To build an App that is able to adjust the frame rate automatically, please open Project Settings, and in the Quality tab, set the "V Sync Count" option of the target platform to "Don't Sync".
The default logic is to set the frame rate to 25 when the screen is static, and change the frame rate to 60 whenever the screen changes.
If you would like to modify the behavior of speeding up or cooling down the frame rate, please set `Window.onFrameRateSpeedUp` and/or `Window.onFrameRateCoolDown` to your own functions.
The default logic is to reduce the frame rate when the screen is static, and change it back to 60 whenever the screen changes.
If you would like to disable this behavior, please set `Window.onFrameRateSpeedUp` and `Window.onFrameRateCoolDown` to null function, i.e., () => {}.
Note that in Unity 2019.3 and above, UIWidgets will use OnDemandRenderAPI to implement this feature, which will greatly save the battery.
#### WebGL Canvas Device Pixel Ratio Plugin
The width and height of the Canvas in browser may differ from the number of pixels the Canvas occupies on the screen.
In UIWidgets, you should almost always disable this by selecting the image in the "Project" panel, then in the "Inspector" panel set the "Non Power of 2" option (in "Advanced") to "None", to prevent your image from being resized unexpectedly.
#### Update Emoji
UIWidgets supports rendering emoji in (editable) texts. The emoji images comes from the free
resources provided by [Google Emoji]( If you would
like to use your own images for emoji, please update the texture image `Tests/Resources/Emoji.png`,
and the unicode-index table in `Runtime/ui/txt/emoji.cs` which maps unicodes to specific locations
in the texture. Specifically, remember to update the Dictionary `emojiLookupTable`, number of rows
in the texture `rowCount`, and number of columns `colCount`.
UIWidgets supports rendering emoji in (editable) texts.
The default emoji resource version is [iOS 13.2](
We also prepared the resources of [Google Emoji](
To switch to Google version of emoji, please follow the following steps:
1. Copy `Runtime/Resources/backup~/EmojiGoogle.png` to `Runtime/Resources/images` folder.
2. In the **Project** panel, find and select `EmojiGoogle` asset, and in the **Inspector** panel, change **Max Size** to 4096, disable **Generate Mipmaps**, and enable **Alpha Is Transparency**.
3. In the `OnEnable()` function in your class overriding `UIWidgetsPanel`, add the following code
If you would like to use your own images for emoji, please follow the following steps:
1. Create the sprite sheet (take `EmojiGoogle.png` as an example), and put in a `Resources` folder in your project, (for example `Resources/myImages/MyEmoji.png`).
2. In the `OnEnable()` function, add the following code (replace example values with actual value). Note that the order of emoji codes should be consistent with the sprite sheet.
EmojiUtils.configuration = new EmojiResourceConfiguration(
spriteSheetAssetName: "myImage/MyEmoji",
emojiCodes: new List<int> {
0x1f004, 0x1f0cf, 0x1f170, ...
spriteSheetNumberOfRows: 36,
spriteSheetNumberOfColumns: 37,
#### Interact with GameObject Drag&Drops
With the provided packaged stateful widget `UnityObjectDetector` and its `onRelease` callback function, you can easily drag some objects (for example GameObject from Hierarchy, files from Project Window, etc) into the area, get the UnityEngine.Object[] references and make further modification.
Please refer to "UIWidgetsTests -> Drag&Drop" for simple examples.
## Debug UIWidgets Application
#### UIWidgets Inspector
The UIWidgets Inspector tool is for visualizing and exploring the widget trees. You can find it
via *Window/Analysis/UIWidgets* inspector in Editor menu.
* **UIWidgets_DEBUG** needs to be define for inspector to work properly.
* Inspector currently only works in Editor Play Mode, inspect standalone built application is not supported for now.
#### Samples
You can find many UIWidgets App samples in the UIWidgets package in the **Samples** folder.
Feel free to try them out and make modifications to see the results.
