
Merge branch 'siyaoH/1.17/material' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into zxw/1.17/material

xingweizhu 4 年前
共有 18 个文件被更改,包括 810 次插入327 次删除
  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 105
  4. 116
  5. 88
  6. 55
  7. 1
  8. 17
  9. 2
  10. 41
  11. 23
  12. 40
  13. 7
  14. 396
  15. 202
  16. 2
  17. 30


using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;
using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color;
using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material {

ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
DialogTheme dialogTheme = DialogTheme.of(context);
Widget titleWidget = null;
Widget contentWidget = null;
Widget actionsWidget = null;

public static Future<T> showDialog<T>(
BuildContext context = null,
bool barrierDismissible = true,
Widget child = null,
D.assert(child == null || builder == null);
ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context, shadowThemeOnly: true);

Widget pageChild = new Builder(builder: builder);
Widget pageChild = child ?? new Builder(builder: builder);
return new SafeArea(
child: new Builder(
builder: (_) => theme != null


public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<Color>("backgroundColor", backgroundColor));
properties.add(new ColorProperty("backgroundColor", backgroundColor));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<float?>("elevation", elevation));
properties.add(new FloatProperty("elevation", elevation));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("titleTextStyle", titleTextStyle));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("contentTextStyle", contentTextStyle));


public class Divider : StatelessWidget {
public Divider(
Key key = null,
float height = 16.0f,
float indent = 0.0f,
float? height = null,
float? thickness = null,
float? indent = null,
float? endIndent = null,
this.thickness = thickness;
this.endIndent = endIndent;
public readonly float height;
public readonly float? height;
public readonly float? thickness;
public readonly float? indent;
public readonly float indent;
public readonly float? endIndent;
public static BorderSide createBorderSide(BuildContext context, Color color = null, float width = 0.0f) {
public static BorderSide createBorderSide(BuildContext context, Color color = null, float? width = null) {
Color effectiveColor = color
?? (context != null
? (DividerTheme.of(context).color ?? Theme.of(context).dividerColor)
: null);
float effectiveWidth = width
?? (context != null ? DividerTheme.of(context).thickness : null)
?? 0.0f;
// Prevent assertion since it is possible that context is null and no color
// is specified.
if (effectiveColor == null) {
return new BorderSide(
width: effectiveWidth
color: color ?? Theme.of(context).dividerColor,
width: width);
color: effectiveColor,
width: effectiveWidth
DividerThemeData dividerTheme = DividerTheme.of(context);
float height = this.height ?? dividerTheme.space ?? 16.0f;
float thickness = this.thickness ?? dividerTheme.thickness ?? 0.0f;
float indent = this.indent ?? dividerTheme.indent ?? 0.0f;
float endIndent = this.endIndent ?? dividerTheme.endIndent ?? 0.0f;
height: 0.0f,
margin: EdgeInsets.only(indent),
height: thickness,
//TODO: update to EdgeInsetsGeometry
margin: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: indent,
end: endIndent),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border(
bottom: createBorderSide(context, color: color, width: thickness))
public class VerticalDivider : StatelessWidget {
public VerticalDivider(
Key key = null,
float? width = null,
float? thickness = null,
float? indent = null,
float? endIndent = null,
Color color = null
) : base(key) {
D.assert(width == null || width >= 0.0);
D.assert(thickness == null || thickness >= 0.0);
D.assert(indent == null || indent >= 0.0);
D.assert(endIndent == null || endIndent >= 0.0);
this.width = width;
this.thickness = thickness;
this.indent = indent;
this.endIndent = endIndent;
this.color = color;
public readonly float? width;
public readonly float? thickness;
public readonly float? indent;
public readonly float? endIndent;
public readonly Color color;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
DividerThemeData dividerTheme = DividerTheme.of(context);
float width = this.width ?? dividerTheme.space ?? 16.0f;
float thickness = this.thickness ?? dividerTheme.thickness ?? 0.0f;
float indent = this.indent ?? dividerTheme.indent ?? 0.0f;
float endIndent = this.endIndent ?? dividerTheme.endIndent ?? 0.0f;
return new SizedBox(
width: width,
child: new Center(
child: new Container(
width: thickness,
//TODO: update to EdgeInsetsGeometry
margin: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(top: indent,
bottom: endIndent),
bottom: createBorderSide(context, color: color))
left: Divider.createBorderSide(context, color: color, width: thickness)


using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;
using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material {
static class DrawerUtils {

Widget child = null,
DrawerAlignment? alignment = null,
DrawerCallback drawerCallback = null,
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
Color scrimColor = null,
bool? enableOpenDragGesture = true,
float? edgeDragWidth = null
) : base(key: key) {
D.assert(child != null);
D.assert(alignment != null);

this.dragStartBehavior = dragStartBehavior;
this.scrimColor = scrimColor;
this.enableOpenDragGesture = enableOpenDragGesture;
this.edgeDragWidth = edgeDragWidth;
public readonly Widget child;

public readonly DragStartBehavior? dragStartBehavior;
public readonly DrawerCallback drawerCallback;
public readonly Color scrimColor;
public readonly bool? enableOpenDragGesture;
public readonly float? edgeDragWidth;
public override State createState() {
return new DrawerControllerState();

public class DrawerControllerState : SingleTickerProviderStateMixin<DrawerController> {
public override void initState() {
_scrimColorTween = _buildScrimColorTween();
_controller = new AnimationController(duration: DrawerUtils._kBaseSettleDuration, vsync: this);

public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget statefulWidget) {
if (statefulWidget is DrawerController oldWidget && widget.scrimColor != oldWidget.scrimColor)
_scrimColorTween = _buildScrimColorTween();
void _animationChanged() {

