using System; using System.Text; using; using UIWidgets.gestures; using UIWidgets.painting; using UIWidgets.ui; using UnityEngine; using Canvas = UIWidgets.ui.Canvas; using Rect = UIWidgets.ui.Rect; namespace UIWidgets.rendering { public enum GrowthDirection { forward, reverse, } public static class GrowthDirectionUtils { public static AxisDirection applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection( AxisDirection axisDirection, GrowthDirection growthDirection) { switch (growthDirection) { case GrowthDirection.forward: return axisDirection; case GrowthDirection.reverse: return AxisUtils.flipAxisDirection(axisDirection); } throw new Exception("unknown growthDirection"); } public static ScrollDirection applyGrowthDirectionToScrollDirection( ScrollDirection scrollDirection, GrowthDirection growthDirection) { switch (growthDirection) { case GrowthDirection.forward: return scrollDirection; case GrowthDirection.reverse: return ScrollDirectionUtils.flipScrollDirection(scrollDirection); } throw new Exception("unknown growthDirection"); } } public class SliverConstraints : Constraints, IEquatable { public SliverConstraints( AxisDirection axisDirection, GrowthDirection growthDirection, ScrollDirection userScrollDirection, double scrollOffset, double overlap, double remainingPaintExtent, double crossAxisExtent, AxisDirection crossAxisDirection, double viewportMainAxisExtent, double remainingCacheExtent, double cacheOrigin ) { this.axisDirection = axisDirection; this.growthDirection = growthDirection; this.userScrollDirection = userScrollDirection; this.scrollOffset = scrollOffset; this.overlap = overlap; this.remainingPaintExtent = remainingPaintExtent; this.crossAxisExtent = crossAxisExtent; this.crossAxisDirection = crossAxisDirection; this.viewportMainAxisExtent = viewportMainAxisExtent; this.remainingCacheExtent = remainingCacheExtent; this.cacheOrigin = cacheOrigin; } public SliverConstraints copyWith( AxisDirection? axisDirection = null, GrowthDirection? growthDirection = null, ScrollDirection? userScrollDirection = null, double? scrollOffset = null, double? overlap = null, double? remainingPaintExtent = null, double? crossAxisExtent = null, AxisDirection? crossAxisDirection = null, double? viewportMainAxisExtent = null, double? remainingCacheExtent = null, double? cacheOrigin = null ) { return new SliverConstraints( axisDirection: axisDirection ?? this.axisDirection, growthDirection: growthDirection ?? this.growthDirection, userScrollDirection: userScrollDirection ?? this.userScrollDirection, scrollOffset: scrollOffset ?? this.scrollOffset, overlap: overlap ?? this.overlap, remainingPaintExtent: remainingPaintExtent ?? this.remainingPaintExtent, crossAxisExtent: crossAxisExtent ?? this.crossAxisExtent, crossAxisDirection: crossAxisDirection ?? this.crossAxisDirection, viewportMainAxisExtent: viewportMainAxisExtent ?? this.viewportMainAxisExtent, remainingCacheExtent: remainingCacheExtent ?? this.remainingCacheExtent, cacheOrigin: cacheOrigin ?? this.cacheOrigin ); } public readonly AxisDirection axisDirection; public readonly GrowthDirection growthDirection; public readonly ScrollDirection userScrollDirection; public readonly double scrollOffset; public readonly double overlap; public readonly double remainingPaintExtent; public readonly double crossAxisExtent; public readonly AxisDirection crossAxisDirection; public readonly double viewportMainAxisExtent; public readonly double cacheOrigin; public readonly double remainingCacheExtent; public Axis axis { get { return AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(this.axisDirection); } } public GrowthDirection normalizedGrowthDirection { get { switch (this.