
Merge branch 'kgdev' into 'master'

update README.md

See merge request upm-packages/ui-widgets/com.unity.uiwidgets!84
Shenhua Gu 6 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 23 次插入0 次删除
  1. 23


First of all, please open or create a Unity Project and open it with Unity Editor.
And then open Project Settings, go to Player section and add "UIWidgets_DEBUG" to the Scripting Debug Symbols field.
This enables the debug mode of UIWidgets for your development. Remove this for your release build afterwards.
#### ii. Scene Build
A UIWidgets App is usually built upon a Unity UI Canvas. Please follow the steps to create a
UI Canvas in Unity.

namespace UIWidgetsSample {
public class ExampleCanvas : WidgetCanvas {
protected override void OnEnable() {
// Application.targetFrameRate = 60; // or higher if you want a smoother scrolling experience.
// if you want to use your own font or font icons.
// use the font family name instead of the file name in FontStyle.fontFamily.
// you can get the font family name by clicking the font file and check its Inspector.
// FontManager.instance.addFont(Resources.Load<Font>(path: "path to your font"));
protected override Widget getWidget() {
return new ExampleApp();

1. Choose a target platform and click "Build". Then the Unity Editor will automatically assemble
all relevant resources and generate the final App package.
#### How to load images?
1. Put your images files in Resources folder. e.g. image1.png.
2. You can add image1@2.png and image1@3.png in the same folder to support HD screens.
3. Use Image.asset("image1") to load the image. Note: as in Unity, ".png" is not needed.
UIWidgets supports Gif as well!
1. Suppose you have loading1.gif. Rename it to loading1.gif.bytes and copy it to Resources folder.
2. You can add loading1@2.gif.bytes and loading1@3.gif.bytes in the same folder to support HD screens.
3. Use Image.asset("loading1.gif") to load the gif images.
## Debug UIWidgets Application
