using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { public enum TileMode : int { clamp = 0, mirror = 1, repeated = 2, } public abstract class PaintShader { } public class Gradient : PaintShader { public static Gradient linear( Offset start, Offset end, List colors, List colorStops = null, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, uiMatrix3? matrix = null) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(start)); D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(end)); D.assert(colors != null && colors.Count >= 2); _validateColorStops(ref colors, ref colorStops); return new _LinearGradient(start, end, colors, colorStops, tileMode, matrix); } public static Gradient radial( Offset center, float radius, List colors, List colorStops = null, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, uiMatrix3? matrix = null) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(center)); D.assert(colors != null && colors.Count >= 2); _validateColorStops(ref colors, ref colorStops); return new _RadialGradient(center, radius, colors, colorStops, tileMode, matrix); } public static Gradient sweep( Offset center, List colors, List colorStops = null, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, float startAngle = 0.0f, float endAngle = Mathf.PI * 2, uiMatrix3? matrix = null) { D.assert(PaintingUtils._offsetIsValid(center)); D.assert(colors != null && colors.Count >= 2); D.assert(startAngle < endAngle); _validateColorStops(ref colors, ref colorStops); return new _SweepGradient(center, colors, colorStops, tileMode, startAngle, endAngle, matrix); } static void _validateColorStops(ref List colors, ref List colorStops) { if (colorStops == null) { colors = new List(colors); colorStops = new List(colors.Count); colorStops.Add(0); var stepCount = colors.Count - 1; var step = 1.0f / stepCount; for (int i = 1; i < stepCount; i++) { colorStops.Add(colorStops[i - 1] + step); } colorStops.Add(1); return; } if (colors.Count != colorStops.Count) { throw new ArgumentException("\"colors\" and \"colorStops\" arguments must have equal length."); } var dummyFirst = colorStops[0] != 0; var dummyLast = colorStops[colorStops.Count - 1] != 1; var count = colors.Count + (dummyFirst ? 1 : 0) + (dummyFirst ? 1 : 0); var newColors = new List(count); if (dummyFirst) { newColors.Add(colors[0]); } for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; i++) { newColors.Add(colors[i]); } if (dummyLast) { newColors.Add(colors[colors.Count - 1]); } var newColorStops = new List(count); if (dummyFirst) { newColorStops.Add(0.0f); } var prevStop = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < colorStops.Count; i++) { var stop = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Min(colorStops[i], 1.0f), prevStop); newColorStops.Add(stop); prevStop = stop; } if (dummyLast) { newColorStops.Add(1.0f); } colors = newColors; colorStops = newColorStops; } static readonly GradientBitmapCache _cache = new GradientBitmapCache(); internal static Image makeTexturedColorizer(List colors, List positions) { int count = colors.Count; D.assert(count >= 2); bool bottomHardStop = ScalarUtils.ScalarNearlyEqual(positions[0], positions[1]); bool topHardStop = ScalarUtils.ScalarNearlyEqual(positions[count - 2], positions[count - 1]); int offset = 0; if (bottomHardStop) { offset += 1; count--; } if (topHardStop) { count--; } if (offset != 0 || count != colors.Count) { colors = colors.GetRange(offset, count); positions = positions.GetRange(offset, count); } return _cache.getGradient(colors, positions); } } class GradientBitmapCache : IDisposable { public GradientBitmapCache(int maxEntries = 32, int resolution = 256) { this.maxEntries = maxEntries; this.resolution = resolution; _entryCount = 0; _head = _tail = null; D.assert(validate); } public readonly int maxEntries; public readonly int resolution; int _entryCount; _Entry _head; _Entry _tail; public Image getGradient(List colors, List positions) { var key = new _Key(colors, positions); if (!find(key, out var image)) { image = fillGradient(colors, positions); add(key, image); } return image; } public void Dispose() { D.assert(validate); // just remove the references, Image will dispose by