// This file is generated. Do not modify by hand. // XML documentation file not found. To check if public methods have XML comments, // make sure the XML doc file is present and located next to the scraped dll namespace Unity.Services.Authentication { public static class AuthenticationError { public const string AuthCodeNotFound = AUTH_CODE_NOT_FOUND; public const string ClientInvalidUserState = CLIENT_INVALID_USER_STATE; public const string ClientNoActiveSession = CLIENT_NO_ACTIVE_SESSION; public const string EntityExists = ENTITY_EXISTS; public const string InvalidAccessToken = INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN; public const string InvalidParameters = INVALID_PARAMETERS; public const string NetworkError = NETWORK_ERROR; public const string PermissionDenied = PERMISSION_DENIED; public const string UnknownError = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } public class AuthenticationException : System.Exception { public string ErrorCode { get; } public AuthenticationException(string errorCode) {} public AuthenticationException(string errorCode, string message) {} public AuthenticationException(string errorCode, string message, System.Exception innerException) {} } public static class AuthenticationService { public static Unity.Services.Authentication.IAuthenticationService Instance { get; } } public interface IAuthenticationService { public event System.Action SignedIn; public event System.Action SignedOut; public event System.Action SignInFailed; public abstract string AccessToken { get; } public abstract bool IsSignedIn { get; } public abstract string PlayerId { get; } public abstract void ApplicationUnpaused(); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task LinkWithAppleAsync(string idToken); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task LinkWithFacebookAsync(string accessToken); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task LinkWithGoogleAsync(string idToken); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task LinkWithSteamAsync(string sessionTicket); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task SignInAnonymouslyAsync(); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task SignInWithAppleAsync(string idToken); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task SignInWithFacebookAsync(string accessToken); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task SignInWithGoogleAsync(string idToken); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task SignInWithSessionTokenAsync(); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task SignInWithSteamAsync(string sessionTicket); public abstract void SignOut(); } }