = true, bool maintainState = false, bool maintainAnimation = false, bool maintainSize = false, bool maintainSemantics = false, bool maintainInteractivity = false ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(maintainState == true || maintainAnimation == false, () => "Cannot maintain animations if the state is not also maintained."); D.assert(maintainAnimation == true || maintainSize == false, () => "Cannot maintain size if animations are not maintained."); D.assert( maintainSize == true || maintainSemantics == false, ()=>"Cannot maintain semantics if size is not maintained." ); D.assert(maintainSize == true || maintainInteractivity == false, () => "Cannot maintain interactivity if size is not maintained."); this.replacement = replacement ?? SizedBox.shrink(); this.child = child; this.visible = visible; this.maintainState = maintainState; this.maintainAnimation = maintainAnimation; this.maintainSize = maintainSize; this.maintainSemantics = maintainSemantics; this.maintainInteractivity = maintainInteractivity; } public readonly Widget child; public readonly Widget replacement; public readonly bool visible; public readonly bool maintainState; public readonly bool maintainAnimation; public readonly bool maintainSize; public readonly bool maintainSemantics; public readonly bool maintainInteractivity; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (maintainSize) { Widget result = child; if (!maintainInteractivity) { result = new IgnorePointer( child: child, ignoring: !visible //todo : ignoringSemantics: !visible && !maintainSemantics, ); } return new Opacity( opacity: visible ? 1.0f : 0.0f, //alwaysIncludeSemantics: maintainSemantics, child: result ); } D.assert(!maintainInteractivity); D.assert(!maintainSemantics); D.assert(!maintainSize); if (maintainState) { Widget result = child; if (!maintainAnimation) { result = new TickerMode(child: child, enabled: visible); } return new Offstage( child: result, offstage: !visible ); } D.assert(!maintainAnimation); D.assert(!maintainState); return visible ? child : replacement; } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new FlagProperty("visible", value: visible, ifFalse: "hidden", ifTrue: "visible")); properties.add(new FlagProperty("maintainState", value: maintainState, ifFalse: "maintainState")); properties.add(new FlagProperty("maintainAnimation", value: maintainAnimation, ifFalse: "maintainAnimation")); properties.add(new FlagProperty("maintainSize", value: maintainSize, ifFalse: "maintainSize")); properties.add(new FlagProperty("maintainSemantics", value: maintainSemantics, ifFalse: "maintainSemantics")); properties.add(new FlagProperty("maintainInteractivity", value: maintainInteractivity, ifFalse: "maintainInteractivity")); } } public class SliverVisibility : StatelessWidget { public SliverVisibility( Widget sliver, Widget replacementSliver, Key key = null, bool visible = true, bool maintainState = false, bool maintainAnimation = false, bool maintainSize = false, bool maintainInteractivity = false) : base (key: key) { replacementSliver = replacementSliver ?? new SliverToBoxAdapter(); D.assert(sliver != null); D.assert(visible != null); D.assert(maintainState != null); D.assert(maintainAnimation != null); D.assert(maintainSize != null); D.assert(maintainInteractivity != null); D.assert( maintainState == true || maintainAnimation == false, ()=>"Cannot maintain animations if the state is not also maintained." ); D.assert( maintainAnimation == true || maintainSize == false, ()=> "Cannot maintain size if animations are not maintained." ); D.assert( maintainSize == true, ()=> "Cannot maintain semantics if size is not maintained." ); D.assert( maintainSize == true || maintainInteractivity == false, ()=> "Cannot maintain interactivity if size is not maintained." ); this.sliver = sliver; this.replacementSliver = replacementSliver; this.visible = visible; this.maintainState = maintainState; this.maintainAnimation = maintainAnimation; this.maintainSize = maintainSize; this.maintainInteractivity = maintainInteractivity; } public readonly Widget sliver; public readonly Widget replacementSliver; public readonly bool visible; public readonly bool maintainState; public readonly bool maintainAnimation; public readonly bool maintainSize; public readonly bool maintainInteractivity; public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (maintainSize) { Widget result = sliver; if (!maintainInteractivity) { result = new SliverIgnorePointer( sliver: sliver, ignoring: !visible ); } return new SliverOpacity( opacity: visible ? 1.0f : 0.0f, sliver: result ); } D.assert(!maintainInteractivity); D.assert(!maintainSize); if (maintainState) { Widget result = sliver; if (!maintainAnimation) result = new TickerMode(child: sliver, enabled: visible); return new SliverOffstage( sliver: result, offstage: !visible ); } D.assert(!maintainAnimation); D.assert(!maintainState); return visible ? sliver : replacementSliver; } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add( new FlagProperty("visible", value: visible, ifFalse: "hidden", ifTrue: "visible")); properties.add( new FlagProperty("maintainState", value: maintainState, ifFalse: "maintainState")); properties.add( new FlagProperty("maintainAnimation", value: maintainAnimation, ifFalse: "maintainAnimation")); properties.add( new FlagProperty("maintainSize", value: maintainSize, ifFalse: "maintainSize")); properties.add( new FlagProperty("maintainInteractivity", value: maintainInteractivity, ifFalse: "maintainInteractivity")); } } }