_controller.setValue(_controller.value + delta);
bool opened = _controller.value > 0.5;
bool opened = _controller.value > 0.5f;
if (opened != _previouslyOpened && widget.drawerCallback != null) {

_controller.fling(velocity: visualVelocity);
switch (Directionality.of(context)) {
case TextDirection.rtl:
_controller.fling(velocity: -visualVelocity);
if (widget.drawerCallback != null)
widget.drawerCallback(visualVelocity < 0.0f);
case TextDirection.ltr:
_controller.fling(velocity: visualVelocity);
if (widget.drawerCallback != null)
widget.drawerCallback(visualVelocity > 0.0f);
else if (_controller.value < 0.5) {
else if (_controller.value < 0.5f) {
else {

ColorTween _color = new ColorTween(begin: Colors.transparent, end: Colors.black54);
ColorTween _scrimColorTween;
ColorTween _buildScrimColorTween() {
return new ColorTween(begin: Colors.transparent, end: widget.scrimColor ?? Colors.black54);
Alignment _drawerOuterAlignment {
get {
switch (widget.alignment) {

Widget _buildDrawer(BuildContext context) {
bool drawerIsStart = widget.alignment == DrawerAlignment.start;
EdgeInsets padding = MediaQuery.of(context).padding;
float dragAreaWidth = drawerIsStart ? padding.left : padding.right;
TextDirection textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
dragAreaWidth = Mathf.Max(dragAreaWidth, DrawerUtils._kEdgeDragWidth);
float? dragAreaWidth = widget.edgeDragWidth;
if (widget.edgeDragWidth == null) {
switch (textDirection) {
case TextDirection.ltr:
dragAreaWidth = DrawerUtils._kEdgeDragWidth +
(drawerIsStart ? padding.left : padding.right);
case TextDirection.rtl:
dragAreaWidth = DrawerUtils._kEdgeDragWidth +
(drawerIsStart ? padding.right : padding.left);
return new Align(
alignment: _drawerOuterAlignment,
child: new GestureDetector(
key: _gestureDetectorKey,
onHorizontalDragUpdate: _move,
onHorizontalDragEnd: _settle,
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior ?? DragStartBehavior.down,
child: new Container(width: dragAreaWidth)
if (widget.enableOpenDragGesture ?? false) {
return new Align(
alignment: _drawerOuterAlignment,
child: new GestureDetector(
key: _gestureDetectorKey,
onHorizontalDragUpdate: _move,
onHorizontalDragEnd: _settle,
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior ?? DragStartBehavior.down,
child: new Container(width: dragAreaWidth)
else {
return SizedBox.shrink();
bool? platformHasBackButton = null;
switch (Theme.of(context).platform) {
case RuntimePlatform.Android:
platformHasBackButton = true;
case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer:
case RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor:
case RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer:
case RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor:
case RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer:
case RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor:
case RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer:
platformHasBackButton = false;
D.assert(platformHasBackButton != null);
return new GestureDetector(
key: _gestureDetectorKey,
onHorizontalDragDown: _handleDragDown,

children: new List<Widget> {
new GestureDetector(
onTap: close,
child: new Container(
color: _color.evaluate(_controller)
child: new MouseRegion(
opaque: true,
child: new Container( // The drawer's "scrim"
color: _scrimColorTween.evaluate(_controller)
new Align(

child: new FocusScope(
key: _drawerKey,
node: _focusScopeNode,
child: widget.child)
child: widget.child


using System;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
public abstract class RenderAnimatedOpacityMixinRenderSliver<ChildType> : RenderProxySliver, RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin<ChildType> where ChildType : RenderObject {
public int _alpha { get; set; }
public new bool alwaysNeedsCompositing {
public abstract class RenderAnimatedOpacityMixinRenderSliver<ChildType> : RenderProxySliver, RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin<ChildType> where ChildType : RenderObject {
public int _alpha { get; set;}
public new bool alwaysNeedsCompositing {
public bool _currentlyNeedsCompositing { get; set; }
public bool _currentlyNeedsCompositing { get;set; }
public Animation<float> opacity {
get { return _opacity; }

public bool alwaysIncludeSemantics {
get { return _alwaysIncludeSemantics; }
set {

public bool _alwaysIncludeSemantics { get; set; }
public override void attach(object owner) {
owner = (PipelineOwner) owner;
public bool _alwaysIncludeSemantics { get; set; }
public override void detach() {

