using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace ParrelSync { public class Project : System.ICloneable { public string name; public string projectPath; string rootPath; public string assetPath; public string projectSettingsPath; public string libraryPath; public string packagesPath; public string autoBuildPath; public string localPackages; char[] separator = new char[1] { '/' }; /// /// Default constructor /// public Project() { } /// /// Initialize the project object by parsing its full path returned by Unity into a bunch of individual folder names and paths. /// /// public Project(string path) { ParsePath(path); } /// /// Create a new object with the same settings /// /// public object Clone() { Project newProject = new Project(); newProject.rootPath = rootPath; newProject.projectPath = projectPath; newProject.assetPath = assetPath; newProject.projectSettingsPath = projectSettingsPath; newProject.libraryPath = libraryPath; = name; newProject.separator = separator; newProject.packagesPath = packagesPath; newProject.autoBuildPath = autoBuildPath; newProject.localPackages = localPackages; return newProject; } /// /// Update the project object by renaming and reparsing it. Pass in the new name of a project, and it'll update the other member variables to match. /// /// public void updateNewName(string newName) { name = newName; ParsePath(rootPath + "/" + name + "/Assets"); } /// /// Debug override so we can quickly print out the project info. /// /// public override string ToString() { string printString = name + "\n" + rootPath + "\n" + projectPath + "\n" + assetPath + "\n" + projectSettingsPath + "\n" + packagesPath + "\n" + autoBuildPath + "\n" + localPackages + "\n" + libraryPath; return (printString); } private void ParsePath(string path) { //Unity's Application functions return the Assets path in the Editor. projectPath = path; //pop off the last part of the path for the project name, keep the rest for the root path List pathArray = projectPath.Split(separator).ToList(); name = pathArray.Last(); pathArray.RemoveAt(pathArray.Count() - 1); rootPath = string.Join(separator[0].ToString(), pathArray.ToArray()); assetPath = projectPath + "/Assets"; projectSettingsPath = projectPath + "/ProjectSettings"; libraryPath = projectPath + "/Library"; packagesPath = projectPath + "/Packages"; autoBuildPath = projectPath + "/AutoBuild"; localPackages = projectPath + "/LocalPackages"; } } }