using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using; using UIWidgets.rendering; using UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; namespace UIWidgets.widgets { public class UniqueKey : LocalKey { public UniqueKey() { } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("[#{0}]", Diagnostics.shortHash(this)); } } public class ObjectKey : LocalKey, IEquatable { public ObjectKey(object value) { this.value = value; } public readonly object value; public bool Equals(ObjectKey other) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return object.ReferenceEquals(this.value, other.value); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true; if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false; return this.Equals((ObjectKey) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { return (this.value != null ? RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(this.value) : 0); } public static bool operator ==(ObjectKey left, ObjectKey right) { return object.Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(ObjectKey left, ObjectKey right) { return !object.Equals(left, right); } public override string ToString() { if (this.GetType() == typeof(ObjectKey)) { return string.Format("[{0}]", Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this.value)); } return string.Format("[{0} {1}]", this.GetType(), Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this.value)); } } public abstract class GlobalKey : Key { protected GlobalKey() { } public new static GlobalKey key(string debugLabel = null) { return new LabeledGlobalKey>(debugLabel); } static readonly Dictionary _registry = new Dictionary(); static readonly HashSet _removedKeys = new HashSet(); static readonly HashSet _debugIllFatedElements = new HashSet(); static readonly Dictionary _debugReservations = new Dictionary(); internal void _register(Element element) { D.assert(() => { if (_registry.ContainsKey(this)) { D.assert(element.widget != null); D.assert(_registry[this].widget != null); D.assert(element.widget.GetType() != _registry[this].widget.GetType()); _debugIllFatedElements.Add(_registry[this]); } return true; }); _registry[this] = element; } internal void _unregister(Element element) { D.assert(() => { if (_registry.ContainsKey(this) && _registry[this] != element) { D.assert(element.widget != null); D.assert(_registry[this].widget != null); D.assert(element.widget.GetType() != _registry[this].widget.GetType()); } return true; }); if (_registry[this] == element) { _registry.Remove(this); _removedKeys.Add(this); } } internal void _debugReserveFor(Element parent) { D.assert(() => { D.assert(parent != null); if (_debugReservations.ContainsKey(this) && _debugReservations[this] != parent) { string older = _debugReservations[this].ToString(); string newer = parent.ToString(); if (older != newer) { throw new UIWidgetsError( string.Format( "Multiple widgets used the same GlobalKey.\n" + "The key {0} was used by multiple widgets. The parents of those widgets were:\n" + "- {1}\n" + "- {2}\n" + "A GlobalKey can only be specified on one widget at a time in the widget tree.", this, older, newer)); } throw new UIWidgetsError( string.Format( "Multiple widgets used the same GlobalKey.\n" + "The key {0} was used by multiple widgets. The parents of those widgets were " + "different widgets that both had the following description:\n" + " {1}\n" + "A GlobalKey can only be specified on one widget at a time in the widget tree.", this, newer)); } _debugReservations[this] = parent; return true; }); } internal static void _debugVerifyIllFatedPopulation() { D.assert(() => { Dictionary> duplicates = null; foreach (Element element in _debugIllFatedElements) { if (element._debugLifecycleState != _ElementLifecycle.defunct) { D.assert(element != null); D.assert(element.widget != null); D.assert(element.widget.key != null); GlobalKey key = (GlobalKey) element.widget.key; D.assert(_registry.ContainsKey(key)); duplicates = duplicates ?? new Dictionary>(); var elements = duplicates.putIfAbsent(key, () => new HashSet()); elements.Add(element); elements.Add(_registry[key]); } } _debugIllFatedElements.Clear(); _debugReservations.Clear(); if (duplicates != null) { var buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.AppendLine("Multiple widgets used the same GlobalKey.\n"); foreach (GlobalKey key in duplicates.Keys) { HashSet elements = duplicates[key]; buffer.AppendLine(string.Format("The key {0} was used by {1} widgets:", key, elements.Count)); foreach (Element element in elements) { buffer.AppendLine("- " + element); } } buffer.Append("A GlobalKey can only be specified on one widget at a time in the widget tree."); throw new UIWidgetsError(buffer.ToString()); } return true; }); } internal Element _currentElement { get { Element result; _registry.TryGetValue(this, out result); return result; } } public BuildContext currentContext { get { return this._currentElement; } } public Widget currentWidget { get { return this._currentElement == null ? null : this._currentElement.widget; } } public State currentState { get { Element element = this._currentElement; if (element is StatefulElement) { var statefulElement = (StatefulElement) element; State state = statefulElement.state; if (state is State) { return (State) state; } } return null; } } } public abstract class GlobalKey : GlobalKey where T : State { public new static GlobalKey key(string debugLabel = null) { return new LabeledGlobalKey(debugLabel); } public new T currentState { get { Element element = this._currentElement; if (element is StatefulElement) { var statefulElement = (StatefulElement) element; State state = statefulElement.state; if (state is T) { return (T) state; } } return null; } } } public class LabeledGlobalKey : GlobalKey where T : State { public LabeledGlobalKey(string _debugLabel = null) { this._debugLabel = _debugLabel; } readonly string _debugLabel; public override string ToString() { string label = this._debugLabel != null ? " " + this._debugLabel : ""; if (this.GetType() == typeof(LabeledGlobalKey)) { return string.Format("[GlobalKey#{0}{1}]", Diagnostics.shortHash(this), label); } return string.Format("[{0}{1}]", Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this), label); } } public class GlobalObjectKey : GlobalKey, IEquatable> where T : State { public GlobalObjectKey(object value) { this.value = value; } public readonly object value; public bool Equals(GlobalObjectKey other) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return object.ReferenceEquals(this.value, other.value); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true; if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false; return this.Equals((GlobalObjectKey) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { return (this.value != null ? RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(this.value) : 0); } public static bool operator ==(GlobalObjectKey left, GlobalObjectKey right) { return object.Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(GlobalObjectKey left, GlobalObjectKey right) { return !object.Equals(left, right); } public override string ToString() { String selfType = this.GetType().ToString(); string suffix = "`1[UIWidgets.widgets.State]"; if (selfType.EndsWith(suffix)) { selfType = selfType.Substring(0, selfType.Length - suffix.Length); } return string.Format("[{0} {1}]", selfType, Diagnostics.describeIdentity(this.value)); } } public interface TypeMatcher { bool check(object obj); } public class TypeMatcher : TypeMatcher { public bool check(object obj) { return obj is T; } } public abstract class Widget : CanonicalMixinDiagnosticableTree { protected Widget(Key key = null) { this.key = key; } public readonly Key key; public abstract Element createElement(); public override string toStringShort() { return this.key == null ? this.GetType().ToString() : this.GetType() + "-" + this.key; } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.dense; } public static bool canUpdate(Widget oldWidget, Widget newWidget) { return oldWidget.GetType() == newWidget.GetType() && object.Equals(oldWidget.key, newWidget.key); } } public abstract class StatelessWidget : Widget { protected StatelessWidget(Key key = null) : base(key: key) { } public override Element createElement() { return new StatelessElement(this); } public abstract Widget build(BuildContext context); } public abstract class StatefulWidget : Widget { protected StatefulWidget(Key key) : base(key: key) { } public override Element createElement() { return new StatefulElement(this); } public abstract State createState(); } enum _StateLifecycle { created, initialized, ready, defunct, } public delegate void StateSetter(VoidCallback fn); public abstract class State : Diagnosticable { public StatefulWidget widget { get { return this._widget; } } internal StatefulWidget _widget; internal _StateLifecycle _debugLifecycleState = _StateLifecycle.created; public virtual bool _debugTypesAreRight(Widget widget) { return widget is StatefulWidget; } public BuildContext context { get { return this._element; } } internal StatefulElement _element; public bool mounted { get { return this._element != null; } } public virtual void initState() { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.created); } public virtual void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) { } protected void setState(VoidCallback fn) { D.assert(fn != null); D.assert(() => { if (this._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.defunct) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "setState() called after dispose(): " + this + "\n" + "This error happens if you call setState() on a State object for a widget that " + "no longer appears in the widget tree (e.g., whose parent widget no longer " + "includes the widget in its build). This error can occur when code calls " + "setState() from a timer or an animation callback. The preferred solution is " + "to cancel the timer or stop listening to the animation in the dispose() " + "callback. Another solution is to check the \"mounted\" property of this " + "object before calling setState() to ensure the object is still in the " + "tree.