using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public class FocusNode : ChangeNotifier { internal FocusScopeNode _parent; internal FocusManager _manager; internal bool _hasKeyboardToken = false; public bool hasFocus { get { FocusNode node = null; if (_manager != null) { node = _manager._currentFocus; } return node == this; } } public bool consumeKeyboardToken() { if (!_hasKeyboardToken) { return false; } _hasKeyboardToken = false; return true; } public void unfocus() { if (_parent != null) { _parent._resignFocus(this); } D.assert(_parent == null); D.assert(_manager == null); } public override void dispose() { if (_manager != null) { _manager._willDisposeFocusNode(this); } if (_parent != null) { _parent._resignFocus(this); } D.assert(_parent == null); D.assert(_manager == null); base.dispose(); } internal void _notify() { notifyListeners(); } public override string ToString() { return $"{foundation_.describeIdentity(this)} hasFocus: {hasFocus}"; } } public class FocusScopeNode : DiagnosticableTree { internal FocusManager _manager; internal FocusScopeNode _parent; internal FocusScopeNode _nextSibling; internal FocusScopeNode _previousSibling; internal FocusScopeNode _firstChild; internal FocusScopeNode _lastChild; internal FocusNode _focus; internal List _focusPath; public bool isFirstFocus { get { return _parent == null || _parent._firstChild == this; } } internal List _getFocusPath() { List nodes = new List {this}; FocusScopeNode node = _parent; while (node != null && node != _manager?.rootScope) { nodes.Add(node); node = node._parent; } return nodes; } internal void _prepend(FocusScopeNode child) { D.assert(child != this); D.assert(child != _firstChild); D.assert(child != _lastChild); D.assert(child._parent == null); D.assert(child._manager == null); D.assert(child._nextSibling == null); D.assert(child._previousSibling == null); D.assert(() => { var node = this; while (node._parent != null) { node = node._parent; } D.assert(node != child); return true; }); child._parent = this; child._nextSibling = _firstChild; if (_firstChild != null) { _firstChild._previousSibling = child; } _firstChild = child; _lastChild = _lastChild ?? child; child._updateManager(_manager); } void _updateManager(FocusManager manager) { Action update = null; update = (child) => { if (child._manager == manager) { return; } child._manager = manager; // We don't proactively null out the manager for FocusNodes because the // manager holds the currently active focus node until the end of the // microtask, even if that node is detached from the focus tree. if (manager != null && child._focus != null) { child._focus._manager = manager; } child._visitChildren(update); }; update(this); } void _visitChildren(Action vistor) { FocusScopeNode child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { vistor.Invoke(child); child = child._nextSibling; } } bool _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(FocusScopeNode child, FocusScopeNode equals) { while (child._previousSibling != null) { D.assert(child._previousSibling != child); child = child._previousSibling; } return child == equals; } bool _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(FocusScopeNode child, FocusScopeNode equals) { while (child._nextSibling != null) { D.assert(child._nextSibling != child); child = child._nextSibling; } return child == equals; } internal void _remove(FocusScopeNode child) { D.assert(child._parent == this); D.assert(child._manager == _manager); D.assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(child, equals: _firstChild)); D.assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(child, equals: _lastChild)); if (child._previousSibling == null) { D.assert(_firstChild == child); _firstChild = child._nextSibling; } else { child._previousSibling._nextSibling = child._nextSibling; } if (child._nextSibling == null) { D.assert(_lastChild == child); _lastChild = child._previousSibling; } else { child._nextSibling._previousSibling = child._previousSibling; } child._previousSibling = null; child._nextSibling = null; child._parent = null; child._updateManager(null); } internal void _didChangeFocusChain() { if (isFirstFocus && _manager != null) { _manager._markNeedsUpdate(); } } public void requestFocus(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); var focusPath = _manager?._getCurrentFocusPath(); if (_focus == node && (_focusPath == focusPath || (focusPath != null && _focusPath != null && _focusPath.SequenceEqual(focusPath)))) { return; } if (_focus != null) { _focus.unfocus(); } node._hasKeyboardToken = true; _setFocus(node); } public void autofocus(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (_focus == null) { node._hasKeyboardToken = true; _setFocus(node); } } public void reparentIfNeeded(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (node._parent == null || node._parent == this) { return; } node.unfocus(); D.assert(node._parent == null); if (_focus == null) { _setFocus(node); } } internal void _setFocus(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); D.assert(node._parent == null); D.assert(_focus == null); _focus = node; _focus._parent = this; _focus._manager = _manager; _focus._hasKeyboardToken = true; _didChangeFocusChain(); _focusPath = _getFocusPath(); } internal void _resignFocus(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (_focus != node) { return; } _focus._parent = null; _focus._manager = null; _focus = null; _didChangeFocusChain(); } public void setFirstFocus(FocusScopeNode child) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child._parent == null || child._parent == this); if (_firstChild == child) { return; } child.detach(); _prepend(child); D.assert(child._parent == this); _didChangeFocusChain(); } public void reparentScopeIfNeeded(FocusScopeNode child) { D.assert(child != null); if (child._parent == null || child._parent == this) { return; } if (child.isFirstFocus) { setFirstFocus(child); } else { child.detach(); } } public void detach() { _didChangeFocusChain(); if (_parent != null) { _parent._remove(this); } D.assert(_parent == null); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); if (_focus != null) { properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("focus", _focus)); } } public override List debugDescribeChildren() { var children = new List(); if (_firstChild != null) { FocusScopeNode child = _firstChild; int count = 1; while (true) { children.Add(child.toDiagnosticsNode(name: $"child {count}")); if (child == _lastChild) { break; } child = child._nextSibling; count += 1; } } return children; } } public class FocusManager { public FocusManager() { rootScope._manager = this; D.assert(rootScope._firstChild == null); D.assert(rootScope._lastChild == null); } public readonly FocusScopeNode rootScope = new FocusScopeNode(); internal readonly FocusScopeNode _noneScope = new FocusScopeNode(); public FocusNode currentFocus { get { return _currentFocus; } } internal FocusNode _currentFocus; internal void _willDisposeFocusNode(FocusNode node) { D.assert(node != null); if (_currentFocus == node) { _currentFocus = null; } } bool _haveScheduledUpdate = false; internal void _markNeedsUpdate() { if (_haveScheduledUpdate) { return; } _haveScheduledUpdate = true; Window.instance.scheduleMicrotask(_update); } internal FocusNode _findNextFocus() { FocusScopeNode scope = rootScope; while (scope._firstChild != null) { scope = scope._firstChild; } return scope._focus; } internal void _update() { _haveScheduledUpdate = false; var nextFocus = _findNextFocus(); if (_currentFocus == nextFocus) { return; } var previousFocus = _currentFocus; _currentFocus = nextFocus; if (previousFocus != null) { previousFocus._notify(); } if (_currentFocus != null) { _currentFocus._notify(); } } internal List _getCurrentFocusPath() { return _currentFocus?._parent?._getFocusPath(); } public void focusNone(bool focus) { if (focus) { if (_noneScope._parent != null && _noneScope.isFirstFocus) { return; } rootScope.setFirstFocus(_noneScope); } else { if (_noneScope._parent == null) { return; } _noneScope.detach(); } } public override string ToString() { var status = _haveScheduledUpdate ? " UPDATE SCHEDULED" : ""; var indent = " "; return string.Format("{1}{2}\n{0}currentFocus: {3}\n{4}", indent, foundation_.describeIdentity(this), status, _currentFocus, rootScope.toStringDeep(prefixLineOne: indent, prefixOtherLines: indent)); } } }