using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.UIWidgets.animation; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; using Canvas = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Canvas; using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; using Rect = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Rect; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering { public class ParentData { public virtual void detach() { } public override string ToString() { return ""; } } public delegate void PaintingContextCallback(PaintingContext context, Offset offset); public class PaintingContext : ClipContext { PaintingContext( ContainerLayer containerLayer = null, Rect estimatedBounds = null ) { D.assert(containerLayer != null); D.assert(estimatedBounds != null); _containerLayer = containerLayer; this.estimatedBounds = estimatedBounds; } readonly ContainerLayer _containerLayer; public readonly Rect estimatedBounds; public static void repaintCompositedChild(RenderObject child, bool debugAlsoPaintedParent = false) { D.assert(child._needsPaint); _repaintCompositedChild( child, debugAlsoPaintedParent: debugAlsoPaintedParent ); } static void _repaintCompositedChild( RenderObject child, bool debugAlsoPaintedParent = false, PaintingContext childContext = null ) { D.assert(child.isRepaintBoundary); D.assert(() => { child.debugRegisterRepaintBoundaryPaint( includedParent: debugAlsoPaintedParent, includedChild: true ); return true; }); if (child._layer == null) { D.assert(debugAlsoPaintedParent); child._layer = new OffsetLayer(); } else { D.assert(debugAlsoPaintedParent || child._layer.attached); child._layer.removeAllChildren(); } D.assert(() => { child._layer.debugCreator = child.debugCreator ?? child.GetType().ToString(); return true; }); childContext = childContext ?? new PaintingContext(child._layer, child.paintBounds); child._paintWithContext(childContext,; childContext.stopRecordingIfNeeded(); } public static void debugInstrumentRepaintCompositedChild( RenderObject child, bool debugAlsoPaintedParent = false, PaintingContext customContext = null ) { D.assert(() => { _repaintCompositedChild( child, debugAlsoPaintedParent: debugAlsoPaintedParent, childContext: customContext ); return true; }); } public void paintChild(RenderObject child, Offset offset) { if (child.isRepaintBoundary) { stopRecordingIfNeeded(); _compositeChild(child, offset); } else { child._paintWithContext(this, offset); } } void _compositeChild(RenderObject child, Offset offset) { D.assert(!_isRecording); D.assert(child.isRepaintBoundary); D.assert(_canvas == null || _canvas.getSaveCount() == 1); if (child._needsPaint) { repaintCompositedChild(child, debugAlsoPaintedParent: true); } else { D.assert(child._layer != null); D.assert(() => { child.debugRegisterRepaintBoundaryPaint( includedParent: true, includedChild: false ); child._layer.debugCreator = child.debugCreator ?? child; return true; }); } child._layer.offset = offset; appendLayer(child._layer); } protected virtual void appendLayer(Layer layer) { D.assert(!_isRecording); layer.remove(); _containerLayer.append(layer); } bool _isRecording { get { bool hasCanvas = _canvas != null; D.assert(() => { if (hasCanvas) { D.assert(_currentLayer != null); D.assert(_recorder != null); D.assert(_canvas != null); } else { D.assert(_currentLayer == null); D.assert(_recorder == null); D.assert(_canvas == null); } return true; }); return hasCanvas; } } PictureLayer _currentLayer; PictureRecorder _recorder; Canvas _canvas; public override Canvas canvas { get { if (_canvas == null) { _startRecording(); } return _canvas; } } void _startRecording() { D.assert(!_isRecording); _currentLayer = new PictureLayer(estimatedBounds); _recorder = new PictureRecorder(); _canvas = new RecorderCanvas(_recorder); _containerLayer.append(_currentLayer); } protected virtual void stopRecordingIfNeeded() { if (!_isRecording) { return; } D.assert(() => { if (D.debugRepaintRainbowEnabled) { var paint = new Paint { style = PaintingStyle.stroke, strokeWidth = 6.0f, color = D.debugCurrentRepaintColor.toColor() }; canvas.drawRect(estimatedBounds.deflate(3.0f), paint); } if (D.debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled) { Paint paint = new Paint { style = PaintingStyle.stroke, strokeWidth = 1.0f, color = new Color(0xFFFF9800), }; canvas.drawRect(estimatedBounds, paint); } return true; }); _currentLayer.picture = _recorder.endRecording(); _currentLayer = null; _recorder = null; _canvas = null; } public void setIsComplexHint() { if (_currentLayer != null) { _currentLayer.isComplexHint = true; } } public void setWillChangeHint() { if (_currentLayer != null) { _currentLayer.willChangeHint = true; } } public void addLayer(Layer layer) { stopRecordingIfNeeded(); appendLayer(layer); } public