//if (oldAlpha == 0 || _alpha == 0)
// markNeedsSemanticsUpdate();
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {

layer = context.pushOpacity(offset, _alpha, base.paint, oldLayer: layer as OpacityLayer);
public bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) {
D.assert(() => {
if (!(child is ChildType)) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(new List<DiagnosticsNode>{
new ErrorSummary(
$"A {GetType()} expected a child of type {typeof(ChildType)} but received a " +
$"child of type {child.GetType()}."
new ErrorDescription(
"RenderObjects expect specific types of children because they " +
"coordinate with their children during layout and paint. For " +
"example, a RenderSliver cannot be the child of a RenderBox because " +
"a RenderSliver does not understand the RenderBox layout protocol."
new ErrorSpacer(),
new DiagnosticsProperty<dynamic>(
"The $runtimeType that expected a $ChildType child was created by",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
new ErrorSpacer(),
new DiagnosticsProperty<dynamic>(
"The ${child.runtimeType} that did not match the expected child type " +
"was created by",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
return true;
return true;
RenderObject RenderObjectWithChildMixin.child {
get { return child; }
set { child = (ChildType) value; }


using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
public abstract class RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin{{with}}<ChildType> : {{with}}, RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin<ChildType> where ChildType : RenderSliver {
public abstract class RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin{{with}}<ChildType> : RenderProxySliver, RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin<ChildType> where ChildType : RenderObject {
get { child != null && _currentlyNeedsCompositing;}
get { return child != null && _currentlyNeedsCompositing;}
public bool _currentlyNeedsCompositing { get;set; }

public bool _alwaysIncludeSemantics { get; set; }
public override void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
public void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
public override void detach() {

properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<Animation<float>>("opacity", opacity));
properties.add(new FlagProperty("alwaysIncludeSemantics", value: alwaysIncludeSemantics, ifTrue: "alwaysIncludeSemantics"));
public bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) {
D.assert(() => {
if (!(child is ChildType)) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(new List<DiagnosticsNode>{
new ErrorSummary(
$"A {GetType()} expected a child of type {typeof(ChildType)} but received a " +
$"child of type {child.GetType()}."
new ErrorDescription(
"RenderObjects expect specific types of children because they " +
"coordinate with their children during layout and paint. For " +
"example, a RenderSliver cannot be the child of a RenderBox because " +
"a RenderSliver does not understand the RenderBox layout protocol."
new ErrorSpacer(),
new DiagnosticsProperty<dynamic>(
"The $runtimeType that expected a $ChildType child was created by",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
new ErrorSpacer(),
new DiagnosticsProperty<dynamic>(
"The ${child.runtimeType} that did not match the expected child type " +
"was created by",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
return true;
return true;
public ChildType child { get; set; }
RenderObject RenderObjectWithChildMixin.child {
get { return child; }
set { child = (ChildType) value; }


namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering {
public static class RenderingDebugUtils {
public static bool debugDisableShadows = false;
public static bool debugCheckElevationsEnabled = false;
public static bool debugRepaintTextRainbowEnabled = false;
static readonly HSVColor _kDebugDefaultRepaintColor = HSVColor.fromAHSV(0.4f, 60.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);


public class RenderEditable : RenderBox, RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin {
public class RenderEditable : RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixinRenderBox {
public RenderEditable(
TextSpan text = null,
TextDirection? textDirection = null,

return true;
public void attach(PipelineOwner owner) {
_tap = new TapGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this);
_tap.onTapDown = _handleTapDown;
_tap.onTap = _handleTap;
_longPress = new LongPressGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this);
_longPress.onLongPress = _handleLongPress;
string _cachedPlainText;
string _plainText {
get {

public override void attach(object ownerObject) {
/*_tap = new TapGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this);
_tap = new TapGestureRecognizer(debugOwner: this);
public override void detach() {


_needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
bool debugNeedsPaint {
public bool debugNeedsPaint {
get {
bool result = false;
D.assert(() => {


using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;

public bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) {
public virtual bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) {
D.assert(() => {
if (!(child is ChildType)) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(

public abstract class RenderObjectWithChildMixinRenderBox<ChildType> : RenderBox, RenderObjectWithChildMixin<ChildType>, RenderObjectWithChildMixin where ChildType : RenderObject {
public bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) {
public virtual bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) {
D.assert(() => {
if (!(child is ChildType)) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(

public virtual void insert(ChildType child, ChildType after = null) {
D.assert(child != this, ()=>"A RenderObject cannot be inserted into itself.");
D.assert(after != this,()=>
"A RenderObject cannot simultaneously be both the parent and the sibling of another RenderObject.");
D.assert(after != this,
()=>"A RenderObject cannot simultaneously be both the parent and the sibling of another RenderObject.");
_insertIntoChildList(child, after);

public virtual void insert(ChildType child, ChildType after = null) {
D.assert(child != this, ()=>"A RenderObject cannot be inserted into itself.");
D.assert(after != this,()=>
"A RenderObject cannot simultaneously be both the parent and the sibling of another RenderObject.");
D.assert(after != this,
()=>"A RenderObject cannot simultaneously be both the parent and the sibling of another RenderObject.");
_insertIntoChildList(child, after);

public virtual void insert(ChildType child, ChildType after = null) {
D.assert(child != this, ()=>"A RenderObject cannot be inserted into itself.");
D.assert(after != this,
()=> "A RenderObject cannot simultaneously be both the parent and the sibling of another RenderObject.");
D.assert(child != after,()=> "A RenderObject cannot be inserted after itself.");
()=>"A RenderObject cannot simultaneously be both the parent and the sibling of another RenderObject.");
D.assert(child != after, ()=>"A RenderObject cannot be inserted after itself.");
_insertIntoChildList(child, after);

public abstract class RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixinRenderBox : RenderBox {
protected void systemFontsDidChange() {
public override void attach(object owner) {
public override void detach() {


using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;