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.down: case AxisDirection.right: return this.growthDirection; case AxisDirection.up: case AxisDirection.left: switch (this.growthDirection) { case GrowthDirection.forward: return GrowthDirection.reverse; case GrowthDirection.reverse: return GrowthDirection.forward; } throw new Exception("unknown growthDirection"); } throw new Exception("unknown axisDirection"); } } public override bool isTight { get { return false; } } public override bool isNormalized { get { return this.scrollOffset >= 0.0 && this.crossAxisExtent >= 0.0 && AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(this.axisDirection) != AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(this.crossAxisDirection) && this.viewportMainAxisExtent >= 0.0 && this.remainingPaintExtent >= 0.0; } } public BoxConstraints asBoxConstraints( double minExtent = 0.0, double maxExtent = double.PositiveInfinity, double? crossAxisExtent = null ) { crossAxisExtent = crossAxisExtent ?? this.crossAxisExtent; switch (this.axis) { case Axis.horizontal: return new BoxConstraints( minHeight: crossAxisExtent.Value, maxHeight: crossAxisExtent.Value, minWidth: minExtent, maxWidth: maxExtent ); case Axis.vertical: return new BoxConstraints( minWidth: crossAxisExtent.Value, maxWidth: crossAxisExtent.Value, minHeight: minExtent, maxHeight: maxExtent ); } D.assert(false); return null; } public override bool debugAssertIsValid( bool isAppliedConstraint = false, InformationCollector informationCollector = null ) { D.assert(() => { var verify = new Action((bool check, string message) => { if (check) { return; } var information = new StringBuilder(); if (informationCollector != null) { informationCollector(information); } throw new UIWidgetsError(string.Format( "{0} is not valid: {1}\n{2}The offending constraints were: \n {3}", this.GetType(), message, information, this)); }); verify(this.scrollOffset >= 0.0, "The \"scrollOffset\" is negative."); verify(this.crossAxisExtent >= 0.0, "The \"crossAxisExtent\" is negative."); verify( AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(this.axisDirection) != AxisUtils.axisDirectionToAxis(this.crossAxisDirection), "The \"axisDirection\" and the \"crossAxisDirection\" are along the same axis."); verify(this.viewportMainAxisExtent >= 0.0, "The \"viewportMainAxisExtent\" is negative."); verify(this.remainingPaintExtent >= 0.0, "The \"remainingPaintExtent\" is negative."); verify(this.remainingCacheExtent >= 0.0, "The \"remainingCacheExtent\" is negative."); verify(this.cacheOrigin <= 0.0, "The \"cacheOrigin\" is positive."); verify(this.isNormalized, "The constraints are not normalized."); return true; }); return true; } public bool Equals(SliverConstraints other) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return this.axisDirection == other.axisDirection && this.growthDirection == other.growthDirection && this.userScrollDirection == other.userScrollDirection && this.scrollOffset.Equals(other.scrollOffset) && this.overlap.Equals(other.overlap) && this.remainingPaintExtent.Equals(other.remainingPaintExtent) && this.crossAxisExtent.Equals(other.crossAxisExtent) && this.crossAxisDirection == other.crossAxisDirection && this.viewportMainAxisExtent.Equals(other.viewportMainAxisExtent) && this.cacheOrigin.Equals(other.cacheOrigin) && this.remainingCacheExtent.Equals(other.remainingCacheExtent); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false; if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true; if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false; return this.Equals((SliverConstraints) obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (int) this.axisDirection; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) this.growthDirection; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) this.userScrollDirection; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.scrollOffset.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.overlap.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.remainingPaintExtent.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.crossAxisExtent.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) this.crossAxisDirection; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.viewportMainAxisExtent.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.cacheOrigin.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.remainingCacheExtent.GetHashCode(); return hashCode; } } public static bool operator ==(SliverConstraints left, SliverConstraints right) { return object.Equals(left, right); } public static bool operator !