void pushLayer(ContainerLayer childLayer, PaintingContextCallback painter, Offset offset, Rect childPaintBounds = null) { D.assert(!childLayer.attached); D.assert(childLayer.parent == null); D.assert(painter != null); stopRecordingIfNeeded(); appendLayer(childLayer); var childContext = createChildContext(childLayer, childPaintBounds ?? estimatedBounds); painter(childContext, offset); childContext.stopRecordingIfNeeded(); } protected PaintingContext createChildContext(ContainerLayer childLayer, Rect bounds) { return new PaintingContext(childLayer, bounds); } public void pushClipRect(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect clipRect, PaintingContextCallback painter, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge) { Rect offsetClipRect = clipRect.shift(offset); if (needsCompositing) { pushLayer(new ClipRectLayer(offsetClipRect, clipBehavior: clipBehavior), painter, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetClipRect); } else { clipRectAndPaint(offsetClipRect, clipBehavior, offsetClipRect, () => painter(this, offset)); } } public void pushClipRRect(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect bounds, RRect clipRRect, PaintingContextCallback painter, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias) { Rect offsetBounds = bounds.shift(offset); RRect offsetClipRRect = clipRRect.shift(offset); if (needsCompositing) { pushLayer(new ClipRRectLayer(offsetClipRRect, clipBehavior: clipBehavior), painter, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetBounds); } else { clipRRectAndPaint(offsetClipRRect, clipBehavior, offsetBounds, () => painter(this, offset)); } } public void pushClipPath(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Rect bounds, Path clipPath, PaintingContextCallback painter, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias) { Rect offsetBounds = bounds.shift(offset); Path offsetClipPath = clipPath.shift(offset); if (needsCompositing) { pushLayer(new ClipPathLayer(clipPath: offsetClipPath, clipBehavior: clipBehavior), painter, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetBounds); } else { clipPathAndPaint(offsetClipPath, clipBehavior, offsetBounds, () => painter(this, offset)); } } public void pushTransform(bool needsCompositing, Offset offset, Matrix3 transform, PaintingContextCallback painter) { Matrix3 effectiveTransform; if (offset == null || offset == { effectiveTransform = transform; } else { effectiveTransform = Matrix3.makeTrans(offset.dx, offset.dy); effectiveTransform.preConcat(transform); effectiveTransform.preTranslate(-offset.dx, -offset.dy); } if (needsCompositing) { var inverse = Matrix3.I(); var invertible = effectiveTransform.invert(inverse); // it could just be "scale == 0", ignore the assertion. // D.assert(invertible); pushLayer( new TransformLayer(effectiveTransform), painter, offset, childPaintBounds: inverse.mapRect(estimatedBounds) ); } else {; canvas.concat(effectiveTransform); painter(this, offset); canvas.restore(); } } public void pushOpacity(Offset offset, int alpha, PaintingContextCallback painter) { pushLayer(new OpacityLayer(alpha: alpha), painter, offset); } public override string ToString() { return $"{GetType()}#{GetHashCode()}(layer: {_containerLayer}, canvas bounds: {estimatedBounds}"; } } public abstract class Constraints { public abstract bool isTight { get; } public abstract bool isNormalized { get; } public virtual bool debugAssertIsValid( bool isAppliedConstraint = false, InformationCollector informationCollector = null ) { D.assert(isNormalized); return isNormalized; } } public delegate void RenderObjectVisitor(RenderObject child); public delegate void LayoutCallback(T constraints) where T : Constraints; public class PipelineOwner { public PipelineOwner( VoidCallback onNeedVisualUpdate = null) { this.onNeedVisualUpdate = onNeedVisualUpdate; } public readonly VoidCallback onNeedVisualUpdate; public void requestVisualUpdate() { if (onNeedVisualUpdate != null) { onNeedVisualUpdate(); } } public AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree rootNode { get { return _rootNode; } set { if (_rootNode == value) { return; } if (_rootNode != null) { _rootNode.detach(); } _rootNode = value; if (_rootNode != null) { _rootNode.attach(this); } } } AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree _rootNode; internal List _nodesNeedingLayout = new List(); public bool debugDoingLayout { get { return _debugDoingLayout; } } internal bool _debugDoingLayout = false; public void flushLayout() { D.assert(() => { _debugDoingLayout = true; return true; }); try { while (_nodesNeedingLayout.isNotEmpty()) { var dirtyNodes = _nodesNeedingLayout; _nodesNeedingLayout = new List(); dirtyNodes.Sort((a, b) => a.depth - b.depth); foreach (var node in dirtyNodes) { if (node._needsLayout && node.owner == this) { node._layoutWithoutResize(); } } } } finally { D.assert(() => { _debugDoingLayout = false; return true; }); } } internal bool _debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees = false; internal void _enableMutationsToDirtySubtrees(VoidCallback callback) { D.assert(_debugDoingLayout); bool oldState = false; D.assert(() => { oldState = _debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees; _debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees = true; return true; }); try { callback(); } finally { D.assert(() => { _debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees = oldState; return true; }); } } internal List _nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate = new List(); public void flushCompositingBits() { _nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.Sort((a, b) => a.depth - b.depth); foreach (RenderObject node in _nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate) { if (node._needsCompositingBitsUpdate && node.owner == this) { node._updateCompositingBits(); } } _nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.Clear(); } internal List _nodesNeedingPaint = new List(); public bool debugDoingPaint { get { return _debugDoingPaint; } } internal bool _debugDoingPaint = false; public void flushPaint() { D.assert(() => { _debugDoingPaint = true; return true; }); try { var dirtyNodes = _nodesNeedingPaint; _nodesNeedingPaint = new List(); dirtyNodes.Sort((a, b) => a.depth - b.depth); foreach (var node in dirtyNodes) { D.assert(node._layer != null); if (node._needsPaint && node.owner == this) { if (node._layer.attached) { PaintingContext.repaintCompositedChild(node); } else { node._skippedPaintingOnLayer(); } } } } finally { D.assert(() => { _debugDoingPaint = false; return true; }); } } } public abstract class RenderObject : AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree, HitTestTarget { protected RenderObject() { _needsCompositing = isRepaintBoundary || alwaysNeedsCompositing; } public ParentData parentData; public virtual void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { D.assert(_debugCanPerformMutations); if (!(child.parentData is ParentData)) { child.parentData = new ParentData(); } } protected override void adoptChild(AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree childNode) { var child = (RenderObject) childNode; D.assert(_debugCanPerformMutations); D.assert(child != null); setupParentData(child); markNeedsLayout(); markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); base.adoptChild(child); } protected override void dropChild(AbstractNodeMixinDiagnosticableTree childNode) { var child = (RenderObject) childNode; D.assert(_debugCanPerformMutations); D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child.parentData != null); child._cleanRelayoutBoundary(); child.parentData.detach(); child.parentData = null; base.dropChild(child); markNeedsLayout(); markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); } public virtual void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { } public object debugCreator; void _debugReportException(string method, Exception exception) { UIWidgetsError.reportError(new UIWidgetsErrorDetailsForRendering( exception: exception, library: "rendering library", context: "during " + method, renderObject: this, informationCollector: information => { information.AppendLine( "The following RenderObject was being processed when the exception was fired:"); information.AppendLine(" " + toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ")); var descendants = new List(); const int maxDepth = 5; int depth = 0; const int maxLines = 25; int lines = 0; RenderObjectVisitor visitor = null; visitor = new RenderObjectVisitor((RenderObject child) => { if (lines < maxLines) { depth += 1; descendants.Add(new string(' ', 2 * depth) + child); if (depth < maxDepth) { child.visitChildren(visitor); } depth -= 1; } else if (lines == maxLines) { descendants.Add(" ...(descendants list truncated after " + lines + " lines)"); } lines += 1; }); visitChildren(visitor); if (lines > 1) { information.AppendLine( "This RenderObject had the following descendants (showing up to depth " + maxDepth + "):"); } else if (descendants.Count == 1) { information.AppendLine("This RenderObject had the following child:"); } else { information.AppendLine("This RenderObject has no descendants."); } information.Append(string.Join("\n", descendants.ToArray())); } )); } public bool debugDoingThisResize { get { return _debugDoingThisResize; } } bool _debugDoingThisResize = false; public bool debugDoingThisLayout { get { return _debugDoingThisLayout; } } bool _debugDoingThisLayout = false; public static RenderObject debugActiveLayout { get { return _debugActiveLayout; } } static RenderObject _debugActiveLayout; public bool debugCanParentUseSize { get { return _debugCanParentUseSize; } } bool _debugCanParentUseSize; bool _debugMutationsLocked = false; bool _debugCanPerformMutations { get { bool result = true; D.assert(() => { RenderObject node = this; while (true) { if (node._doingThisLayoutWithCallback) { result = true; break; } if (owner != null && owner._debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees && node._needsLayout) { result = true; break; } if (node._debugMutationsLocked) { result = false; break; } if (!