{{ RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilderMixin('abstract', 'RenderObject', 'Constraints') }}
{{ RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilderMixin('', 'RenderBox', 'BoxConstraints') }}
{{ RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilderMixin('abstract', 'RenderSliver', 'SliverConstraints') }}
{% macro RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin(with) %}
public abstract class RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin{{with}} : {{with}} {
protected void systemFontsDidChange() {
public override void attach(object owner) {
public override void detach() {
{% endmacro %}
{{ RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin('RenderBox') }}


_needsClipping = true;
//[!!!]need to replace it?
switch (_overflow) {
case TextOverflow.visible:
_needsClipping = false;

paintParagraph(context, offset);
} */
// need to replace it?
public override void paint(PaintingContext context2, Offset offset2) {
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
D.assert(() => {

context2.canvas.drawRect(offset2 & size, paint);
context.canvas.drawRect(offset & size, paint);
Rect bounds = offset2 & size;
Rect bounds = offset & size;
context2.canvas.saveLayer(bounds, new Paint());
context.canvas.saveLayer(bounds, new Paint());
_textPainter.paint(context2.canvas, offset2);
_textPainter.paint(context.canvas, offset);
RenderBox child = firstChild;
int childIndex = 0;

float scale = textParentData.scale;
offset2 + textParentData.offset,
offset + textParentData.offset,
(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) => {
(PaintingContext context2, Offset offset2) => {
context2.canvas.translate(offset2.dx, offset2.dy);
context.canvas.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy);
context2.canvas.drawRect(Offset.zero & size, paint);
context.canvas.drawRect(Offset.zero & size, paint);

_textPainter.layout(minWidth, widthMatters ? maxWidth : float.PositiveInfinity);
/*public override void systemFontsDidChange() {
List<PlaceholderDimensions> _placeholderDimensions;
void _layoutTextWithConstraints(BoxConstraints constraints) {


bool checkerboardRasterCacheImages = false,
bool checkerboardOffscreenLayers = false
) {
D.assert(optionsMask != null);
D.assert(rasterizerThreshold != null);
D.assert(checkerboardRasterCacheImages != null);
D.assert(checkerboardOffscreenLayers != null);
_optionsMask = optionsMask;
_rasterizerThreshold = rasterizerThreshold;
_checkerboardRasterCacheImages = checkerboardRasterCacheImages;

return _rasterizerThreshold;
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (value == _rasterizerThreshold)
_rasterizerThreshold = value;

return _checkerboardRasterCacheImages;
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (value == _checkerboardRasterCacheImages)
_checkerboardRasterCacheImages = value;

public bool checkerboardOffscreenLayers {
get { return _checkerboardOffscreenLayers; }
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (value == _checkerboardOffscreenLayers)
_checkerboardOffscreenLayers = value;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.async2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;

BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.modulate
) : base(child) {
D.assert(shaderCallback != null);
D.assert(blendMode != null);
_shaderCallback = shaderCallback;
_blendMode = blendMode;

public BlendMode blendMode {
get { return _blendMode;}
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (_blendMode == value)
_blendMode = value;

bool _currentlyNeedsCompositing { get; set; }
Animation<float> opacity {
Animation<float> _opacity { get; set; }
bool alwaysIncludeSemantics {
Animation<float> _opacity {
bool _alwaysIncludeSemantics { get; set; }
void attach(PipelineOwner owner);
void detach();

protected override void performLayout() {
BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints;
if (child != null) {
child.layout(_additionalConstraints.enforce(constraints), parentUsesSize: true);
size = child.size;

protected override void performLayout() {
if (child != null) {
BoxConstraints constraints = this.constraints;
child.layout(_limitConstraints(constraints), parentUsesSize: true);
size = constraints.constrain(child.size);

float width = constraints.maxWidth;
float height = width / _aspectRatio;
if (width.isFinite()) {
height = width / _aspectRatio;
} else {
height = constraints.maxHeight;
width = height * _aspectRatio;
if (width > constraints.maxWidth) {
width = constraints.maxWidth;
height = width / _aspectRatio;

public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null) {
if (_alpha == 0) {
layer = null;
layer = null;
context.pushOpacity(offset, _alpha, base.paint);
layer = context.pushOpacity(offset, _alpha, base.paint, oldLayer: layer as OpacityLayer);
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {

public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null) {
context.pushLayer(new BackdropFilterLayer(filter), base.paint, offset);
layer = layer?? new BackdropFilterLayer(_filter);
context.pushLayer(layer, base.paint, offset);
} else {
layer = null;

