Yuncong Zhang
6 年前
共有 9 个文件被更改,包括 389 次插入 和 341 次删除
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { |
class Layout { |
int _start; |
int _count; |
List<float> _advances = new List<float>(); |
List<float> _positions = new List<float>(); |
float _advance; |
UnityEngine.Rect _bounds; |
TabStops _tabStops; |
static UnityEngine.Rect _innerBounds; // Used to pass bounds from static to non-static doLayout
public static float measureText(float offset, TextBuff buff, int start, int count, TextStyle style, |
List<float> advances, int advanceOffset, TabStops tabStops) { |
return _doLayout(offset, buff, start, count, style, advances, null, advanceOffset, tabStops); |
} |
public void doLayout(float offset, TextBuff buff, int start, int count, TextStyle style) { |
this._start = start; |
this._count = count; |
this._advances.reset(count); |
this._positions.reset(count); |
_innerBounds = default; |
this._advance = _doLayout(offset, buff, start, count, style, this._advances, this._positions, 0, |
this._tabStops); |
this._bounds = _innerBounds; |
this._count = count; |
} |
static float _doLayout(float offset, TextBuff buff, int start, int count, TextStyle style, |
List<float> advances, List<float> positions, int advanceOffset, TabStops tabStops) { |
float advance = 0; |
Font font = FontManager.instance.getOrCreate(style.fontFamily, style.fontWeight, style.fontStyle).font; |
char startingChar = buff.text[buff.offset + start]; |
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(startingChar) || EmojiUtils.isSingleCharEmoji(startingChar)) { |
advance = _layoutEmoji(buff.text.Substring(buff.offset + start, count), style, font, count, |
advances, positions, advanceOffset, advance); |
} |
else { |
font.RequestCharactersInTextureSafe(buff.text, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle); |
int wordstart = start == buff.size |
? start |
: LayoutUtils.getPrevWordBreakForCache(buff, start + 1); |
int wordend; |
for (int iter = start; iter < start + count; iter = wordend) { |
wordend = LayoutUtils.getNextWordBreakForCache(buff, iter); |
int wordCount = Mathf.Min(start + count, wordend) - iter; |
advance = _layoutWord(offset, iter - start, buff.subBuff(wordstart, wordend - wordstart), |
iter - wordstart, wordCount, style, font, advances, positions, |
advanceOffset, advance, tabStops); |
wordstart = wordend; |
} |
} |
return advance; |
} |
static float _layoutWord(float offset, int layoutOffset, |
TextBuff buff, int start, int wordCount, TextStyle style, Font font, List<float> advances, |
List<float> positions, int advanceOffset, float initAdvance, TabStops tabStops) { |
float wordSpacing = |
wordCount == 1 && LayoutUtils.isWordSpace(buff.charAt(start)) ? style.wordSpacing : 0; |
float x = initAdvance; |
float letterSpace = style.letterSpacing; |
float letterSpaceHalfLeft = letterSpace * 0.5f; |
float letterSpaceHalfRight = letterSpace - letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
for (int i = 0; i < wordCount; i++) { |
var ch = buff.charAt(start + i); |
if (i == 0) { |
x += letterSpaceHalfLeft + wordSpacing; |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] = letterSpaceHalfLeft + wordSpacing; |
} |
} |
else { |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i - 1 + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
advances[i + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] = letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
} |
x += letterSpace; |
} |
if (font.getGlyphInfo(ch, out var glyphInfo, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle)) { |
var minX = glyphInfo.minX + x; |
var maxX = glyphInfo.maxX + x; |
var minY = -glyphInfo.maxY; |
var maxY = -glyphInfo.minY; |
if (_innerBounds.width <= 0 || _innerBounds.height <= 0) { |
_innerBounds.x = minX; |
_innerBounds.y = minY; |
_innerBounds.xMax = maxX; |
_innerBounds.yMax = maxY; |
} |
else { |
if (minX < _innerBounds.x) { |
_innerBounds.x = minX; |
} |
if (minY < _innerBounds.y) { |
_innerBounds.y = minY; |
} |
if (maxX > _innerBounds.xMax) { |
_innerBounds.xMax = maxX; |
} |
if (maxY > _innerBounds.yMax) { |
_innerBounds.yMax = maxY; |
} |
} |
} |
if (positions != null) { |
positions[i + layoutOffset] = x; |
} |
float advance = glyphInfo.advance; |
if (ch == '\t') { |
advance = tabStops.nextTab((initAdvance + offset)) - initAdvance; |
} |
x += advance; |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] += advance; |
} |
if (i + 1 == wordCount) { |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
} |
x += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
} |
} |
return x; |
} |
static float _layoutEmoji(string text, TextStyle style, Font font, int count, List<float> advances, |
List<float> positions, int advanceOffset, float initAdvance) { |
var metrics = FontMetrics.fromFont(font, style.UnityFontSize); |
float x = initAdvance; |
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
char c = text[i]; |
if (EmojiUtils.isSingleCharNonEmptyEmoji(c) || char.IsHighSurrogate(c)) { |
float letterSpace = style.letterSpacing; |
float letterSpaceHalfLeft = letterSpace * 0.5f; |
