using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; namespace LobbyRelaySample.inGame { /// /// Once the NetworkManager has been spawned, we need something to manage the game state and setup other in-game objects /// that is itself a networked object, to track things like network connect events. /// public class InGameRunner : NetworkBehaviour, IInGameInputHandler { private Action m_onConnectionVerified; private int m_expectedPlayerCount; // Used by the host, but we can't call the RPC until the network connection completes. private bool m_canSpawnInGameObjects; private Queue m_pendingSymbolPositions = new Queue(); private float m_symbolSpawnTimer = 0.5f; // Initial time buffer to ensure connectivity before loading objects. [SerializeField] private NetworkObject m_playerCursorPrefab = default; [SerializeField] private NetworkObject m_symbolContainerPrefab = default; private Transform m_symbolContainerInstance; [SerializeField] private NetworkObject m_symbolObjectPrefab = default; [SerializeField] private SequenceSelector m_sequenceSelector = default; [SerializeField] private Scorer m_scorer = default; private ulong m_localId; // This is not necessarily the same as the OwnerClientId, since all clients will see all spawned objects regardless of ownership. public void Initialize(Action onConnectionVerified, int expectedPlayerCount) { m_onConnectionVerified = onConnectionVerified; m_expectedPlayerCount = expectedPlayerCount; m_canSpawnInGameObjects = false; Locator.Get.Provide(this); // Simplifies access since some networked objects can't easily communicate locally (e.g. the host might call a ClientRpc without that client knowing where the call originated). } public override void OnNetworkSpawn() { if (IsHost) FinishInitialize(); m_localId = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId; VerifyConnection_ServerRpc(m_localId); } public override void OnNetworkDespawn() { // This will be where to do full clean up? UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("InGameRunner despawn"); } private void FinishInitialize() { m_symbolContainerInstance = NetworkObject.Instantiate(m_symbolContainerPrefab).transform; ResetPendingSymbolPositions(); } private void ResetPendingSymbolPositions() { m_pendingSymbolPositions.Clear(); for (int n = 0; n < SequenceSelector.k_symbolCount; n++) { // TEMP we need to do a BSP or some such to mix up the positions. m_pendingSymbolPositions.Enqueue(new Vector2(-9 + (n % 10) * 2, n / 10 * 3)); } } /// /// To verify the connection, invoke a server RPC call that then invokes a client RPC call. /// [ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)] private void VerifyConnection_ServerRpc(ulong clientId) { VerifyConnection_ClientRpc(clientId); // If not spawning things in the background, start that. m_canSpawnInGameObjects = true; } [ClientRpc] private void VerifyConnection_ClientRpc(ulong clientId) { if (clientId == m_localId) VerifyConnectionConfirm_ServerRpc(m_localId); } /// /// Once the connection is confirmed, check if all players have connected. /// [ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)] private void VerifyConnectionConfirm_ServerRpc(ulong clientId) { NetworkObject playerCursor = NetworkObject.Instantiate(m_playerCursorPrefab); playerCursor.SpawnWithOwnership(clientId); += clientId; bool areAllPlayersConnected = NetworkManager.ConnectedClients.Count >= m_expectedPlayerCount; // The game will begin at this point, or else there's a timeout for booting any unconnected players. VerifyConnectionConfirm_ClientRpc(clientId, areAllPlayersConnected); } [ClientRpc] private void VerifyConnectionConfirm_ClientRpc(ulong clientId, bool shouldStartImmediately) { if (clientId == m_localId) m_onConnectionVerified?.Invoke(); if (shouldStartImmediately) Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.GameBeginning, null); } public void Update() { CheckIfCanSpawnNewSymbol(); // TODO: BSP for choosing symbol spawn positions? // TODO: Remove the timer to test for packet loss. void CheckIfCanSpawnNewSymbol() { if (!m_canSpawnInGameObjects || m_symbolContainerInstance?.childCount >= SequenceSelector.k_symbolCount || !IsHost) return; if (m_pendingSymbolPositions.Count > 0) { m_symbolSpawnTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_symbolSpawnTimer < 0) { m_symbolSpawnTimer = 0.04f; // Space out the object spawning a little to reduce the load. It will happen in the background, so we have time. SpawnNewSymbol(); } } } void SpawnNewSymbol() { int index = SequenceSelector.k_symbolCount - m_pendingSymbolPositions.Count; Vector3 pendingPos = m_pendingSymbolPositions.Dequeue(); NetworkObject symbolObj = NetworkObject.Instantiate(m_symbolObjectPrefab); symbolObj.Spawn(); = "Symbol" + index; symbolObj.TrySetParent(m_symbolContainerInstance, false); symbolObj.transform.localPosition = pendingPos; symbolObj.GetComponent().symbolIndex.Value = m_sequenceSelector.GetNextSymbol(index); } } /// /// Called while on the host to determine if incoming input has scored or not. /// public void OnPlayerInput(ulong id, SymbolObject selectedSymbol) { if (m_sequenceSelector.ConfirmSymbolCorrect(id, selectedSymbol.symbolIndex.Value)) { selectedSymbol.OnSelectConfirmed_ClientRpc(); selectedSymbol.Destroy_ServerRpc(); m_scorer.ScoreSuccess(id); } else m_scorer.ScoreFailure(id); } public void OnReProvided(IInGameInputHandler previousProvider) { /*No-op*/ } } }