_clipBehavior = value;

new List<Color> {
new Color(0x00000000),
new Color(0xFFFF00FF),
}, null, TileMode.repeated);
new Color(0xFFFF00FF),
new Color(0x00000000)
new List<float>{0.25f,0.25f,0.75f,0.75f},
_debugPaint.strokeWidth = 2.0f;
_debugPaint.style = PaintingStyle.stroke;

text: new TextSpan(
text: "x",
text: "✂",
textDirection: TextDirection.rtl

child: child,
clipper: clipper,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior) {
D.assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
protected override Rect _defaultClip {

public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null) {
context.pushClipRect(needsCompositing, offset, _clip,
base.paint, clipBehavior: clipBehavior);
layer = context.pushClipRect(
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
oldLayer: layer as ClipRectLayer
} else {
layer = null;

public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null) {
context.pushClipRRect(needsCompositing, offset, _clip.outerRect, _clip,
base.paint, clipBehavior: clipBehavior);
layer = context.pushClipRRect(
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
oldLayer: layer as ClipRRectLayer
} else {
layer = null;

get { return Offset.zero & size; }
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result,
Offset position = null
) {
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
D.assert(_clip != null);
Offset center = _clip.center;

public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null) {
context.pushClipPath(needsCompositing, offset, _clip, _getClipPath(_clip),
base.paint, clipBehavior: clipBehavior);
layer = context.pushClipPath(
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
oldLayer: layer as ClipPathLayer
} else {
layer = null;

public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null) {
context.pushClipPath(needsCompositing, offset, Offset.zero & size,
_clip, base.paint, clipBehavior: clipBehavior);
layer = context.pushClipPath(
Offset.zero & size,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
oldLayer: layer as ClipPathLayer
} else {
layer = null;

_shape = shape;
_borderRadius = borderRadius;
public PhysicalModelLayer layer { // [!!!] override
get {
return base.layer as PhysicalModelLayer;
set {
if (layer == value) {
base.layer = value;
public BoxShape shape {
get { return _shape; }

Rect offsetBounds = offsetRRect.outerRect;
Path offsetRRectAsPath = new Path();
PhysicalModelLayer physicalModel = new PhysicalModelLayer(
clipPath: offsetRRectAsPath,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
elevation: elevation,
color: color,
shadowColor: shadowColor);
bool paintShadows = true;
D.assert(() => {
if (RenderingDebugUtils.debugDisableShadows) {
if (elevation > 0.0) {
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.color = shadowColor;
paint.style = PaintingStyle.stroke;
paint.strokeWidth = elevation * 2.0f;
paintShadows = false;
return true;
layer = layer?? new PhysicalModelLayer();
layer.clipPath = offsetRRectAsPath;
layer.clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
layer.elevation = paintShadows ? elevation : 0.0f;
layer.color = color;
layer.shadowColor = shadowColor;
context.pushLayer(layer, base.paint, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetBounds);
physicalModel.debugCreator = debugCreator;
layer.debugCreator = debugCreator;
context.pushLayer(physicalModel, base.paint, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetBounds);
} else {
layer = null;

clipBehavior: clipBehavior) {
D.assert(clipper != null);
D.assert(color != null);
D.assert(elevation >= 0.0);
public PhysicalModelLayer layer { // [!!!] override
get {
return base.layer as PhysicalModelLayer;
set {
if (layer == value) {
base.layer = value;
protected override Path _defaultClip {

Rect offsetBounds = offset & size;
Path offsetPath = _clip.shift(offset);
PhysicalModelLayer physicalModel = new PhysicalModelLayer(
clipPath: offsetPath,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
elevation: elevation,
color: color,
shadowColor: shadowColor);
context.pushLayer(physicalModel, base.paint, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetBounds);
bool paintShadows = true;
D.assert(() => {
if (RenderingDebugUtils.debugDisableShadows) {
if (elevation > 0.0) {
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.color = shadowColor;
paint.style = PaintingStyle.stroke;
paint.strokeWidth = elevation * 2.0f;
paintShadows = false;
return true;
layer = layer?? new PhysicalModelLayer();
layer.clipPath = offsetPath;
layer.clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
layer.elevation = paintShadows ? elevation : 0.0f;
layer.color = color;
layer.shadowColor = shadowColor;
context.pushLayer(layer, base.paint, offset, childPaintBounds: offsetBounds);
D.assert(() => {
layer.debugCreator = debugCreator;
return true;
} else {
layer = null;

protected override bool hitTestSelf(Offset position) {
return _decoration.hitTest(size, position);
// [!!!] hitTest no textDirection
// return _decoration.hitTest(size, position, textDirection: configuration.textDirection);
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {

D.assert(() => {
if (debugSaveCount != context.canvas.getSaveCount()) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
_decoration.GetType() + " painter had mismatching save and restore calls.\n" +
"Before painting the decoration, the canvas save count was $debugSaveCount. " +
"After painting it, the canvas save count was " + context.canvas.getSaveCount() + ". " +
"Every call to save() or saveLayer() must be matched by a call to restore().\n" +
"The decoration was:\n" +
" " + decoration + "\n" +
"The painter was:\n" +
" " + _painter
throw new UIWidgetsError(new List<DiagnosticsNode>{
new ErrorSummary($"{_decoration.GetType()} painter had mismatching save and restore calls."),
new ErrorDescription(
"Before painting the decoration, the canvas save count was $debugSaveCount. " +
"After painting it, the canvas save count was ${context.canvas.getSaveCount()}. " +
"Every call to save() or saveLayer() must be matched by a call to restore()."
new DiagnosticsProperty<Decoration>("The decoration was", decoration, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
new DiagnosticsProperty<BoxPainter>("The painter was", _painter, style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty),
return true;

bool transformHitTests = true,
RenderBox child = null
) : base(child) {
D.assert(transform != null);
this.transform = transform;
this.origin = origin;
this.alignment = alignment;

_transform = value;
//_transform = Matrix4.copy(value);

public void setIdentity() {
_transform = Matrix4.identity();

Offset childOffset = transform.getAsTranslation();
if (childOffset == null) {
context.pushTransform(needsCompositing, offset, transform, base.paint);
else {
layer = context.pushTransform(
oldLayer: layer as TransformLayer
} else {
layer = null;

Rect sourceRect = _resolvedAlignment.inscribe(sizes.source, Offset.zero & childSize);
Rect destinationRect = _resolvedAlignment.inscribe(sizes.destination, Offset.zero & size);
_hasVisualOverflow = sourceRect.width < childSize.width || sourceRect.height < childSize.height;
D.assert(scaleX.isFinite() && scaleY.isFinite());
bool result = true;
foreach (var value in _transform.storage) {
if (!value.isFinite()) {
result = false;
context.pushTransform(needsCompositing, offset, _transform, base.paint);
context.pushTransform(needsCompositing, offset, _transform, base.paint,
oldLayer: layer is TransformLayer ? layer as TransformLayer : null);
/*TransformLayer _paintChildWithTransform(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
Offset childOffset = _transform.getAsTranslation();
if (childOffset == null) {
return context.pushTransform(needsCompositing, offset, _transform, base.paint,
oldLayer: layer is TransformLayer ? layer as TransformLayer : null);
else {
base.paint(context, offset + childOffset);
return null;
if (size.isEmpty) {
if (size.isEmpty || child.size.isEmpty) {

context.pushClipRect(needsCompositing, offset, Offset.zero & size,
painter: _paintChildWithTransform,
oldLayer: layer is ClipRectLayer ? layer as ClipRectLayer : null);
else {
_paintChildWithTransform(context, offset);

public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) {
if (size.isEmpty) {
if (size.isEmpty || ((RenderBox)child).size.isEmpty) {
else {

Offset _translation;
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position) {
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position) {
protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
return result.addWithPaintOffset(
offset: transformHitTests

{"cancel", onPointerCancel},
{"signal", onPointerSignal}
ifEmpty: "<none>"));
ifEmpty: "<none>"

bool opaque = true,
RenderBox child = null
) : base(child) {
D.assert(opaque != null);
_onEnter = onEnter;
_onHover = onHover;
_onExit = onExit;

PointerEnterEventListener _onEnter;
public void _handleEnter(PointerEnterEvent Event) {
public void _handleEnter(PointerEnterEvent _event) {
public PointerHoverEventListener onHover {

PointerHoverEventListener _onHover;
void _handleHover(PointerHoverEvent Event) {
void _handleHover(PointerHoverEvent _event) {
public PointerExitEventListener onExit {

PointerExitEventListener _onExit;
void _handleExit(PointerExitEvent Event) {
void _handleExit(PointerExitEvent _event) {
MouseTrackerAnnotation _hoverAnnotation;

owner = (PipelineOwner)owner;
// todo
// RendererBinding.instance.mouseTracker.removeListener(_handleUpdatedMouseIsConnected);
public bool _annotationIsActive;

AnnotatedRegionLayer<MouseTrackerAnnotation> layer = new AnnotatedRegionLayer<MouseTrackerAnnotation>(
size: size,
offset: offset
//opaque: opaque // todo
offset: offset,
opaque: opaque // TODO
context.pushLayer(layer, base.paint, offset);
} else {

public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
// todo
/* properties.add(FlagsSummary<Function>(
properties.add(new FlagsSummary<Delegate>(
<string, Function>{
"enter": onEnter,
"hover": onHover,
"exit": onExit,
ifEmpty: "<none>",
new Dictionary<string, Delegate>{
{"enter", onEnter},
{"hover", onHover},
{"exit", onExit},
ifEmpty: "<none>"
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool>("opaque", opaque, defaultValue: true));

public override bool isRepaintBoundary {
get { return true; }
Future<ui.Image> toImage( float pixelRatio = 1.0f) {
OffsetLayer offsetLayer = layer as OffsetLayer;
return offsetLayer.toImage(Offset.zero & size, pixelRatio: pixelRatio);
public int debugSymmetricPaintCount {
get { return _debugSymmetricPaintCount; }

bool _ignoring;
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
return ignoring ? false : base.hitTest(result, position: position);
return !ignoring && base.hitTest(result, position: position);
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {

public class RenderOffstage : RenderProxyBox {
public RenderOffstage(bool offstage = true,
RenderBox child = null) : base(child) {
public RenderOffstage(bool offstage = true, RenderBox child = null) : base(child) {
_offstage = offstage;

public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position) {
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
return !offstage && base.hitTest(result, position: position);

public bool absorbing {
get { return _absorbing; }
set { _absorbing = value; }
set {
if (_absorbing == value)
_absorbing = value;
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position) {
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
return absorbing
? size.contains(position)
: base.hitTest(result, position: position);

public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
context.pushLayer(new LeaderLayer(link: link, offset: offset), base.paint, Offset.zero);
if (layer == null) {
layer = new LeaderLayer(link: link, offset: offset);
} else {
LeaderLayer leaderLayer = (LeaderLayer)layer;
leaderLayer.link = link;
leaderLayer.offset = offset;
context.pushLayer(layer, base.paint, Offset.zero);
D.assert(layer != null);
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {

Offset offset = null,
RenderBox child = null
) : base(child) {
D.assert(link != null);
this.offset = offset;
this.offset = offset?? Offset.zero;
public LayerLink link {

Offset _offset;
public override void detach() {
_layer = null;
layer = null;

new FollowerLayer _layer;
public FollowerLayer layer { // [!!!] override
get {
return base.layer as FollowerLayer;
set {
if (layer == value)
layer = value;
return _layer?.getLastTransform() ?? Matrix4.identity();
return layer?.getLastTransform() ?? Matrix4.identity();
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position) {
public override bool hitTest(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position) {
protected override bool hitTestChildren(BoxHitTestResult result, Offset position = null) {
return result.addWithPaintTransform(
transform: getCurrentTransform(),
position: position,

public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
_layer = new FollowerLayer(
link: link,
showWhenUnlinked: showWhenUnlinked,
linkedOffset: this.offset,
unlinkedOffset: offset
if (layer == null) {
layer = new FollowerLayer(
link: link,
showWhenUnlinked: showWhenUnlinked,
linkedOffset: this.offset,
unlinkedOffset: offset
else {
layer.link = link;
layer.showWhenUnlinked = showWhenUnlinked;
layer.linkedOffset = this.offset;
layer.unlinkedOffset = offset;
childPaintBounds: Rect.fromLTRB(


using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering {
public abstract class RenderProxySliver : RenderSliver , RenderObjectWithChildMixin<RenderSliver> {
public RenderProxySliver(RenderSliver child = null) {
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.rendering
public abstract class RenderProxySliver : RenderSliver, RenderObjectWithChildMixin<RenderSliver>
public RenderProxySliver(RenderSliver child = null)
RenderSliver _child;
public RenderSliver child {
RenderSliver _child;
public RenderSliver child
set {
if (_child != null)
_child = value;

public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child) {
public override void setupParentData(RenderObject child)
protected override void performLayout() {
protected override void performLayout()
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset)
protected override bool hitTestChildren(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0, float crossAxisPosition = 0) {
return child != null
protected override bool hitTestChildren(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0, float crossAxisPosition = 0)
return child != null
&& child.geometry.hitTestExtent > 0
&& child.hitTest(

public override float? childMainAxisPosition(RenderObject child) {
public override float? childMainAxisPosition(RenderObject child)
D.assert(child != null);
D.assert(child != null);
public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform) {
D.assert(child != null);
public override void applyPaintTransform(RenderObject child, Matrix4 transform)
D.assert(child != null);
public bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child) {
D.assert(() => {
if (!(child is RenderSliver)) {
public bool debugValidateChild(RenderObject child)
D.assert(() =>
if (!(child is RenderSliver))
string result = "";
result += new ErrorDescription(
$"A {GetType()} expected a child of type $ChildType but received a " +

RenderObject RenderObjectWithChildMixin.child {
RenderObject RenderObjectWithChildMixin.child
set { child = (RenderSliver) value; }
set { child = (RenderSliver)value; }
public class RenderSliverAnimatedOpacity :RenderAnimatedOpacityMixinRenderSliver<RenderSliver>{
public class RenderSliverAnimatedOpacity : RenderAnimatedOpacityMixinRenderSliver<RenderSliver>
Animation<float> opacity ,
Animation<float> opacity,
) {
public class RenderSliverOpacity : RenderProxySliver {
public class RenderSliverOpacity : RenderProxySliver
) : base( child:sliver) {
D.assert(opacity != null && opacity >= 0.0 && opacity <= 1.0);
) : base(child: sliver)
D.assert(opacity >= 0.0 && opacity <= 1.0);
child = sliver;
bool alwaysNeedsCompositing {
get { return child != null && (_alpha != 0 && _alpha != 255);}
bool alwaysNeedsCompositing
get { return child != null && (_alpha != 0 && _alpha != 255); }
public float opacity {
public float opacity
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (_opacity == value)
if (_opacity == value)
if (didNeedCompositing != alwaysNeedsCompositing)
if (didNeedCompositing != alwaysNeedsCompositing)
//if (wasVisible != (_alpha != 0) && !alwaysIncludeSemantics)
// markNeedsSemanticsUpdate();
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (child != null && child.geometry.visible) {
if (_alpha == 0) {
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset)
if (child != null && child.geometry.visible)
if (_alpha == 0)
if (_alpha == 255) {
if (_alpha == 255)
var opacity = context.pushOpacity(
layer = context.pushOpacity(
layer = opacity;
/*public override void visitChildrenForSemantics(RenderObject visitor) {
visitor = (RenderObjectVisitor)visitor;
if (child != null && (_alpha != 0 || alwaysIncludeSemantics))
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties)
public class RenderSliverIgnorePointer : RenderProxySliver {
public class RenderSliverIgnorePointer : RenderProxySliver
bool ignoring = true,
bool? ignoringSemantics = null
child = sliver;
D.assert(ignoring != null);
_ignoring = ignoring;
bool ignoring = true
_ignoring = ignoring;
child = sliver;
public bool ignoring {
public bool ignoring
set {
D.assert(value != null);
//if (_ignoringSemantics == null || !_ignoringSemantics)
// markNeedsSemanticsUpdate();
public override bool hitTest(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0, float crossAxisPosition = 0) {
public override bool hitTest(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0, float crossAxisPosition = 0)
return !ignoring && base.hitTest(
mainAxisPosition: mainAxisPosition,