(node.parent is RenderObject)) { result = true; break; } node = (RenderObject) node.parent; } return true; }); return result; } } public new PipelineOwner owner { get { return (PipelineOwner) base.owner; } } public override void attach(object ownerObject) { var owner = (PipelineOwner) ownerObject; base.attach(owner); if (_needsLayout && _relayoutBoundary != null) { _needsLayout = false; markNeedsLayout(); } if (_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); } if (_needsPaint && _layer != null) { _needsPaint = false; markNeedsPaint(); } } public bool debugNeedsLayout { get { bool result = false; D.assert(() => { result = _needsLayout; return true; }); return result; } } internal bool _needsLayout = true; public RenderObject _relayoutBoundary; bool _doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; public Constraints constraints { get { return _constraints; } } Constraints _constraints; protected abstract void debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints(); internal static bool debugCheckingIntrinsics = false; bool _debugSubtreeRelayoutRootAlreadyMarkedNeedsLayout() { if (_relayoutBoundary == null) { return true; } RenderObject node = this; while (node != _relayoutBoundary) { D.assert(node._relayoutBoundary == _relayoutBoundary); D.assert(node.parent != null); node = (RenderObject) node.parent; if ((!node._needsLayout) && (!node._debugDoingThisLayout)) { return false; } } D.assert(node._relayoutBoundary == node); return true; } public virtual void markNeedsLayout() { D.assert(_debugCanPerformMutations); if (_needsLayout) { D.assert(_debugSubtreeRelayoutRootAlreadyMarkedNeedsLayout()); return; } D.assert(_relayoutBoundary != null); if (_relayoutBoundary != this) { markParentNeedsLayout(); } else { _needsLayout = true; if (owner != null) { D.assert(() => { if (D.debugPrintMarkNeedsLayoutStacks) { Debug.Log("markNeedsLayout() called for " + this); } return true; }); owner._nodesNeedingLayout.Add(this); owner.requestVisualUpdate(); } } } protected void markParentNeedsLayout() { _needsLayout = true; RenderObject parent = (RenderObject) this.parent; if (!_doingThisLayoutWithCallback) { parent.markNeedsLayout(); } else { D.assert(parent._debugDoingThisLayout); } } public void markNeedsLayoutForSizedByParentChange() { markNeedsLayout(); markParentNeedsLayout(); } void _cleanRelayoutBoundary() { if (_relayoutBoundary != this) { _relayoutBoundary = null; _needsLayout = true; visitChildren(child => { child._cleanRelayoutBoundary(); }); } } public void scheduleInitialLayout() { D.assert(attached); D.assert(!(parent is RenderObject)); D.assert(!owner._debugDoingLayout); D.assert(_relayoutBoundary == null); _relayoutBoundary = this; D.assert(() => { _debugCanParentUseSize = false; return true; }); owner._nodesNeedingLayout.Add(this); } internal void _layoutWithoutResize() { D.assert(_relayoutBoundary == this); RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout = null; D.assert(!_debugMutationsLocked); D.assert(!_doingThisLayoutWithCallback); D.assert(() => { _debugMutationsLocked = true; _debugDoingThisLayout = true; debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = this; if (D.debugPrintLayouts) { Debug.Log("Laying out (without resize) " + this); } return true; }); try { performLayout(); } catch (Exception ex) { _debugReportException("performLayout", ex); } D.assert(() => { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; _debugDoingThisLayout = false; _debugMutationsLocked = false; return true; }); _needsLayout = false; markNeedsPaint(); } public void layout(Constraints constraints, bool parentUsesSize = false) { D.assert(constraints != null); D.assert(constraints.debugAssertIsValid( isAppliedConstraint: true, informationCollector: information => { // final List stack = StackTrace.current.toString().split('\n'); // int targetFrame; // final Pattern layoutFramePattern = RegExp(r'^#[0-9]+ +RenderObject.layout \('); // for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i += 1) { // if (layoutFramePattern.matchAsPrefix(stack[i]) != null) { // targetFrame = i + 1; // break; // } // } // if (targetFrame != null && targetFrame < stack.length) { // information.writeln( // 'These invalid constraints were provided to $runtimeType\'s layout() ' // 'function by the following function, which probably computed the ' // 'invalid constraints in question:' // ); // final Pattern targetFramePattern = RegExp(r'^#[0-9]+ +(.