\n" + "This error might indicate a memory leak if setState() is being called " + "because another object is retaining a reference to this State object " + "after it has been removed from the tree. To avoid memory leaks, " + "consider breaking the reference to this object during dispose()." ); } if (this._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.created && !this.mounted) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "setState() called in constructor: " + this + "\n" + "This happens when you call setState() on a State object for a widget that " + "hasn\"t been inserted into the widget tree yet. It is not necessary to call " + "setState() in the constructor, since the state is already assumed to be dirty " + "when it is initially created." ); } return true; }); fn(); this._element.markNeedsBuild(); } public virtual void deactivate() { } public virtual void dispose() { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.ready); D.assert(() => { this._debugLifecycleState = _StateLifecycle.defunct; return true; }); } public abstract Widget build(BuildContext context); public virtual void didChangeDependencies() { } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); D.assert(() => { properties.add(new EnumProperty<_StateLifecycle>( "lifecycle state", this._debugLifecycleState, defaultValue: _StateLifecycle.ready)); return true; }); properties.add(new ObjectFlagProperty( "_widget", this._widget, ifNull: "no widget")); properties.add(new ObjectFlagProperty( "_element", this._element, ifNull: "not mounted")); } } public abstract class State : State where T : StatefulWidget { public new T widget { get { return (T) base.widget; } } public override bool _debugTypesAreRight(Widget widget) { return widget is T; } } public abstract class ProxyWidget : Widget { protected ProxyWidget(Key key = null, Widget child = null) : base(key: key) { this.child = child; } public readonly Widget child; } public abstract class ParentDataWidget : ProxyWidget { public ParentDataWidget(Key key = null, Widget child = null) : base(key: key, child: child) { } public abstract bool debugIsValidAncestor(RenderObjectWidget ancestor); public abstract string debugDescribeInvalidAncestorChain( string description = null, string ownershipChain = null, bool foundValidAncestor = false, IEnumerable badAncestors = null ); public abstract void applyParentData(RenderObject renderObject); public virtual bool debugCanApplyOutOfTurn() { return false; } } public abstract class ParentDataWidget : ParentDataWidget where T : RenderObjectWidget { public ParentDataWidget(Key key = null, Widget child = null) : base(key: key, child: child) { } public override Element createElement() { return new ParentDataElement(this); } public override bool debugIsValidAncestor(RenderObjectWidget ancestor) { D.assert(typeof(T) != typeof(RenderObjectWidget)); return ancestor is T; } public override string debugDescribeInvalidAncestorChain( string description = null, string ownershipChain = null, bool foundValidAncestor = false, IEnumerable badAncestors = null ) { D.assert(typeof(T) != typeof(RenderObjectWidget)); string result; if (!foundValidAncestor) { result = string.Format( "{0} widgets must be placed inside {1} widgets.\n" + "{2} has no {1} ancestor at all.\n", this.GetType(), typeof(T), description); } else { D.assert(badAncestors != null); D.assert(badAncestors.Any()); result = string.Format( "{0} widgets must be placed directly inside {1} widgets.\n" + "{2} has a {1} ancestor, but there are other widgets between them:\n", this.GetType(), typeof(T), description); foreach (Widget ancestor in badAncestors) { if (ancestor.GetType() == this.GetType()) { result += string.Format("- {0} (this is a different {1} than the one with the problem)\n", ancestor, this.GetType()); } else { result += string.Format("- {0}\n", ancestor); } } result += "These widgets cannot come between a " + this.GetType() + " and its " + typeof(T) + ".\n"; } result += "The ownership chain for the parent of the offending " + this.GetType() + " was:\n " + ownershipChain; return result; } } public abstract class InheritedWidget : ProxyWidget { protected InheritedWidget(Key key = null, Widget child = null) : base(key, child) { } public override Element createElement() { return new InheritedElement(this); } public abstract bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget); } public abstract class RenderObjectWidget : Widget { protected RenderObjectWidget(Key key = null) : base(key) { } public abstract RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context); public virtual void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, RenderObject renderObject) { } public virtual void didUnmountRenderObject(RenderObject renderObject) { } } public abstract class LeafRenderObjectWidget : RenderObjectWidget { protected LeafRenderObjectWidget(Key key = null) : base(key: key) { } public override Element createElement() { return new LeafRenderObjectElement(this); } } public abstract class SingleChildRenderObjectWidget : RenderObjectWidget { protected SingleChildRenderObjectWidget(Key key = null, Widget child = null) : base(key: key) { this.child = child; } public readonly Widget child; public override Element createElement() { return new SingleChildRenderObjectElement(this); } } public abstract class MultiChildRenderObjectWidget : RenderObjectWidget { protected MultiChildRenderObjectWidget(Key key = null, List children = null) : base(key: key) { children = children ?? new List(); D.assert(!children.Any(child => child == null)); this.children = children; } public readonly List children; public override Element createElement() { return new MultiChildRenderObjectElement(this); } } enum _ElementLifecycle { initial, active, inactive, defunct, } class _InactiveElements { bool _locked = false; readonly HashSet _elements = new HashSet(); internal void _unmount(Element element) { D.assert(element._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.inactive); D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintGlobalKeyedWidgetLifecycle) { if (element.widget.key is GlobalKey) { Debug.LogFormat("Discarding {0} from inactive elements list.", element); } } return true; }); element.visitChildren(child => { D.assert(child._parent == element); this._unmount(child); }); element.unmount(); D.assert(element._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.defunct); } internal void _unmountAll() { this._locked = true; List elements = this._elements.ToList(); elements.Sort(Element._sort); this._elements.Clear(); try { elements.Reverse(); elements.ForEach(this._unmount); } finally { D.assert(this._elements.isEmpty()); this._locked = false; } } internal void _deactivateRecursively(Element element) { D.assert(element._debugLifecycleState ==; element.deactivate(); D.assert(element._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.inactive); element.visitChildren(this._deactivateRecursively); D.assert(() => { element.debugDeactivated(); return true; }); } internal void add(Element element) { D.assert(!this._locked); D.assert(!this._elements.Contains(element)); D.assert(element._parent == null); if (element._active) { this._deactivateRecursively(element); } this._elements.Add(element); } internal void remove(Element element) { D.assert(!this._locked); D.assert(this._elements.Contains(element)); D.assert(element._parent == null); this._elements.Remove(element); D.assert(!element._active); } internal bool debugContains(Element element) { bool result = false; D.assert(() => { result = this._elements.Contains(element); return true; }); return result; } } public delegate void ElementVisitor(Element element); public delegate bool ElementVisitorBool(Element element); public interface BuildContext { Widget widget { get; } BuildOwner owner { get; } RenderObject findRenderObject(); Size size { get; } InheritedWidget inheritFromElement(InheritedElement ancestor, object aspect = null); InheritedWidget inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(Type targetType, object aspect = null); InheritedElement ancestorInheritedElementForWidgetOfExactType(Type targetType); Widget ancestorWidgetOfExactType(Type targetType); State ancestorStateOfType(TypeMatcher matcher); State rootAncestorStateOfType(TypeMatcher matcher); RenderObject ancestorRenderObjectOfType(TypeMatcher matcher); void visitAncestorElements(ElementVisitorBool visitor); void visitChildElements(ElementVisitor visitor); } public class BuildOwner { public BuildOwner(VoidCallback onBuildScheduled = null) { this.onBuildScheduled = onBuildScheduled; } public VoidCallback onBuildScheduled; internal readonly _InactiveElements _inactiveElements = new _InactiveElements(); readonly List _dirtyElements = new List(); bool _scheduledFlushDirtyElements = false; bool? _dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = null; bool _debugIsInBuildScope { get { return this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting != null; } } public readonly FocusManager focusManager = new FocusManager(); public void scheduleBuildFor(Element element) { D.assert(element != null); D.assert(element.owner == this); D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks) { Debug.Log("scheduleBuildFor() called for " + element + (this._dirtyElements.Contains(element) ? " (ALREADY IN LIST)" : "")); } if (!element.dirty) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "scheduleBuildFor() called for a widget that is not marked as dirty.