using; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.editor { public class WindowConfig { public readonly bool disableRasterCache; #if UNITY_ANDROID //make API compatible to low-end Android devices public static float MaxRasterImageSize = 2048; #else public static float MaxRasterImageSize = 4096; #endif static bool? _disableComputeBuffer = null; public static bool disableComputeBuffer { //disable compute buffer by default for now get { return _disableComputeBuffer ?? true; } set { D.assert(_disableComputeBuffer == null || _disableComputeBuffer == value , () => "The global settings of [disableComputeBuffer] cannot be initiated for multiple times!"); _disableComputeBuffer = value; } } public WindowConfig(bool disableRasterCache) { this.disableRasterCache = disableRasterCache; } public static readonly WindowConfig defaultConfig = new WindowConfig( disableRasterCache: false ); } }