using LobbyRelaySample.Relay; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Services.Relay.Models; using UnityEngine; namespace LobbyRelaySample { public class GameStateManager : MonoBehaviour, IReceiveMessages { [SerializeField] LogMode m_logMode = LogMode.Critical; /// /// All these should be assigned the observers in the scene at the start. /// [SerializeField] List m_GameStateObservers = new List(); [SerializeField] List m_LocalLobbyObservers = new List(); [SerializeField] List m_LocalUserObservers = new List(); [SerializeField] List m_LobbyServiceObservers = new List(); private LobbyContentHeartbeat m_lobbyContentHeartbeat = new LobbyContentHeartbeat(); LobbyUser m_localUser; LocalLobby m_localLobby; LobbyServiceData m_lobbyServiceData = new LobbyServiceData(); LocalGameState m_localGameState = new LocalGameState(); ReadyCheck m_ReadyCheck; RelayUTPSetup m_RelaySetup; public void Awake() { LogHandler.Get().mode = m_logMode; // Do some arbitrary operations to instantiate singletons. #pragma warning disable IDE0059 // Unnecessary assignment of a value var unused = Locator.Get; #pragma warning restore IDE0059 // Unnecessary assignment of a value Locator.Get.Provide(new Auth.Identity(OnAuthSignIn)); m_ReadyCheck = new ReadyCheck(7); Application.wantsToQuit += OnWantToQuit; } private void OnAuthSignIn() { Debug.Log("Signed in."); m_localUser.ID = Locator.Get.Identity.GetSubIdentity(Auth.IIdentityType.Auth).GetContent("id"); m_localUser.DisplayName = NameGenerator.GetName(m_localUser.ID); } public void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object msg) { if (type == MessageType.RenameRequest) { m_localUser.DisplayName = (string)msg; } else if (type == MessageType.CreateLobbyRequest) { var createLobbyData = (LocalLobby)msg; LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.CreateLobbyAsync(createLobbyData.LobbyName, createLobbyData.MaxPlayerCount, createLobbyData.Private, (r) => { lobby.ToLocalLobby.Convert(r, m_localLobby, m_localUser); OnCreatedLobby(); }, OnFailedJoin); } else if (type == MessageType.JoinLobbyRequest) { LobbyInfo lobbyInfo = (LobbyInfo)msg; LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.JoinLobbyAsync(lobbyInfo.LobbyID, lobbyInfo.LobbyCode, (r) => { lobby.ToLocalLobby.Convert(r, m_localLobby, m_localUser); OnJoinedLobby(); }, OnFailedJoin); } else if (type == MessageType.QueryLobbies) { m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyServiceState.Fetching; LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.RetrieveLobbyListAsync( qr => { if (qr != null) OnRefreshed(lobby.ToLocalLobby.Convert(qr)); }, er => { long errorLong = 0; if (er != null) errorLong = er.Status; OnRefreshFailed(errorLong); }); } else if (type == MessageType.ChangeGameState) { SetGameState((GameState)msg); } else if (type == MessageType.UserSetEmote) { var emote = (string)msg; m_localUser.Emote = emote; } else if (type == MessageType.ChangeLobbyUserState) { m_localUser.UserStatus = (UserStatus)msg; } else if (type == MessageType.Client_EndReadyCountdownAt) { m_localLobby.TargetEndTime = (DateTime)msg; BeginCountDown(); } else if (type == MessageType.ToLobby) { ToLobby(); } } void Start() { m_localLobby = new LocalLobby { State = LobbyState.Lobby }; m_localUser = new LobbyUser(); m_localUser.DisplayName = "New Player"; Locator.Get.Messenger.Subscribe(this); DefaultObserverSetup(); InitObservers(); } /// /// We find and validate that the scene has all the Observers we expect /// void DefaultObserverSetup() { foreach (var gameStateObs in FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!gameStateObs.observeOnStart) continue; if (!m_GameStateObservers.Contains(gameStateObs)) m_GameStateObservers.Add(gameStateObs); } foreach (var localLobby in FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!localLobby.observeOnStart) continue; if (!m_LocalLobbyObservers.Contains(localLobby)) m_LocalLobbyObservers.Add(localLobby); } foreach (var lobbyUserObs in FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!lobbyUserObs.observeOnStart) continue; if (!m_LocalUserObservers.Contains(lobbyUserObs)) m_LocalUserObservers.Add(lobbyUserObs); } foreach (var lobbyServiceObs in FindObjectsOfType()) { if (!lobbyServiceObs.observeOnStart) continue; if (!m_LobbyServiceObservers.Contains(lobbyServiceObs)) m_LobbyServiceObservers.Add(lobbyServiceObs); } if (m_GameStateObservers.Count < 4) Debug.LogWarning($"Scene has less than the default expected Game State Observers, ensure all the observers in the scene that need to watch the gameState are registered in the LocalGameStateObservers List."); if (m_LocalLobbyObservers.Count < 8) Debug.LogWarning($"Scene has less than the default expected Local Lobby Observers, ensure all the observers in the scene that need to watch the Local Lobby are registered in the LocalLobbyObservers List."); if (m_LocalUserObservers.Count < 3) Debug.LogWarning($"Scene has less than the default expected Local User Observers, ensure all the observers in the scene that need to watch the gameState are registered in the LocalUserObservers List."); if (m_LobbyServiceObservers.Count < 2) Debug.LogWarning($"Scene has less than the default expected Lobby Service Observers, ensure all the observers in the scene that need to watch the lobby service state are registered in the LobbyServiceObservers List."); } void InitObservers() { foreach (var gameStateObs in m_GameStateObservers) { if (gameStateObs == null) { Debug.LogError("Missing a gameStateObserver, please make sure all GameStateObservers in the scene are registered here."); continue; } gameStateObs.BeginObserving(m_localGameState); } foreach (var lobbyObs in m_LocalLobbyObservers) { if (lobbyObs == null) { Debug.LogError("Missing