using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public delegate Widget LayoutWidgetBuilder(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints); public class LayoutBuilder : RenderObjectWidget { public LayoutBuilder( Key key = null, LayoutWidgetBuilder builder = null) : base(key: key) { D.assert(builder != null); this.builder = builder; } public readonly LayoutWidgetBuilder builder; public override Element createElement() { return new _LayoutBuilderElement(this); } public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return new _RenderLayoutBuilder(); } } class _LayoutBuilderElement : RenderObjectElement { public _LayoutBuilderElement( LayoutBuilder widget) : base(widget) { } new LayoutBuilder widget { get { return (LayoutBuilder) base.widget; } } new _RenderLayoutBuilder renderObject { get { return (_RenderLayoutBuilder) base.renderObject; } } Element _child; public override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { if (this._child != null) { visitor(this._child); } } protected override void forgetChild(Element child) { D.assert(child == this._child); this._child = null; } public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { base.mount(parent, newSlot); this.renderObject.callback = this._layout; } public override void update(Widget newWidget) { D.assert(this.widget != newWidget); base.update(newWidget); D.assert(this.widget == newWidget); this.renderObject.callback = this._layout; this.renderObject.markNeedsLayout(); } protected override void performRebuild() { this.renderObject.markNeedsLayout(); base.performRebuild(); } public override void unmount() { this.renderObject.callback = null; base.unmount(); } void _layout(BoxConstraints constraints) { this.owner.buildScope(this, () => { Widget built = null; if (this.widget.builder != null) { built = this.widget.builder(this, constraints); WidgetsD.debugWidgetBuilderValue(this.widget, built); } this._child = this.updateChild(this._child, built, null); D.assert(this._child != null); }); } protected override void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { _RenderLayoutBuilder renderObject = this.renderObject; D.assert(slot == null); D.assert(renderObject.debugValidateChild(child)); renderObject.child = (RenderBox) child; D.assert(renderObject == this.renderObject); } protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { D.assert(false); } protected override void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) { _RenderLayoutBuilder renderObject = this.renderObject; D.assert(renderObject.child == child); renderObject.child = null; D.assert(renderObject == this.renderObject); } } public class _RenderLayoutBuilder : RenderObjectWithChildMixinRenderBox { public _RenderLayoutBuilder( LayoutCallback callback = null) { this._callback = callback; } public LayoutCallback callback { get { return this._callback; } set { if (value == this._callback) { return; } this._callback = value; this.markNeedsLayout(); } } LayoutCallback _callback; bool _debugThrowIfNotCheckingIntrinsics() { D.assert(() => { if (!debugCheckingIntrinsics) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "LayoutBuilder does not support returning intrinsic dimensions.\n" + "Calculating the intrinsic dimensions would require running the layout " + "callback speculatively, which might mutate the live render object tree." ); } return true; }); return true; } protected override float computeMinIntrinsicWidth(float height) { D.assert(this._debugThrowIfNotCheckingIntrinsics()); return 0.0f; } protected override float computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(float height) { D.assert(this._debugThrowIfNotCheckingIntrinsics()); return 0.0f; } protected override float computeMinIntrinsicHeight(float width) { D.assert(this._debugThrowIfNotCheckingIntrinsics()); return 0.0f; } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(float width) { D.assert(this._debugThrowIfNotCheckingIntrinsics()); return 0.0f; } protected override void performLayout() { D.assert(this.callback != null); this.invokeLayoutCallback(this.callback); if (this.child != null) { this.child.layout(this.constraints, parentUsesSize: true); this.size = this.constraints.constrain(this.child.size); } else { this.size = this.constraints.biggest; } } protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) { return this.child?.hitTest(result, position: position) ?? false; } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (this.child != null) { context.paintChild(this.child, offset); } } } }