themselves. _entryCount = 0; _head = _tail = null; } _Entry release(_Entry entry) { if (entry.prev != null) { D.assert(_head != entry); =; } else { D.assert(_head == entry); _head =; } if ( != null) { D.assert(_tail != entry); = entry.prev; } else { D.assert(_tail == entry); _tail = entry.prev; } return entry; } void attachToHead(_Entry entry) { entry.prev = null; = _head; if (_head != null) { _head.prev = entry; } else { _tail = entry; } _head = entry; } bool find(_Key key, out Image image) { D.assert(validate); var entry = _head; while (entry != null) { if (entry.key == key) { image = entry.image; // move to the head of our list, so we purge it last release(entry); attachToHead(entry); D.assert(validate); return true; } entry =; } D.assert(validate); image = null; return false; } void add(_Key key, Image image) { if (_entryCount == maxEntries) { D.assert(_tail != null); release(_tail); _entryCount--; } var entry = new _Entry {key = key, image = image}; attachToHead(entry); _entryCount++; } Image fillGradient(List colors, List positions) { Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(resolution, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); tex.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; var bytes = new byte[resolution * 4]; int count = colors.Count; int prevIndex = 0; for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { // Historically, stops have been mapped to [0, 256], with 256 then nudged to the next // smaller value, then truncate for the texture index. This seems to produce the best // results for some common distributions, so we preserve the behavior. int nextIndex = (int) Mathf.Min(positions[i] * resolution, resolution - 1); if (nextIndex > prevIndex) { var c0 = colors[i - 1]; var c1 = colors[i]; var step = 1.0f / (nextIndex - prevIndex); var t = 0.0f; for (int curIndex = prevIndex; curIndex <= nextIndex; ++curIndex) { var c = Color.lerp(c0, c1, t); var baseIndex = curIndex << 2; bytes[baseIndex] = (byte); bytes[baseIndex + 1] = (byte); bytes[baseIndex + 2] = (byte); bytes[baseIndex + 3] = (byte) c.alpha; t += step; } } prevIndex = nextIndex; } D.assert(prevIndex == resolution - 1); tex.LoadRawTextureData(bytes); tex.Apply(); return new Image(tex); } bool validate() { D.assert(_entryCount >= 0 && _entryCount <= maxEntries); if (_entryCount > 0) { D.assert(null == _head.prev); D.assert(null ==; if (_entryCount == 1) { D.assert(_head == _tail); } else { D.assert(_head != _tail); } var entry = _head; int count = 0; while (entry != null) { count += 1; entry =; } D.assert(count == _entryCount); entry = _tail; while (entry != null) { count -= 1; entry = entry.prev; } D.assert(0 == count); } else { D.assert(null == _head); D.assert(null == _tail); } return true; } class _Entry { public _Entry prev; public _Entry next; public _Key key; public Image image; } class _Key : IEquatable<_Key> { public _Key(List colors, List positions) { D.assert(colors != null); D.assert(positions != null); D.assert(colors.Count == positions.Count); this.colors = colors; this.positions = positions; _hashCode = _getHashCode(this.colors) ^ _getHashCode(this.positions); ; } public readonly List colors; public readonly List positions; readonly int _hashCode; public bool Equals(_Key other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return true; } return colors.equalsList(other.colors) && positions.equalsList(other.positions); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) { return false; } if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) { return true; } if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) { return false; } return Equals((_Key) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { return _hashCode; } public static bool operator ==(_Key left, _Key right) { return Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(_Key left, _Key right) { return !Equals(left, right); } static int _getHashCode(List list) { unchecked { var hashCode = 0; foreach (var item in list) { hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ item.GetHashCode(); } return hashCode; } } } } class _LinearGradient : Gradient { public _LinearGradient( Offset start, Offset end, List colors, List