using LobbyRelaySample; using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.TestTools; namespace Test { /// /// Testing some edge cases with the UpdateSlow. /// public class UpdateSlowTests { private GameObject m_updateSlowObj; private List m_activeSubscribers = new List(); // For cleaning up, in case an Assert prevents a Subscriber from taking care of itself. private const float k_period = 1.5f; /// Trivial Subscriber to do some action every UpdateSlow. private class Subscriber : IDisposable { private Action m_thingToDo; public float prevDt; public Subscriber(Action thingToDo) { Locator.Get.UpdateSlow.Subscribe(OnUpdate); m_thingToDo = thingToDo; } public void Dispose() { Locator.Get.UpdateSlow.Unsubscribe(OnUpdate); } private void OnUpdate(float dt) { m_thingToDo?.Invoke(); prevDt = dt; } } [OneTimeSetUp] public void Setup() { m_updateSlowObj = new GameObject("UpdateSlowTest"); m_updateSlowObj.AddComponent(); } [OneTimeTearDown] public void Teardown() { GameObject.Destroy(m_updateSlowObj); } [UnityTearDown] public IEnumerator PerTestTeardown() { foreach (Subscriber sub in m_activeSubscribers) sub.Dispose(); m_activeSubscribers.Clear(); yield break; } [UnityTest] public IEnumerator BasicBehavior() { int updateCount = 0; Subscriber sub = new Subscriber(() => { updateCount++; }); m_activeSubscribers.Add(sub); yield return null; Assert.AreEqual(0, updateCount, "Update loop should be slow and not update per-frame."); yield return new WaitForSeconds(k_period - 0.1f); Assert.AreEqual(0, updateCount, "Assuming a default period of 1.5s and a reasonable frame rate, the slow update should still not have hit."); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCount, "Slow update period should have passed."); Assert.AreEqual(1.5f, sub.prevDt, "Slow update should have received the full time delta."); yield return new WaitForSeconds(k_period); Assert.AreEqual(2, updateCount, "Did the slow update again."); Assert.AreEqual(1.5f, sub.prevDt, "Slow update should have received the full time delta again."); Subscriber sub2 = new Subscriber(() => { updateCount += 7; }); m_activeSubscribers.Add(sub2); yield return new WaitForSeconds(k_period); Assert.AreEqual(10, updateCount, "There are two subscribers now."); Assert.AreEqual(1.5f, sub.prevDt, "Slow update should have received the full time delta with two subscribers."); Assert.AreEqual(1.5f, sub2.prevDt, "Slow update should have received the full time delta on the second subscriber as well."); sub2.Dispose(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(k_period); Assert.AreEqual(11, updateCount, "Should have unsubscribed just the one subscriber."); sub.Dispose(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(k_period); Assert.AreEqual(11, updateCount, "Should have unsubscribed the remaining subscriber."); } [UnityTest] public IEnumerator HandleLambda() { int updateCount = 0; Locator.Get.UpdateSlow.Subscribe((dt) => { updateCount++; }); LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, new Regex(".*Removed anonymous.*")); yield return new WaitForSeconds(k_period + 0.1f); Assert.AreEqual(0, updateCount, "Lambdas should not be permitted, since they can't be Unsubscribed."); } [UnityTest] public IEnumerator StaggerClients() { int updateCountA = 0, updateCountB = 0; Subscriber subA = new Subscriber(() => { updateCountA++; }); Subscriber subB = new Subscriber(() => { updateCountB++; }); m_activeSubscribers.Add(subA); m_activeSubscribers.Add(subB); float periodHalf = k_period / 2; yield return new WaitForSeconds(periodHalf - 0.1f); Assert.AreEqual(0, updateCountA, "Base case (count A)"); Assert.AreEqual(0, updateCountB, "Base case (count B)"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCountA, "Updates are now on half the normal period. First update is first."); Assert.AreEqual(0, updateCountB, "Updates are now on half the normal period. Second update is second."); yield return new WaitForSeconds(periodHalf); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCountA, "First update is still offset."); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCountB, "Second update should hit now."); subB.Dispose(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(periodHalf); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCountA, "First update should no longer be offset."); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCountB, "Second update is unsubscribed."); yield return new WaitForSeconds(periodHalf); Assert.AreEqual(2, updateCountA, "First update should hit with normal timing."); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCountB, "Second update is still unsubscribed."); } [UnityTest] public IEnumerator WhatIfASubscriberIsVerySlow() { int updateCount = 0; string inefficientString = ""; Subscriber sub = new Subscriber(() => { for (int n = 0; n < 12345; n++) inefficientString += n.ToString(); updateCount++; }); m_activeSubscribers.Add(sub); LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Error, new Regex(".*took too long.*")); yield return new WaitForSeconds(k_period + 0.1f); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCount, "Executed the slow update."); yield return new WaitForSeconds(k_period); Assert.AreEqual(1, updateCount, "Should have removed the offending subscriber."); } } }