using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.cupertino { public class CupertinoPageScaffold : StatefulWidget { /// Creates a layout for pages with a navigation bar at the top. public CupertinoPageScaffold( Key key = null, ObstructingPreferredSizeWidget navigationBar = null, Color backgroundColor = null, bool resizeToAvoidBottomInset = true, Widget child = null ) : base(key: key) { D.assert(child != null); this.child = child; this.navigationBar = navigationBar; this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; this.resizeToAvoidBottomInset = resizeToAvoidBottomInset; } public readonly ObstructingPreferredSizeWidget navigationBar; public readonly Widget child; public readonly Color backgroundColor; public readonly bool resizeToAvoidBottomInset; public override State createState() { return new _CupertinoPageScaffoldState(); } } class _CupertinoPageScaffoldState : State { public readonly ScrollController _primaryScrollController = new ScrollController(); void _handleStatusBarTap() { if (_primaryScrollController.hasClients) { _primaryScrollController.animateTo( 0.0f, duration: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), curve: Curves.linearToEaseOut ); } } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget paddedContent = widget.child; MediaQueryData existingMediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context); if (widget.navigationBar != null) { float topPadding = widget.navigationBar.preferredSize.height +; float bottomPadding = widget.resizeToAvoidBottomInset ? existingMediaQuery.viewInsets.bottom : 0.0f; EdgeInsets newViewInsets = widget.resizeToAvoidBottomInset ? existingMediaQuery.viewInsets.copyWith(bottom: 0.0f) : existingMediaQuery.viewInsets; bool fullObstruction = widget.navigationBar.shouldFullyObstruct(context); if (fullObstruction == true) { paddedContent = new MediaQuery( data: existingMediaQuery .removePadding(removeTop: true) .copyWith( viewInsets: newViewInsets ), child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: topPadding, bottom: bottomPadding), child: paddedContent ) ); } else { paddedContent = new MediaQuery( data: existingMediaQuery.copyWith( padding: existingMediaQuery.padding.copyWith( top: topPadding ), viewInsets: newViewInsets ), child: new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: bottomPadding), child: paddedContent ) ); } } else { float bottomPadding = widget.resizeToAvoidBottomInset ? existingMediaQuery.viewInsets.bottom : 0.0f; paddedContent = new Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: bottomPadding), child: paddedContent ); } List childrenWigets = new List(); childrenWigets.Add( new PrimaryScrollController( controller: _primaryScrollController, child: paddedContent )); if (widget.navigationBar != null) { childrenWigets.Add(new Positioned( top: 0.0f, left: 0.0f, right: 0.0f, child: new MediaQuery( data: existingMediaQuery.copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1), child: widget.navigationBar ) )); } childrenWigets.Add(new Positioned( top: 0.0f, left: 0.0f, right: 0.0f, height:, child: new GestureDetector( onTap: _handleStatusBarTap ) )); return new DecoratedBox( decoration: new BoxDecoration( color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.backgroundColor, context) ?? CupertinoTheme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor ), child: new Stack( children: childrenWigets)); } } public abstract class ObstructingPreferredSizeStateWidget : StatefulWidget { } public abstract class ObstructingPreferredSizeWidget : PreferredSizeWidget { protected ObstructingPreferredSizeWidget(Key key = null) : base(key: key) {} public abstract bool shouldFullyObstruct(BuildContext context); } }