=(SliverConstraints left, SliverConstraints right) { return !object.Equals(left, right); } public override String ToString() { return string.Format( "SliverConstraints({0}, {1}, {2}, scrollOffset: {3:F1}, remainingPaintExtent: {4:F1}, " + "{5}crossAxisExtent: {6:F1}, crossAxisDirection: {7}, " + "viewportMainAxisExtent: {8:F1}, remainingCacheExtent: {9:F1} " + "cacheOrigin: {10:F1})", this.axisDirection, this.growthDirection, this.userScrollDirection, this.scrollOffset, this.remainingCacheExtent, this.overlap != 0.0 ? "overlap: " + this.overlap.ToString("F1") + ", " : "", this.crossAxisExtent, this.crossAxisDirection, this.viewportMainAxisExtent, this.remainingCacheExtent, this.cacheOrigin); } } public class SliverGeometry : Diagnosticable { public SliverGeometry( double scrollExtent = 0.0, double paintExtent = 0.0, double paintOrigin = 0.0, double? layoutExtent = null, double maxPaintExtent = 0.0, double maxScrollObstructionExtent = 0.0, double? hitTestExtent = null, bool? visible = null, bool hasVisualOverflow = false, double? scrollOffsetCorrection = null, double? cacheExtent = null ) { D.assert(scrollOffsetCorrection != 0.0); this.scrollExtent = scrollExtent; this.paintExtent = paintExtent; this.paintOrigin = paintOrigin; this.layoutExtent = layoutExtent ?? paintExtent; this.maxPaintExtent = maxPaintExtent; this.maxScrollObstructionExtent = maxScrollObstructionExtent; this.hitTestExtent = hitTestExtent ?? paintExtent; this.visible = visible ?? paintExtent > 0.0; this.hasVisualOverflow = hasVisualOverflow; this.scrollOffsetCorrection = scrollOffsetCorrection; this.cacheExtent = cacheExtent ?? layoutExtent ?? paintExtent; } public static readonly SliverGeometry zero = new SliverGeometry(); public readonly double scrollExtent; public readonly double paintOrigin; public readonly double paintExtent; public readonly double layoutExtent; public readonly double maxPaintExtent; public readonly double maxScrollObstructionExtent; public readonly double hitTestExtent; public readonly bool visible; public readonly bool hasVisualOverflow; public readonly double? scrollOffsetCorrection; public readonly double cacheExtent; internal static string _debugCompareFloats(string labelA, double valueA, string labelB, double valueB) { if (valueA.ToString("F1") != valueB.ToString("F1")) { return string.Format("The {0} is {1:F1}, but the {2} is {3:F1}. ", labelA, valueA, labelB, valueB); } return string.Format( "The {0} is {1}, but the {2} is {3}. " + "Maybe you have fallen prey to floating point rounding errors, and should explicitly " + "apply the min() or max() functions, or the clamp() method, to the {2}? ", labelA, valueA, labelB, valueB); } public bool debugAssertIsValid(InformationCollector informationCollector = null) { D.assert(() => { var verify = new Action((bool check, string message) => { if (check) return; var information = new StringBuilder(); if (informationCollector != null) { informationCollector(information); } throw new UIWidgetsError(string.Format("{0} is not valid: {1}\n{2}", this.GetType(), message, information)); }); verify(this.scrollExtent >= 0.0, "The \"scrollExtent\" is negative."); verify(this.paintExtent >= 0.0, "The \"paintExtent\" is negative."); verify(this.layoutExtent >= 0.0, "The \"layoutExtent\" is negative."); verify(this.cacheExtent >= 0.0, "The \"cacheExtent\" is negative."); if (this.layoutExtent > this.paintExtent) { verify(false, "The \"layoutExtent\" exceeds the \"paintExtent\".\n" + _debugCompareFloats("paintExtent", paintExtent, "layoutExtent", layoutExtent) ); } if (this.maxPaintExtent < this.paintExtent) { verify(false, "The \"maxPaintExtent\" is less than the \"paintExtent\".