using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using Unity.Services.Relay.Http;
namespace Unity.Services.Relay.Models
/// JoinAllocationAllOf model
/// Base64 encoded representation of an encrypted connection data blob describing the allocation and relay server of the player who created the join code. Used for establishing communication with the host.
[DataContract(Name = "JoinAllocation_allOf")]
public class JoinAllocationAllOf
/// Creates an instance of JoinAllocationAllOf.
/// Base64 encoded representation of an encrypted connection data blob describing the allocation and relay server of the player who created the join code. Used for establishing communication with the host.
public JoinAllocationAllOf(byte[] hostConnectionData)
HostConnectionData = hostConnectionData;
/// Base64 encoded representation of an encrypted connection data blob describing the allocation and relay server of the player who created the join code. Used for establishing communication with the host.
[DataMember(Name = "hostConnectionData", IsRequired = true, EmitDefaultValue = true)]
public byte[] HostConnectionData{ get; }