a gameStateObserver, please make sure all GameStateObservers in the scene are registered here."); continue; } lobbyObs.BeginObserving(m_localLobby); } foreach (var userObs in m_LocalUserObservers) { if (userObs == null) { Debug.LogError("Missing a gameStateObserver, please make sure all GameStateObservers in the scene are registered here."); continue; } userObs.BeginObserving(m_localUser); } foreach (var serviceObs in m_LobbyServiceObservers) { if (serviceObs == null) { Debug.LogError("Missing a gameStateObserver, please make sure all GameStateObservers in the scene are registered here."); continue; } serviceObs.BeginObserving(m_lobbyServiceData); } } void SetGameState(GameState state) { bool isLeavingLobby = (state == GameState.Menu || state == GameState.JoinMenu) && m_localGameState.State == GameState.Lobby; m_localGameState.State = state; if (isLeavingLobby) OnLeftLobby(); } void OnRefreshed(IEnumerable lobbies) { var newLobbyDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var lobby in lobbies) { newLobbyDict.Add(lobby.LobbyID, lobby); } m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyServiceState.Fetched; m_lobbyServiceData.CurrentLobbies = newLobbyDict; } void OnRefreshFailed(long errorCode) { m_lobbyServiceData.lastErrorCode = errorCode; m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyServiceState.Error; } void OnCreatedLobby() { OnJoinedLobby(); } void OnJoinedLobby() { LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.BeginTracking(m_localLobby.LobbyID); m_lobbyContentHeartbeat.BeginTracking(m_localLobby, m_localUser); SetUserLobbyState(); Dictionary displayNameData = new Dictionary(); displayNameData.Add("DisplayName", m_localUser.DisplayName); LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.UpdatePlayerDataAsync(displayNameData, null); if (m_localUser.IsHost) { m_RelaySetup = gameObject.AddComponent(); (m_RelaySetup as RelayUtpSetup_Host).DoRelaySetup(m_localLobby); } else { m_RelaySetup = gameObject.AddComponent(); (m_RelaySetup as RelayUtpSetup_Client).JoinRelay(m_localLobby); } } void OnLeftLobby() { m_localUser.Emote = null; LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.LeaveLobbyAsync(m_localLobby.LobbyID, ResetLocalLobby); m_lobbyContentHeartbeat.EndTracking(); LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.EndTracking(); if (m_RelaySetup != null) { Component.Destroy(m_RelaySetup); m_RelaySetup = null; } } /// /// Back to Join menu if we fail to join for whatever reason. /// void OnFailedJoin() { SetGameState(GameState.JoinMenu); } void BeginCountDown() { // Only start the countdown once. if (m_localLobby.State == LobbyState.CountDown) return; // We want to do all the Relay Allocation calls in quick succession, as waiting too long // (10s) will cause the Relay server to get cleaned up by the service m_localLobby.CountDownTime = m_localLobby.TargetEndTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Seconds; m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.CountDown; StartCoroutine(CountDown()); } /// /// This is currently a countdown to Connection, once we have our transport integrated, this will be a countdown to Game Start /// IEnumerator CountDown() { m_ReadyCheck.EndCheckingForReady(); while (m_localLobby.CountDownTime > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); if (m_localLobby.State != LobbyState.CountDown) yield break; m_localLobby.CountDownTime = m_localLobby.TargetEndTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Seconds; } m_localUser.UserStatus = UserStatus.Connecting; m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.InGame; // TODO TRANSPORT: Move Relay Join to Pre-Countdown, and do connection and health checks before counting down for the game start. //RelayInterface.JoinAsync(m_localLobby.RelayCode, OnJoinedRelay); } /// /// Non Hosts Connect to server Here /// void OnJoinedRelay(JoinAllocation joinData) { m_localUser.UserStatus = UserStatus.Connected; var ip = joinData.RelayServer.IpV4; var port = joinData.RelayServer.Port; m_localLobby.RelayServer = new ServerAddress(ip, port); } void ToLobby() { m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.Lobby; m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 0; m_localLobby.RelayServer = null; m_localLobby.RelayCode = null; SetUserLobbyState(); } void SetUserLobbyState() { SetGameState(GameState.Lobby); m_localUser.UserStatus = UserStatus.Lobby; if (m_localUser.IsHost) m_ReadyCheck.BeginCheckingForReady(); } void ResetLocalLobby() { m_localLobby.CopyObserved(new LobbyInfo(), new Dictionary()); m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 0; m_localLobby.RelayServer = null; m_ReadyCheck.EndCheckingForReady(); } void OnDestroy() { ForceLeaveAttempt(); } bool OnWantToQuit() { bool canQuit = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_localLobby?.LobbyID); StartCoroutine(LeaveBeforeQuit()); return canQuit; } void ForceLeaveAttempt() { Locator.Get.Messenger.Unsubscribe(this); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_localLobby?.LobbyID)) { LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.LeaveLobbyAsync(m_localLobby?.LobbyID, null); m_localLobby = null; } } /// /// In builds, if we are in a lobby and try to send a Leave request on application quit, it won't go through if we're quitting on the same frame. /// So, we need to delay just briefly to let the request happen (though we don't need to wait for the result). /// IEnumerator LeaveBeforeQuit() { ForceLeaveAttempt(); // TEMP: Since we're temporarily (as of 6/31/21) deleting empty lobbies when we leave them manually, we'll delay longer to ensure that happens. //yield return null; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); Application.Quit(); } } }