\n" + _debugCompareFloats("maxPaintExtent", this.maxPaintExtent, "paintExtent", this.paintExtent) + "By definition, a sliver can\"t paint more than the maximum that it can paint!" ); } verify(this.hitTestExtent >= 0.0, "The \"hitTestExtent\" is negative."); verify(this.scrollOffsetCorrection != 0.0, "The \"scrollOffsetCorrection\" is zero."); return true; }); return true; } public override string toStringShort() { return this.GetType().ToString(); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DoubleProperty("scrollExtent", this.scrollExtent)); if (this.paintExtent > 0.0) { properties.add(new DoubleProperty("paintExtent", this.paintExtent, unit: this.visible ? null : " but not painting")); } else if (this.paintExtent == 0.0) { if (this.visible) { properties.add(new DoubleProperty("paintExtent", this.paintExtent, unit: this.visible ? null : " but visible")); } properties.add(new FlagProperty("visible", value: this.visible, ifFalse: "hidden")); } else { properties.add(new DoubleProperty("paintExtent", this.paintExtent, tooltip: "!")); } properties.add(new DoubleProperty("paintOrigin", this.paintOrigin, defaultValue: 0.0)); properties.add(new DoubleProperty("layoutExtent", this.layoutExtent, defaultValue: this.paintExtent)); properties.add(new DoubleProperty("maxPaintExtent", this.maxPaintExtent)); properties.add(new DoubleProperty("hitTestExtent", this.hitTestExtent, defaultValue: this.paintExtent)); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("hasVisualOverflow", this.hasVisualOverflow, defaultValue: false)); properties.add(new DoubleProperty("scrollOffsetCorrection", this.scrollOffsetCorrection, defaultValue: Diagnostics.kNullDefaultValue)); properties.add(new DoubleProperty("cacheExtent", this.cacheExtent, defaultValue: 0.0)); } } public class SliverHitTestEntry : HitTestEntry { public SliverHitTestEntry(RenderSliver target, double mainAxisPosition = 0.0, double crossAxisPosition = 0.0 ) : base(target) { this.mainAxisPosition = mainAxisPosition; this.crossAxisPosition = crossAxisPosition; } public new RenderSliver target { get { return (RenderSliver); } } public readonly double mainAxisPosition; public readonly double crossAxisPosition; public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0}@(mainAix: {1}, crossAix: {2})",, this.mainAxisPosition, this.crossAxisPosition); } } public class SliverLogicalParentData : ParentData { public double layoutOffset = 0.0; public override string ToString() { return "layoutOffset=" + this.layoutOffset.ToString("F1"); } } public class SliverLogicalContainerParentData : ContainerParentDataMixinSliverLogicalParentData { } public class SliverPhysicalParentData : ParentData { public Offset paintOffset =; public void applyPaintTransform(ref Matrix4x4 transform) { transform = Matrix4x4.Translate(this.paintOffset.toVector()) * transform; } public override string ToString() { return "paintOffset=" + this.paintOffset; } } public class SliverPhysicalContainerParentData : ContainerParentDataMixinSliverPhysicalParentData { } public abstract class RenderSliver : RenderObject { public new SliverConstraints constraints { get { return (SliverConstraints) base.constraints; } } public SliverGeometry geometry { get { return this._geometry; } set { D.assert(!(this.debugDoingThisResize && this.debugDoingThisLayout)); D.assert(this.sizedByParent || !this.debugDoingThisResize); D.assert(() => { if ((this.sizedByParent && this.debugDoingThisResize) || (!this.sizedByParent && this.debugDoingThisLayout)) { return true; } D.assert(!this.debugDoingThisResize); string contract = "", violation = "", hint = ""; if (this.debugDoingThisLayout) { D.assert(this.sizedByParent); violation = "It appears that the geometry setter was called from performLayout()."; hint = ""; } else { violation = "The geometry setter was called from outside layout (neither performResize() nor performLayout() were being run for this object)."; if (this.owner != null && this.owner.debugDoingLayout) { hint = "Only the object itself can set its geometry. It is a contract violation for other objects to set it."; } } if (this.sizedByParent) { contract = "Because this RenderSliver has sizedByParent set to true, it must set its geometry in performResize()."; } else { contract = "Because this RenderSliver has sizedByParent set to false, it must set its geometry in performLayout()."; } throw new UIWidgetsError( "RenderSliver geometry setter called incorrectly.