/*public override void visitChildrenForSemantics(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) {
if (child != null && !_effectiveIgnoringSemantics)
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties)
public class RenderSliverOffstage : RenderProxySliver {
public class RenderSliverOffstage : RenderProxySliver
bool offstage = true): base(child:sliver) {
D.assert(offstage != null);
_offstage = offstage;
child = sliver;
bool offstage = true) : base(child: sliver)
_offstage = offstage;
public bool offstage {
public bool offstage
set {
D.assert(value != null);
if (value == _offstage)
_offstage = value;

bool _offstage;
protected override void performLayout() {
protected override void performLayout()
D.assert(child != null);
child.layout(constraints, parentUsesSize: true);
if (!offstage)

visible: false,
maxPaintExtent: 0.0f);
public override bool hitTest(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0, float crossAxisPosition = 0) {
public override bool hitTest(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0, float crossAxisPosition = 0)
protected override bool hitTestChildren(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0, float crossAxisPosition = 0) {
protected override bool hitTestChildren(SliverHitTestResult result, float mainAxisPosition = 0, float crossAxisPosition = 0)
return !offstage
&& child != null
&& child.geometry.hitTestExtent > 0

crossAxisPosition: crossAxisPosition
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
public override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset)
/*public override void visitChildrenForSemantics(RenderObjectVisitor visitor) {
if (offstage)
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties)
public override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() {
if (child == null)
public override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren()
if (child == null)
return new List<DiagnosticsNode>();
return new List<DiagnosticsNode>{



readonly List<float> _rowTops = new List<float>();
List<float> _columnLefts;
Rect getRowBox(int row) {
public Rect getRowBox(int row) {
D.assert(row >= 0);
D.assert(row < rows);


public static bool debugProfileBuildsEnabled = false;
public static bool debugHighlightDeprecatedWidgets = false;
static Key _firstNonUniqueKey(IEnumerable<Widget> widgets) {

return false;
public static bool debugCheckHasTable(BuildContext context) {
D.assert(() => {
if (!(context.widget is Table) && context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<Table>() == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(new List<DiagnosticsNode> {
new ErrorSummary("No Table widget found."),
new ErrorDescription($"{context.widget.GetType()} widgets require a Table widget ancestor."),
context.describeWidget("The specific widget that could not find a Table ancestor was"),
context.describeOwnershipChain("The ownership chain for the affected widget is")
return true;
return true;
public static void debugWidgetBuilderValue(Widget widget, Widget built) {
D.assert(() => {
if (built == null) {

if (!(context.widget is MediaQuery) && context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<MediaQuery>() == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(new List<DiagnosticsNode> {
new ErrorSummary("No MediaQuery widget found."),
new ErrorDescription($"{context.widget.GetType()} widgets require a MediaQuery widget ancestor."),
new ErrorDescription(
$"{context.widget.GetType()} widgets require a MediaQuery widget ancestor."),
context.describeWidget("The specific widget that could not find a MediaQuery ancestor was"),
context.describeOwnershipChain("The ownership chain for the affected widget is"),
new ErrorHint(

D.assert(() => {
if (!(context.widget is Directionality) &&
context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<Directionality>() == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(new List<DiagnosticsNode>{
throw new UIWidgetsError(new List<DiagnosticsNode> {
new ErrorDescription($"{context.widget.GetType()} widgets require a Directionality widget ancestor.\n"),
new ErrorDescription(
$"{context.widget.GetType()} widgets require a Directionality widget ancestor.\n"),
context.describeWidget("The specific widget that could not find a Directionality ancestor was"),
context.describeOwnershipChain("The ownership chain for the affected widget is"),
new ErrorHint(

return details;
D.assert(()=> {
D.assert(() => {
if (debugPrintRebuildDirtyWidgets ||
debugPrintBuildScope ||
debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks ||

return true;