To get started, the UIWidgetsTheatre scene provides you
a list of carefully selected samples to start with.
You can find many UIWidgets sample projects on Github, which cover different aspects and provide you
learning materials in various levels:
* UIWidgetsSamples ( These samples are developed by the dev team in order to illustrates all the features of
UIWidgets. First clone this Repo to the **Assets** folder of your local UIWidgets project. Then
you can find all the sample scenes under the **Scene** folder.
You can also try UIWidgets-based Editor windows by clicking the new **UIWidgetsTests** tab on the main menu
and open one of the dropdown samples.
* awesome-UIWidgets by Liangxie ( This Repo contains
lots of UIWidget demo apps and third-party applications.
* ConnectApp ( This is an online, open-source UIWidget-based App developed
by the dev team. If you are making your own App with UIWidgets, this project will provides you with
many best practice cases.
You can also try UIWidgets-based Editor windows by clicking **UIWidgetsTest** on the main menu
and open one of the dropdown samples.
#### Wiki
The develop team is still working on the UIWidgets Wiki. However, since UIWidgets is mainly derived from Flutter,
## All contributions are subject to the [Unity Contribution Agreement(UCA)](
By making a pull request, you are confirming agreement to the terms and conditions of the UCA, including that your Contributions are your original creation and that you have complete right and authority to make your Contributions.
## Once you have a change ready following these ground rules. Simply make a pull request
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Column(
children: new List<Widget> {
new Text("Counter: " + this.counter),
new GestureDetector(
onTap: () => {
=> {
child: new Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(20, 20),
child: new Text("Click Me")
1. Save this script and attach it to **Panel 1** as its component.
1. Press the "Play" Button to start the App in Unity Editor.
#### iv. Build App
Finally, the UIWidgets App can be built to packages for any specific platform by the following steps.
1. Open the Build Settings Panel by "File -> Build Settings..."
1. Choose a target platform and click "Build". Then the Unity Editor will automatically assemble
all relevant resources and generate the final App package.
#### How to load images?
1. Put your images files in Resources folder. e.g. image1.png.
2. You can add image1@2.png and image1@3.png in the same folder to support HD screens.
3. Use Image.asset("image1") to load the image. Note: as in Unity, ".png" is not needed.
UIWidgets supports Gif as well!
1. Suppose you have loading1.gif. Rename it to loading1.gif.bytes and copy it to Resources folder.
2. You can add loading1@2.gif.bytes and loading1@3.gif.bytes in the same folder to support HD screens.
3. Use Image.asset("loading1.gif") to load the gif images.
#### Using Window Scope
If you see the error `AssertionError: Window.instance is null` or null pointer error of `Window.instance`,
it means the code is not running in the window scope. In this case, you can enclose your code
with window scope as below:
using(WindowProvider.of(your gameObject with UIWidgetsPanel).getScope()) {
// code dealing with UIWidgets,
// e.g. setState(() => {....})
This is needed if the code is in methods
not invoked by UIWidgets. For example, if the code is in `completed` callback of `UnityWebRequest`,
you need to enclose them with window scope.
Please see [HttpRequestSample](./Samples/UIWidgetSample/HttpRequestSample.cs) for detail.
For callback/event handler methods from UIWidgets (e.g `, State.initState...`), you don't need do
it yourself, since the framework ensure it's in window scope.
#### Show Status Bar on Android
Status bar is always hidden by default when an Unity project is running on an Android device. If you
want to show the status bar in your App, this
[solution]( seems to be
compatible to UIWidgets, therefore can be used as a good option before we release our
full support solution on this issue.
please set "Render Outside Safe Area" to true in the "Player Settings" to make this plugin working properly on Android P or later.
#### Automatically Adjust Frame Rate
To build an App that is able to adjust the frame rate automatically, please open Project Settings, and in the Quality tab, set the "V Sync Count" option of the target platform to "Don't Sync".