\n" + "The method was called for the following element:\n" + " " + element + "\n" + "This element is not current marked as dirty. Make sure to set the dirty flag before " + "calling scheduleBuildFor().\n" + "If you did not attempt to call scheduleBuildFor() yourself, then this probably " + "indicates a bug in the widgets framework." ); } return true; }); if (element._inDirtyList) { D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks) { Debug.LogFormat( "BuildOwner.scheduleBuildFor() called; _dirtyElementsNeedsResorting was {0} (now true); dirty list is: {1}", this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting, this._dirtyElements); } if (!this._debugIsInBuildScope) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "BuildOwner.scheduleBuildFor() called inappropriately.\n" + "The BuildOwner.scheduleBuildFor() method should only be called while the " + "buildScope() method is actively rebuilding the widget tree." ); } return true; }); this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = true; return; } if (!this._scheduledFlushDirtyElements && this.onBuildScheduled != null) { this._scheduledFlushDirtyElements = true; this.onBuildScheduled(); } this._dirtyElements.Add(element); element._inDirtyList = true; D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks) { Debug.Log("...dirty list is now: " + this._dirtyElements); } return true; }); } int _debugStateLockLevel = 0; internal bool _debugStateLocked { get { return this._debugStateLockLevel > 0; } } internal bool debugBuilding { get { return this._debugBuilding; } } bool _debugBuilding = false; internal Element _debugCurrentBuildTarget; public void lockState(VoidCallback callback) { D.assert(callback != null); D.assert(this._debugStateLockLevel >= 0); D.assert(() => { this._debugStateLockLevel += 1; return true; }); try { callback(); } finally { D.assert(() => { this._debugStateLockLevel -= 1; return true; }); } D.assert(this._debugStateLockLevel >= 0); } public void buildScope(Element context, VoidCallback callback = null) { if (callback == null && this._dirtyElements.isEmpty()) { return; } D.assert(context != null); D.assert(this._debugStateLockLevel >= 0); D.assert(!this._debugBuilding); D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintBuildScope) { Debug.LogFormat("buildScope called with context {0}; dirty list is: {1}", context, this._dirtyElements); } this._debugStateLockLevel += 1; this._debugBuilding = true; return true; }); try { this._scheduledFlushDirtyElements = true; if (callback != null) { D.assert(this._debugStateLocked); Element debugPreviousBuildTarget = null; D.assert(() => { context._debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(true); debugPreviousBuildTarget = this._debugCurrentBuildTarget; this._debugCurrentBuildTarget = context; return true; }); this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = false; try { callback(); } finally { D.assert(() => { context._debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(false); D.assert(this._debugCurrentBuildTarget == context); this._debugCurrentBuildTarget = debugPreviousBuildTarget; _debugElementWasRebuilt(context); return true; }); } } this._dirtyElements.Sort(Element._sort); this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = false; int dirtyCount = this._dirtyElements.Count; int index = 0; while (index < dirtyCount) { D.assert(this._dirtyElements[index] != null); D.assert(this._dirtyElements[index]._inDirtyList); D.assert(!this._dirtyElements[index]._active || this._dirtyElements[index]._debugIsInScope(context)); try { this._dirtyElements[index].rebuild(); } catch (Exception ex) { WidgetsD._debugReportException( "while rebuilding dirty elements", ex, informationCollector: (information) => { information.AppendLine( "The element being rebuilt at the time was index " + index + " of " + dirtyCount + ":"); information.Append(" " + this._dirtyElements[index]); } ); } index++; if (dirtyCount < this._dirtyElements.Count || this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting.Value) { this._dirtyElements.Sort(Element._sort); this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = false; dirtyCount = this._dirtyElements.Count; while (index > 0 && this._dirtyElements[index - 1].dirty) { index -= 1; } } } D.assert(() => { if (this._dirtyElements.Any(element => element._active && element.dirty)) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "buildScope missed some dirty elements.\n" + "This probably indicates that the dirty list should have been resorted but was not.\n" + "The list of dirty elements at the end of the buildScope call was:\n" + " " + this._dirtyElements); } return true; }); } finally { foreach (Element element in this._dirtyElements) { D.assert(element._inDirtyList); element._inDirtyList = false; } this._dirtyElements.Clear(); this._scheduledFlushDirtyElements = false; this._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = null; D.assert(this._debugBuilding); D.assert(() => { this._debugBuilding = false; this._debugStateLockLevel -= 1; if (WidgetsD.debugPrintBuildScope) { Debug.Log("buildScope finished"); } return true; }); } D.assert(this._debugStateLockLevel >= 0); } Dictionary> _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans; internal void _debugTrackElementThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans(Element node, GlobalKey key) { _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans = _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans ?? new Dictionary>(); var keys = _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans .putIfAbsent(node, () => new HashSet()); keys.Add(key); } internal void _debugElementWasRebuilt(Element node) { if (_debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans != null) { _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans.Remove(node); } } public void finalizeTree() { try { this.lockState(() => { this._inactiveElements._unmountAll(); }); D.assert(() => { try { GlobalKey._debugVerifyIllFatedPopulation(); if (_debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans != null && _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans.isNotEmpty()) { var keys = new HashSet(); foreach (Element element in _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans .Keys) { if (element._debugLifecycleState != _ElementLifecycle.defunct) { keys.UnionWith( _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans[element]); } } if (keys.isNotEmpty()) { var keyStringCount = new Dictionary(); foreach (string key in keys.Select(key => key.ToString())) { if (keyStringCount.ContainsKey(key)) { keyStringCount[key] += 1; } else { keyStringCount[key] = 1; } } var keyLabels = new List(); foreach (var entry in keyStringCount) { var key = entry.Key; var count = entry.Value; if (count == 1) { keyLabels.Add(key); } else { keyLabels.Add( string.Format( "{0} ({1} different affected keys had this toString representation)", key, count)); } } var elements = _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans.Keys; var elementStringCount = new Dictionary(); foreach (string element in elements.Select(element => element.ToString())) { if (elementStringCount.ContainsKey(element)) { elementStringCount[element] += 1; } else { elementStringCount[element] = 1; } } var elementLabels = new List(); foreach (var entry in elementStringCount) { var element = entry.Key; var count = entry.Value; if (count == 1) { elementLabels.Add(element); } else { elementLabels.Add( string.Format( "{0} ({1} different affected elements had this toString representation)", element, count)); } } D.assert(keyLabels.isNotEmpty()); throw new UIWidgetsError( "Duplicate GlobalKeys detected in widget tree.\n" + "The following GlobalKeys were specified multiple times in the widget tree. This will lead to " + "parts of the widget tree being truncated unexpectedly, because the second time a key is seen, " + "the previous instance is moved to the new location. The keys were:\n" + "- " + string.Join("\n ", keyLabels.ToArray()) + "\n" + "This was determined by noticing that after the widgets with the above global keys were moved " + "out of their respective previous parents, those previous parents never updated during this frame, meaning " + "that they either did not update at all or updated before the widgets were moved, in either case " + "implying that they still think that they should have a child with those global keys.\n" + "The specific parents that did not update after having one or more children forcibly removed " + "due to GlobalKey reparenting are:\n" + "- " + string.Join("\n ", elementLabels.ToArray()) + "\n" + "A GlobalKey can only be specified on one widget at a time in the widget tree." ); } } } finally { if (_debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans != null) { _debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans.Clear(); } } return true; }); } catch (Exception ex) { WidgetsD._debugReportException("while finalizing the widget tree", ex); } } } public abstract class Element : DiagnosticableTree, BuildContext { protected Element(Widget widget) { D.assert(widget != null); this._widget = widget; } internal Element _parent; public override bool Equals(object obj) { return object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj); } static int _nextHashCode = 1; readonly int _cachedHash = _nextHashCode = (_nextHashCode + 1) % 0xffffff; public override int GetHashCode() { return this._cachedHash; } internal object _slot; public object slot { get { return this._slot; } } internal int _depth; public int depth { get { return this._depth; } } internal static int _sort(Element a, Element b) { if (a.depth < b.depth) { return -1; } if (b.depth < a.depth) { return 1; } if (b.dirty && !a.dirty) { return -1; } if (a.dirty && !b.dirty) { return 1; } return 0; } internal Widget _widget; public Widget widget { get { return this._widget; } } internal BuildOwner _owner; public BuildOwner owner { get { return this._owner; } } public bool _active = false; internal bool _debugIsInScope(Element target) { Element current = this; while (current != null) { if (target == current) { return true; } current = current._parent; } return false; } public virtual RenderObject renderObject { get { RenderObject result = null; ElementVisitor visit = null; visit = (element) => { D.assert(result == null); if (element is RenderObjectElement) { result = element.renderObject; } else { element.visitChildren(visit); } }; visit(this); return result; } } internal _ElementLifecycle _debugLifecycleState = _ElementLifecycle.initial; public virtual void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { } public virtual void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { this.visitChildren(visitor); } public void visitChildElements(ElementVisitor visitor) { D.assert(() => { if (this.owner == null || !this.owner._debugStateLocked) { return true; } throw new UIWidgetsError( "visitChildElements() called during build.