float letterSpaceHalfRight = letterSpace - letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
x += letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] = letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
} |
var minX = x; |
var maxX = metrics.descent - metrics.ascent + x; |
var minY = metrics.ascent; |
var maxY = metrics.descent; |
if (_innerBounds.width <= 0 || _innerBounds.height <= 0) { |
_innerBounds.x = minX; |
_innerBounds.y = minY; |
_innerBounds.xMax = maxX; |
_innerBounds.yMax = maxY; |
} |
else { |
if (minX < _innerBounds.x) { |
_innerBounds.x = minX; |
} |
if (minY < _innerBounds.y) { |
_innerBounds.y = minY; |
} |
if (maxX > _innerBounds.xMax) { |
_innerBounds.xMax = maxX; |
} |
if (maxY > _innerBounds.yMax) { |
_innerBounds.yMax = maxY; |
} |
} |
if (positions != null) { |
positions[i] = x; |
} |
float advance = style.fontSize; |
x += advance; |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] += advance; |
advances[i + advanceOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
} |
x += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
} |
else { |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] = 0; |
} |
if (positions != null) { |
positions[i] = x; |
} |
} |
} |
return x; |
} |
public void setTabStops(TabStops tabStops) { |
this._tabStops = tabStops; |
} |
public int nGlyphs() { |
return this._count; |
} |
public List<float> getAdvances() { |
return this._advances; |
} |
public float getAdvance() { |
return this._advance; |
} |
public float getX(int index) { |
return this._positions[index]; |
} |
public float getY(int index) { |
return 0; |
} |
public float getCharAdvance(int index) { |
return this._advances[index]; |
} |
public Rect getBounds() { |
return Rect.fromLTWH(this._bounds.x, this._bounds.y, this._bounds.width, this._bounds.height); |
} |
} |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui { |
class Layout { |
int _start; |
int _count; |
List<float> _advances = new List<float>(); |
List<float> _positions = new List<float>(); |
float _advance; |
UnityEngine.Rect _bounds; |
TabStops _tabStops; |
static UnityEngine.Rect _innerBounds; // Used to pass bounds from static to non-static doLayout
public static float measureText(float offset, TextBuff buff, int start, int count, TextStyle style, |
List<float> advances, int advanceOffset, TabStops tabStops) { |
return _doLayout(offset, buff, start, count, style, advances, null, advanceOffset, tabStops); |
} |
public void doLayout(float offset, TextBuff buff, int start, int count, TextStyle style) { |
this._start = start; |
this._count = count; |
this._advances.reset(count); |
this._positions.reset(count); |
_innerBounds = default; |
this._advance = _doLayout(offset, buff, start, count, style, this._advances, this._positions, 0, |
this._tabStops); |
this._bounds = _innerBounds; |
this._count = count; |
} |
public static void computeCharWidths(TextBuff buff, int start, int count, TextStyle style, List<float> advances, int advanceOffset) { |
char startingChar = buff.charAt(start); |
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(startingChar) || EmojiUtils.isSingleCharEmoji(startingChar)) { |
float advance = style.fontSize + style.letterSpacing; |
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
char ch = buff.charAt(start + i); |
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(ch) || EmojiUtils.isSingleCharNonEmptyEmoji(ch)) { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] = advance; |
} |
else { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
Font font = FontManager.instance.getOrCreate(style.fontFamily, style.fontWeight, style.fontStyle).font; |
font.RequestCharactersInTextureSafe(buff.text, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle); |
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
char ch = buff.charAt(start + i); |
if (font.getGlyphInfo(ch, out var glyphInfo, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle)) { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] = glyphInfo.advance + style.letterSpacing; |
} |
else { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] = style.letterSpacing; |
} |
if (LayoutUtils.isWordSpace(ch)) advances[i + advanceOffset] += style.wordSpacing; |
} |
} |
} |
static float _doLayout(float offset, TextBuff buff, int start, int count, TextStyle style, |
List<float> advances, List<float> positions, int advanceOffset, TabStops tabStops) { |
float advance = 0; |
Font font = FontManager.instance.getOrCreate(style.fontFamily, style.fontWeight, style.fontStyle).font; |
char startingChar = buff.charAt(start); |
if (char.IsHighSurrogate(startingChar) || EmojiUtils.isSingleCharEmoji(startingChar)) { |
advance = _layoutEmoji(buff.text.Substring(buff.offset + start, count), style, font, count, |
advances, positions, advanceOffset, advance); |
} |
else { |
font.RequestCharactersInTextureSafe(buff.text, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle); |
int wordstart = start == buff.size |
? start |
: LayoutUtils.getPrevWordBreakForCache(buff, start + 1); |