\n" + violation + "\n" + hint + "\n" + contract + "\n" + "The RenderSliver in question is:\n" + " " + this ); }); this._geometry = value; } } SliverGeometry _geometry; public override Rect paintBounds { get { switch (this.constraints.axis) { case Axis.horizontal: return Rect.fromLTWH( 0.0, 0.0, this.geometry.paintExtent, this.constraints.crossAxisExtent ); case Axis.vertical: return Rect.fromLTWH( 0.0, 0.0, this.constraints.crossAxisExtent, this.geometry.paintExtent ); } D.assert(false); return null; } } protected override void debugResetSize() { } protected override void debugAssertDoesMeetConstraints() { D.assert(this.geometry.debugAssertIsValid( informationCollector: (information) => { information.AppendLine("The RenderSliver that returned the offending geometry was:"); information.AppendLine(" " + this.toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ")); })); D.assert(() => { if (this.geometry.paintExtent > this.constraints.remainingPaintExtent) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "SliverGeometry has a paintOffset that exceeds the remainingPaintExtent from the constraints.\n" + "The render object whose geometry violates the constraints is the following:\n" + " " + this.toStringShallow(joiner: "\n ") + "\n" + SliverGeometry._debugCompareFloats( "remainingPaintExtent", this.constraints.remainingPaintExtent, "paintExtent", this.geometry.paintExtent) + "The paintExtent must cause the child sliver to paint within the viewport, and so " + "cannot exceed the remainingPaintExtent." ); } return true; }); } protected override void performResize() { D.assert(false); } public double centerOffsetAdjustment { get { return 0.0; } } public bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, double mainAxisPosition = 0, double crossAxisPosition = 0) { if (mainAxisPosition >= 0.0 && mainAxisPosition < this.geometry.hitTestExtent && crossAxisPosition >= 0.0 && crossAxisPosition < this.constraints.crossAxisExtent) { if (this.hitTestChildren(result, mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition) || this.hitTestSelf(mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition)) { result.add(new SliverHitTestEntry( this, mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition )); return true; } } return false; } protected virtual bool hitTestSelf(double mainAxisPosition = 0, double crossAxisPosition = 0) { return false; } protected virtual bool hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, double mainAxisPosition = 0, double crossAxisPosition = 0) { return false; } public double calculatePaintOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, double from, double to) { D.assert(from <= to); double a = constraints.scrollOffset; double b = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.remainingPaintExtent; return (to.clamp(a, b) - from.clamp(a, b)).clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingPaintExtent); } public double calculateCacheOffset(SliverConstraints constraints, double from, double to) { D.assert(from <= to); double a = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.cacheOrigin; double b = constraints.scrollOffset + constraints.remainingCacheExtent; return (to.clamp(a, b) - from.clamp(a, b)).clamp(0.0, constraints.remainingCacheExtent); } public virtual double childMainAxisPosition(RenderObject child) { D.assert(() => { throw new UIWidgetsError(this.GetType() + " does not implement childPosition."); }); return 0.0; } public virtual double childCrossAxisPosition(RenderObject child) { return 0.0; } public virtual double childScrollOffset(RenderObject child) { D.assert(child.parent == this); return 0.0; } public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, ref Matrix4x4 transform) { D.assert(() => { throw new UIWidgetsError(this.GetType() + " does not implement applyPaintTransform."); }); } internal Size getAbsoluteSizeRelativeToOrigin() { D.assert(this.geometry != null); D.assert(!this.debugNeedsLayout); switch (GrowthDirectionUtils.