using System; using System.Threading; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Burst; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using Unity.Networking.Transport.Protocols; using Unity.Networking.Transport.Utilities; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Unity.Networking.Transport { public unsafe struct InboundSendBuffer { public byte* buffer; public byte* bufferWithHeaders; public int bufferLength; public int bufferWithHeadersLength; public int headerPadding; public void SetBufferFrombufferWithHeaders() { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (bufferWithHeadersLength < headerPadding) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Buffer is too small to fit headers"); #endif buffer = bufferWithHeaders + headerPadding; bufferLength = bufferWithHeadersLength - headerPadding; } } public unsafe struct InboundRecvBuffer { public byte* buffer; public int bufferLength; public InboundRecvBuffer Slice(int offset) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (bufferLength < offset) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Buffer does not contain enough data"); #endif InboundRecvBuffer slice; slice.buffer = buffer + offset; slice.bufferLength = bufferLength - offset; return slice; } } public unsafe struct NetworkPipelineContext { public byte* staticInstanceBuffer; public byte* internalSharedProcessBuffer; public byte* internalProcessBuffer; public DataStreamWriter header; public long timestamp; public int staticInstanceBufferLength; public int internalSharedProcessBufferLength; public int internalProcessBufferLength; public int accumulatedHeaderCapacity; } public unsafe interface INetworkPipelineStage { NetworkPipelineStage StaticInitialize(byte* staticInstanceBuffer, int staticInstanceBufferLength, INetworkParameter[] param); int StaticSize { get; } } public unsafe struct NetworkPipelineStage { public NetworkPipelineStage(TransportFunctionPointer Receive, TransportFunctionPointer Send, TransportFunctionPointer InitializeConnection, int ReceiveCapacity, int SendCapacity, int HeaderCapacity, int SharedStateCapacity, int PayloadCapacity = 0) // 0 means any size { this.Receive = Receive; this.Send = Send; this.InitializeConnection = InitializeConnection; this.ReceiveCapacity = ReceiveCapacity; this.SendCapacity = SendCapacity; this.HeaderCapacity = HeaderCapacity; this.SharedStateCapacity = SharedStateCapacity; this.PayloadCapacity = PayloadCapacity; StaticStateStart = StaticStateCapcity = 0; } [Flags] public enum Requests { None = 0, Resume = 1, Update = 2, SendUpdate = 4, Error = 8 } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate void ReceiveDelegate(ref NetworkPipelineContext ctx, ref InboundRecvBuffer inboundBuffer, ref Requests requests); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate int SendDelegate(ref NetworkPipelineContext ctx, ref InboundSendBuffer inboundBuffer, ref Requests requests); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate void InitializeConnectionDelegate(byte* staticInstanceBuffer, int staticInstanceBufferLength, byte* sendProcessBuffer, int sendProcessBufferLength, byte* recvProcessBuffer, int recvProcessBufferLength, byte* sharedProcessBuffer, int sharedProcessBufferLength); public TransportFunctionPointer Receive; public TransportFunctionPointer Send; public TransportFunctionPointer InitializeConnection; public readonly int ReceiveCapacity; public readonly int SendCapacity; public readonly int HeaderCapacity; public readonly int SharedStateCapacity; public readonly int PayloadCapacity; internal int StaticStateStart; internal int StaticStateCapcity; } public struct NetworkPipelineStageId { internal int Index; internal int IsValid; } public static class NetworkPipelineStageCollection { static NetworkPipelineStageCollection() { m_stages = new List(); RegisterPipelineStage(new NullPipelineStage()); RegisterPipelineStage(new FragmentationPipelineStage()); RegisterPipelineStage(new ReliableSequencedPipelineStage()); RegisterPipelineStage(new UnreliableSequencedPipelineStage()); RegisterPipelineStage(new SimulatorPipelineStage()); RegisterPipelineStage(new SimulatorPipelineStageInSend()); } public static void RegisterPipelineStage(INetworkPipelineStage stage) { for (int i = 0; i < m_stages.Count; ++i) { if (m_stages[i].GetType() == stage.GetType()) { // TODO: should this be an error? m_stages[i] = stage; return; } } m_stages.Add(stage); } public static NetworkPipelineStageId GetStageId(Type stageType) { for (int i = 0; i < m_stages.Count; ++i) { if (stageType == m_stages[i].GetType()) return new NetworkPipelineStageId{Index=i, IsValid = 1}; } throw new InvalidOperationException($"Pipeline stage {stageType} is not registered"); } internal static List m_stages; } public struct NetworkPipeline { internal int Id; public static NetworkPipeline Null => default(NetworkPipeline); public static bool operator ==(NetworkPipeline lhs, NetworkPipeline rhs) { return lhs.Id == rhs.Id; } public static bool operator !