using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using; using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2; using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets { public class OverlayEntry { public OverlayEntry(WidgetBuilder builder = null, bool opaque = false, bool maintainState = false) { D.assert(builder != null); _opaque = opaque; _maintainState = maintainState; this.builder = builder; } public readonly WidgetBuilder builder; bool _opaque; public bool opaque { get { return _opaque; } set { if (_opaque == value) { return; } _opaque = value; _overlay?._didChangeEntryOpacity(); } } bool _maintainState; public bool maintainState { get { return _maintainState; } set { if (_maintainState == value) { return; } _maintainState = value; D.assert(_overlay != null); _overlay._didChangeEntryOpacity(); } } internal OverlayState _overlay; internal readonly GlobalKey<_OverlayEntryWidgetState> _key = GlobalKey<_OverlayEntryWidgetState>.key();//new LabeledGlobalKey<_OverlayEntryWidgetState>(); public void remove() { D.assert(_overlay != null); OverlayState overlay = _overlay; _overlay = null; if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks) { SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((duration) => { overlay._remove(this); }); } else { overlay._remove(this); } } public void markNeedsBuild() { _key.currentState?._markNeedsBuild(); } public override string ToString() { return $"{foundation_.describeIdentity(this)}(opaque: {opaque}; maintainState: {maintainState})"; } } class _OverlayEntryWidget : StatefulWidget { internal _OverlayEntryWidget( Key key, OverlayEntry entry, bool tickerEnabled = true) : base(key: key) { D.assert(key != null); D.assert(entry != null); this.entry = entry; this.tickerEnabled = tickerEnabled; } public readonly OverlayEntry entry; public readonly bool tickerEnabled; public override State createState() { return new _OverlayEntryWidgetState(); } } class _OverlayEntryWidgetState : State<_OverlayEntryWidget> { public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new TickerMode( enabled: widget.tickerEnabled, child: widget.entry.builder(context) ); } internal void _markNeedsBuild() { setState(() => { /* the state that changed is in the builder */ }); } } public class Overlay : StatefulWidget { public Overlay( Key key = null, List initialEntries = null) : base(key) { D.assert(initialEntries != null); this.initialEntries = initialEntries; } public readonly List initialEntries; public static OverlayState of( BuildContext context, bool rootOverlay = false, Widget debugRequiredFor = null) { OverlayState result = rootOverlay ? context.findRootAncestorStateOfType() : context.findAncestorStateOfType(); D.assert(() => { if (debugRequiredFor != null && result == null) { var additional = context.widget != debugRequiredFor ? $"\nThe context from which that widget was searching for an overlay was:\n {context}" : ""; throw new UIWidgetsError( "No Overlay widget found.\n" + $"{debugRequiredFor.GetType()} widgets require an Overlay widget ancestor for correct operation.\n" + "The most common way to add an Overlay to an application is to include a MaterialApp or Navigator widget in the runApp() call.\n" + "The specific widget that failed to find an overlay was:\n" + //$" {debugRequiredFor}" + $"{additional}" ); } return true; }); return result; } public override State createState() { return new OverlayState(); } } public class OverlayState : TickerProviderStateMixin { readonly List _entries = new List(); public override void initState() { base.initState(); insertAll(widget.initialEntries); } internal int _insertionIndex(OverlayEntry below, OverlayEntry above) { D.assert(below == null || above == null); if (below != null) { return _entries.IndexOf(below); } if (above != null) { return _entries.IndexOf(above) + 1; } return _entries.Count; } public void insert(OverlayEntry entry, OverlayEntry below = null, OverlayEntry above = null) { D.assert(above == null || below == null, () => "Only one of `above` and `below` may be specified."); D.assert(above == null || (above._overlay == this && _entries.Contains(above)), () => "The provided entry for `above` is not present in the Overlay."); D.assert(below == null || (below._overlay == this && _entries.Contains(below)), () => "The provided entry for `below` is not present in the Overlay."); D.assert(!_entries.Contains(entry), () => "The specified entry is already present in the Overlay."); D.assert(entry._overlay == null, () => "The specified entry is already present in another Overlay."); entry._overlay = this; setState(() => { _entries.Insert(_insertionIndex(below, above), entry); }); } public void insertAll(ICollection entries, OverlayEntry below = null, OverlayEntry above = null) { D.assert(above == null || below == null, () => "Only one of `above` and `below` may be specified."); D.assert(above == null || (above._overlay == this && _entries.Contains(above)), () => "The provided entry for `above` is not present in the Overlay."); D.assert(below == null || (below._overlay == this && _entries.Contains(below)), () => "The provided entry for `below` is not present in the Overlay."); D.assert(entries.All(entry => !_entries.Contains(entry)), () => "One or more of the specified entries are already present in the Overlay."); D.assert(entries.All(entry => entry._overlay == null), () => "One or more of the specified entries are already present in another Overlay."); if (entries.isEmpty()) { return; } foreach (OverlayEntry entry in entries) { D.assert(entry._overlay == null); entry._overlay = this; } setState(() => { _entries.InsertRange(_insertionIndex(below, above), entries); }); } public void rearrange(IEnumerable newEntries, OverlayEntry below = null, OverlayEntry above = null) { List newEntriesList = newEntries is List ? (newEntries as List) : newEntries.ToList(); D.assert( above == null || below == null, ()=>"Only one of `above` and `below` may be specified." ); D.assert( above == null || (above._overlay == this && _entries.Contains(above) && newEntriesList.Contains(above)), ()=>"The entry used for `above` must be in the Overlay and in the `newEntriesList`." ); D.assert( below == null || (below._overlay == this && _entries.Contains(below) && newEntriesList.Contains(below)), ()=>"The entry used for `below` must be in the Overlay and in the `newEntriesList`." ); int overlayEntry = 0; foreach (var newEntry in newEntriesList) { if (newEntry._overlay == null || newEntry._overlay == this) { overlayEntry++; } } D.assert(overlayEntry == newEntriesList.Count, ()=>"One or more of the specified entries are already present in another Overlay." ); int lastoverlayEntry = 0; foreach (var newEntry in newEntriesList) { if (_entries.IndexOf(newEntry) == _entries.LastIndexOf(newEntry)) { lastoverlayEntry++; } } D.assert(lastoverlayEntry == newEntriesList.Count, ()=>"One or more of the specified entries are specified multiple times." ); if (newEntriesList.isEmpty()) { return; } if (_entries.SequenceEqual(newEntriesList)) { return; } HashSet old = new HashSet(_entries); foreach (OverlayEntry entry in newEntriesList) { entry._overlay = entry._overlay ?? this; } setState(() => { _entries.Clear(); _entries.AddRange(newEntriesList); foreach (OverlayEntry entry in newEntriesList) { old.Remove(entry); } _entries.InsertRange(_insertionIndex(below, above), old); }); } internal void _remove(OverlayEntry entry) { if (mounted) { setState(() => { _entries.Remove(entry); }); } } public bool debugIsVisible(OverlayEntry entry) { bool result = false; D.assert(_entries.Contains(entry)); D.assert(() => { for (int i = _entries.Count - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) { // todo why not including 0? OverlayEntry candidate = _entries[i]; if (candidate == entry) { result = true; break; } if (candidate.opaque) { break; } } return true; }); return result; } internal void _didChangeEntryOpacity() { setState(() => { }); } public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { var children = new List(); int onstageCount = 0; var onstage = true; for (var i = _entries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { var entry = _entries[i]; if (onstage) { onstageCount += 1; children.Add(new _OverlayEntryWidget(entry._key, entry)); if (entry.opaque) { onstage = false; } } else if (entry.maintainState) { children.Add(new _OverlayEntryWidget( key: entry._key, entry: entry, tickerEnabled: false )); } } children.Reverse(); return new _Theatre( skipCount: children.Count - onstageCount, children: children.ToList() ); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty>("entries", _entries)); } } class _Theatre : MultiChildRenderObjectWidget { internal _Theatre( Key key = null, int skipCount = 0, List children = null) : base(key, children) { D.assert(skipCount >= 0); D.assert(children != null); D.assert(children.Count() >= skipCount); this.skipCount = skipCount; } public readonly int skipCount; public readonly Stack onstage; public readonly List offstage; public override Element createElement() { return new _TheatreElement(this); } public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { return new _RenderTheatre( skipCount: skipCount, textDirection: Directionality.of(context)); } public void updateRenderObject(BuildContext context, _RenderTheatre renderObject) { renderObject.skipCount = skipCount; renderObject.textDirection = Directionality.of(context); } public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new IntProperty("skipCount", skipCount)); } } class _TheatreElement : MultiChildRenderObjectElement { public _TheatreElement(_Theatre widget) : base(widget) { } public new _Theatre widget { get { return (_Theatre) base.widget; } } public new _RenderTheatre renderObject { get { return (_RenderTheatre) base.renderObject; } } public override void debugVisitOnstageChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { D.assert(children.Count() >= widget.skipCount); foreach (var item in children.Skip(widget.skipCount)) { visitor(item); } } } class _RenderTheatre : ContainerRenderObjectMixinRenderProxyBoxMixinRenderObjectWithChildMixinRenderBoxRenderStack< RenderBox, StackParentData> { internal _RenderTheatre( TextDirection textDirection, List children = null, int skipCount = 0 ) { D.assert(skipCount >= 0); _textDirection = textDirection; _skipCount = skipCount; addAll(children); } bool _hasVisualOverflow = false; public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { if (!(child.parentData is StackParentData)) { child.parentData = new StackParentData(); } } Alignment _resolvedAlignment; void _resolve() { if (_resolvedAlignment != null) return; //_resolvedAlignment = AlignmentDirectional.topStart.resolve(textDirection); // TODO: AlignmentDirectional Alignment al = Alignment.topLeft; switch (textDirection) { case TextDirection.rtl: _resolvedAlignment = new Alignment(-1, -1); break; case TextDirection.ltr: _resolvedAlignment = new Alignment(1, -1); break; } } void _markNeedResolution() { _resolvedAlignment = null; markNeedsLayout(); } public TextDirection textDirection { get { return _textDirection; } set { if (_textDirection == value) return; _textDirection = value; _markNeedResolution(); } } TextDirection _textDirection; public int skipCount { get { return _skipCount; } set { D.assert(value != null); if (_skipCount != value) { _skipCount = value; markNeedsLayout(); } } } int _skipCount; RenderBox _firstOnstageChild { get { if (skipCount == base.childCount) { return null; } RenderBox child = firstChild; for (int toSkip = skipCount; toSkip > 0; toSkip--) { StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData as StackParentData; child = childParentData.nextSibling; D.assert(child != null); } return child; } } RenderBox _lastOnstageChild { get { return skipCount == childCount ? null : lastChild; } } int _onstageChildCount { get { return childCount - skipCount; } } public override void redepthChildren() { if (child != null) { redepthChild(child); } base.redepthChildren(); } public override void visitChildren(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { if (child != null) { visitor(child); } base.visitChildren(visitor); } public override List debugDescribeChildren() { List offstageChildren = new List(); List onstageChildren = new List(); int count = 1; bool onstage = false; RenderBox child = firstChild; RenderBox firstOnstageChild = _firstOnstageChild; while (child != null) { if (child == firstOnstageChild) { onstage = true; count = 1; } if (onstage) { onstageChildren.Add( child.toDiagnosticsNode( name: $"onstage {count}" ) ); } else { offstageChildren.Add( child.toDiagnosticsNode( name: $"offstage {count}", style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.offstage ) ); } StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData as StackParentData; child = childParentData.nextSibling; count += 1; } if (offstageChildren.isNotEmpty()) { foreach (var stagechild in offstageChildren) { onstageChildren.Add(stagechild); } } else { onstageChildren.Add(DiagnosticsNode.message( "no offstage children", style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.offstage )); } return onstageChildren; } protected internal override float computeMinIntrinsicWidth(float height) { return RenderStack.getIntrinsicDimension(_firstOnstageChild, (RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicWidth(height)); } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(float height) { return RenderStack.getIntrinsicDimension(_firstOnstageChild, (RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicWidth(height)); } protected internal override float computeMinIntrinsicHeight(float width) { return RenderStack.getIntrinsicDimension(_firstOnstageChild, (RenderBox child) => child.getMinIntrinsicHeight(width)); } protected internal override float computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(float width) { return RenderStack.getIntrinsicDimension(_firstOnstageChild, (RenderBox child) => child.getMaxIntrinsicHeight(width)); } protected override float? computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) { D.assert(!debugNeedsLayout); float? result = null; RenderBox child = _firstOnstageChild; while (child != null) { D.assert(!child.debugNeedsLayout); StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData as StackParentData; float? candidate = child.getDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline); if (candidate != null) { candidate += childParentData.offset.dy; if (result != null) { result = Math.Min(result.Value, candidate.Value); } else { result = candidate; } } child = childParentData.nextSibling; } return result; } protected override bool sizedByParent { get { return true; } } protected override void performResize() { size = constraints.biggest; D.assert(size.isFinite); } protected override void performLayout() { _hasVisualOverflow = false; if (_onstageChildCount == 0) { return; } _resolve(); D.assert(_resolvedAlignment != null); // Same BoxConstraints as used by RenderStack for StackFit.expand. BoxConstraints nonPositionedConstraints = BoxConstraints.tight(constraints.biggest); RenderBox child = _firstOnstageChild; while (child != null) { StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData as StackParentData; if (!childParentData.isPositioned) { child.layout(nonPositionedConstraints, parentUsesSize: true); childParentData.offset = _resolvedAlignment.alongOffset(size - child.size as Offset); } else { _hasVisualOverflow = RenderStack.layoutPositionedChild(child, childParentData, size, _resolvedAlignment) || _hasVisualOverflow; } D.assert(child.parentData == childParentData); child = childParentData.nextSibling; } } protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) { RenderBox child = _lastOnstageChild; for (int i = 0; i < _onstageChildCount; i++) { D.assert(child != null); StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData as StackParentData; bool isHit = result.addWithPaintOffset( offset: childParentData.offset, position: position, hitTest: (BoxHitTestResult resultIn, Offset transformed) => { D.assert(transformed == position - childParentData.offset); return child.hitTest(resultIn, position: transformed); } ); if (isHit) return true; child = childParentData.previousSibling; } return false; } void paintStack(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { RenderBox child = _firstOnstageChild; while (child != null) { StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData as StackParentData; context.paintChild(child, childParentData.offset + offset); child = childParentData.nextSibling; } } public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (_hasVisualOverflow) { context.pushClipRect(needsCompositing, offset, & size, paintStack); } else { paintStack(context, offset); } } void visitChildrenForSemantics(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) { RenderBox child = _firstOnstageChild; while (child != null) { visitor(child); StackParentData childParentData = child.parentData as StackParentData; child = childParentData.nextSibling; } } public override Rect describeApproximatePaintClip(RenderObject child) => _hasVisualOverflow ? & size : null; public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { base.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(new IntProperty("skipCount", skipCount)); properties.add(new EnumProperty("textDirection", textDirection)); } } }