\n" + "The BuildContext.visitChildElements() method can\"t be called during " + "build because the child list is still being updated at that point, " + "so the children might not be constructed yet, or might be old children " + "that are going to be replaced." ); }); this.visitChildren(visitor); } protected virtual Element updateChild(Element child, Widget newWidget, object newSlot) { D.assert(() => { if (newWidget != null && newWidget.key is GlobalKey) { GlobalKey key = (GlobalKey) newWidget.key; key._debugReserveFor(this); } return true; }); if (newWidget == null) { if (child != null) { this.deactivateChild(child); } return null; } if (child != null) { if (object.Equals(child.widget, newWidget)) { if (!object.Equals(child.slot, newSlot)) { this.updateSlotForChild(child, newSlot); } return child; } if (Widget.canUpdate(child.widget, newWidget)) { if (!object.Equals(child.slot, newSlot)) { this.updateSlotForChild(child, newSlot); } child.update(newWidget); D.assert(child.widget == newWidget); D.assert(() => { child.owner._debugElementWasRebuilt(child); return true; }); return child; } this.deactivateChild(child); D.assert(child._parent == null); } return this.inflateWidget(newWidget, newSlot); } public virtual void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.initial); D.assert(this.widget != null); D.assert(this._parent == null); D.assert(parent == null || parent._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(this.slot == null); D.assert(this.depth == 0); D.assert(!this._active); this._parent = parent; this._slot = newSlot; this._depth = this._parent != null ? this._parent.depth + 1 : 1; this._active = true; if (parent != null) { this._owner = parent.owner; } if (this.widget.key is GlobalKey) { GlobalKey key = (GlobalKey) this.widget.key; key._register(this); } this._updateInheritance(); D.assert(() => { this._debugLifecycleState =; return true; }); } public virtual void update(Widget newWidget) { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState == && this.widget != null && newWidget != null && newWidget != this.widget && this.depth != 0 && this._active && Widget.canUpdate(this.widget, newWidget)); this._widget = newWidget; } protected void updateSlotForChild(Element child, object newSlot) { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child._parent == this); ElementVisitor visit = null; visit = (element) => { element._updateSlot(newSlot); if (!(element is RenderObjectElement)) { element.visitChildren(visit); } }; visit(child); } internal virtual void _updateSlot(object newSlot) { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(this.widget != null); D.assert(this._parent != null); D.assert(this._parent._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(this.depth != 0); this._slot = newSlot; } void _updateDepth(int parentDepth) { int expectedDepth = parentDepth + 1; if (this._depth < expectedDepth) { this._depth = expectedDepth; this.visitChildren(child => { child._updateDepth(expectedDepth); }); } } public virtual void detachRenderObject() { this.visitChildren(child => { child.detachRenderObject(); }); this._slot = null; } public virtual void attachRenderObject(object newSlot) { D.assert(this._slot == null); this.visitChildren(child => { child.attachRenderObject(newSlot); }); this._slot = newSlot; } Element _retakeInactiveElement(GlobalKey key, Widget newWidget) { Element element = key._currentElement; if (element == null) { return null; } if (!Widget.canUpdate(element.widget, newWidget)) { return null; } D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintGlobalKeyedWidgetLifecycle) { Debug.LogFormat("Attempting to take {0} from {1} to put in {2}.", element, element._parent == null ? "inactive elements list" : element._parent.ToString(), this); } return true; }); Element parent = element._parent; if (parent != null) { D.assert(() => { if (parent == this) { throw new UIWidgetsError( string.Format( "A GlobalKey was used multiple times inside one widget\"s child list.\n" + "The offending GlobalKey was: {0}\n" + "The parent of the widgets with that key was:\n {1}\n" + "The first child to get instantiated with that key became:\n {2}\n" + "The second child that was to be instantiated with that key was:\n {3}\n" + "A GlobalKey can only be specified on one widget at a time in the widget tree.", key, parent, element, this.widget )); } parent.owner._debugTrackElementThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans( parent, key ); return true; }); parent.forgetChild(element); parent.deactivateChild(element); } D.assert(element._parent == null); this.owner._inactiveElements.remove(element); return element; } protected Element inflateWidget(Widget newWidget, object newSlot) { D.assert(newWidget != null); Key key = newWidget.key; Element newChild; if (key is GlobalKey) { newChild = this._retakeInactiveElement((GlobalKey) key, newWidget); if (newChild != null) { D.assert(newChild._parent == null); D.assert(() => { this._debugCheckForCycles(newChild); return true; }); newChild._activateWithParent(this, newSlot); Element updatedChild = this.updateChild(newChild, newWidget, newSlot); D.assert(newChild == updatedChild); return updatedChild; } } newChild = newWidget.createElement(); D.assert(() => { this._debugCheckForCycles(newChild); return true; }); newChild.mount(this, newSlot); D.assert(newChild._debugLifecycleState ==; return newChild; } void _debugCheckForCycles(Element newChild) { D.assert(newChild._parent == null); D.assert(() => { Element node = this; while (node._parent != null) node = node._parent; D.assert(node != newChild); return true; }); } protected void deactivateChild(Element child) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child._parent == this); child._parent = null; child.detachRenderObject(); this.owner._inactiveElements.add(child); D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintGlobalKeyedWidgetLifecycle) { if (child.widget.key is GlobalKey) { Debug.LogFormat("Deactivated {0} (keyed child of {1})", child, this); } } return true; }); } protected abstract void forgetChild(Element child); void _activateWithParent(Element parent, object newSlot) { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.inactive); this._parent = parent; D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintGlobalKeyedWidgetLifecycle) { Debug.LogFormat("Reactivating {0} (now child of {1}).", this, this._parent); } return true; }); this._updateDepth(this._parent.depth); _activateRecursively(this); this.attachRenderObject(newSlot); D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState ==; } static void _activateRecursively(Element element) { D.assert(element._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.inactive); element.activate(); D.assert(element._debugLifecycleState ==; element.visitChildren(_activateRecursively); } public virtual void activate() { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.inactive); D.assert(this.widget != null); D.assert(this.owner != null); D.assert(this.depth != 0); D.assert(!this._active); bool hadDependencies = (this._dependencies != null && this._dependencies.isNotEmpty()) || this._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies; this._active = true; if (this._dependencies != null) { this._dependencies.Clear(); } this._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; this._updateInheritance(); D.assert(() => { this._debugLifecycleState =; return true; }); if (this._dirty) { this.owner.scheduleBuildFor(this); } if (hadDependencies) { this.didChangeDependencies(); } } public virtual void deactivate() { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(this.widget != null); D.assert(this.depth != 0); D.assert(this._active); if (this._dependencies != null && this._dependencies.isNotEmpty()) { foreach (InheritedElement dependency in this._dependencies) { dependency._dependents.Remove(this); } } this._inheritedWidgets = null; this._active = false; D.assert(() => { this._debugLifecycleState = _ElementLifecycle.inactive; return true; }); } public virtual void debugDeactivated() { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.inactive); } public virtual void unmount() { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState == _ElementLifecycle.inactive); D.assert(this.widget != null); D.assert(this.depth != 0); D.assert(!this._active); if (this.widget.key is GlobalKey) { GlobalKey key = (GlobalKey) this.widget.key; key._unregister(this); } D.assert(() => { this._debugLifecycleState = _ElementLifecycle.defunct; return true; }); } public RenderObject findRenderObject() { return this.renderObject; } public Size size { get { D.assert(() => { if (this._debugLifecycleState != { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Cannot get size of inactive element.