The default logic is to reduce the frame rate when the screen is static, and change it back to 60 whenever the screen changes.
If you would like to disable this behavior, please set `Window.onFrameRateSpeedUp` and `Window.onFrameRateCoolDown` to null function, i.e., () => {}.
Note that in Unity 2019.3 and above, UIWidgets will use OnDemandRenderAPI to implement this feature, which will greatly save the battery.
#### WebGL Canvas Device Pixel Ratio Plugin
The width and height of the Canvas in browser may differ from the number of pixels the Canvas occupies on the screen.
Therefore, the image may blur in the builded WebGL program.
The Plugin `Plugins/platform/webgl/UIWidgetsCanvasDevicePixelRatio_20xx.x.jslib` (2018.3 and 2019.1 for now) solves this issue.
Please select the plugin of the Unity version corresponding to your project, and disable other versions of this plugin, as follows: select this plugin in the **Project** panel, and uncheck **WebGL** under **Select platforms for plugin** in the **Inspector** panel.
If you need to disable this plugin for any reason, please disable all the versions of this plugin as described above.
This plugin overrides the following parameters in the Unity WebGL building module:
If you would like to implement your own WebGL plugin, and your plugin overrides at least one of the above parameters, you need to disable the `UIWidgetsCanvasDevicePixelRatio` plugin in the above mentioned way to avoid possible conflicts.
If you still need the function provided by this plugin, you can mannually apply the modification to Unity WebGL building module introduced in this plugin.
All the modifications introduced in `UIWidgetsCanvasDevicePixelRatio` are marked by `////////// Modifcation Start ////////////` and `////////// Modifcation End ////////////`.
In the marked codes, all the multiplications and divisions with `devicePixelRatio` are introduced by our modification.
To learn about the original script in detail, please refer to `SystemInfo.js` and `UnityNativeJS/UnityNative.js` in `PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/BuildTools/lib` in your Unity Editor installation.
#### Image Import Setting
Unity, by default, resizes the width and height of an imported image to the nearest integer that is a power of 2.
In UIWidgets, you should almost always disable this by selecting the image in the "Project" panel, then in the "Inspector" panel set the "Non Power of 2" option (in "Advanced") to "None", to prevent your image from being resized unexpectedly.
#### Update Emoji
UIWidgets supports rendering emoji in (editable) texts.
The default emoji resource version is [iOS 13.2](
We also prepared the resources of [Google Emoji](
To switch to Google version of emoji, please follow the following steps:
1. Copy `Runtime/Resources/backup~/EmojiGoogle.png` to `Runtime/Resources/images` folder.
2. In the **Project** panel, find and select `EmojiGoogle` asset, and in the **Inspector** panel, change **Max Size** to 4096, and disable **Generate Mipmaps**.
3. In the `OnEnable()` function in your class overriding `UIWidgetsPanel`, add the following code
If you would like to use your own images for emoji, please follow the following steps:
1. Create the sprite sheet (take `EmojiGoogle.png` as an example), and put in a `Resources` folder in your project, (for example `Resources/myImages/MyEmoji.png`).
2. In the `OnEnable()` function, add the following code (replace example values with actual value). Note that the order of emoji codes should be consistent with the sprite sheet.
EmojiUtils.configuration = new EmojiResourceConfiguration(
With the provided packaged stateful widget `UnityObjectDetector` and its `onRelease` callback function, you can easily drag some objects (for example GameObject from Hierarchy, files from Project Window, etc) into the area, get the UnityEngine.Object[] references and make further modification.
## Debug UIWidgets Application
#### Define UIWidgets_DEBUG
It's recommended to define the **UIWidgets_DEBUG** script symbol in editor, this will turn on
debug assertion in UIWidgets, which will help to find potential bugs earlier. To do this:
please go to **Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Configuration -> Scripting Define Symbols**,
and add **UIWidgets_DEBUG**.