int wordend; |
for (int iter = start; iter < start + count; iter = wordend) { |
wordend = LayoutUtils.getNextWordBreakForCache(buff, iter); |
int wordCount = Mathf.Min(start + count, wordend) - iter; |
advance = _layoutWord(offset, iter - start, buff.subBuff(wordstart, wordend - wordstart), |
iter - wordstart, wordCount, style, font, advances, positions, |
advanceOffset, advance, tabStops); |
wordstart = wordend; |
} |
} |
return advance; |
} |
static float _layoutWord(float offset, int layoutOffset, |
TextBuff buff, int start, int wordCount, TextStyle style, Font font, List<float> advances, |
List<float> positions, int advanceOffset, float initAdvance, TabStops tabStops) { |
float wordSpacing = |
wordCount == 1 && LayoutUtils.isWordSpace(buff.charAt(start)) ? style.wordSpacing : 0; |
float x = initAdvance; |
float letterSpace = style.letterSpacing; |
float letterSpaceHalfLeft = letterSpace * 0.5f; |
float letterSpaceHalfRight = letterSpace - letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
for (int i = 0; i < wordCount; i++) { |
var ch = buff.charAt(start + i); |
if (i == 0) { |
x += letterSpaceHalfLeft + wordSpacing; |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] = letterSpaceHalfLeft + wordSpacing; |
} |
} |
else { |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i - 1 + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
advances[i + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] = letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
} |
x += letterSpace; |
} |
if (font.getGlyphInfo(ch, out var glyphInfo, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle)) { |
var minX = glyphInfo.minX + x; |
var maxX = glyphInfo.maxX + x; |
var minY = -glyphInfo.maxY; |
var maxY = -glyphInfo.minY; |
if (_innerBounds.width <= 0 || _innerBounds.height <= 0) { |
_innerBounds.x = minX; |
_innerBounds.y = minY; |
_innerBounds.xMax = maxX; |
_innerBounds.yMax = maxY; |
} |
else { |
if (minX < _innerBounds.x) { |
_innerBounds.x = minX; |
} |
if (minY < _innerBounds.y) { |
_innerBounds.y = minY; |
} |
if (maxX > _innerBounds.xMax) { |
_innerBounds.xMax = maxX; |
} |
if (maxY > _innerBounds.yMax) { |
_innerBounds.yMax = maxY; |
} |
} |
} |
if (positions != null) { |
positions[i + layoutOffset] = x; |
} |
float advance = glyphInfo.advance; |
if (ch == '\t') { |
advance = tabStops.nextTab((initAdvance + offset)) - initAdvance; |
} |
x += advance; |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] += advance; |
} |
if (i + 1 == wordCount) { |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + layoutOffset + advanceOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
} |
x += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
} |
} |
return x; |
} |
static float _layoutEmoji(string text, TextStyle style, Font font, int count, List<float> advances, |
List<float> positions, int advanceOffset, float initAdvance) { |
var metrics = FontMetrics.fromFont(font, style.UnityFontSize); |
float x = initAdvance; |
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
char c = text[i]; |
if (EmojiUtils.isSingleCharNonEmptyEmoji(c) || char.IsHighSurrogate(c)) { |
float letterSpace = style.letterSpacing; |
float letterSpaceHalfLeft = letterSpace * 0.5f; |
float letterSpaceHalfRight = letterSpace - letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
x += letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] = letterSpaceHalfLeft; |
} |
var minX = x; |
var maxX = metrics.descent - metrics.ascent + x; |
var minY = metrics.ascent; |
var maxY = metrics.descent; |
if (_innerBounds.width <= 0 || _innerBounds.height <= 0) { |
_innerBounds.x = minX; |
_innerBounds.y = minY; |
_innerBounds.xMax = maxX; |
_innerBounds.yMax = maxY; |
} |
else { |
if (minX < _innerBounds.x) { |
_innerBounds.x = minX; |
} |
if (minY < _innerBounds.y) { |
_innerBounds.y = minY; |
} |
if (maxX > _innerBounds.xMax) { |
_innerBounds.xMax = maxX; |
} |
if (maxY > _innerBounds.yMax) { |
_innerBounds.yMax = maxY; |
} |
} |
if (positions != null) { |
positions[i] = x; |
} |
float advance = style.fontSize; |
x += advance; |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] += advance; |
advances[i + advanceOffset] += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
} |
x += letterSpaceHalfRight; |
} |
else { |
if (advances != null) { |
advances[i + advanceOffset] = 0; |
} |
if (positions != null) { |
positions[i] = x; |
} |
} |
} |
return x; |
} |
public void setTabStops(TabStops tabStops) { |
this._tabStops = tabStops; |
} |
public int nGlyphs() { |
return this._count; |
} |
public List<float> getAdvances() { |
return this._advances; |
} |
public float getAdvance() { |
return this._advance; |
} |
public float getX(int index) { |
return this._positions[index]; |
} |
public float getY(int index) { |
return 0; |
} |
public float getCharAdvance(int index) { |
return this._advances[index]; |
} |
public Rect getBounds() { |
return Rect.fromLTWH(this._bounds.x, this._bounds.y, this._bounds.width, this._bounds.height); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue