
FileImage && NetworkImage

siyao 4 年前
共有 6 个文件被更改,包括 281 次插入58 次删除
  1. 84
  2. 35
  3. 215
  4. 2
  5. 2
  6. 1


internal abstract class _ErrorDiagnostic : DiagnosticsProperty<List<object>> {
/// This constructor provides a reliable hook for a kernel transformer to find
/// error messages that need to be rewritten to include object references for
/// interactive display of errors.
internal _ErrorDiagnostic(
String message,
DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.sparse, // DiagnosticsTreeStyle.flat
DiagnosticLevel level = DiagnosticLevel.info
) : base(
name: null,
value: new List<object>() {message},
showName: false,
showSeparator: false,
defaultValue: null,
style: style,
level: level) {
D.assert(message != null);
/// In debug builds, a kernel transformer rewrites calls to the default
/// constructors for [ErrorSummary], [ErrorDetails], and [ErrorHint] to use
/// this constructor.
// ```dart
// _ErrorDiagnostic('Element $element must be $color')
// ```
// Desugars to:
// ```dart
// _ErrorDiagnostic.fromParts(<Object>['Element ', element, ' must be ', color])
// ```
// Slightly more complex case:
// ```dart
// _ErrorDiagnostic('Element ${element.runtimeType} must be $color')
// ```
// Desugars to:
// _ErrorDiagnostic.fromParts(<Object>[
// 'Element ',
// DiagnosticsProperty(null, element, description: element.runtimeType?.toString()),
// ' must be ',
// color,
// ])
// ```
internal _ErrorDiagnostic(
List<object> messageParts,
DiagnosticsTreeStyle style = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.sparse,
DiagnosticLevel level = DiagnosticLevel.info
) : base(
name: null,
value: messageParts,
showName: false,
showSeparator: false,
defaultValue: null,
style: style,
level: level) {
D.assert(messageParts != null);
protected override string valueToString(TextTreeConfiguration parentConfiguration = null) {
return String.Join("", value);
internal class ErrorDescription : _ErrorDiagnostic {
/// A lint enforces that this constructor can only be called with a string
/// literal to match the limitations of the Dart Kernel transformer that
/// optionally extracts out objects referenced using string interpolation in
/// the message passed in.
/// The message will display with the same text regardless of whether the
/// kernel transformer is used. The kernel transformer is required so that
/// debugging tools can provide interactive displays of objects described by
/// the error.
public ErrorDescription(String message) : base(message, level: DiagnosticLevel.info) {
/// Calls to the default constructor may be rewritten to use this constructor
/// in debug mode using a kernel transformer.
// ignore: unused_element
public ErrorDescription(List<object> messageParts) : base(messageParts, level: DiagnosticLevel.info) {


using System;
using Unity.UIWidgets.async2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;

namespace Unity.UIWidgets.painting {
public class PaintingBinding : GestureBinding {
protected override void initInstances() {
instance = this;
_imageCache = createImageCache();
if (shaderWarmUp != null) {
protected override void initInstances() {
instance = this;
_imageCache = createImageCache();
if (shaderWarmUp != null) {
public new static PaintingBinding instance {
get { return (PaintingBinding) GestureBinding.instance; }

protected virtual ImageCache createImageCache() {
return new ImageCache();
// public Future<Codec> instantiateImageCodec(byte[] bytes,
// int? cacheWidth = null,
// int? cacheHeight = null) {
// D.assert(cacheWidth == null || cacheWidth > 0);
// D.assert(cacheHeight == null || cacheHeight > 0);
// Future<object> f = instantiateImageCodec(null).then<object>(c => {
// return FutureOr.null_;
// }).to<Codec>().asOf<object>();
// return ui.instantiateImageCodec(
// bytes,
// targetWidth: cacheWidth,
// targetHeight: cacheHeight
// );
// }
public static partial class painting_ {


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using Unity.UIWidgets.engine2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using UnityEngine;

using Window = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Window;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.painting {
public static partial class painting_ {
internal delegate void _KeyAndErrorHandlerCallback<T>(T key, Action<Exception> handleError);
internal delegate Future _AsyncKeyErrorHandler<T>(T key, Exception exception);
public class ImageConfiguration : IEquatable<ImageConfiguration> {
public ImageConfiguration(
AssetBundle bundle = null,

public delegate Future<ui.Codec> DecoderCallback(byte[] bytes, int cacheWidth = 0, int cacheHeight = 0);
public delegate Future<ui.Codec> DecoderCallback(byte[] bytes, int? cacheWidth = 0, int? cacheHeight = 0);
public static bool operator ==(ImageProvider left, ImageProvider right) {
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(ImageProvider left, ImageProvider right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public abstract class ImageProvider<T> : ImageProvider {

ImageStream stream = new ImageStream();
T obtainedKey = default;
(T successKey, Action<Exception> errorHandler) => {
resolveStreamForKey(configuration, stream, successKey, (Exception e) => errorHandler(e));
(T key, Exception exception) => {
// await null; // wait an event turn in case a listener has been added to the image stream.
_ErrorImageCompleter imageCompleter = new _ErrorImageCompleter();
InformationCollector collector = null;
D.assert(() => {
collector = (sb) => {
sb.Append(new DiagnosticsProperty<ImageProvider>("Image provider", this));
sb.Append(new DiagnosticsProperty<ImageConfiguration>("Image configuration",
sb.Append(new DiagnosticsProperty<T>("Image key", key, defaultValue: null));
return true;
exception: exception,
stack: exception.StackTrace,
context: new ErrorDescription("while resolving an image"),
silent: true, // could be a network error or whatnot
informationCollector: collector
return Future.value();
obtainKey(configuration).then_((T key) => {
obtainedKey = key;
// TODO : how to load
// stream.setCompleter(PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent(key, () => load(key)));
D.assert(false, () => "load image from ImageStream is not implemented yet");
}).catchError(ex => {
UIWidgetsError.reportError(new UIWidgetsErrorDetails(
exception: ex,
library: "services library",
context: "while resolving an image",
silent: true,
informationCollector: information => {
information.AppendLine($"Image provider: {this}");
information.AppendLine($"Image configuration: {configuration}");
if (obtainedKey != null) {
information.AppendLine($"Image key: {obtainedKey}");
return stream;
void resolveStreamForKey(ImageConfiguration configuration, ImageStream stream, T key,
ImageErrorListener handleError) {
// This is an unusual edge case where someone has told us that they found
// the image we want before getting to this method. We should avoid calling
// load again, but still update the image cache with LRU information.
if (stream.completer != null) {
ImageStreamCompleter completerEdge = PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent(
() => stream.completer,
onError: handleError
D.assert(Equals(completerEdge, stream.completer));
return stream;
ImageStreamCompleter completer = PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent(
() => load(key, ui_.instantiateImageCodec),
onError: handleError
if (completer != null) {
public Future<bool> evict(ImageCache cache = null, ImageConfiguration configuration = null) {

protected abstract ImageStreamCompleter load(T assetBundleImageKey, DecoderCallback decode);
protected abstract Future<T> obtainKey(ImageConfiguration configuration);
private void _createErrorHandlerAndKey(
ImageConfiguration configuration,
painting_._KeyAndErrorHandlerCallback<T> successCallback,
painting_._AsyncKeyErrorHandler<T> errorCallback
) {
T obtainedKey = default;
bool didError = false;
Action<Exception> handleError = (Exception exception) => {
if (didError) {
if (!didError) {
errorCallback(obtainedKey, exception);
didError = true;
// If an error is added to a synchronous completer before a listener has been
// added, it can throw an error both into the zone and up the stack. Thus, it
// looks like the error has been caught, but it is in fact also bubbling to the
// zone. Since we cannot prevent all usage of Completer.sync here, or rather
// that changing them would be too breaking, we instead hook into the same
// zone mechanism to intercept the uncaught error and deliver it to the
// image stream's error handler. Note that these errors may be duplicated,
// hence the need for the `didError` flag.
Zone dangerZone = Zone.current.fork(
specification: new ZoneSpecification(
handleUncaughtError: (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Exception error) => {
dangerZone.runGuarded(() => {
Future<T> key;
try {
key = obtainKey(configuration);
catch (Exception error) {
return null;
key.then_((T reusltKey) => {
obtainedKey = reusltKey;
try {
successCallback(reusltKey, handleError);
catch (Exception error) {
return null;
public class AssetBundleImageKey : IEquatable<AssetBundleImageKey> {

Future<Codec> _loadAsync(NetworkImage key, DecoderCallback decode) {
var loaded = _loadBytes(key);
if (loaded.Current is byte[] bytes) {
return decode(bytes);
var completer = Completer.create();
var isolate = Isolate.current;
var panel = UIWidgetsPanel.current;
panel.StartCoroutine(_loadCoroutine(key.url, completer, isolate));
return completer.future.to<byte[]>().then_<byte[]>(data => {
if (data != null && data.Length > 0) {
return decode(data);
throw new Exception("not loaded");
IEnumerator _loadCoroutine(string key, Completer completer, Isolate isolate) {
var url = new Uri(key);
using (var www = UnityWebRequest.Get(url)) {
if (headers != null) {
foreach (var header in headers) {
www.SetRequestHeader(header.Key, header.Value);
yield return www.SendWebRequest();
if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError) {
completer.completeError(new Exception($"Failed to load from url \"{url}\": {www.error}"));
yield break;
throw new Exception("not loaded");
var data = www.downloadHandler.data;
using (Isolate.getScope(isolate)) {
IEnumerator _loadBytes(NetworkImage key) {

Future<Codec> _loadAsync(FileImage key, DecoderCallback decode) {
var loaded = _loadBytes(key);
if (loaded.Current is byte[] bytes) {
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Assets/StreamingAssets/" + key.file);
if (bytes != null && bytes.Length > 0 ) {
return decode(bytes);
throw new Exception("not loaded");

public override string ToString() {
return $"{GetType()}(name: \"{assetName}\", scale: {scale}, bundle: {bundle})";
internal class _ErrorImageCompleter : ImageStreamCompleter {
internal _ErrorImageCompleter() {
public void setError(
DiagnosticsNode context,
Exception exception,
string stack,
InformationCollector informationCollector,
bool silent = false
) {
context: context.toDescription(),
exception: exception,
informationCollector: informationCollector,
silent: silent


internal void addNativeWrapper(NativeWrapper wrapper) {
lock (_nativeWrappers) {
_nativeWrappers.Add(wrapper._ptr, new WeakReference<NativeWrapper>(wrapper));
_nativeWrappers.putIfAbsent(wrapper._ptr, ()=>new WeakReference<NativeWrapper>(wrapper));


public static partial class ui_ {
const int _kDoNotResizeDimension = -1;
internal const int _kDoNotResizeDimension = -1;
public class Paint {


using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.widgets {
