using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace RSG {
public class PromiseCancelledException : Exception {
/// Just create the exception
public PromiseCancelledException() {
/// Create the exception with description
/// Exception description
public PromiseCancelledException(string message) : base(message) {
/// A class that wraps a pending promise with it's predicate and time data
class PredicateWait {
/// Predicate for resolving the promise
public Func predicate;
/// The time the promise was started
public float timeStarted;
/// The pending promise which is an interface for a promise that can be rejected or resolved.
public IPendingPromise pendingPromise;
/// The time data specific to this pending promise. Includes elapsed time and delta time.
public TimeData timeData;
/// The frame the promise was started
public int frameStarted;
/// Time data specific to a particular pending promise.
public struct TimeData {
/// The amount of time that has elapsed since the pending promise started running
public float elapsedTime;
/// The amount of time since the last time the pending promise was updated.
public float deltaTime;
/// The amount of times that update has been called since the pending promise started running
public int elapsedUpdates;
public interface IPromiseTimer {
/// Resolve the returned promise once the time has elapsed
IPromise WaitFor(float seconds);
/// Resolve the returned promise once the predicate evaluates to true
IPromise WaitUntil(Func predicate);
/// Resolve the returned promise once the predicate evaluates to false
IPromise WaitWhile(Func predicate);
/// Update all pending promises. Must be called for the promises to progress and resolve at all.
void Update(float deltaTime);
/// Cancel a waiting promise and reject it immediately.
bool Cancel(IPromise promise);
public class PromiseTimer : IPromiseTimer {
/// The current running total for time that this PromiseTimer has run for
float curTime;
/// The current running total for the amount of frames the PromiseTimer has run for
int curFrame;
/// Currently pending promises
readonly LinkedList waiting = new LinkedList();
/// Resolve the returned promise once the time has elapsed
public IPromise WaitFor(float seconds) {
return WaitUntil(t => t.elapsedTime >= seconds);
/// Resolve the returned promise once the predicate evaluates to false
public IPromise WaitWhile(Func predicate) {
return WaitUntil(t => !predicate(t));
/// Resolve the returned promise once the predicate evalutes to true
public IPromise WaitUntil(Func predicate) {
var promise = new Promise();
var wait = new PredicateWait() {
timeStarted = curTime,
pendingPromise = promise,
timeData = new TimeData(),
predicate = predicate,
frameStarted = curFrame
return promise;
public bool Cancel(IPromise promise) {
var node = FindInWaiting(promise);
if (node == null) {
return false;
node.Value.pendingPromise.Reject(new PromiseCancelledException("Promise was cancelled by user."));
return true;
LinkedListNode FindInWaiting(IPromise promise) {
for (var node = waiting.First; node != null; node = node.Next) {
if (node.Value.pendingPromise.Id.Equals(promise.Id)) {
return node;
return null;
/// Update all pending promises. Must be called for the promises to progress and resolve at all.
public void Update(float deltaTime) {
curTime += deltaTime;
curFrame += 1;
var node = waiting.First;
while (node != null) {
var wait = node.Value;
var newElapsedTime = curTime - wait.timeStarted;
wait.timeData.deltaTime = newElapsedTime - wait.timeData.elapsedTime;
wait.timeData.elapsedTime = newElapsedTime;
var newElapsedUpdates = curFrame - wait.frameStarted;
wait.timeData.elapsedUpdates = newElapsedUpdates;
bool result;
try {
result = wait.predicate(wait.timeData);
catch (Exception ex) {
node = RemoveNode(node);
if (result) {
node = RemoveNode(node);
else {
node = node.Next;
/// Removes the provided node and returns the next node in the list.
LinkedListNode RemoveNode(LinkedListNode node) {
var currentNode = node;
node = node.Next;
return node;