
Merge pull request #116 from Unity-Technologies/zgh/add_test_fps_doc

Add FPS.md
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## Introduction
This is a tutorial of FPS testing.
## How to Build (iOS)
In order to achieve the best test results, Please build a completely release version
### Build Dependencies
Setting up the Engine development environment
Please follow https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Setting-up-the-Engine-development-environment.
Check out repo and update dependencies:
cd $FLUTTER_ROOT/flutter
git checkout flutter-1.17-candidate.5
gclient sync -D
Apply following to end of `flutter/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn`
diff --git a/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn b/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn
index 56b73a020..d42e88045 100644
--- a/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn
+++ b/third_party/txt/BUILD.gn
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ source_set("txt") {
+ "//third_party/skia/modules/skottie",
deps = [
@@ -339,3 +340,10 @@ executable("txt_benchmarks") {
deps += [ "//third_party/skia/modules/skparagraph" ]
+static_library("txt_lib") {
+ complete_static_lib = true
+ deps = [
+ ":txt",
+ ]
Comiple engine:
./flutter/tools/gn --ios --runtime-mode=release //disable bitcode
./flutter/tools/gn --ios --runtime-mode=release --bitcode //enable bitcode
There is a special settings, namely "Enable bitcode". You need to set properly when building an ios native plugin.
Generally, the program is possible to run faster when "Enable bitcode" is true while the size of the plugin
will also become bigger.
You can choose to build the library with enabled or disabled "Enable bitcode" using different build commands.
You can also build UIWidgets engine with enabled or disabled "Enable bitcode" by changing the value of
"ios_bitcode_enabled" in "Build.bee.cs". Note that the value is set to false by default.
You can also change the setting of "Enable bitcode" in the XCode project generated by Unity. Specifically, you can
find this setting in "Build Settings/Build Options/Enable Bitcode". This value is true by default.
`You should always keep the "Enable bitcode" settings the same in the built library, the UIWidgets engine and the XCode project generated by your UIWidget project.`
add this line to the end of out/ios_release/args.gn:
finally run ninja:
ninja -C out/ios_release/ flutter/third_party/txt:txt_lib
If the compilation fails because "no available Mac SDK is found" (in flutter-1.17 the build tool will only try to find Mac 10.XX SDKs), please modify the file "/src/build/Mac/find_sdk.py" under flutter root by setting "sdks" as your current sdk, e.g., ['11.0'].
If the compilation fails because "'Foundation/NSURLHandle.h' file not found" (flutter-1.17 assumes that you are using some low iphone SDK (e.g., older than 12.2), in which some platform-dependent Macros are defined differently from new SDKs like 12.2), please modify the file "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk/usr/include/TargetConditionals.h" in your system by making "TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED = 1" and "TARGET_OS_MACCATALYST = 0" for arm64-iphone architecture. You can also work-around this issue by checking out a new version of flutter (e.g., "flutter-1.18-candidate.6") and run "gclient sync -D" to get dependencies on newer iphone SDKs. Then switch back and build.
### Build Engine
Please change
var codegens = new[] { CodeGen.Debug };
var codegens = new[] { CodeGen.Release };
in "Build.bee.cs"
Please remove Timeline logs in <uiwidigets_dir>/engine/src/runtime/mono_api.cc as below:
// if (timestamp1_or_async_id) {
// uiwidgets::UIWidgetsSystem::GetInstancePtr()->printf_console(
// "uiwidgets Timeline [Thread:%d] [%lld ms] [%lld] [%s]: %s\n",
// GetCurrentThreadId(), (timestamp0 - timestamp_begin) / 1000,
// timestamp1_or_async_id, TimelineEventToString(type), label);
// } else {
// uiwidgets::UIWidgetsSystem::GetInstancePtr()->printf_console(
// "uiwidgets Timeline [Thread:%d] [%d ms] [%s]: %s\n",
// GetCurrentThreadId(), (timestamp0 - timestamp_begin) / 1000,
// TimelineEventToString(type), label);
// }
This will output Timeline logs continuously, which has a great inlfuence on the test results.
Please close assert function in <uiwidigets_dir>/Runtime/foundation/Debug.cs as below:
public static void assert(Func<bool> result, Func<string> message = null) {
// if ( enableDebug && !result() ) {
// throw new AssertionError(message != null ? message() : "");
// }
public static void assert(bool result, Func<string> message = null) {
// if ( enableDebug && !result ) {
// throw new AssertionError(message != null ? message() : "");
// }
cd <uiwidigets_dir>\engine
mono bee.exe ios
### Build Project
Duo to some unknown reasons, the project build to iOS devices is limited to less than 30 FPS.
To remove the restriction, add this to OnEnable function of UIWdgets script
Application.targetFrameRate = 120;
And also
using UnityEngine;
is required, too.
Please open the Project Settings, and in the Quality tab, set the "V Sync Count" option of the target platform to "Don't Sync".
You should remove the FPS restriction on the Master branch, too.
Apply the changes to <uiwidigets_dir>/Runtime/ui/window.cs
diff --git a/com.unity.uiwidgets/Runtime/ui/window.cs b/com.unity.uiwidgets/Runtime/ui/window.cs
index 860e35aa..5f4e24d6 100644
--- a/com.unity.uiwidgets/Runtime/ui/window.cs
+++ b/com.unity.uiwidgets/Runtime/ui/window.cs
@@ -294,11 +294,12 @@ namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {
static void defaultFrameRateSpeedUp() {
-#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
- OnDemandRendering.renderFrameInterval = defaultMinRenderFrameInterval;
- Application.targetFrameRate = defaultMaxTargetFrameRate;
+ Application.targetFrameRate = 120;
+// #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
+// OnDemandRendering.renderFrameInterval = defaultMinRenderFrameInterval;
+// #else
+// Application.targetFrameRate = defaultMaxTargetFrameRate;
+// #endif
static Action _onFrameRateCoolDown = defaultFrameRateCoolDown;
@@ -316,11 +317,12 @@ namespace Unity.UIWidgets.ui {
static void defaultFrameRateCoolDown() {
-#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
- OnDemandRendering.renderFrameInterval = defaultMaxRenderFrameInterval;
- Application.targetFrameRate = defaultMinTargetFrameRate;
+ Application.targetFrameRate = 120;
+// #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
+// OnDemandRendering.renderFrameInterval = defaultMaxRenderFrameInterval;
+// #else
+// Application.targetFrameRate = defaultMinTargetFrameRate;
+// #endif
After that, build your UIWidget project just like a regular unity project(Don't forget to switch the platform and set the Player Settings)
Open your XXX.xcodeproj in Xcode, set the signing settings and don't forget keeping the "Enable bitcode" settings as same as build library and the UIWidgets engine
Long press the build button and change to Profile option, waiting for profile build, it will take a while, please be patient.
After profile build success, you can see the instruments start page. Choose the Core Animation template. If you don't have the Core Animation templete, just choose the Blank templete, click the plus sign in the upper right corner, then choose the Core Animation FPS option.
Press record button and do some operations on the iOS device about 60s, press the button again can stop the record.
## Records
1st Apr 2021(gallery&&disable bitcode):
| Average FPS | master | zxw/dev_ios_update_engine |
|:-:|:-:| :-: |
|test1 |51.9 |52.5
|test2 |50 |53.2
|test3 |50 |54.3