\n" + "In order for an element to have a valid size, the element must be " + "active, which means it is part of the tree. Instead, this element " + "is in the " + this._debugLifecycleState + " state.\n" + "The size getter was called for the following element:\n" + " " + this + "\n"); } if (this.owner.debugBuilding) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Cannot get size during build.\n" + "The size of this render object has not yet been determined because " + "the framework is still in the process of building widgets, which " + "means the render tree for this frame has not yet been determined. " + "The size getter should only be called from paint callbacks or " + "interaction event handlers (e.g. gesture callbacks).\n" + "\n" + "If you need some sizing information during build to decide which " + "widgets to build, consider using a LayoutBuilder widget, which can " + "tell you the layout constraints at a given location in the tree." + "\n" + "The size getter was called for the following element:\n" + " " + this + "\n"); } return true; }); RenderObject renderObject = this.findRenderObject(); D.assert(() => { if (renderObject == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Cannot get size without a render object.\n" + "In order for an element to have a valid size, the element must have " + "an associated render object. This element does not have an associated " + "render object, which typically means that the size getter was called " + "too early in the pipeline (e.g., during the build phase) before the " + "framework has created the render tree.\n" + "The size getter was called for the following element:\n" + " " + this + "\n"); } if (renderObject is RenderSliver) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Cannot get size from a RenderSliver.\n" + "The render object associated with this element is a " + renderObject.GetType() + ", which is a subtype of RenderSliver. " + "Slivers do not have a size per se. They have a more elaborate " + "geometry description, which can be accessed by calling " + "findRenderObject and then using the \"geometry\" getter on the " + "resulting object.\n" + "The size getter was called for the following element:\n" + " " + this + "\n" + "The associated render sliver was:\n" + " " + renderObject.toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ")); } if (!(renderObject is RenderBox)) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Cannot get size from a render object that is not a RenderBox.\n" + "Instead of being a subtype of RenderBox, the render object associated " + "with this element is a " + renderObject.GetType() + ". If this type of " + "render object does have a size, consider calling findRenderObject " + "and extracting its size manually.\n" + "The size getter was called for the following element:\n" + " " + this + "\n" + "The associated render object was:\n" + " " + renderObject.toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ")); } RenderBox box = (RenderBox) renderObject; if (!box.hasSize) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Cannot get size from a render object that has not been through layout.\n" + "The size of this render object has not yet been determined because " + "this render object has not yet been through layout, which typically " + "means that the size getter was called too early in the pipeline " + "(e.g., during the build phase) before the framework has determined " + "the size and position of the render objects during layout.\n" + "The size getter was called for the following element:\n" + " " + this + "\n" + "The render object from which the size was to be obtained was:\n" + " " + box.toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ")); } if (box.debugNeedsLayout) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Cannot get size from a render object that has been marked dirty for layout.\n" + "The size of this render object is ambiguous because this render object has " + "been modified since it was last laid out, which typically means that the size " + "getter was called too early in the pipeline (e.g., during the build phase) " + "before the framework has determined the size and position of the render " + "objects during layout.\n" + "The size getter was called for the following element:\n" + " " + this + "\n" + "The render object from which the size was to be obtained was:\n" + " \n" + box.toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ") + "Consider using debugPrintMarkNeedsLayoutStacks to determine why the render " + "object in question is dirty, if you did not expect this."); } return true; }); if (renderObject is RenderBox) { return ((RenderBox) renderObject).size; } return null; } } internal Dictionary _inheritedWidgets; internal HashSet _dependencies; bool _hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false; bool _debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup() { D.assert(() => { if (this._debugLifecycleState != { throw new UIWidgetsError( "Looking up a deactivated widget\"s ancestor is unsafe.\n" + "At this point the state of the widget\"s element tree is no longer " + "stable. To safely refer to a widget\"s ancestor in its dispose() method, " + "save a reference to the ancestor by calling inheritFromWidgetOfExactType() " + "in the widget\"s didChangeDependencies() method.\n"); } return true; }); return true; } public virtual InheritedWidget inheritFromElement(InheritedElement ancestor, object aspect = null) { D.assert(ancestor != null); this._dependencies = this._dependencies ?? new HashSet(); this._dependencies.Add(ancestor); ancestor.updateDependencies(this, aspect); return ancestor.widget; } public virtual InheritedWidget inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(Type targetType, object aspect = null) { D.assert(this._debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup()); InheritedElement ancestor = null; if (this._inheritedWidgets != null) { this._inheritedWidgets.TryGetValue(targetType, out ancestor); } if (ancestor != null) { return this.inheritFromElement(ancestor, aspect: aspect); } this._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = true; return null; } public virtual InheritedElement ancestorInheritedElementForWidgetOfExactType(Type targetType) { D.assert(this._debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup()); InheritedElement ancestor = null; if (this._inheritedWidgets != null) { this._inheritedWidgets.TryGetValue(targetType, out ancestor); } return ancestor; } internal virtual void _updateInheritance() { D.assert(this._active); this._inheritedWidgets = this._parent == null ? null : this._parent._inheritedWidgets; } public virtual Widget ancestorWidgetOfExactType(Type targetType) { D.assert(this._debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup()); Element ancestor = this._parent; while (ancestor != null && ancestor.widget.GetType() != targetType) { ancestor = ancestor._parent; } return ancestor == null ? null : ancestor.widget; } public virtual State ancestorStateOfType(TypeMatcher matcher) { D.assert(this._debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup()); Element ancestor = this._parent; while (ancestor != null) { var element = ancestor as StatefulElement; if (element != null && matcher.check(element.state)) { break; } ancestor = ancestor._parent; } var statefulAncestor = ancestor as StatefulElement; return statefulAncestor == null ? null : statefulAncestor.state; } public virtual State rootAncestorStateOfType(TypeMatcher matcher) { D.assert(this._debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup()); Element ancestor = this._parent; StatefulElement statefulAncestor = null; while (ancestor != null) { var element = ancestor as StatefulElement; if (element != null && matcher.check(element.state)) statefulAncestor = element; ancestor = ancestor._parent; } return statefulAncestor == null ? null : statefulAncestor.state; } public virtual RenderObject ancestorRenderObjectOfType(TypeMatcher matcher) { D.assert(this._debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup()); Element ancestor = this._parent; while (ancestor != null) { var element = ancestor as RenderObjectElement; if (element != null && matcher.check(ancestor.renderObject)) break; ancestor = ancestor._parent; } var renderObjectAncestor = ancestor as RenderObjectElement; return renderObjectAncestor == null ? null : renderObjectAncestor.renderObject; } public virtual void visitAncestorElements(ElementVisitorBool visitor) { D.assert(this._debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup()); Element ancestor = this._parent; while (ancestor != null && visitor(ancestor)) { ancestor = ancestor._parent; } } public virtual void didChangeDependencies() { D.assert(this._active); D.assert(this._debugCheckOwnerBuildTargetExists("didChangeDependencies")); this.markNeedsBuild(); } internal bool _debugCheckOwnerBuildTargetExists(string methodName) { D.assert(() => { if (this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget == null) { throw new UIWidgetsError( methodName + " for " + this.widget.GetType() + " was called at an " + "inappropriate time.