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection( this.constraints.axisDirection, this.constraints.growthDirection)) { case AxisDirection.up: return new Size(this.constraints.crossAxisExtent, -this.geometry.paintExtent); case AxisDirection.right: return new Size(this.geometry.paintExtent, this.constraints.crossAxisExtent); case AxisDirection.down: return new Size(this.constraints.crossAxisExtent, this.geometry.paintExtent); case AxisDirection.left: return new Size(-this.geometry.paintExtent, this.constraints.crossAxisExtent); } D.assert(false); return null; } void _debugDrawArrow(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, Offset p0, Offset p1, GrowthDirection direction) { D.assert(() => { if (p0 == p1) { return true; } D.assert(p0.dx == p1.dx || p0.dy == p1.dy); double d = (p1 - p0).distance * 0.2; Offset temp; double dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; switch (direction) { case GrowthDirection.forward: dx1 = dx2 = dy1 = dy2 = d; break; case GrowthDirection.reverse: temp = p0; p0 = p1; p1 = temp; dx1 = dx2 = dy1 = dy2 = -d; break; } if (p0.dx == p1.dx) { dx2 = -dx2; } else { dy2 = -dy2; } // canvas.drawPath( // new Path() // ..moveTo(p0.dx, p0.dy) // ..lineTo(p1.dx, p1.dy) // ..moveTo(p1.dx - dx1, p1.dy - dy1) // ..lineTo(p1.dx, p1.dy) // ..lineTo(p1.dx - dx2, p1.dy - dy2), // paint // ); return true; }); } public override void debugPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { D.assert(() => { if (D.debugPaintSizeEnabled) { double strokeWidth = Math.Min(4.0, this.geometry.paintExtent / 30.0); Paint paint = new Paint(); // ..color = const Color(0xFF33CC33) // ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth // = PaintingStyle.stroke // ..maskFilter = new MaskFilter.blur(BlurStyle.solid, strokeWidth); double arrowExtent = this.geometry.paintExtent; double padding = Math.Max(2.0, strokeWidth); Canvas canvas = context.canvas; // canvas.drawCircle( // offset.translate(padding, padding), // padding * 0.5, // paint, // ); switch (constraints.axis) { case Axis.vertical: // canvas.drawLine( // offset, // offset.translate(constraints.crossAxisExtent, 0.0), // paint, // ); this._debugDrawArrow( canvas, paint, offset.translate(this.constraints.crossAxisExtent * 1.0 / 4.0, padding), offset.translate(this.constraints.crossAxisExtent * 1.0 / 4.0, arrowExtent - padding), this.constraints.normalizedGrowthDirection ); this._debugDrawArrow( canvas, paint, offset.translate(this.constraints.crossAxisExtent * 3.0 / 4.0, padding), offset.translate(this.constraints.crossAxisExtent * 3.0 / 4.0, arrowExtent - padding), this.constraints.normalizedGrowthDirection ); break; case Axis.horizontal: // canvas.drawLine( // offset, // offset.translate(0.0, constraints.crossAxisExtent), // paint, // ); this._debugDrawArrow( canvas, paint, offset.translate(padding, this.constraints.crossAxisExtent * 1.0 / 4.0), offset.translate(arrowExtent - padding, this.constraints.crossAxisExtent * 1.0 / 4.0), this.constraints.normalizedGrowthDirection ); this._debugDrawArrow( canvas, paint, offset.translate(padding, this.constraints.crossAxisExtent * 3.0 / 4.0), offset.translate(arrowExtent - padding, this.constraints.crossAxisExtent * 3.0 / 4.0), this.constraints.normalizedGrowthDirection ); break; } } return true; }); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty("geometry", this.geometry)); } } public static class RenderSliverHelpers { public static bool _getRightWayUp(SliverConstraints constraints) { D.assert(constraints != null); bool rightWayUp = true; switch (constraints.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.up: case AxisDirection.left: rightWayUp = false; break; case AxisDirection.down: case AxisDirection.right: rightWayUp = true; break; } switch (constraints.growthDirection) { case GrowthDirection.forward: break; case GrowthDirection.reverse: rightWayUp = !rightWayUp; break; } return rightWayUp; } public static bool hitTestBoxChild(this RenderSliver it, HitTestResult result, RenderBox child, double mainAxisPosition = 0.0, double crossAxisPosition = 0.0) { bool rightWayUp = _getRightWayUp(it.constraints); double absolutePosition = mainAxisPosition - it.childMainAxisPosition(child); double absoluteCrossAxisPosition = crossAxisPosition - it.childCrossAxisPosition(child); switch (it.constraints.axis) { case Axis.horizontal: if (!rightWayUp) { absolutePosition = child.size.width - absolutePosition; } return child.hitTest(result, position: new Offset(absolutePosition, absoluteCrossAxisPosition)); case Axis.vertical: if (!rightWayUp) { absolutePosition = child.size.height - absolutePosition; } return child.hitTest(result, position: new Offset(absoluteCrossAxisPosition, absolutePosition)); } return false; } public static void applyPaintTransformForBoxChild(this RenderSliver it, RenderBox child, ref Matrix4x4 transform) { bool rightWayUp = _getRightWayUp(it.constraints); double delta = it.childMainAxisPosition(child); double crossAxisDelta = it.childCrossAxisPosition(child); switch (it.constraints.axis) { case Axis.horizontal: if (!rightWayUp) { delta = it.geometry.paintExtent - child.size.width - delta; } transform = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector2((float) delta, (float) crossAxisDelta)) * transform; break; case Axis.vertical: if (!rightWayUp) { delta = it.geometry.paintExtent - child.size.height - delta; } transform = Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector2((float) crossAxisDelta, (float) delta)) * transform; break; } } } public abstract class RenderSliverSingleBoxAdapter : RenderObjectWithChildMixinRenderSliver { public RenderSliverSingleBoxAdapter( RenderBox child = null ) { this.child = child; } public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { if (!(child.parentData is SliverPhysicalParentData)) { child.parentData = new SliverPhysicalParentData(); } } public void setChildParentData(RenderObject child, SliverConstraints constraints, SliverGeometry geometry) { var childParentData = (SliverPhysicalParentData) child.parentData; switch (GrowthDirectionUtils.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(constraints.axisDirection, constraints.growthDirection)) { case AxisDirection.up: childParentData.paintOffset = new Offset(0.0, -(geometry.scrollExtent - (geometry.paintExtent + constraints.scrollOffset))); break; case AxisDirection.right: childParentData.paintOffset = new Offset(-constraints.scrollOffset, 0.0); break; case AxisDirection.down: childParentData.paintOffset = new Offset(0.0, -constraints.scrollOffset); break; case AxisDirection.left: childParentData.paintOffset = new Offset(-(geometry.scrollExtent - (geometry.paintExtent + constraints.scrollOffset)), 0.0); break; } } protected override bool hitTestChildren(HitTestResult result, double mainAxisPosition = 0.0, double crossAxisPosition = 0.0) { D.assert(this.geometry.hitTestExtent > 0.0); if (this.child != null) { return this.hitTestBoxChild(result, this.child, mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition); } return false; } public override double childMainAxisPosition(RenderObject child) { return -this.constraints.scrollOffset; } public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, ref Matrix4x4 transform) { D.assert(child != null); D.assert(child == this.child); var childParentData = (SliverPhysicalParentData) child.parentData; childParentData.applyPaintTransform(ref transform); } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (this.child != null && this.geometry.visible) { var childParentData = (SliverPhysicalParentData) this.child.parentData; context.paintChild(this.child, offset + childParentData.paintOffset); } } } public class RenderSliverToBoxAdapter : RenderSliverSingleBoxAdapter { public RenderSliverToBoxAdapter( RenderBox child = null ) : base(child) { } protected override void performLayout() { if (this.child == null) { this.geometry =; return; } this.child.layout(this.constraints.asBoxConstraints(), parentUsesSize: true); double childExtent = 0.0; switch (this.constraints.axis) { case Axis.horizontal: childExtent = this.child.size.width; break; case Axis.vertical: childExtent = this.child.size.height; break; } double paintedChildSize = this.calculatePaintOffset(this.constraints, from: 0.0, to: childExtent); double cacheExtent = this.calculateCacheOffset(this.constraints, from: 0.0, to: childExtent); D.assert(paintedChildSize.isFinite()); D.assert(paintedChildSize >= 0.0); this.geometry = new SliverGeometry( scrollExtent: childExtent, paintExtent: paintedChildSize, cacheExtent: cacheExtent, maxPaintExtent: childExtent, hitTestExtent: paintedChildSize, hasVisualOverflow: childExtent > this.constraints.remainingPaintExtent || this.constraints.scrollOffset > 0.0 ); this.setChildParentData(this.child, this.constraints, this.geometry); } } }