=(NetworkPipeline lhs, NetworkPipeline rhs) { return lhs.Id != rhs.Id; } public override bool Equals(object compare) { return this == (NetworkPipeline) compare; } public override int GetHashCode() { return Id; } public bool Equals(NetworkPipeline connection) { return connection.Id == Id; } } public struct NetworkPipelineParams : INetworkParameter { public int initialCapacity; [Conditional("ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS")] public static void ValidateParameters(params INetworkParameter[] param) { foreach (var parameter in param) { if (parameter is NetworkPipelineParams @params && @params.initialCapacity < 0) throw new ArgumentException($"Value for NetworkPipelineParams.initialCapacity must be larger then zero."); } } } internal struct NetworkPipelineProcessor : IDisposable { public const int Alignment = 8; public const int AlignmentMinusOne = Alignment-1; public int PayloadCapacity(NetworkPipeline pipeline) { if (pipeline.Id > 0) { var p = m_Pipelines[pipeline.Id - 1]; return p.payloadCapacity; } return NetworkParameterConstants.MTU; } public Concurrent ToConcurrent() { var concurrent = new Concurrent { m_StageCollection = m_StageCollection, m_StaticInstanceBuffer = m_StaticInstanceBuffer, m_Pipelines = m_Pipelines, m_StageList = m_StageList, m_AccumulatedHeaderCapacity = m_AccumulatedHeaderCapacity, m_SendStageNeedsUpdateWrite = m_SendStageNeedsUpdateRead.AsParallelWriter(), sizePerConnection = sizePerConnection, sendBuffer = m_SendBuffer, sharedBuffer = m_SharedBuffer, m_timestamp = m_timestamp }; return concurrent; } public struct Concurrent { [ReadOnly] internal NativeArray m_StageCollection; [ReadOnly] internal NativeArray m_StaticInstanceBuffer; [ReadOnly] internal NativeList m_Pipelines; [ReadOnly] internal NativeList m_StageList; [ReadOnly] internal NativeList m_AccumulatedHeaderCapacity; internal NativeQueue.ParallelWriter m_SendStageNeedsUpdateWrite; [ReadOnly] internal NativeArray sizePerConnection; // TODO: not really read-only, just hacking the safety system [ReadOnly] internal NativeList sharedBuffer; [ReadOnly] internal NativeList sendBuffer; [ReadOnly] internal NativeArray m_timestamp; public int SendHeaderCapacity(NetworkPipeline pipeline) { var p = m_Pipelines[pipeline.Id-1]; return p.headerCapacity; } public int PayloadCapacity(NetworkPipeline pipeline) { if (pipeline.Id > 0) { var p = m_Pipelines[pipeline.Id - 1]; return p.payloadCapacity; } return NetworkParameterConstants.MTU; } public unsafe int Send(NetworkDriver.Concurrent driver, NetworkPipeline pipeline, NetworkConnection connection, NetworkInterfaceSendHandle sendHandle, int headerSize) { if ( == IntPtr.Zero) { return (int) Error.StatusCode.NetworkSendHandleInvalid; } var p = m_Pipelines[pipeline.Id-1]; var connectionId = connection.m_NetworkId; // TODO: not really read-only, just hacking the safety system NativeArray tmpBuffer = sendBuffer; int* sendBufferLock = (int*) tmpBuffer.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(); sendBufferLock += connectionId * sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset] / 4; if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref *sendBufferLock, 1, 0) != 0) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("The parallel network driver needs to process a single unique connection per job, processing a single connection multiple times in a parallel for is not supported."); return (int) Error.StatusCode.NetworkDriverParallelForErr; #else return (int) Error.StatusCode.NetworkDriverParallelForErr; #endif } NativeList currentUpdates = new NativeList(128, Allocator.Temp); int retval = ProcessPipelineSend(driver, 0, pipeline, connection, sendHandle, headerSize, currentUpdates); Interlocked.Exchange(ref *sendBufferLock, 0); // Move the updates requested in this iteration to the concurrent queue so it can be read/parsed in update routine for (int i = 0; i < currentUpdates.Length; ++i) m_SendStageNeedsUpdateWrite.Enqueue(currentUpdates[i]); return retval; } internal unsafe int ProcessPipelineSend(NetworkDriver.Concurrent driver, int startStage, NetworkPipeline pipeline, NetworkConnection connection, NetworkInterfaceSendHandle sendHandle, int headerSize, NativeList currentUpdates) { int initialHeaderSize = headerSize; int retval = sendHandle.size; NetworkPipelineContext ctx = default(NetworkPipelineContext); ctx.timestamp = m_timestamp[0]; var p = m_Pipelines[pipeline.Id-1]; var connectionId = connection.m_NetworkId; var resumeQ = new NativeList(16, Allocator.Temp); int resumeQStart = 0; // If the call comes from update, the sendHandle is set to default. var inboundBuffer = default(InboundSendBuffer); if ( != IntPtr.Zero) { inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders = (byte*) + initialHeaderSize + 1; inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeadersLength = sendHandle.size - initialHeaderSize - 1; inboundBuffer.buffer = inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders + p.headerCapacity; inboundBuffer.bufferLength = inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeadersLength - p.headerCapacity; } while (true) { headerSize = p.headerCapacity; int internalBufferOffset = p.sendBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset] * connectionId; int internalSharedBufferOffset = p.sharedBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset] * connectionId; // If this is not the first stage we need to fast forward the buffer offset to the correct place if (startStage > 0) { if (inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeadersLength > 0) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Can't start from a stage with a buffer"); return (int)Error.StatusCode.NetworkStateMismatch; } for (int i = 0; i < startStage; ++i) { internalBufferOffset += (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex + i]].SendCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); internalSharedBufferOffset += (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex + i]].SharedStateCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); headerSize -= m_StageCollection[m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex + i]].HeaderCapacity; } } for (int i = startStage; i < p.NumStages; ++i) { int stageHeaderCapacity = m_StageCollection[m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex + i]].HeaderCapacity; #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (stageHeaderCapacity > headerSize) throw new InvalidOperationException("The stage does not contain enough header space to send the message"); #endif inboundBuffer.headerPadding = headerSize; headerSize -= stageHeaderCapacity; if (stageHeaderCapacity > 0 && inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeadersLength > 0) { var headerArray = NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.ConvertExistingDataToNativeArray(inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders + headerSize, stageHeaderCapacity, Allocator.Invalid); #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.SetAtomicSafetyHandle(ref headerArray, AtomicSafetyHandle.GetTempMemoryHandle()); #endif ctx.header = new DataStreamWriter(headerArray); } else ctx.header = new DataStreamWriter(stageHeaderCapacity, Allocator.Temp); var prevInbound = inboundBuffer; NetworkPipelineStage.Requests requests = NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.None; var sendResult = ProcessSendStage(i, internalBufferOffset, internalSharedBufferOffset, p, ref resumeQ, ref ctx, ref inboundBuffer, ref requests); if ((requests & NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.Update) != 0) AddSendUpdate(connection, i, pipeline, currentUpdates); if (inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeadersLength == 0) { if ((requests & NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.Error) != 0 && != IntPtr.Zero) retval = sendResult; break; } #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (inboundBuffer.headerPadding != prevInbound.headerPadding) throw new InvalidOperationException("Changing the header padding in a pipeline is not supported"); #endif if (inboundBuffer.buffer != prevInbound.buffer) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (inboundBuffer.buffer != inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders + inboundBuffer.headerPadding || inboundBuffer.bufferLength + inboundBuffer.headerPadding > inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeadersLength) throw new InvalidOperationException("When creating an internal buffer in pipelines the buffer must be a subset of the buffer with headers"); #endif // Copy header to new buffer so it is part of the payload UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders + headerSize, ctx.header.AsNativeArray().GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), ctx.header.Length); } #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS else { if (inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders != prevInbound.bufferWithHeaders) throw new InvalidOperationException("Changing the send buffer with headers without changing the buffer is not supported"); } #endif if (ctx.header.Length < stageHeaderCapacity) { int wastedSpace = stageHeaderCapacity - ctx.header.Length; // Remove wasted space in the header UnsafeUtility.MemMove(inboundBuffer.buffer - wastedSpace, inboundBuffer.buffer, inboundBuffer.bufferLength); } // Update the inbound buffer for next iteration inboundBuffer.buffer = inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders + headerSize; inboundBuffer.bufferLength = ctx.header.Length + inboundBuffer.bufferLength; internalBufferOffset += (ctx.internalProcessBufferLength + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); internalSharedBufferOffset += (ctx.internalSharedProcessBufferLength + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); } if (inboundBuffer.bufferLength != 0) { if ( != IntPtr.Zero && inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders == (byte*) + initialHeaderSize + 1) { // Actually send the data - after collapsing it again if (inboundBuffer.buffer != inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders) { UnsafeUtility.MemMove(inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders, inboundBuffer.buffer, inboundBuffer.bufferLength); inboundBuffer.buffer = inboundBuffer.bufferWithHeaders; } ((byte*)[initialHeaderSize] = (byte)pipeline.Id; int sendSize = initialHeaderSize + 1 + inboundBuffer.bufferLength; #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (sendSize > sendHandle.size) throw new InvalidOperationException("Pipeline increased the data in the buffer, this is not allowed"); #endif sendHandle.size = sendSize; if ((retval = driver.CompleteSend(connection, sendHandle, true)) < 0) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(FixedString.Format("CompleteSend failed with the following error code: {0}", retval)); } sendHandle = default; } else { // TODO: This sends the packet directly, bypassing the pipeline process. The problem is that in that way // we can't set the hasPipeline flag in the headers. There is a workaround for now. // Sending without pipeline, the correct pipeline will be added by the default flags when this is called if (driver.BeginSend(connection, out var writer) == 0) { writer.WriteByte((byte)pipeline.Id); writer.WriteBytes(inboundBuffer.buffer, inboundBuffer.bufferLength); if (writer.HasFailedWrites) driver.AbortSend(writer); else { if ((retval = driver.EndSend(writer)) <= 0) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(FixedString.Format("An error occurred during EndSend. ErrorCode: {0}", retval)); } } } } } if (resumeQStart >= resumeQ.Length) { break; } startStage = resumeQ[resumeQStart++]; inboundBuffer = default(InboundSendBuffer); } if ( != IntPtr.Zero) driver.AbortSend(sendHandle); return retval; } private unsafe int ProcessSendStage(int startStage, int internalBufferOffset, int internalSharedBufferOffset, PipelineImpl p, ref NativeList resumeQ, ref NetworkPipelineContext ctx, ref InboundSendBuffer inboundBuffer, ref NetworkPipelineStage.Requests requests) { var stageIndex = p.FirstStageIndex + startStage; var pipelineStage = m_StageCollection[m_StageList[stageIndex]]; ctx.accumulatedHeaderCapacity = m_AccumulatedHeaderCapacity[stageIndex]; ctx.staticInstanceBuffer = (byte*)m_StaticInstanceBuffer.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr() + pipelineStage.StaticStateStart; ctx.staticInstanceBufferLength = pipelineStage.StaticStateCapcity; ctx.internalProcessBuffer = (byte*)sendBuffer.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr() + internalBufferOffset; ctx.internalProcessBufferLength = pipelineStage.SendCapacity; ctx.internalSharedProcessBuffer = (byte*)sharedBuffer.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr() + internalSharedBufferOffset; ctx.internalSharedProcessBufferLength = pipelineStage.SharedStateCapacity; requests = NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.None; var retval = pipelineStage.Send.Ptr.Invoke(ref ctx, ref inboundBuffer, ref requests); if ((requests & NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.Resume) != 0) resumeQ.Add(startStage); return retval; } } private NativeArray m_StageCollection; private NativeArray m_StaticInstanceBuffer; private NativeList m_StageList; private NativeList m_AccumulatedHeaderCapacity; private NativeList m_Pipelines; private NativeList m_ReceiveBuffer; private NativeList m_SendBuffer; private NativeList m_SharedBuffer; private NativeList m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate; private NativeList m_SendStageNeedsUpdate; private NativeQueue m_SendStageNeedsUpdateRead; private NativeArray sizePerConnection; private NativeArray m_timestamp; private const int SendSizeOffset = 0; private const int RecveiveSizeOffset = 1; private const int SharedSizeOffset = 2; internal struct PipelineImpl { public int FirstStageIndex; public int NumStages; public int receiveBufferOffset; public int sendBufferOffset; public int sharedBufferOffset; public int headerCapacity; public int payloadCapacity; } public unsafe NetworkPipelineProcessor(params INetworkParameter[] param) { NetworkPipelineParams config = default(NetworkPipelineParams); for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; ++i) { if (param[i] is NetworkPipelineParams) config = (NetworkPipelineParams)param[i]; } int staticBufferSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NetworkPipelineStageCollection.m_stages.Count; ++i) { staticBufferSize += NetworkPipelineStageCollection.m_stages[i].StaticSize; staticBufferSize = (staticBufferSize+15)&(~15); } m_StaticInstanceBuffer = new NativeArray(staticBufferSize, Allocator.Persistent); m_StageCollection = new NativeArray(NetworkPipelineStageCollection.m_stages.Count, Allocator.Persistent); staticBufferSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NetworkPipelineStageCollection.m_stages.Count; ++i) { var stageStruct = NetworkPipelineStageCollection.m_stages[i].StaticInitialize((byte*)m_StaticInstanceBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + staticBufferSize, NetworkPipelineStageCollection.m_stages[i].StaticSize, param); stageStruct.StaticStateStart = staticBufferSize; stageStruct.StaticStateCapcity = NetworkPipelineStageCollection.m_stages[i].StaticSize; m_StageCollection[i] = stageStruct; staticBufferSize += NetworkPipelineStageCollection.m_stages[i].StaticSize; staticBufferSize = (staticBufferSize+15)&(~15); } m_StageList = new NativeList(16, Allocator.Persistent); m_AccumulatedHeaderCapacity = new NativeList(16, Allocator.Persistent); m_Pipelines = new NativeList(16, Allocator.Persistent); m_ReceiveBuffer = new NativeList(config.initialCapacity, Allocator.Persistent); m_SendBuffer = new NativeList(config.initialCapacity, Allocator.Persistent); m_SharedBuffer = new NativeList(config.initialCapacity, Allocator.Persistent); sizePerConnection = new NativeArray(3, Allocator.Persistent); // Store an int for the spinlock first in each connections send buffer, round up to alignment of 8 sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset] = Alignment; m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate = new NativeList(128, Allocator.Persistent); m_SendStageNeedsUpdate = new NativeList(128, Allocator.Persistent); m_SendStageNeedsUpdateRead = new NativeQueue(Allocator.Persistent); m_timestamp = new NativeArray(1, Allocator.Persistent); } public void Dispose() { m_StageList.Dispose(); m_AccumulatedHeaderCapacity.Dispose(); m_ReceiveBuffer.Dispose(); m_SendBuffer.Dispose(); m_SharedBuffer.Dispose(); m_Pipelines.Dispose(); sizePerConnection.Dispose(); m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate.Dispose(); m_SendStageNeedsUpdate.Dispose(); m_SendStageNeedsUpdateRead.Dispose(); m_timestamp.Dispose(); m_StageCollection.Dispose(); m_StaticInstanceBuffer.Dispose(); } public long Timestamp { get { return m_timestamp[0]; } internal set { m_timestamp[0] = value; } } public unsafe void initializeConnection(NetworkConnection con) { var requiredReceiveSize = (con.m_NetworkId + 1) * sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset]; var requiredSendSize = (con.m_NetworkId + 1) * sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset]; var requiredSharedSize = (con.m_NetworkId + 1) * sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset]; if (m_ReceiveBuffer.Length < requiredReceiveSize) m_ReceiveBuffer.ResizeUninitialized(requiredReceiveSize); if (m_SendBuffer.Length < requiredSendSize) m_SendBuffer.ResizeUninitialized(requiredSendSize); if (m_SharedBuffer.Length < requiredSharedSize) m_SharedBuffer.ResizeUninitialized(requiredSharedSize); UnsafeUtility.MemClear((byte*)m_ReceiveBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + con.m_NetworkId * sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset], sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset]); UnsafeUtility.MemClear((byte*)m_SendBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + con.m_NetworkId * sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset], sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset]); UnsafeUtility.MemClear((byte*)m_SharedBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + con.m_NetworkId * sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset], sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset]); InitializeStages(con.m_NetworkId); } unsafe void InitializeStages(int networkId) { var connectionId = networkId; for (int i = 0; i < m_Pipelines.Length; i++) { var pipeline = m_Pipelines[i]; int recvBufferOffset = pipeline.receiveBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset] * connectionId; int sendBufferOffset = pipeline.sendBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset] * connectionId; int sharedBufferOffset = pipeline.sharedBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset] * connectionId; for (int stage = pipeline.FirstStageIndex; stage < pipeline.FirstStageIndex + pipeline.NumStages; stage++) { var pipelineStage = m_StageCollection[m_StageList[stage]]; var sendProcessBuffer = (byte*)m_SendBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + sendBufferOffset; var sendProcessBufferLength = pipelineStage.SendCapacity; var recvProcessBuffer = (byte*)m_ReceiveBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + recvBufferOffset; var recvProcessBufferLength = pipelineStage.ReceiveCapacity; var sharedProcessBuffer = (byte*)m_SharedBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + sharedBufferOffset; var sharedProcessBufferLength = pipelineStage.SharedStateCapacity; var staticInstanceBuffer = (byte*)m_StaticInstanceBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + pipelineStage.StaticStateStart; var staticInstanceBufferLength = pipelineStage.StaticStateCapcity; pipelineStage.InitializeConnection.Ptr.Invoke(staticInstanceBuffer, staticInstanceBufferLength, sendProcessBuffer, sendProcessBufferLength, recvProcessBuffer, recvProcessBufferLength, sharedProcessBuffer, sharedProcessBufferLength); sendBufferOffset += (sendProcessBufferLength + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); recvBufferOffset += (recvProcessBufferLength + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); sharedBufferOffset += (sharedProcessBufferLength + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); } } } /// /// Create a new NetworkPipeline. /// /// The stages we want the pipeline to contain. /// A valid pipeline is returned. /// Thrown if you try to create more then 255 pipelines. /// Thrown if you try to use a invalid pipeline stage. public NetworkPipeline CreatePipeline(params Type[] stages) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (m_Pipelines.Length > 255) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create more than 255 pipelines on a single driver"); #endif var receiveCap = 0; var sharedCap = 0; var sendCap = 0; var headerCap = 0; var payloadCap = 0; var pipeline = new PipelineImpl(); pipeline.FirstStageIndex = m_StageList.Length; pipeline.NumStages = stages.Length; for (int i = 0; i < stages.Length; i++) { var stageId = NetworkPipelineStageCollection.GetStageId(stages[i]).Index; #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (stageId < 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to create pipeline with invalid stage " + stages[i]); #endif m_StageList.Add(stageId); m_AccumulatedHeaderCapacity.Add(headerCap); // For every stage, compute how much header space has already bee used by other stages when sending // Make sure all data buffers are aligned receiveCap += (m_StageCollection[stageId].ReceiveCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); sendCap += (m_StageCollection[stageId].SendCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); headerCap += m_StageCollection[stageId].HeaderCapacity; sharedCap += (m_StageCollection[stageId].SharedStateCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); if (payloadCap == 0) { payloadCap = m_StageCollection[stageId].PayloadCapacity; // The first non-zero stage determines the pipeline capacity } } pipeline.receiveBufferOffset = sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset]; sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset] = sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset] + receiveCap; pipeline.sendBufferOffset = sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset]; sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset] = sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset] + sendCap; pipeline.sharedBufferOffset = sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset]; sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset] = sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset] + sharedCap; pipeline.headerCapacity = headerCap; // If no stage explicitly supports more tha MTU the pipeline as a whole does not support more than one MTU pipeline.payloadCapacity = (payloadCap!=0) ? payloadCap : NetworkParameterConstants.MTU; m_Pipelines.Add(pipeline); return new NetworkPipeline {Id = m_Pipelines.Length}; } public void GetPipelineBuffers(NetworkPipeline pipelineId, NetworkPipelineStageId stageId, NetworkConnection connection, out NativeArray readProcessingBuffer, out NativeArray writeProcessingBuffer, out NativeArray sharedBuffer) { if (pipelineId.Id < 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("The specified pipeline is not valid"); if (stageId.IsValid == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("The specified pipeline stage is not valid"); var pipeline = m_Pipelines[pipelineId.Id-1]; int recvBufferOffset = pipeline.receiveBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset] * connection.InternalId; int sendBufferOffset = pipeline.sendBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset] * connection.InternalId; int sharedBufferOffset = pipeline.sharedBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset] * connection.InternalId; int stageIndexInList; bool stageNotFound = true; for (stageIndexInList = pipeline.FirstStageIndex; stageIndexInList < pipeline.FirstStageIndex + pipeline.NumStages; stageIndexInList++) { if (m_StageList[stageIndexInList] == stageId.Index) { stageNotFound = false; break; } sendBufferOffset += (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[stageIndexInList]].SendCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); recvBufferOffset += (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[stageIndexInList]].ReceiveCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); sharedBufferOffset += (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[stageIndexInList]].SharedStateCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); } if (stageNotFound) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find stage ID {stageId} make sure the type for this stage ID is added when the pipeline is created."); #else writeProcessingBuffer = default; readProcessingBuffer = default; sharedBuffer = default; return; #endif } writeProcessingBuffer = ((NativeArray)m_SendBuffer).GetSubArray(sendBufferOffset, m_StageCollection[m_StageList[stageIndexInList]].SendCapacity); readProcessingBuffer = ((NativeArray)m_ReceiveBuffer).GetSubArray(recvBufferOffset, m_StageCollection[m_StageList[stageIndexInList]].ReceiveCapacity); sharedBuffer = ((NativeArray)m_SharedBuffer).GetSubArray(sharedBufferOffset, m_StageCollection[m_StageList[stageIndexInList]].SharedStateCapacity); } internal struct UpdatePipeline { public NetworkPipeline pipeline; public int stage; public NetworkConnection connection; } internal unsafe void UpdateSend(NetworkDriver.Concurrent driver, out int updateCount) { // Clear the send lock since it cannot be kept here and can be lost if there are exceptions in send NativeArray tmpBuffer = m_SendBuffer; int* sendBufferLock = (int*) tmpBuffer.GetUnsafePtr(); for (int connectionOffset = 0; connectionOffset < m_SendBuffer.Length; connectionOffset += sizePerConnection[SendSizeOffset]) sendBufferLock[connectionOffset / 4] = 0; NativeArray sendUpdates = new NativeArray(m_SendStageNeedsUpdateRead.Count + m_SendStageNeedsUpdate.Length, Allocator.Temp); UpdatePipeline updateItem; updateCount = 0; while (m_SendStageNeedsUpdateRead.TryDequeue(out updateItem)) { if (driver.GetConnectionState(updateItem.connection) == NetworkConnection.State.Connected) sendUpdates[updateCount++] = updateItem; } int startLength = updateCount; for (int i = 0; i < m_SendStageNeedsUpdate.Length; i++) { if (driver.GetConnectionState(m_SendStageNeedsUpdate[i].connection) == NetworkConnection.State.Connected) sendUpdates[updateCount++] = m_SendStageNeedsUpdate[i]; } NativeList currentUpdates = new NativeList(128, Allocator.Temp); // Move the updates requested in this iteration to the concurrent queue so it can be read/parsed in update routine for (int i = 0; i < updateCount; ++i) { updateItem = sendUpdates[i]; var result = ToConcurrent().ProcessPipelineSend(driver, updateItem.stage, updateItem.pipeline, updateItem.connection, default, 0, currentUpdates); if (result < 0) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(FixedString.Format("ProcessPipelineSend failed with the following error code {0}.", result)); } } for (int i = 0; i < currentUpdates.Length; ++i) m_SendStageNeedsUpdateRead.Enqueue(currentUpdates[i]); } private static void AddSendUpdate(NetworkConnection connection, int stageId, NetworkPipeline pipelineId, NativeList currentUpdates) { var newUpdate = new UpdatePipeline {connection = connection, stage = stageId, pipeline = pipelineId}; bool uniqueItem = true; for (int j = 0; j < currentUpdates.Length; ++j) { if (currentUpdates[j].stage == newUpdate.stage && currentUpdates[j].pipeline.Id == newUpdate.pipeline.Id && currentUpdates[j].connection == newUpdate.connection) uniqueItem = false; } if (uniqueItem) currentUpdates.Add(newUpdate); } public void UpdateReceive(NetworkDriver driver, out int updateCount) { NativeArray receiveUpdates = new NativeArray(m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate.Length, Allocator.Temp); // Move current update requests to a new queue updateCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate.Length; ++i) { if (driver.GetConnectionState(m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate[i].connection) == NetworkConnection.State.Connected) receiveUpdates[updateCount++] = m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate[i]; } m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate.Clear(); // Process all current requested updates, new update requests will (possibly) be generated from the pipeline stages for (int i = 0; i < updateCount; ++i) { UpdatePipeline updateItem = receiveUpdates[i]; ProcessReceiveStagesFrom(driver, updateItem.stage, updateItem.pipeline, updateItem.connection, default); } } public unsafe void Receive(NetworkDriver driver, NetworkConnection connection, NativeArray buffer) { byte pipelineId = buffer[0]; if (pipelineId == 0 || pipelineId > m_Pipelines.Length) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Received a packet with an invalid pipeline."); return; } var p = m_Pipelines[pipelineId-1]; int startStage = p.NumStages - 1; InboundRecvBuffer inBuffer; inBuffer.buffer = (byte*)buffer.GetUnsafePtr() + 