colorStops, TileMode tileMode, uiMatrix3? matrix = null) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.colors = colors; this.colorStops = colorStops; this.tileMode = tileMode; this.matrix = matrix; ptsToUnit = ptsToUnitMatrix(start, end); gradientTex = makeTexturedColorizer(colors, colorStops); } public readonly Offset start; public readonly Offset end; public readonly List colors; public readonly List colorStops; public readonly TileMode tileMode; public readonly uiMatrix3? matrix; public readonly uiMatrix3 ptsToUnit; public readonly Image gradientTex; public Color leftColor { get { return colors[0]; } } public Color rightColor { get { return colors[colors.Count - 1]; } } public uiMatrix3 getGradientMat(uiMatrix3 mat) { if (matrix != null) { mat.postConcat(matrix.Value); } mat.postConcat(ptsToUnit); return mat; } static uiMatrix3 ptsToUnitMatrix(Offset start, Offset end) { var vec = end - start; var mag = vec.distance; var inv = mag != 0 ? 1 / mag : 0; vec = vec.scale(inv); var matrix = uiMatrix3.I(); matrix.setSinCos(-vec.dy, vec.dx, start.dx, start.dy); matrix.postTranslate(-start.dx, -start.dy); matrix.postScale(inv, inv); return matrix; } } class _RadialGradient : Gradient { public _RadialGradient( Offset center, float radius, List colors, List colorStops = null, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, uiMatrix3? matrix = null ) { = center; this.radius = radius; this.colors = colors; this.colorStops = colorStops; this.tileMode = tileMode; this.matrix = matrix; ptsToUnit = radToUnitMatrix(center, radius); gradientTex = makeTexturedColorizer(colors, colorStops); } public readonly Offset center; public readonly float radius; public readonly List colors; public readonly List colorStops; public readonly TileMode tileMode; public readonly uiMatrix3? matrix; public readonly uiMatrix3 ptsToUnit; public readonly Image gradientTex; public Color leftColor { get { return colors[0]; } } public Color rightColor { get { return colors[colors.Count - 1]; } } public uiMatrix3 getGradientMat(uiMatrix3 mat) { if (matrix != null) { mat.postConcat(matrix.Value); } mat.postConcat(ptsToUnit); return mat; } static uiMatrix3 radToUnitMatrix(Offset center, float radius) { var inv = radius != 0 ? 1 / radius : 0; var matrix = uiMatrix3.I(); matrix.setTranslate(-center.dx, -center.dy); matrix.postScale(inv, inv); return matrix; } } class _SweepGradient : Gradient { public _SweepGradient( Offset center, List colors, List colorStops = null, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, float startAngle = 0.0f, float endAngle = Mathf.PI * 2, uiMatrix3? matrix = null ) { = center; this.colors = colors; this.colorStops = colorStops; this.tileMode = tileMode; this.startAngle = startAngle; this.endAngle = endAngle; this.matrix = matrix; var t0 = startAngle / (Mathf.PI * 2f); var t1 = endAngle / (Mathf.PI * 2f); bias = -t0; scale = 1f / (t1 - t0); var ptsToUnit = uiMatrix3.I(); ptsToUnit.setTranslate(-center.dx, -center.dy); this.ptsToUnit = ptsToUnit; gradientTex = makeTexturedColorizer(colors, colorStops); } public readonly Offset center; public readonly List colors; public readonly List colorStops; public readonly TileMode tileMode; public readonly float startAngle; public readonly float endAngle; public readonly uiMatrix3? matrix; public readonly uiMatrix3 ptsToUnit; public readonly Image gradientTex; public readonly float bias; public readonly float scale; public Color leftColor { get { return colors[0]; } } public Color rightColor { get { return colors[colors.Count - 1]; } } public uiMatrix3 getGradientMat(uiMatrix3 mat) { if (matrix != null) { mat.postConcat(matrix.Value); } mat.postConcat(ptsToUnit); return mat; } } public class ImageShader : PaintShader { public ImageShader(Image image, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, uiMatrix3? matrix = null) { this.image = image; this.tileMode = tileMode; this.matrix = matrix; } public readonly Image image; public readonly TileMode tileMode; public readonly uiMatrix3? matrix; public uiMatrix3 getShaderMat(uiMatrix3 mat) { if (matrix != null) { mat.postConcat(matrix.Value); } mat.postScale(1f / image.width, 1f / image.height); return mat; } } }