using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.Services.Core.Internal
/// Task-based implementation of IAsyncOperation.
/// awaitable in tasks
/// yieldable in coroutines
class TaskAsyncOperation : AsyncOperationBase, INotifyCompletion
/// The scheduler is also used by the because
/// can't be used in generic objects.
internal static TaskScheduler Scheduler;
Task m_Task;
public override bool IsCompleted => m_Task.IsCompleted;
public override AsyncOperationStatus Status
if (m_Task == null)
return AsyncOperationStatus.None;
if (!m_Task.IsCompleted)
return AsyncOperationStatus.InProgress;
if (m_Task.IsCanceled)
return AsyncOperationStatus.Cancelled;
if (m_Task.IsFaulted)
return AsyncOperationStatus.Failed;
return AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded;
public override Exception Exception => m_Task?.Exception;
public override void GetResult() {}
public override AsyncOperationBase GetAwaiter()
return this;
/// Creates a new TaskAsyncOperation from a provided Task.
/// Returns on Unity's main thread context.
/// The task tracked by this TaskAsyncOperation.
public TaskAsyncOperation(Task task)
// Tests don't run `RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod`s?
if (Scheduler == null)
m_Task = task;
task.ContinueWith((t, state) =>
var self = (TaskAsyncOperation)state;
}, this, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.None, Scheduler);
/// Creates and starts a task from the provided Action executing on the C# thread pool.
/// Returns on Unity's main thread context.
/// The Action to execute asynchronously.
/// A TaskAsyncOperation tracking the execution of the provided Action.
public static TaskAsyncOperation Run(Action action)
var task = new Task(action);
var ret = new TaskAsyncOperation(task);
return ret;
internal static void SetScheduler()
Scheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
/// Task-based implementation of IAsyncOperation.
/// awaitable in tasks
/// yieldable in coroutines
/// The return type of the operation's result.
class TaskAsyncOperation : AsyncOperationBase
Task m_Task;
public override bool IsCompleted => m_Task.IsCompleted;
public override T Result => m_Task.Result;
public override T GetResult()
return m_Task.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
public override AsyncOperationBase GetAwaiter()
return this;
public override AsyncOperationStatus Status
if (m_Task == null)
return AsyncOperationStatus.None;
if (!m_Task.IsCompleted)
return AsyncOperationStatus.InProgress;
if (m_Task.IsCanceled)
return AsyncOperationStatus.Cancelled;
if (m_Task.IsFaulted)
return AsyncOperationStatus.Failed;
return AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded;
public override Exception Exception => m_Task?.Exception;
/// Creates a new TaskAsyncOperation from a provided Task.
/// Returns on Unity's main thread context.
/// The task tracked by this TaskAsyncOperation.
public TaskAsyncOperation(Task task)
// Tests don't run `RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod`s?
if (TaskAsyncOperation.Scheduler == null)
m_Task = task;
task.ContinueWith((t, state) =>
var self = (TaskAsyncOperation)state;
}, this, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.None, TaskAsyncOperation.Scheduler);
/// Creates and starts a task from the provided Action executing on the C# thread pool.
/// Returns on Unity's main thread context.
/// The Action to execute asynchronously.
/// A TaskAsyncOperation tracking the execution of the provided Action.
public static TaskAsyncOperation Run(Func func)
var task = new Task(func);
var ret = new TaskAsyncOperation(task);
return ret;