1; inBuffer.bufferLength = buffer.Length - 1; ProcessReceiveStagesFrom(driver, startStage, new NetworkPipeline{Id = pipelineId}, connection, inBuffer); } private unsafe void ProcessReceiveStagesFrom(NetworkDriver driver, int startStage, NetworkPipeline pipeline, NetworkConnection connection, InboundRecvBuffer buffer) { var p = m_Pipelines[pipeline.Id-1]; var connectionId = connection.m_NetworkId; var resumeQ = new NativeList(16, Allocator.Temp); int resumeQStart = 0; NetworkPipelineContext ctx = default(NetworkPipelineContext); ctx.timestamp = Timestamp; var inboundBuffer = buffer; ctx.header = default(DataStreamWriter); NativeList sendUpdates = new NativeList(128, Allocator.Temp); while (true) { bool needsUpdate = false; bool needsSendUpdate = false; int internalBufferOffset = p.receiveBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[RecveiveSizeOffset] * connectionId; int internalSharedBufferOffset = p.sharedBufferOffset + sizePerConnection[SharedSizeOffset] * connectionId; // Adjust offset accounting for stages in front of the starting stage, since we're parsing the stages in reverse order for (int st = 0; st < startStage; ++st) { internalBufferOffset += (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex+st]].ReceiveCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); internalSharedBufferOffset += (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex+st]].SharedStateCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); } for (int i = startStage; i >= 0; --i) { ProcessReceiveStage(i, pipeline, internalBufferOffset, internalSharedBufferOffset, ref ctx, ref inboundBuffer, ref resumeQ, ref needsUpdate, ref needsSendUpdate); if (needsUpdate) { var newUpdate = new UpdatePipeline {connection = connection, stage = i, pipeline = pipeline}; bool uniqueItem = true; for (int j = 0; j < m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate.Length; ++j) { if (m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate[j].stage == newUpdate.stage && m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate[j].pipeline.Id == newUpdate.pipeline.Id && m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate[j].connection == newUpdate.connection) uniqueItem = false; } if (uniqueItem) m_ReceiveStageNeedsUpdate.Add(newUpdate); } if (needsSendUpdate) AddSendUpdate(connection, i, pipeline, m_SendStageNeedsUpdate); if (inboundBuffer.bufferLength == 0) break; // Offset needs to be adjusted for the next pipeline (the one in front of this one) if (i > 0) { internalBufferOffset -= (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex + i - 1]].ReceiveCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); internalSharedBufferOffset -= (m_StageCollection[m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex + i - 1]].SharedStateCapacity + AlignmentMinusOne) & (~AlignmentMinusOne); } needsUpdate = false; } if (inboundBuffer.bufferLength != 0) driver.PushDataEvent(connection, pipeline.Id, inboundBuffer.buffer, inboundBuffer.bufferLength); if (resumeQStart >= resumeQ.Length) { return; } startStage = resumeQ[resumeQStart++]; inboundBuffer = default; } } private unsafe void ProcessReceiveStage(int stage, NetworkPipeline pipeline, int internalBufferOffset, int internalSharedBufferOffset, ref NetworkPipelineContext ctx, ref InboundRecvBuffer inboundBuffer, ref NativeList resumeQ, ref bool needsUpdate, ref bool needsSendUpdate) { var p = m_Pipelines[pipeline.Id-1]; var stageId = m_StageList[p.FirstStageIndex + stage]; var pipelineStage = m_StageCollection[stageId]; ctx.staticInstanceBuffer = (byte*)m_StaticInstanceBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + pipelineStage.StaticStateStart; ctx.staticInstanceBufferLength = pipelineStage.StaticStateCapcity; ctx.internalProcessBuffer = (byte*)m_ReceiveBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + internalBufferOffset; ctx.internalProcessBufferLength = pipelineStage.ReceiveCapacity; ctx.internalSharedProcessBuffer = (byte*)m_SharedBuffer.GetUnsafePtr() + internalSharedBufferOffset; ctx.internalSharedProcessBufferLength = pipelineStage.SharedStateCapacity; NetworkPipelineStage.Requests requests = NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.None; pipelineStage.Receive.Ptr.Invoke(ref ctx, ref inboundBuffer, ref requests); if ((requests & NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.Resume) != 0) resumeQ.Add(stage); needsUpdate = (requests & NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.Update) != 0; needsSendUpdate = (requests & NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.SendUpdate) != 0; } [Conditional("ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS")] public static void ValidateSendHandle(NetworkInterfaceSendHandle handle) { if ( == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentException($"Value for NetworkDataStreamParameter.size must be larger then zero."); } } }