The symbol is for debug purpose, please remove it from your release build.
#### UIWidgets Inspector
The UIWidgets Inspector tool is for visualizing and exploring the widget trees. You can find it
via *Window/Analysis/UIWidgets* inspector in Editor menu.
* **UIWidgets_DEBUG** needs to be define for inspector to work properly.
* Inspector currently only works in Editor Play Mode, inspect standalone built application is not supported for now.
## Learn
#### Samples
You can find many UIWidgets sample projects on Github, which cover different aspects and provide you
learning materials in various levels:
* UIWidgetsSamples ( These samples are developed by the dev team in order to illustrates all the features of
UIWidgets. First clone this Repo to the **Assets** folder of your local UIWidgets project. Then
you can find all the sample scenes under the **Scene** folder.
You can also try UIWidgets-based Editor windows by clicking the new **UIWidgetsTests** tab on the main menu
and open one of the dropdown samples.
* awesome-UIWidgets by Liangxie ( This Repo contains
lots of UIWidget demo apps and third-party applications.
* ConnectApp ( This is an online, open-source UIWidget-based App developed
by the dev team. If you are making your own App with UIWidgets, this project will provides you with
many best practice cases.
#### Wiki
The develop team is still working on the UIWidgets Wiki. However, since UIWidgets is mainly derived from Flutter,
you can refer to Flutter Wiki to access detailed descriptions of UIWidgets APIs
from those of their Flutter counterparts.
Meanwhile, you can join the discussion channel at (
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Column(
children: new List<Widget> {
new Text("Counter: " + this.counter),
new GestureDetector(
onTap: () => {
=> {
child: new Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(20, 20),
child: new Text("Click Me")
1. Save this script and attach it to **Panel 1** as its component.
1. Press the "Play" Button to start the App in Unity Editor.
#### iv. Build App
Finally, the UIWidgets App can be built to packages for any specific platform by the following steps.
1. Open the Build Settings Panel by "File -> Build Settings..."
1. Choose a target platform and click "Build". Then the Unity Editor will automatically assemble
all relevant resources and generate the final App package.
#### How to load images?
1. Put your images files in Resources folder. e.g. image1.png.
2. You can add image1@2.png and image1@3.png in the same folder to support HD screens.
3. Use Image.asset("image1") to load the image. Note: as in Unity, ".png" is not needed.
UIWidgets supports Gif as well!
1. Suppose you have loading1.gif. Rename it to loading1.gif.bytes and copy it to Resources folder.
2. You can add loading1@2.gif.bytes and loading1@3.gif.bytes in the same folder to support HD screens.
3. Use Image.asset("loading1.gif") to load the gif images.
#### Using Window Scope
If you see the error `AssertionError: Window.instance is null` or null pointer error of `Window.instance`,
it means the code is not running in the window scope. In this case, you can enclose your code
with window scope as below:
using(WindowProvider.of(your gameObject with UIWidgetsPanel).getScope()) {
// code dealing with UIWidgets,
// e.g. setState(() => {....})
This is needed if the code is in methods
not invoked by UIWidgets. For example, if the code is in `completed` callback of `UnityWebRequest`,
you need to enclose them with window scope.
Please see [HttpRequestSample](./Samples/UIWidgetSample/HttpRequestSample.cs) for detail.
For callback/event handler methods from UIWidgets (e.g `, State.initState...`), you don't need do
it yourself, since the framework ensure it's in window scope.
#### Show Status Bar on Android
Status bar is always hidden by default when an Unity project is running on an Android device. If you
want to show the status bar in your App, this
[solution]( seems to be
compatible to UIWidgets, therefore can be used as a good option before we release our
full support solution on this issue.
please set "Render Outside Safe Area" to true in the "Player Settings" to make this plugin working properly on Android P or later.
#### Automatically Adjust Frame Rate
To build an App that is able to adjust the frame rate automatically, please open Project Settings, and in the Quality tab, set the "V Sync Count" option of the target platform to "Don't Sync".
