using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using Unity.Services.Lobbies.Http;
namespace Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models
/// The body of a Join Lobby request using lobby code.
/// The lobby code of the lobby the join. Mutually exclusive with `id`. This is used to join a private lobby where the lobby code was shared to other users manually.
/// player param
[DataContract(Name = "JoinByCodeRequest")]
public class JoinByCodeRequest
/// The body of a Join Lobby request using lobby code.
/// The lobby code of the lobby the join. Mutually exclusive with `id`. This is used to join a private lobby where the lobby code was shared to other users manually.
/// player param
public JoinByCodeRequest(string lobbyCode, Player player = default)
LobbyCode = lobbyCode;
Player = player;
/// The lobby code of the lobby the join. Mutually exclusive with `id`. This is used to join a private lobby where the lobby code was shared to other users manually.
[DataMember(Name = "lobbyCode", IsRequired = true, EmitDefaultValue = true)]
public string LobbyCode{ get; }
[DataMember(Name = "player", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public Player Player{ get; }