\n" + "It may only be called while the widgets are being built. A possible " + "cause of this error is when $methodName is called during " + "one of:\n" + " * network I/O event\n" + " * file I/O event\n" + " * timer\n" + " * microtask (caused by Future.then, async/await, scheduleMicrotask)" ); } return true; }); return true; } public string debugGetCreatorChain(int limit) { var chain = new List(); Element node = this; while (chain.Count < limit && node != null) { chain.Add(node.toStringShort()); node = node._parent; } if (node != null) { chain.Add("\u22EF"); } return string.Join(" \u2190 ", chain.ToArray()); } public List debugGetDiagnosticChain() { var chain = new List(); Element node = this._parent; while (node != null) { chain.Add(node); node = node._parent; } return chain; } public override string toStringShort() { return this.widget != null ? this.widget.toStringShort() : this.GetType().ToString(); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.dense; properties.add(new ObjectFlagProperty("depth", this.depth, ifNull: "no depth")); properties.add(new ObjectFlagProperty("widget", this.widget, ifNull: "no widget")); if (this.widget != null) { properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("key", this.widget.key, showName: false, defaultValue: Diagnostics.kNullDefaultValue, level: DiagnosticLevel.hidden)); this.widget.debugFillProperties(properties); } properties.add(new FlagProperty("dirty", value: this.dirty, ifTrue: "dirty")); } public override List debugDescribeChildren() { var children = new List(); this.visitChildren(child => { if (child != null) { children.Add(child.toDiagnosticsNode()); } else { children.Add(DiagnosticsNode.message("")); } }); return children; } internal bool _dirty = true; public bool dirty { get { return this._dirty; } } internal bool _inDirtyList = false; bool _debugBuiltOnce = false; bool _debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = false; internal bool _debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(bool value) { D.assert(this._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild == !value); this._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild = value; return true; } public void markNeedsBuild() { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState != _ElementLifecycle.defunct); if (!this._active) { return; } D.assert(this.owner != null); D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(() => { if (this.owner.debugBuilding) { D.assert(this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget != null); D.assert(this.owner._debugStateLocked); if (this._debugIsInScope(this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget)) { return true; } if (!this._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build.\n" + "This " + this.widget.GetType() + " widget cannot be marked as needing to build because the framework " + "is already in the process of building widgets. A widget can be marked as " + "needing to be built during the build phase only if one of its ancestors " + "is currently building. This exception is allowed because the framework " + "builds parent widgets before children, which means a dirty descendant " + "will always be built. Otherwise, the framework might not visit this " + "widget during this build phase.\n" + "The widget on which setState() or markNeedsBuild() was called was:\n" + " " + this + "\n" + (this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget == null ? "" : "The widget which was currently being built when the offending call was made was:\n " + this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget) ); } D.assert(this.dirty); } else if (this.owner._debugStateLocked) { D.assert(!this._debugAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild); throw new UIWidgetsError( "setState() or markNeedsBuild() called when widget tree was locked.\n" + "This " + this.widget.GetType() + " widget cannot be marked as needing to build " + "because the framework is locked.\n" + "The widget on which setState() or markNeedsBuild() was called was:\n" + " " + this + "\n" ); } return true; }); if (this.dirty) { return; } this._dirty = true; this.owner.scheduleBuildFor(this); } public void rebuild() { D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState != _ElementLifecycle.initial); if (!this._active || !this._dirty) { return; } D.assert(() => { if (WidgetsD.debugPrintRebuildDirtyWidgets) { if (!this._debugBuiltOnce) { Debug.Log("Building " + this); this._debugBuiltOnce = true; } else { Debug.Log("Rebuilding " + this); } } return true; }); D.assert(this._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(this.owner._debugStateLocked); Element debugPreviousBuildTarget = null; D.assert(() => { debugPreviousBuildTarget = this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget; this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget = this; return true; }); this.performRebuild(); D.assert(() => { D.assert(this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget == this); this.owner._debugCurrentBuildTarget = debugPreviousBuildTarget; return true; }); D.assert(!this._dirty); } protected abstract void performRebuild(); } public delegate Widget ErrorWidgetBuilder(UIWidgetsErrorDetails details); public class ErrorWidget : LeafRenderObjectWidget { public ErrorWidget(Exception exception) : base(key: new UniqueKey()) { this.message = _stringify(exception); } public static ErrorWidgetBuilder builder = (details) => new ErrorWidget(details.exception); public readonly string message; static string _stringify(Exception exception) { try { return exception.ToString(); } catch { } return "Error"; } public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return null; // return new RenderErrorBox(message); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new StringProperty("message", this.message, quoted: false)); } } public delegate Widget WidgetBuilder(BuildContext context); public delegate Widget IndexedWidgetBuilder(BuildContext context, int index); public delegate Widget TransitionBuilder(BuildContext context, Widget child); public abstract class ComponentElement : Element { protected ComponentElement(Widget widget) : base(widget) { } Element _child; public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { base.mount(parent, newSlot); D.assert(this._child == null); D.assert(this._active); this._firstBuild(); D.assert(this._child != null); } protected virtual void _firstBuild() { this.rebuild(); } protected override void performRebuild() { D.assert(this._debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(true)); Widget built; try { built =; WidgetsD.debugWidgetBuilderValue(this.widget, built); } catch (Exception e) { built = ErrorWidget.builder(WidgetsD._debugReportException("building " + this, e)); } finally { this._dirty = false; D.assert(this._debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(false)); } try { this._child = this.updateChild(this._child, built, this.slot); D.assert(_child != null); } catch (Exception e) { built = ErrorWidget.builder(WidgetsD._debugReportException("building " + this, e)); this._child = this.updateChild(null, built, this.slot); } } protected abstract Widget build(); public override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { if (this._child != null) { visitor(this._child); } } protected override void forgetChild(Element child) { D.assert(child == _child); this._child = null; } } public class StatelessElement : ComponentElement { public StatelessElement(StatelessWidget widget) : base(widget) { } public new StatelessWidget widget { get { return (StatelessWidget) base.widget; } } protected override Widget build() { return; } public override void update(Widget newWidget) { base.update(newWidget); D.assert(this.widget == newWidget); this._dirty = true; this.rebuild(); } } public class StatefulElement : ComponentElement { public StatefulElement(StatefulWidget widget) : base(widget) { this._state = widget.createState(); D.assert(() => { if (!this._state._debugTypesAreRight(widget)) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "StatefulWidget.createState must return a subtype of State<" + widget.GetType() + ">\n" + "The createState function for " + widget.GetType() + " returned a state " + "of type " + this._state.GetType() + ", which is not a subtype of " + "State<" + widget.GetType() + ">, violating the contract for createState."); } return true; }); D.assert(this._state._element == null); this._state._element = this; D.assert(this._state._widget == null); this._state._widget = widget; D.assert(this._state._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.created); } public new StatefulWidget widget { get { return (StatefulWidget) base.widget; } } protected override Widget build() { return; } public State state { get { return this._state; } } State _state; protected override void _firstBuild() { D.assert(this._state._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.created); try { this._debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(true); this._state.initState(); } finally { this._debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(false); } D.assert(() => { this._state._debugLifecycleState = _StateLifecycle.initialized; return true; }); this._state.didChangeDependencies(); D.assert(() => { this._state._debugLifecycleState = _StateLifecycle.ready; return true; }); base._firstBuild(); } public override void update(Widget newWidget) { base.update(newWidget); D.assert(this.widget == newWidget); StatefulWidget oldWidget = this._state._widget; this._dirty = true; this._state._widget = this.widget; try { this._debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(true); this._state.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); } finally { this._debugSetAllowIgnoredCallsToMarkNeedsBuild(false); } this.rebuild(); } public override void activate() { base.activate(); D.assert(this._active); this.markNeedsBuild(); } public override void deactivate() { this._state.deactivate(); base.deactivate(); } public override void unmount() { base.unmount(); this._state.dispose(); D.assert(() => { if (this._state._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.defunct) { return true; } throw new UIWidgetsError( this._state.GetType() + ".dispose failed to call super.dispose.