The default logic is to reduce the frame rate when the screen is static, and change it back to 60 whenever the screen changes.
If you would like to disable this behavior, please set `Window.onFrameRateSpeedUp` and `Window.onFrameRateCoolDown` to null function, i.e., () => {}.
Note that in Unity 2019.3 and above, UIWidgets will use OnDemandRenderAPI to implement this feature, which will greatly save the battery.
#### WebGL Canvas Device Pixel Ratio Plugin
The width and height of the Canvas in browser may differ from the number of pixels the Canvas occupies on the screen.
Therefore, the image may blur in the builded WebGL program.
The Plugin `Plugins/platform/webgl/UIWidgetsCanvasDevicePixelRatio_20xx.x.jslib` (2018.3 and 2019.1 for now) solves this issue.
Please select the plugin of the Unity version corresponding to your project, and disable other versions of this plugin, as follows: select this plugin in the **Project** panel, and uncheck **WebGL** under **Select platforms for plugin** in the **Inspector** panel.
If you need to disable this plugin for any reason, please disable all the versions of this plugin as described above.
This plugin overrides the following parameters in the Unity WebGL building module:
If you would like to implement your own WebGL plugin, and your plugin overrides at least one of the above parameters, you need to disable the `UIWidgetsCanvasDevicePixelRatio` plugin in the above mentioned way to avoid possible conflicts.
If you still need the function provided by this plugin, you can mannually apply the modification to Unity WebGL building module introduced in this plugin.
All the modifications introduced in `UIWidgetsCanvasDevicePixelRatio` are marked by `////////// Modifcation Start ////////////` and `////////// Modifcation End ////////////`.
In the marked codes, all the multiplications and divisions with `devicePixelRatio` are introduced by our modification.
To learn about the original script in detail, please refer to `SystemInfo.js` and `UnityNativeJS/UnityNative.js` in `PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/BuildTools/lib` in your Unity Editor installation.
#### Image Import Setting
Unity, by default, resizes the width and height of an imported image to the nearest integer that is a power of 2.
In UIWidgets, you should almost always disable this by selecting the image in the "Project" panel, then in the "Inspector" panel set the "Non Power of 2" option (in "Advanced") to "None", to prevent your image from being resized unexpectedly.
#### Update Emoji
UIWidgets supports rendering emoji in (editable) texts.
The default emoji resource version is [iOS 13.2](
We also prepared the resources of [Google Emoji](
To switch to Google version of emoji, please follow the following steps:
1. Copy `Runtime/Resources/backup~/EmojiGoogle.png` to `Runtime/Resources/images` folder.
2. In the **Project** panel, find and select `EmojiGoogle` asset, and in the **Inspector** panel, change **Max Size** to 4096, and disable **Generate Mipmaps**.
3. In the `OnEnable()` function in your class overriding `UIWidgetsPanel`, add the following code
If you would like to use your own images for emoji, please follow the following steps:
1. Create the sprite sheet (take `EmojiGoogle.png` as an example), and put in a `Resources` folder in your project, (for example `Resources/myImages/MyEmoji.png`).
2. In the `OnEnable()` function, add the following code (replace example values with actual value). Note that the order of emoji codes should be consistent with the sprite sheet.
EmojiUtils.configuration = new EmojiResourceConfiguration(
With the provided packaged stateful widget `UnityObjectDetector` and its `onRelease` callback function, you can easily drag some objects (for example GameObject from Hierarchy, files from Project Window, etc) into the area, get the UnityEngine.Object[] references and make further modification.
## Debug UIWidgets Application
#### Define UIWidgets_DEBUG
It's recommended to define the **UIWidgets_DEBUG** script symbol in editor, this will turn on
debug assertion in UIWidgets, which will help to find potential bugs earlier. To do this:
please go to **Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Configuration -> Scripting Define Symbols**,
and add **UIWidgets_DEBUG**.
