
code style

xingwei.zhu 5 年前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 101 次插入81 次删除
  1. 2
  2. 120
  3. 44
  4. 16


public const float kDoubleTapSlop = 100.0f;
public const float kPanSlop = kTouchSlop * 2.0f;
public const float kScaleSlop = kTouchSlop;
public static readonly TimeSpan kPressTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100);


using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.gestures {
enum _ScaleState {

public ScaleStartDetails(Offset focalPoint = null) {
this.focalPoint = focalPoint ?? Offset.zero;
public readonly Offset focalPoint;
public override string ToString() {

float rotation = 0.0f
) {
focalPoint = focalPoint ?? Offset.zero;
D.assert(scale >= 0.0f);
D.assert(horizontalScale >= 0.0f);
D.assert(verticalScale >= 0.0f);

this.verticalScale = verticalScale;
this.rotation = rotation;
public readonly Offset focalPoint;
public readonly float scale;

public readonly float rotation;
public override string ToString() {
return $"ScaleUpdateDetails(focalPoint: {this.focalPoint}, scale: {this.scale}, horizontalScale: {this.horizontalScale}, verticalScale: {this.verticalScale}, rotation: {this.rotation}";
$"ScaleUpdateDetails(focalPoint: {this.focalPoint}, scale: {this.scale}, horizontalScale: {this.horizontalScale}, verticalScale: {this.verticalScale}, rotation: {this.rotation}";

public readonly Velocity velocity;
public override string ToString() {

int pointerEndId = 1) {
pointerStartLocation = pointerEndLocation ?? Offset.zero;
pointerEndLocation = pointerEndLocation ?? Offset.zero;
D.assert(pointerStartId != pointerEndId);
this.pointerStartLocation = pointerStartLocation;

public readonly Offset pointerStartLocation;
public readonly int pointerStartId;

class ScaleGestureRecognizer : OneSequenceGestureRecognizer {
public ScaleGestureRecognizer(object debugOwner) : base(debugOwner: debugOwner) {
Offset _initialFocalPoint;
Offset _currentFocalPoint;
float _initialSpan;

float _horizontalScaleFactor {
get { return this._initialHorizontalSpan > 0.0f ? this._currentHorizontalSpan / this._initialHorizontalSpan : 1.0f; }
get {
return this._initialHorizontalSpan > 0.0f
? this._currentHorizontalSpan / this._initialHorizontalSpan
: 1.0f;
get { return this._initialVerticalSpan > 0.0f ? this._currentVerticalSpan / this._initialVerticalSpan : 1.0f; }
get {
return this._initialVerticalSpan > 0.0f ? this._currentVerticalSpan / this._initialVerticalSpan : 1.0f;
float fx = this._initialLine.pointerStartLocation.dx;
float fy = this._initialLine.pointerStartLocation.dy;
float sx = this._initialLine.pointerEndLocation.dx;

return angle2 - angle1;
public override void addAllowedPointer(PointerDownEvent evt) {
this._velocityTrackers[evt.pointer] = new VelocityTracker();

this._pointerQueue = new List<int>();
if (evt is PointerMoveEvent) {
VelocityTracker tracker = this._velocityTrackers[evt.pointer];
D.assert(tracker != null);

this._pointerLocations[evt.pointer] = evt.position;
shouldStartIfAccepted = true;
} else if (evt is PointerDownEvent) {
else if (evt is PointerDownEvent) {
} else if (evt is PointerUpEvent || evt is PointerCancelEvent) {
else if (evt is PointerUpEvent || evt is PointerCancelEvent) {
didChangeConfiguration = true;

void _update() {
int count = this._pointerLocations.Keys.Count;

float totalDeviation = 0.0f;
float totalHorizontalDeviation = 0.0f;
float totalVerticalDeviation = 0.0f;
} else if (this._initialLine != null &&
this._initialLine.pointerStartId == this._pointerQueue[0] &&
this._initialLine.pointerEndId == this._pointerQueue[1]) {
else if (this._initialLine != null &&
this._initialLine.pointerStartId == this._pointerQueue[0] &&
this._initialLine.pointerEndId == this._pointerQueue[1]) {
this._currentLine = new _LineBetweenPointers(
pointerStartId: this._pointerQueue[0],
pointerStartLocation: this._pointerLocations[this._pointerQueue[0]],

} else {
else {
this._initialLine = new _LineBetweenPointers(
pointerStartId: this._pointerQueue[0],
pointerStartLocation: this._pointerLocations[this._pointerQueue[0]],

this._currentLine = null;
bool _reconfigure(int pointer) {
this._initialFocalPoint = this._currentFocalPoint;
this._initialSpan = this._currentSpan;