\n" + "dispose() implementations must always call their superclass dispose() method, to ensure " + "that all the resources used by the widget are fully released."); }); this._state._element = null; this._state = null; } public override InheritedWidget inheritFromElement(InheritedElement ancestor, object aspect = null) { D.assert(ancestor != null); D.assert(() => { Type targetType = ancestor.widget.GetType(); if (this.state._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.created) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(" + targetType + ") or inheritFromElement() was called before " + this._state.GetType() + ".initState() completed.\n" + "When an inherited widget changes, for example if the value of Theme.of() changes, " + "its dependent widgets are rebuilt. If the dependent widget\"s reference to " + "the inherited widget is in a constructor or an initState() method, " + "then the rebuilt dependent widget will not reflect the changes in the " + "inherited widget.\n" + "Typically references to to inherited widgets should occur in widget build() methods. Alternatively, " + "initialization based on inherited widgets can be placed in the didChangeDependencies method, which " + "is called after initState and whenever the dependencies change thereafter." ); } if (this.state._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.defunct) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(" + targetType + ") or inheritFromElement() was called after dispose(): " + this + "\n" + "This error happens if you call inheritFromWidgetOfExactType() on the " + "BuildContext for a widget that no longer appears in the widget tree " + "(e.g., whose parent widget no longer includes the widget in its " + "build). This error can occur when code calls " + "inheritFromWidgetOfExactType() from a timer or an animation callback. " + "The preferred solution is to cancel the timer or stop listening to the " + "animation in the dispose() callback. Another solution is to check the " + "\"mounted\" property of this object before calling " + "inheritFromWidgetOfExactType() to ensure the object is still in the " + "tree.\n" + "This error might indicate a memory leak if " + "inheritFromWidgetOfExactType() is being called because another object " + "is retaining a reference to this State object after it has been " + "removed from the tree. To avoid memory leaks, consider breaking the " + "reference to this object during dispose()." ); } return true; }); return base.inheritFromElement(ancestor, aspect: aspect); } public override void didChangeDependencies() { base.didChangeDependencies(); this._state.didChangeDependencies(); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("state", this.state, defaultValue: Diagnostics.kNullDefaultValue)); } } public abstract class ProxyElement : ComponentElement { protected ProxyElement(Widget widget) : base(widget) { } public new ProxyWidget widget { get { return (ProxyWidget) base.widget; } } protected override Widget build() { return this.widget.child; } public override void update(Widget newWidget) { ProxyWidget oldWidget = this.widget; D.assert(this.widget != null); D.assert(this.widget != newWidget); base.update(newWidget); D.assert(this.widget == newWidget); this.notifyClients(oldWidget); this._dirty = true; this.rebuild(); } public abstract void notifyClients(ProxyWidget oldWidget); } public class ParentDataElement : ProxyElement { public ParentDataElement(ParentDataWidget widget) : base(widget) { } public new ParentDataWidget widget { get { return (ParentDataWidget) base.widget; } } public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { D.assert(() => { var badAncestors = new List(); Element ancestor = parent; while (ancestor != null) { if (ancestor is ParentDataElement) { badAncestors.Add(ancestor.widget); } else if (ancestor is RenderObjectElement) { if (this.widget.debugIsValidAncestor(((RenderObjectElement) ancestor).widget)) { break; } badAncestors.Add(ancestor.widget); } ancestor = ancestor._parent; } if (ancestor != null && badAncestors.isEmpty()) { return true; } throw new UIWidgetsError( "Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget.\n" + this.widget.debugDescribeInvalidAncestorChain( description: this.ToString(), ownershipChain: parent.debugGetCreatorChain(10), foundValidAncestor: ancestor != null, badAncestors: badAncestors ) ); }); base.mount(parent, newSlot); } void _applyParentData(ParentDataWidget widget) { ElementVisitor applyParentDataToChild = null; applyParentDataToChild = child => { if (child is RenderObjectElement) { ((RenderObjectElement) child)._updateParentData(widget); } else { D.assert(!(child is ParentDataElement)); child.visitChildren(applyParentDataToChild); } }; this.visitChildren(applyParentDataToChild); } public void applyWidgetOutOfTurn(ParentDataWidget newWidget) { D.assert(newWidget != null); D.assert(newWidget.debugCanApplyOutOfTurn()); D.assert(newWidget.child == this.widget.child); this._applyParentData(newWidget); } public override void notifyClients(ProxyWidget oldWidget) { this._applyParentData(this.widget); } } public class InheritedElement : ProxyElement { public InheritedElement(Widget widget) : base(widget) { } public new InheritedWidget widget { get { return (InheritedWidget) base.widget; } } internal readonly Dictionary _dependents = new Dictionary(); internal override void _updateInheritance() { Dictionary incomingWidgets = this._parent == null ? null : this._parent._inheritedWidgets; if (incomingWidgets != null) { this._inheritedWidgets = new Dictionary(incomingWidgets); } else { this._inheritedWidgets = new Dictionary(); } this._inheritedWidgets[this.widget.GetType()] = this; } public override void debugDeactivated() { D.assert(() => { D.assert(this._dependents.isEmpty()); return true; }); base.debugDeactivated(); } public object getDependencies(Element dependent) { return this._dependents[dependent]; } public void setDependencies(Element dependent, object value) { this._dependents[dependent] = value; } public void updateDependencies(Element dependent, object aspect) { this.setDependencies(dependent, null); } public void notifyDependent(InheritedWidget oldWidget, Element dependent) { dependent.didChangeDependencies(); } public override void notifyClients(ProxyWidget oldWidgetRaw) { var oldWidget = (InheritedWidget) oldWidgetRaw; if (!this.widget.updateShouldNotify(oldWidget)) { return; } D.assert(this._debugCheckOwnerBuildTargetExists("notifyClients")); foreach (Element dependent in this._dependents.Keys) { D.assert(() => { Element ancestor = dependent._parent; while (ancestor != this && ancestor != null) { ancestor = ancestor._parent; } return ancestor == this; }); D.assert(dependent._dependencies.Contains(this)); this.notifyDependent(oldWidget, dependent); } } } public abstract class RenderObjectElement : Element { protected RenderObjectElement(RenderObjectWidget widget) : base(widget) { } public new RenderObjectWidget widget { get { return (RenderObjectWidget) base.widget; } } RenderObject _renderObject; public override RenderObject renderObject { get { return this._renderObject; } } RenderObjectElement _ancestorRenderObjectElement; RenderObjectElement _findAncestorRenderObjectElement() { Element ancestor = this._parent; while (ancestor != null && !(ancestor is RenderObjectElement)) { ancestor = ancestor._parent; } return ancestor as RenderObjectElement; } ParentDataElement _findAncestorParentDataElement() { Element ancestor = this._parent; while (ancestor != null && !(ancestor is RenderObjectElement)) { var element = ancestor as ParentDataElement; if (element != null) { return element; } ancestor = ancestor._parent; } return null; } public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { base.mount(parent, newSlot); this._renderObject = this.widget.createRenderObject(this); D.assert(() => { this._debugUpdateRenderObjectOwner(); return true; }); D.assert(this.slot == newSlot); this.attachRenderObject(newSlot); this._dirty = false; } public override void update(Widget newWidget) { base.update(newWidget); D.assert(this.widget == newWidget); D.assert(() => { this._debugUpdateRenderObjectOwner(); return true; }); this.widget.updateRenderObject(this, this.renderObject); this._dirty = false; } void _debugUpdateRenderObjectOwner() { D.assert(() => { this._renderObject.debugCreator = new _DebugCreator(this); return true; }); } protected override void performRebuild() { this.widget.updateRenderObject(this, this.renderObject); this._dirty = false; } protected List updateChildren(List oldChildren, List newWidgets, HashSet forgottenChildren = null) { D.assert(oldChildren != null); D.assert(newWidgets != null); var replaceWithNullIfForgotten = new Func(child => forgottenChildren != null && forgottenChildren.Contains(child) ? (Element) null : child); int newChildrenTop = 0; int oldChildrenTop = 0; int newChildrenBottom = newWidgets.Count - 1; int oldChildrenBottom = oldChildren.Count - 1; var newChildren = oldChildren.Count == newWidgets.Count ? oldChildren : Enumerable.Repeat((Element) null, newWidgets.Count).ToList(); Element previousChild = null; while ((oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom) && (newChildrenTop <= newChildrenBottom)) { Element oldChild = replaceWithNullIfForgotten(oldChildren[oldChildrenTop]); Widget newWidget = newWidgets[newChildrenTop]; D.assert(oldChild == null || oldChild._debugLifecycleState ==; if (oldChild == null || !Widget.canUpdate(oldChild.widget, newWidget)) { break; } Element newChild = this.updateChild(oldChild, newWidget, previousChild); D.assert(newChild._debugLifecycleState ==; newChildren[newChildrenTop] = newChild; previousChild = newChild; newChildrenTop += 1; oldChildrenTop += 1; } while ((oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom) && (newChildrenTop <= newChildrenBottom)) { Element oldChild = replaceWithNullIfForgotten(oldChildren[oldChildrenBottom]); Widget newWidget = newWidgets[newChildrenBottom]; D.assert(oldChild == null || oldChild._debugLifecycleState ==; if (oldChild == null || !Widget.canUpdate(oldChild.widget, newWidget)) { break; } oldChildrenBottom -= 1; newChildrenBottom -= 1; } bool haveOldChildren = oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom; Dictionary oldKeyedChildren = null; if (haveOldChildren) { oldKeyedChildren = new Dictionary(); while (oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom) { Element oldChild = replaceWithNullIfForgotten(oldChildren[oldChildrenTop]); D.assert(oldChild == null || oldChild._debugLifecycleState ==; if (oldChild != null) { if (oldChild.widget.key != null) { oldKeyedChildren[oldChild.widget.key] = oldChild; } else { this.deactivateChild(oldChild); } } oldChildrenTop += 1; } } // Update the middle of the list. while (newChildrenTop <= newChildrenBottom) { Element oldChild = null; Widget newWidget = newWidgets[newChildrenTop]; if (haveOldChildren) { Key key = newWidget.key; if (key != null) { oldChild = oldKeyedChildren[key]; if (oldChild != null) { if (Widget.canUpdate(oldChild.widget, newWidget)) { oldKeyedChildren.Remove(key); } else { oldChild = null; } } } } D.assert(oldChild == null || Widget.canUpdate(oldChild.widget, newWidget)); Element newChild = this.updateChild(oldChild, newWidget, previousChild); D.assert(newChild._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(oldChild == newChild || oldChild == null || oldChild._debugLifecycleState !