The symbol is for debug purpose, please remove it from your release build.
#### UIWidgets Inspector
The UIWidgets Inspector tool is for visualizing and exploring the widget trees. You can find it
via *Window/Analysis/UIWidgets* inspector in Editor menu.
* **UIWidgets_DEBUG** needs to be define for inspector to work properly.
* Inspector currently only works in Editor Play Mode, inspect standalone built application is not supported for now.
## Learn
#### Samples
You can find many UIWidgets sample projects on Github, which cover different aspects and provide you
learning materials in various levels:
* UIWidgetsSamples ( These samples are developed by the dev team in order to illustrates all the features of
UIWidgets. First clone this Repo to the **Assets** folder of your local UIWidgets project. Then
you can find all the sample scenes under the **Scene** folder.
You can also try UIWidgets-based Editor windows by clicking the new **UIWidgetsTests** tab on the main menu
and open one of the dropdown samples.
* awesome-UIWidgets by Liangxie ( This Repo contains
lots of UIWidget demo apps and third-party applications.
* ConnectApp ( This is an online, open-source UIWidget-based App developed
by the dev team. If you are making your own App with UIWidgets, this project will provides you with
many best practice cases.
#### Wiki
The develop team is still working on the UIWidgets Wiki. However, since UIWidgets is mainly derived from Flutter,
you can refer to Flutter Wiki to access detailed descriptions of UIWidgets APIs
from those of their Flutter counterparts.
Meanwhile, you can join the discussion channel at (
Use this template to create preliminary, high-level documentation meant to introduce users to the feature and the sample files included in this package. When writing your documentation, do the following:
1. Follow instructions in blockquotes.
2. Replace angle brackets with the appropriate text. For example, replace "<package name>" with the official name of the package.
3. Delete sections that do not apply to your package. For example, a package containing only sample files does not have a "Using <package_name>" section, so this section can be removed.
4. After documentation is completed, make sure you delete all instructions and examples in blockquotes including this preamble and its title:
Delete all of the text between pairs of blockquote markdown.
# About <package name>
Name the heading of the first topic after the **displayName** of the package as it appears in the package manifest. Check with your Product Manager to ensure that the package is named correctly.
This first topic includes a brief, high-level explanation of the package and, if applicable, provides links to Unity Manual topics.
There are two types of packages:
- Packages that include features that augment the Unity Editor or Runtime.
- Packages that include sample files.
Choose one of the following introductory paragraphs that best fits the package:
Use the <package name> package to <list of the main uses for the package>. For example, use <package name> to create/generate/extend/capture <mention major use case, or a good example of what the package can be used for>. The <package name> package also includes <other relevant features or uses>.
> *or*
The <package name> package includes examples of <name of asset type, model, prefabs, and/or other GameObjects in the package>. For more information, see <xref to topic in the Unity Manual>.
Here are some examples for reference only. Do not include these in the final documentation file:
*Use the Unity Recorder package to capture and save in-game data. For example, use Unity Recorder to record an mp4 file during a game session. The Unity Recorder package also includes an interface for setting-up and triggering recording sessions.*
*The Timeline Examples package includes examples of Timeline assets, Timeline Instances, animation, GameObjects, and scripts that illustrate how to use Unity's Timeline. For more information, see [ Unity's Timeline]( in the [Unity Manual]( For licensing and usage, see Package Licensing.*
# Installing <package name>
Begin this section with a cross-reference to the official Unity Manual topic on how to install packages. If the package requires special installation instructions, include these steps in this section.
To install this package, follow the instructions in the [Package Manager documentation](
For some packages, there may be additional steps to complete the setup. You can add those here.
In addition, you need to install the following resources:
- <name of resource>: To install, open *Window > <name of menu item>*. The resource appears <at this location>.
- <name of sample>: To install, open *Window > <name of menu item>*. The new sample folder appears <at this location>.