+)$'); // final Match targetFrameMatch = targetFramePattern.matchAsPrefix(stack[targetFrame]); // if (targetFrameMatch != null && targetFrameMatch.groupCount > 0) { // information.writeln(' ${}'); // } else { // information.writeln(stack[targetFrame]); // } // } })); D.assert(!_debugDoingThisResize); D.assert(!_debugDoingThisLayout); RenderObject relayoutBoundary; if (!parentUsesSize || sizedByParent || constraints.isTight || !(this.parent is RenderObject)) { relayoutBoundary = this; } else { RenderObject parent = (RenderObject) this.parent; relayoutBoundary = parent._relayoutBoundary; } D.assert(() => { _debugCanParentUseSize = parentUsesSize; return true; }); if (!_needsLayout && Equals(constraints, _constraints) && relayoutBoundary == _relayoutBoundary) { D.assert(() => { _debugDoingThisResize = sizedByParent; _debugDoingThisLayout = !sizedByParent; RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout1 = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = this; debugResetSize(); _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout1; _debugDoingThisLayout = false; _debugDoingThisResize = false; return true; }); return; } _constraints = constraints; _relayoutBoundary = relayoutBoundary; D.assert(!_debugMutationsLocked); D.assert(!_doingThisLayoutWithCallback); D.assert(() => { _debugMutationsLocked = true; if (D.debugPrintLayouts) { Debug.Log("Laying out (" + (sizedByParent ? "with separate resize" : "with resize allowed") + ") " + this); } return true; }); if (sizedByParent) { D.assert(() => { _debugDoingThisResize = true; return true; }); try { performResize(); D.assert(() => { debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints(); return true; }); } catch (Exception ex) { _debugReportException("performResize", ex); } D.assert(() => { _debugDoingThisResize = false; return true; }); } RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout = null; D.assert(() => { _debugDoingThisLayout = true; debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = this; return true; }); try { performLayout(); D.assert(() => { debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints(); return true; }); } catch (Exception ex) { _debugReportException("performLayout", ex); } D.assert(() => { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; _debugDoingThisLayout = false; _debugMutationsLocked = false; return true; }); _needsLayout = false; markNeedsPaint(); } protected virtual void debugResetSize() { } protected virtual bool sizedByParent { get { return false; } } protected abstract void performResize(); protected abstract void performLayout(); protected void invokeLayoutCallback(LayoutCallback callback) where T : Constraints { D.assert(_debugMutationsLocked); D.assert(_debugDoingThisLayout); D.assert(!_doingThisLayoutWithCallback); _doingThisLayoutWithCallback = true; try { owner._enableMutationsToDirtySubtrees(() => { callback((T) constraints); }); } finally { _doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; } } public bool debugDoingThisPaint { get { return _debugDoingThisPaint; } } bool _debugDoingThisPaint = false; public static RenderObject debugActivePaint { get { return _debugActivePaint; } } static RenderObject _debugActivePaint; public virtual bool isRepaintBoundary { get { return false; } } public virtual void debugRegisterRepaintBoundaryPaint(bool includedParent = true, bool includedChild = false) { } protected virtual bool alwaysNeedsCompositing { get { return false; } } internal OffsetLayer _layer; public OffsetLayer layer { get { D.assert(isRepaintBoundary, () => "You can only access RenderObject.layer for render objects that are repaint boundaries."); D.assert(!_needsPaint); return _layer; } } public OffsetLayer debugLayer { get { OffsetLayer result = null; D.assert(() => { result = _layer; return true; }); return result; } } internal bool _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; public void markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate() { if (_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { return; } _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = true; if (this.parent is RenderObject) { var parent = (RenderObject) this.parent; if (parent._needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { return; } if (!isRepaintBoundary && !parent.isRepaintBoundary) { parent.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate(); return; } } D.assert(() => { var parent = this.parent; if (parent is RenderObject) { return ((RenderObject) parent)._needsCompositing; } return true; }); if (owner != null) { owner._nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.Add(this); } } bool _needsCompositing; public bool needsCompositing { get { D.assert(!_needsCompositingBitsUpdate); return _needsCompositing; } } public void _updateCompositingBits() { if (!_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { return; } bool oldNeedsCompositing = _needsCompositing; _needsCompositing = false; visitChildren(child => { child._updateCompositingBits(); if (child.needsCompositing) { _needsCompositing = true; } }); if (isRepaintBoundary || alwaysNeedsCompositing) { _needsCompositing = true; } if (oldNeedsCompositing != _needsCompositing) { markNeedsPaint(); } _needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false; } bool debugNeedsPaint { get { bool result = false; D.assert(() => { result = _needsPaint; return true; }); return result; } } internal bool _needsPaint = true; public void markNeedsPaint() { D.assert(owner == null || !owner.debugDoingPaint); if (_needsPaint) { return; } _needsPaint = true; if (isRepaintBoundary) { D.assert(() => { if (D.debugPrintMarkNeedsPaintStacks) { Debug.Log("markNeedsPaint() called for " + this); } return true; }); D.assert(_layer != null); if (owner != null) { owner._nodesNeedingPaint.Add(this); owner.requestVisualUpdate(); } } else if (this.parent is RenderObject) { D.assert(_layer == null); var parent = (RenderObject) this.parent; parent.markNeedsPaint(); } else { D.assert(() => { if (D.debugPrintMarkNeedsPaintStacks) { Debug.Log("markNeedsPaint() called for " + this + " (root of render tree)"); } return true; }); if (owner != null) { owner.requestVisualUpdate(); } } } internal void _skippedPaintingOnLayer() { D.assert(attached); D.assert(isRepaintBoundary); D.assert(_needsPaint); D.assert(_layer != null); D.assert(!_layer.attached); var ancestor = parent; while (ancestor is RenderObject) { var node = (RenderObject) ancestor; if (node.isRepaintBoundary) { if (node._layer == null) { break; } if (node._layer.attached) { break; } node._needsPaint = true; } ancestor = ancestor.parent; } } public void scheduleInitialPaint(ContainerLayer rootLayer) { D.assert(rootLayer.attached); D.assert(attached); D.assert(!(parent is RenderObject)); D.assert(!owner._debugDoingPaint); D.assert(isRepaintBoundary); D.assert(_layer == null); _layer = (OffsetLayer) rootLayer; D.assert(_needsPaint); owner._nodesNeedingPaint.Add(this); } public void replaceRootLayer(OffsetLayer rootLayer) { D.assert(rootLayer.attached); D.assert(attached); D.assert(!(parent is RenderObject)); D.assert(!owner._debugDoingPaint); D.assert(isRepaintBoundary); D.assert(_layer != null); _layer.detach(); _layer = rootLayer; markNeedsPaint(); } internal void _paintWithContext(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { D.assert(() => { if (_debugDoingThisPaint) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Tried to paint a RenderObject reentrantly.\n" + "The following RenderObject was already being painted when it was " + "painted again:\n" + " " + toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ") + "\n" + "Since this typically indicates an infinite recursion, it is " + "disallowed." ); } return true; }); if (_needsLayout) { return; } D.assert(() => { if (_needsCompositingBitsUpdate) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Tried to paint a RenderObject before its compositing bits were " + "updated.\n" + "The following RenderObject was marked as having dirty compositing " + "bits at the time that it was painted:\n" + " " + toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ") + "\n" + "A RenderObject that still has dirty compositing bits cannot be " + "painted because this indicates that the tree has not yet been " + "properly configured for creating the layer tree.\n" + "This usually indicates an error in the Flutter framework itself." ); } return true; }); RenderObject debugLastActivePaint = null; D.assert(() => { _debugDoingThisPaint = true; debugLastActivePaint = _debugActivePaint; _debugActivePaint = this; D.assert(!isRepaintBoundary || _layer != null); return true; }); _needsPaint = false; try { paint(context, offset); D.assert(!_needsLayout); D.assert(!_needsPaint); } catch (Exception ex) { _debugReportException("paint", ex); } D.assert(() => { debugPaint(context, offset); _debugActivePaint = debugLastActivePaint; _debugDoingThisPaint = false; return true; }); } public abstract Rect paintBounds { get; } public virtual void debugPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { } public virtual void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { } public virtual void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix3 transform) { D.assert(child.parent == this); } public Matrix3 getTransformTo(RenderObject ancestor) { D.assert(attached); if (ancestor == null) { var rootNode = owner.rootNode; if (rootNode is RenderObject) { ancestor = (RenderObject) rootNode; } } var renderers = new List(); for (RenderObject renderer = this; renderer != ancestor; renderer = (RenderObject) renderer.parent) { D.assert(renderer != null); renderers.Add(renderer); } var transform = Matrix3.I(); for (int index = renderers.Count - 1; index > 0; index -= 1) { renderers[index].applyPaintTransform(renderers[index - 1], transform); } return transform; } public virtual Rect describeApproximatePaintClip(RenderObject child) { return null; } public abstract Rect semanticBounds { get; } public virtual void handleEvent(PointerEvent evt, HitTestEntry entry) { } public override string toStringShort() { string header = foundation_.describeIdentity(this); if (_relayoutBoundary != null && _relayoutBoundary != this) { int count = 1; RenderObject target = (RenderObject) parent; while (target != null && target != _relayoutBoundary) { target = (RenderObject) target.parent; count += 1; } header += " relayoutBoundary=up" + count; } if (_needsLayout) { header += " NEEDS-LAYOUT"; } if (_needsPaint) { header += " NEEDS-PAINT"; } if (!attached) { header += " DETACHED"; } return header; } public override string toString(DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug) { return toStringShort(); } public override string toStringDeep( string prefixLineOne = "", string prefixOtherLines = "", DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug ) { RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout = null; D.assert(() => { debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = null; return true; }); string result = base.toStringDeep( prefixLineOne: prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines: prefixOtherLines, minLevel: minLevel ); D.assert(() => { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; return true; }); return result; } public override string toStringShallow( string joiner = ", ", DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug ) { RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout = null; D.assert(() => { debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = null; return true; }); string result = base.toStringShallow(joiner: joiner, minLevel: minLevel); D.assert(() => { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; return true; }); return result; } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty( "creator", debugCreator, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("parentData", parentData, tooltip: _debugCanParentUseSize ? "can use size" : null, missingIfNull: true)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("constraints", constraints, missingIfNull: true)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("layer", _layer, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue)); } public virtual void showOnScreen( RenderObject descendant = null, Rect rect = null, TimeSpan? duration = null, Curve curve = null ) { duration = duration ?? TimeSpan.Zero; curve = curve ?? Curves.ease; if (parent is RenderObject) { RenderObject renderParent = (RenderObject) parent; renderParent.showOnScreen( descendant: descendant ?? this, rect: rect, duration: duration, curve: curve ); } } } public interface RenderObjectWithChildMixin { bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child); RenderObject child { get; set; } } public interface RenderObjectWithChildMixin : RenderObjectWithChildMixin where ChildType : RenderObject { new ChildType child { get; set; } } public interface ContainerParentDataMixin where ChildType : RenderObject { ChildType previousSibling { get; set; } ChildType nextSibling { get; set; } } public interface ContainerRenderObjectMixin { int childCount { get; } bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child); void insert(RenderObject child, RenderObject after = null); void remove(RenderObject child); void move(RenderObject child, RenderObject after = null); RenderObject firstChild { get; } RenderObject lastChild { get; } RenderObject childBefore(RenderObject child); RenderObject childAfter(RenderObject child); } public class UIWidgetsErrorDetailsForRendering : UIWidgetsErrorDetails { public UIWidgetsErrorDetailsForRendering( Exception exception = null, string library = null, string context = null, RenderObject renderObject = null, InformationCollector informationCollector = null, bool silent = false ) : base( exception: exception, library: library, context: context, informationCollector: informationCollector, silent: silent ) { this.renderObject = renderObject; } public readonly RenderObject renderObject; } }