using System;
using Unity.Services.Relay.Models;
using UnityEngine;
using RelayService = Unity.Services.Relay.Relay;
namespace LobbyRelaySample.relay
/// Wrapper for all the interaction with the Relay API.
/// Relay acts as an intermediary between hosts and clients for privacy. Each player will connect to an obfuscated IP address provided by Relay as though connecting directly to other players.
public static class RelayAPIInterface
/// A Relay Allocation represents a "server" for a new host.
public static void AllocateAsync(int maxConnections, Action onComplete)
var task = RelayService.Instance.CreateAllocationAsync(maxConnections);
AsyncRequestRelay.Instance.DoRequest(task, OnResponse);
void OnResponse(Allocation response)
if (response == null)
Debug.LogError("Relay returned a null Allocation. This might occur if the Relay service has an outage, if your cloud project ID isn't linked, or if your Relay package version is outdated.");
/// Only after an Allocation has been completed can a Relay join code be obtained. This code will be stored in the lobby's data as non-public
/// such that players can retrieve the Relay join code only after connecting to the lobby. (Note that this is not the same as the lobby code.)
public static void GetJoinCodeAsync(Guid hostAllocationId, Action onComplete)
var task = RelayService.Instance.GetJoinCodeAsync(hostAllocationId);
AsyncRequestRelay.Instance.DoRequest(task, OnResponse);
void OnResponse(string response)
if (response == null)
Debug.LogError("Could not retrieve a Relay join code.");
/// Clients call this to retrieve the host's Allocation via a Relay join code.
public static void JoinAsync(string joinCode, Action onComplete)
var task = RelayService.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(joinCode);
AsyncRequestRelay.Instance.DoRequest(task, OnResponse);
void OnResponse(JoinAllocation response)
if (response == null)
Debug.LogError("Could not join async with Relay join code " + joinCode);