using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Scripting; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; namespace Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models { /// /// The body of a Query request which defines how to sort and filter results, how many results to return, etc. /// [Preserve] [DataContract(Name = "QueryRequest")] public class QueryRequest { /// /// The body of a Query request which defines how to sort and filter results, how many results to return, etc. /// /// The number of results to return. /// The number of results to skip before selecting results to return. /// Whether a random sample of results that match the search filter should be returned. /// A list of filters which can be used to narrow down which lobbies to return. /// A list of orders which define how the results should be ordered in the response. /// A continuation token that can be passed to subsequent query requests to fetch the next page of results. [Preserve] public QueryRequest(int? count = null, int? skip = null, bool sampleResults = false, List filter = default(List), List order = default(List), string continuationToken = null) { Count = count; Skip = skip; SampleResults = sampleResults; Filter = filter; Order = order; ContinuationToken = continuationToken; } /// /// The number of results to return. /// [Preserve] [DataMember(Name = "count", EmitDefaultValue = false)] public int? Count{ get; } /// /// The number of results to skip before selecting results to return. /// [Preserve] [DataMember(Name = "skip", EmitDefaultValue = false)] public int? Skip{ get; } /// /// Whether a random sample of results that match the search filter should be returned. /// [Preserve] [DataMember(Name = "sampleResults", EmitDefaultValue = true)] public bool SampleResults{ get; } /// /// A list of filters which can be used to narrow down which lobbies to return. /// [Preserve] [DataMember(Name = "filter", EmitDefaultValue = false)] public List Filter{ get; } /// /// A list of orders which define how the results should be ordered in the response. /// [Preserve] [DataMember(Name = "order", EmitDefaultValue = false)] public List Order{ get; } /// /// A continuation token that can be passed to subsequent query requests to fetch the next page of results. /// [Preserve] [DataMember(Name = "continuationToken", EmitDefaultValue = false)] public string ContinuationToken{ get; } } }