Velocity velocity = tracker.getVelocity();
if (_ScaleGestureUtils._isFlingGesture(velocity)) {
Offset pixelsPerSecond = velocity.pixelsPerSecond;
if (pixelsPerSecond.distanceSquared > Constants.kMaxFlingVelocity * Constants.kMaxFlingVelocity)
velocity = new Velocity(pixelsPerSecond: (pixelsPerSecond / pixelsPerSecond.distance) * Constants.kMaxFlingVelocity);
if (pixelsPerSecond.distanceSquared >
Constants.kMaxFlingVelocity * Constants.kMaxFlingVelocity) {
velocity = new Velocity(
pixelsPerSecond: (pixelsPerSecond / pixelsPerSecond.distance) *
} else {
else {
this.invokeCallback<object>("onEnd", () => {
this.onEnd(new ScaleEndDetails(velocity: Velocity.zero));
return null;

void _advanceStateMachine(bool shouldStartIfAccepted) {
if (this._state == _ScaleState.ready) {
this._state = _ScaleState.possible;

if (spanDelta > Constants.kScaleSlop || focalPointDelta > Constants.kPanSlop) {
} else if (this._state >= _ScaleState.accepted) {
else if (this._state >= _ScaleState.accepted) {

if (this._state == _ScaleState.started && this.onUpdate != null)
if (this._state == _ScaleState.started && this.onUpdate != null) {
this.onUpdate(new ScaleUpdateDetails(
scale: this._scaleFactor,
horizontalScale: this._horizontalScaleFactor,
verticalScale: this._verticalScaleFactor,
focalPoint: this._currentFocalPoint,
rotation: this._computeRotationFactor()
this.onUpdate(new ScaleUpdateDetails(
scale: this._scaleFactor,
horizontalScale: this._horizontalScaleFactor,
verticalScale: this._verticalScaleFactor,
focalPoint: this._currentFocalPoint,
rotation: this._computeRotationFactor()
if (this.onStart != null)
if (this.onStart != null) {
public override void acceptGesture(int pointer) {
if (this._state == _ScaleState.possible) {
this._state = _ScaleState.started;

protected override void didStopTrackingLastPointer(int pointer) {
switch (this._state) {
case _ScaleState.possible:

public override void dispose() {


onHorizontalDragStart != null || onHorizontalDragUpdate != null ||
onHorizontalDragEnd != null;
bool haveLongPress = onLongPress != null || onLongPressUp != null;
bool haveLongPressDrag = onLongPressDragStart != null || onLongPressDragUpdate != null || onLongPressDragUp != null;
bool haveLongPressDrag = onLongPressDragStart != null || onLongPressDragUpdate != null ||
onLongPressDragUp != null;
bool havePan = onPanStart != null || onPanUpdate != null || onPanEnd != null;
if (havePan) {
if (haveVerticalDrag && haveHorizontalDrag) {

"Incorrect GestureDetector arguments.\n" +
"Having both a long press and a long press drag recognizer is " +
"redundant as the long press drag is a superset of long press. " +
"Except long press drag allows for drags after the long press is " +
"Incorrect GestureDetector arguments.\n" +
"Having both a long press and a long press drag recognizer is " +
"redundant as the long press drag is a superset of long press. " +
"Except long press drag allows for drags after the long press is " +
return true;

instance => { instance.onLongPress = this.onLongPress; }
if (this.onLongPressDragStart != null || this.onLongPressDragUpdate != null || this.onLongPressDragUp != null) {
gestures[typeof(LongPressDragGestureRecognizer)] = new GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers<LongPressDragGestureRecognizer>(
() => new LongPressDragGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this),
(LongPressDragGestureRecognizer instance) => {
instance.onLongPressStart = this.onLongPressDragStart;
instance.onLongPressDragUpdate = this.onLongPressDragUpdate;
instance.onLongPressUp = this.onLongPressDragUp;
if (this.onLongPressDragStart != null || this.onLongPressDragUpdate != null ||
this.onLongPressDragUp != null) {
gestures[typeof(LongPressDragGestureRecognizer)] =
new GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers<LongPressDragGestureRecognizer>(
() => new LongPressDragGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this),
(LongPressDragGestureRecognizer instance) => {
instance.onLongPressStart = this.onLongPressDragStart;
instance.onLongPressDragUpdate = this.onLongPressDragUpdate;
instance.onLongPressUp = this.onLongPressDragUp;
if (this.onVerticalDragDown != null ||

if (this.onScaleStart != null ||
this.onScaleUpdate != null ||
this.onScaleEnd != null) {
gestures[typeof(ScaleGestureRecognizer)] =
gestures[typeof(ScaleGestureRecognizer)] =
new GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers<ScaleGestureRecognizer>(
() => new ScaleGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this),
instance => {

: gestures[type].constructorRaw();
D.assert(this._recognizers[type].GetType() == type,
() => "GestureRecognizerFactory of type " + type + " created a GestureRecognizer of type " +
this._recognizers[type].GetType() +
". The GestureRecognizerFactory must be specialized with the type of the class that it returns from its constructor method.");
this._recognizers[type].GetType() +
". The GestureRecognizerFactory must be specialized with the type of the class that it returns from its constructor method.");


using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;

return new MaterialApp(
showPerformanceOverlay: false,
home: new ScaleGesturePanel()
protected override void OnEnable() {

class ScaleGesturePanelState : State<HoverMainPanel> {
float scaleValue = 1.0f;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(

Debug.Log("Scale value = " + scaleDetails.scale);
this.setState(() => { this.scaleValue = scaleDetails.scale; });
onScaleEnd: scaleDetails => {
Debug.Log("Scale End");
onScaleEnd: scaleDetails => { Debug.Log("Scale End"); },
child: new Card(
color: Colors.white,
child: new Center(

new Icon(Unity.UIWidgets.material.Icons.ac_unit, size: 128.0f, color: Colors.black),
new RaisedButton(
child: new Text("Scale: " + this.scaleValue),
onPressed: () => {
Debug.Log("Button Pressed");
onPressed: () => { Debug.Log("Button Pressed"); })