# UIWidgets Engine ## Introduction This is the engine code of UIWidgets. ## How to Build (Windows) ### Build Skia 1. Install depot_tools ``` git clone 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git' ``` Add ${PWD}/depot_tools to PATH 2. Clone the skia Repo ``` git clone https://skia.googlesource.com/skia.git cd skia git checkout chrome/m85 python2 tools/git-sync-deps ``` 3. Install LLVM https://clang.llvm.org/get_started.html 4. Build skia ``` bin/gn gen out/Debug ``` Update out/Debug/args.gn with the following content: ``` clang_win = "C:\Program Files\LLVM" win_vc = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC" cc = "clang" cxx = "clang++" is_debug = true skia_use_angle = true skia_use_egl = true extra_cflags = [ "/MTd", "-I../../third_party/externals/angle2/include", ] ``` ``` ninja -C out/Debug -k 0 ``` Ignore this error: "lld-link: error: could not open 'EGL': no such file or directory" convert icudtl.dat to object file in skia ``` cd SkiaRoot/third_party/externals/icu/flutter/ ld -r -b binary -o icudtl.o icudtl.dat ``` ### Build flutter fml 1. Setting up the Engine development environment Follow https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Setting-up-the-Engine-development-environment 2. Compiling for Windows Follow https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Compiling-the-engine#compiling-for-windows 3. Checkout flutter-1.17-candidate.5 ``` cd engine/src/flutter git checkout flutter-1.17-candidate.5 gclient sync -D ``` Apply the following diff: ``` diff --git a/fml/BUILD.gn b/fml/BUILD.gn index 9b5626e78..da1322ce5 100644 --- a/fml/BUILD.gn +++ b/fml/BUILD.gn @@ -295,3 +295,10 @@ executable("fml_benchmarks") { "//flutter/runtime:libdart", ] } + +static_library("fml_lib") { + complete_static_lib = true + deps = [ + "//flutter/fml", + ] +} ``` cmd ``` set GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community cd engine/src python ./flutter/tools/gn --unoptimized ninja -C .\out\host_debug_unopt\ flutter/fml:fml_lib ``` ### Create symbolic cmd ``` cd \engine cd third_party   \\ create the directory if not exists mklink /D skia  ``` Flutter engine txt include skia header in this pattern 'third_party/skia/*', so without symbolic, the txt lib will include skia header file in flutter engine, instead of headers in skia repo. ### Build Engine ``` cd \engine bee ``` ## How to Build (Mac) ### Build Dependencies Setting up the Engine development environment Please follow https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Setting-up-the-Engine-development-environment. Check out repo and update dependencies: ``` cd $FLUTTER_ROOT/flutter git checkout flutter-1.17-candidate.5 gclient sync -D ``` Apply following to end of `flutter/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn` ``` diff --git a/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn b/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn index 56b73a020..d42e88045 100644 --- a/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn +++ b/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn @@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ source_set("txt") { "//third_party/harfbuzz", "//third_party/icu", "//third_party/skia", + "//third_party/skia/modules/skottie", ] deps = [ @@ -339,3 +340,10 @@ executable("txt_benchmarks") { deps += [ "//third_party/skia/modules/skparagraph" ] } } + +static_library("txt_lib") { + complete_static_lib = true + deps = [ + ":txt", + ] +} ``` Compile engine: ``` cd $FLUTTER_ROOT ./flutter/tools/gn --unoptimized ``` add this line to the end of out/host_debug_unopt/args.gn: ``` icu_use_data_file=false ``` finally run ninja: ``` ninja -C out/host_debug_unopt/ flutter/third_party/txt:txt_lib ``` If the compilation fails because "no available Mac SDK is found" (in flutter-1.17 the build tool will only try to find Mac 10.XX SDKs), please modify the file "/src/build/Mac/find_sdk.py" under flutter root by setting "sdks" as your current sdk, e.g., ['11.0']. ### Build Engine ``` cd \engine mono bee.exe mac ```