using System; using LobbyRemote = Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models.Lobby; namespace LobbyRelaySample { /// /// Keep updated on changes to a joined lobby. /// public class LobbyContentHeartbeat { private LocalLobby m_localLobby; private LobbyUser m_localUser; private bool m_isAwaitingQuery = false; private bool m_shouldPushData = false; public void BeginTracking(LocalLobby lobby, LobbyUser localUser) { m_localLobby = lobby; m_localUser = localUser; Locator.Get.UpdateSlow.Subscribe(OnUpdate); m_localLobby.onChanged += OnLocalLobbyChanged; m_shouldPushData = true; // Ensure the initial presence of a new player is pushed to the lobby; otherwise, when a non-host joins, the LocalLobby never receives their data until they push something new. } public void EndTracking() { m_shouldPushData = false; Locator.Get.UpdateSlow.Unsubscribe(OnUpdate); if (m_localLobby != null) m_localLobby.onChanged -= OnLocalLobbyChanged; m_localLobby = null; m_localUser = null; } private void OnLocalLobbyChanged(LocalLobby changed) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changed.LobbyID)) // When the player leaves, their LocalLobby is cleared out but maintained. EndTracking(); m_shouldPushData = true; } public void OnUpdate(float dt) { if (m_isAwaitingQuery || m_localLobby == null) return; m_isAwaitingQuery = true; // Note that because we make async calls, if one of them fails and doesn't call our callback, this will never be reset to false. if (m_shouldPushData) PushDataToLobby(); else OnRetrieve(); void PushDataToLobby() { if (m_localUser == null) { m_isAwaitingQuery = false; return; // Don't revert m_shouldPushData yet, so that we can retry. } m_shouldPushData = false; if (m_localUser.IsHost) DoLobbyDataPush(); else DoPlayerDataPush(); } void DoLobbyDataPush() { LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.UpdateLobbyDataAsync(lobby.ToLocalLobby.RetrieveLobbyData(m_localLobby), () => { DoPlayerDataPush(); }); } void DoPlayerDataPush() { LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.UpdatePlayerDataAsync(lobby.ToLocalLobby.RetrieveUserData(m_localUser), () => { m_isAwaitingQuery = false; }); } void OnRetrieve() { m_isAwaitingQuery = false; LobbyRemote lobbyRemote = LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.CurrentLobby; if (lobbyRemote == null) return; bool prevShouldPush = m_shouldPushData; var prevState = m_localLobby.State; lobby.ToLocalLobby.Convert(lobbyRemote, m_localLobby, m_localUser); m_shouldPushData = prevShouldPush; CheckForAllPlayersReady(); if (prevState != LobbyState.Lobby && m_localLobby.State == LobbyState.Lobby) Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.ToLobby, null); } void CheckForAllPlayersReady() { bool areAllPlayersReady = m_localLobby.AllPlayersReadyTime != null; if (areAllPlayersReady) { long targetTimeTicks = m_localLobby.AllPlayersReadyTime.Value; DateTime targetTime = new DateTime(targetTimeTicks); if (targetTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Seconds < 0) return; Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.Client_EndReadyCountdownAt, targetTime); // Note that this could be called multiple times. } } } } }