=; newChildren[newChildrenTop] = newChild; previousChild = newChild; newChildrenTop += 1; } D.assert(oldChildrenTop == oldChildrenBottom + 1); D.assert(newChildrenTop == newChildrenBottom + 1); D.assert(newWidgets.Count - newChildrenTop == oldChildren.Count - oldChildrenTop); newChildrenBottom = newWidgets.Count - 1; oldChildrenBottom = oldChildren.Count - 1; while ((oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom) && (newChildrenTop <= newChildrenBottom)) { Element oldChild = oldChildren[oldChildrenTop]; D.assert(replaceWithNullIfForgotten(oldChild) != null); D.assert(oldChild._debugLifecycleState ==; Widget newWidget = newWidgets[newChildrenTop]; D.assert(Widget.canUpdate(oldChild.widget, newWidget)); Element newChild = this.updateChild(oldChild, newWidget, previousChild); D.assert(newChild._debugLifecycleState ==; D.assert(oldChild == newChild || oldChild == null || oldChild._debugLifecycleState !=; newChildren[newChildrenTop] = newChild; previousChild = newChild; newChildrenTop += 1; oldChildrenTop += 1; } if (haveOldChildren && oldKeyedChildren.isNotEmpty()) { foreach (Element oldChild in oldKeyedChildren.Values) { if (forgottenChildren == null || !forgottenChildren.Contains(oldChild)) { this.deactivateChild(oldChild); } } } return newChildren; } public override void deactivate() { base.deactivate(); D.assert(!this.renderObject.attached, "A RenderObject was still attached when attempting to deactivate its " + "RenderObjectElement: " + this.renderObject); } public override void unmount() { base.unmount(); D.assert(!this.renderObject.attached, "A RenderObject was still attached when attempting to unmount its " + "RenderObjectElement: " + this.renderObject); this.widget.didUnmountRenderObject(this.renderObject); } internal void _updateParentData(ParentDataWidget parentData) { parentData.applyParentData(this.renderObject); } internal override void _updateSlot(object newSlot) { D.assert(this.slot != newSlot); base._updateSlot(newSlot); D.assert(this.slot == newSlot); this._ancestorRenderObjectElement.moveChildRenderObject(this.renderObject, this.slot); } public override void attachRenderObject(object newSlot) { D.assert(this._ancestorRenderObjectElement == null); this._slot = newSlot; this._ancestorRenderObjectElement = this._findAncestorRenderObjectElement(); if (this._ancestorRenderObjectElement != null) { this._ancestorRenderObjectElement.insertChildRenderObject(this.renderObject, newSlot); } ParentDataElement parentDataElement = this._findAncestorParentDataElement(); if (parentDataElement != null) { this._updateParentData(parentDataElement.widget); } } public override void detachRenderObject() { if (this._ancestorRenderObjectElement != null) { this._ancestorRenderObjectElement.removeChildRenderObject(this.renderObject); this._ancestorRenderObjectElement = null; } this._slot = null; } protected abstract void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot); protected abstract void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot); protected abstract void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child); public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("renderObject", this.renderObject, defaultValue: Diagnostics.kNullDefaultValue)); } } public abstract class RootRenderObjectElement : RenderObjectElement { protected RootRenderObjectElement(RenderObjectWidget widget) : base(widget) { } public void assignOwner(BuildOwner owner) { this._owner = owner; } public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { D.assert(parent == null); D.assert(newSlot == null); base.mount(parent, newSlot); } } public class LeafRenderObjectElement : RenderObjectElement { public LeafRenderObjectElement(LeafRenderObjectWidget widget) : base(widget) { } protected override void forgetChild(Element child) { D.assert(false); } protected override void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { D.assert(false); } protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { D.assert(false); } protected override void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) { D.assert(false); } public override List debugDescribeChildren() { return this.widget.debugDescribeChildren(); } } public class SingleChildRenderObjectElement : RenderObjectElement { public SingleChildRenderObjectElement(SingleChildRenderObjectWidget widget) : base(widget) { } public new SingleChildRenderObjectWidget widget { get { return (SingleChildRenderObjectWidget) base.widget; } } Element _child; public override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { if (this._child != null) { visitor(this._child); } } protected override void forgetChild(Element child) { D.assert(child == this._child); this._child = null; } public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { base.mount(parent, newSlot); this._child = this.updateChild(this._child, this.widget.child, null); } public override void update(Widget newWidget) { base.update(newWidget); D.assert(this.widget == newWidget); this._child = this.updateChild(this._child, this.widget.child, null); } protected override void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { var renderObject = (RenderObjectWithChildMixin) this.renderObject; D.assert(slot == null); D.assert(renderObject.debugValidateChild(child)); renderObject.child = child; D.assert(renderObject == this.renderObject); } protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { D.assert(false); } protected override void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) { var renderObject = (RenderObjectWithChildMixin) this.renderObject; D.assert(renderObject.child == child); renderObject.child = null; D.assert(renderObject == this.renderObject); } } public class MultiChildRenderObjectElement : RenderObjectElement { public MultiChildRenderObjectElement(MultiChildRenderObjectWidget widget) : base(widget) { D.assert(!WidgetsD.debugChildrenHaveDuplicateKeys(widget, widget.children)); } public new MultiChildRenderObjectWidget widget { get { return (MultiChildRenderObjectWidget) base.widget; } } protected IEnumerable children { get { return this._children.Where((child) => !this._forgottenChildren.Contains(child)); } } List _children; readonly HashSet _forgottenChildren = new HashSet(); protected override void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slotRaw) { Element slot = (Element) slotRaw; var renderObject = (ContainerRenderObjectMixin) this.renderObject; D.assert(renderObject.debugValidateChild(child)); renderObject.insert(child, after: slot == null ? null : slot.renderObject); D.assert(renderObject == this.renderObject); } protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slotRaw) { Element slot = (Element) slotRaw; var renderObject = (ContainerRenderObjectMixin) this.renderObject; D.assert(child.parent == renderObject); renderObject.move(child, after: slot == null ? null : slot.renderObject); D.assert(renderObject == this.renderObject); } protected override void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) { var renderObject = (ContainerRenderObjectMixin) this.renderObject; D.assert(child.parent == renderObject); renderObject.remove(child); D.assert(renderObject == this.renderObject); } public override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { foreach (Element child in this._children) { if (!this._forgottenChildren.Contains(child)) { visitor(child); } } } protected override void forgetChild(Element child) { D.assert(this._children.Contains(child)); D.assert(!this._forgottenChildren.Contains(child)); this._forgottenChildren.Add(child); } public override void mount(Element parent, object newSlot) { base.mount(parent, newSlot); this._children = Enumerable.Repeat((Element) null, this.widget.children.Count).ToList(); Element previousChild = null; for (int i = 0; i < this._children.Count; i += 1) { Element newChild = this.inflateWidget(this.widget.children[i], previousChild); this._children[i] = newChild; previousChild = newChild; } } public override void update(Widget newWidget) { base.update(newWidget); D.assert(this.widget == newWidget); this._children = this.updateChildren(this._children, this.widget.children, forgottenChildren: this._forgottenChildren); this._forgottenChildren.Clear(); } } class _DebugCreator { internal _DebugCreator(RenderObjectElement element) { this.element = element; } public readonly RenderObjectElement element; public override string ToString() { return this.element.debugGetCreatorChain(12); } } }