# Using <package name>
The contents of this section depends on the type of package.
For packages that augment the Unity Editor with additional features, this section should include workflow and/or reference documentation:
* At a minimum, this section should include reference documentation that describes the windows, editors, and properties that the package adds to Unity. This reference documentation should include screen grabs (see how to add screens below), a list of settings, an explanation of what each setting does, and the default values of each setting.
* Ideally, this section should also include a workflow: a list of steps that the user can easily follow that demonstrates how to use the feature. This list of steps should include screen grabs (see how to add screens below) to better describe how to use the feature.
For packages that include sample files, this section may include detailed information on how the user can use these sample files in their projects and scenes. However, workflow diagrams or illustrations could be included if deemed appropriate.
## How to add images
*(This section is for reference. Do not include in the final documentation file)*
If the [Using <package name>](#UsingPackageName) section includes screen grabs or diagrams, a link to the image must be added to this MD file, before or after the paragraph with the instruction or description that references the image. In addition, a caption should be added to the image link that includes the name of the screen or diagram. All images must be PNG files with underscores for spaces. No animated GIFs.
An example is included below:
![A cinematic in the Timeline Editor window.](images/example.png)
Notice that the example screen shot is included in the images folder. All screen grabs and/or diagrams must be added and referenced from the images folder.
For more on the Unity documentation standards for creating and adding screen grabs, see this confluence page:
# Technical details
## Requirements
This subtopic includes a bullet list with the compatible versions of Unity. This subtopic may also include additional requirements or recommendations for 3rd party software or hardware. An example includes a dependency on other packages. If you need to include references to non-Unity products, make sure you refer to these products correctly and that all references include the proper trademarks (tm or r)
This version of <package name> is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Editor:
* 2018.1 and later (recommended)
To use this package, you must have the following 3rd party products:
* <product name and version with trademark or registered trademark.>
* <product name and version with trademark or registered trademark.>
* <product name and version with trademark or registered trademark.>
## Known limitations
This section lists the known limitations with this version of the package. If there are no known limitations, or if the limitations are trivial, exclude this section. An example is provided.
<package name> version <package version> includes the following known limitations:
* <brief one-line description of first limitation.>
* <brief one-line description of second limitation.>
* <and so on>
*Example (For reference. Do not include in the final documentation file):*
The Unity Recorder version 1.0 has the following limitations:*
* The Unity Recorder does not support sound.
* The Recorder window and Recorder properties are not available in standalone players.
* MP4 encoding is only available on Windows.
## Package contents
This section includes the location of important files you want the user to know about. For example, if this is a sample package containing textures, models, and materials separated by sample group, you may want to provide the folder location of each group.
The following table indicates the <describe the breakdown you used here>:
|`<folder>`|Contains <describe what the folder contains>.|
|`<file>`|Contains <describe what the file represents or implements>.|
*Example (For reference. Do not include in the final documentation file):*
The following table indicates the root folder of each type of sample in this package. Each sample's root folder contains its own Materials, Models, or Textures folders:
|Folder Location|Description|
|`WoodenCrate_Orange`|Root folder containing the assets for the orange crates.|
|`WoodenCrate_Mahogany`|Root folder containing the assets for the mahogany crates.|
|`WoodenCrate_Shared`|Root folder containing any material assets shared by all crates.|
## Document revision history
This section includes the revision history of the document. The revision history tracks when a document is created, edited, and updated. If you create or update a document, you must add a new row describing the revision. The Documentation Team also uses this table to track when a document is edited and its editing level. An example is provided:
|Sept 12, 2017|Unedited. Published to package.|
|Sept 10, 2017|Document updated for package version 1.1.<br>New features: <li>audio support for capturing MP4s.<li>Instructions on saving Recorder prefabs|
|Sept 5, 2017|Limited edit by Documentation Team. Published to package.|
|Aug 25, 2017|Document created. Matches package version 1.0.|