using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using RSG; using RSG.Promises; using; using UIWidgets.ui; namespace UIWidgets.scheduler { public delegate void TickerCallback(TimeSpan elapsed); public interface TickerProvider { Ticker createTicker(TickerCallback onTick); } public class Ticker { public Ticker(TickerCallback onTick, string debugLabel = null) { D.assert(() => { this._debugCreationStack = new StackTrace(); return true; }); this._onTick = onTick; this.debugLabel = debugLabel; } TickerFutureImpl _future; public bool muted { get { return this._muted; } set { if (value == this._muted) { return; } this._muted = value; if (value) { this.unscheduleTick(); } else if (this.shouldScheduleTick) { this.scheduleTick(); } } } bool _muted = false; public bool isTicking { get { if (this._future == null) { return false; } if (this.muted) { return false; } if (SchedulerBinding.instance.framesEnabled) { return true; } if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase != SchedulerPhase.idle) { return true; } return false; } } public bool isActive { get { return this._future != null; } } TimeSpan? _startTime; public TickerFuture start() { D.assert(() => { if (this.isActive) { throw new UIWidgetsError( "A ticker that is already active cannot be started again without first stopping it.\n" + "The affected ticker was: " + this.toString(debugIncludeStack: true)); } return true; }); D.assert(this._startTime == null); this._future = new TickerFutureImpl(); if (this.shouldScheduleTick) { this.scheduleTick(); } if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase > SchedulerPhase.idle && SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase < SchedulerPhase.postFrameCallbacks) { this._startTime = SchedulerBinding.instance.currentFrameTimeStamp; } return this._future; } public void stop(bool canceled = false) { if (!this.isActive) { return; } var localFuture = this._future; this._future = null; this._startTime = null; D.assert(!this.isActive); this.unscheduleTick(); if (canceled) { localFuture._cancel(this); } else { localFuture._complete(); } } readonly TickerCallback _onTick; int? _animationId; protected bool scheduled { get { return this._animationId != null; } } protected bool shouldScheduleTick { get { return !this.muted && this.isActive && !this.scheduled; } } void _tick(TimeSpan timeStamp) { D.assert(this.isTicking); D.assert(this.scheduled); this._animationId = null; this._startTime = this._startTime ?? timeStamp; this._onTick(timeStamp - this._startTime.Value); if (this.shouldScheduleTick) { this.scheduleTick(rescheduling: true); } } protected void scheduleTick(bool rescheduling = false) { D.assert(!this.scheduled); D.assert(this.shouldScheduleTick); this._animationId = SchedulerBinding.instance.scheduleFrameCallback(this._tick, rescheduling: rescheduling); } protected void unscheduleTick() { if (this.scheduled) { SchedulerBinding.instance.cancelFrameCallbackWithId(this._animationId.Value); this._animationId = null; } D.assert(!this.shouldScheduleTick); } public void absorbTicker(Ticker originalTicker) { D.assert(!this.isActive); D.assert(this._future == null); D.assert(this._startTime == null); D.assert(this._animationId == null); D.assert((originalTicker._future == null) == (originalTicker._startTime == null), "Cannot absorb Ticker after it has been disposed."); if (originalTicker._future != null) { this._future = originalTicker._future; this._startTime = originalTicker._startTime; if (this.shouldScheduleTick) { this.scheduleTick(); } originalTicker._future = null; originalTicker.unscheduleTick(); } originalTicker.dispose(); } public virtual void dispose() { if (this._future != null) { var localFuture = this._future; this._future = null; D.assert(!this.isActive); this.unscheduleTick(); localFuture._cancel(this); } D.assert(() => { this._startTime = default(TimeSpan); return true; }); } public readonly String debugLabel; StackTrace _debugCreationStack; public override string ToString() { return this.toString(debugIncludeStack: false); } public string toString(bool debugIncludeStack = false) { var buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.Append(this.GetType() + "("); D.assert(() => { buffer.Append(this.debugLabel ?? ""); return true; }); buffer.Append(')'); D.assert(() => { if (debugIncludeStack) { buffer.AppendLine(); buffer.AppendLine("The stack trace when the " + this.GetType() + " was actually created was:"); UIWidgetsError.defaultStackFilter(this._debugCreationStack.ToString().TrimEnd().Split('\n')) .Each(line => buffer.AppendLine(line)); } return true; }); return buffer.ToString(); } } public interface TickerFuture : IPromise { void whenCompleteOrCancel(VoidCallback callback); IPromise orCancel { get; } } public class TickerFutureImpl : Promise, TickerFuture { public static TickerFuture complete() { var result = new TickerFutureImpl(); result._complete(); return result; } Promise _secondaryCompleter; bool? _completed; internal void _complete() { D.assert(this._completed == null); this._completed = true; this.Resolve(); if (this._secondaryCompleter != null) { this._secondaryCompleter.Resolve(); } } internal void _cancel(Ticker ticker) { D.assert(this._completed == null); this._completed = false; if (this._secondaryCompleter != null) { this._secondaryCompleter.Reject(new TickerCanceled(ticker)); } } public void whenCompleteOrCancel(VoidCallback callback) { this.orCancel.Then(() => callback(), ex => callback()); } public IPromise orCancel { get { if (this._secondaryCompleter == null) { this._secondaryCompleter = new Promise(); if (this._completed != null) { if (this._completed.Value) { this._secondaryCompleter.Resolve(); } else { this._secondaryCompleter.Reject(new TickerCanceled()); } } } return this._secondaryCompleter; } } } public class TickerCanceled : Exception { public TickerCanceled(Ticker ticker = null) { this.ticker = ticker; } public readonly Ticker ticker; public override string ToString() { if (this.ticker != null) { return "This ticker was canceled: " + this.ticker; } return "The ticker was canceled before the \"orCancel\" property was first used."; } } }