using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.Services.Core.Configuration { static class ConfigurationCollectionHelper { public static void FillWith( this IDictionary self, SerializableProjectConfiguration config) { for (var i = 0; i < config.Keys.Length; i++) { var entryKey = config.Keys[i]; var entryValue = config.Values[i]; self.SetOrCreateEntry(entryKey, entryValue); } } public static void FillWith( this IDictionary self, InitializationOptions options) { foreach (var option in options.Values) { var optionValue = Convert.ToString(option.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); self.SetOrCreateEntry(option.Key, optionValue); } } static void SetOrCreateEntry( this IDictionary self, string key, ConfigurationEntry entry) { if (self.TryGetValue(key, out var existingEntry)) { if (!existingEntry.TrySetValue(entry)) { Debug.LogWarning( $"You are attempting to initialize Operate Solution SDK with an option \"{key}\"" + " which is readonly at runtime and can be modified only through Project Settings." + " The value provided as initialization option will be ignored." + $" Please update {nameof(InitializationOptions)} in order to remove this warning."); } } else { self[key] = entry; } } } }