using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using LobbyRelaySample.lobby; using; using Unity.Services.Authentication; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using ParrelSync; #endif namespace LobbyRelaySample { /// /// Current state of the local game. /// Set as a flag to allow for the Inspector to select multiple valid states for various UI features. /// [Flags] public enum GameState { Menu = 1, Lobby = 2, JoinMenu = 4, } /// /// Sets up and runs the entire sample. /// All the Data that is important gets updated in here, the GameManager in the mainScene has all the references /// needed to run the game. /// public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour { public LocalLobby LocalLobby => m_LocalLobby; public Action onGameStateChanged; public LocalLobbyList LobbyList { get; private set; } = new LocalLobbyList(); public GameState LocalGameState { get; private set; } public LobbyManager LobbyManager { get; private set; } [SerializeField] SetupInGame m_setupInGame; [SerializeField] Countdown m_countdown; LocalPlayer m_LocalUser; LocalLobby m_LocalLobby; vivox.VivoxSetup m_VivoxSetup = new vivox.VivoxSetup(); [SerializeField] List m_vivoxUserHandlers; LobbyColor m_lobbyColorFilter; static GameManager m_GameManagerInstance; public static GameManager Instance { get { if (m_GameManagerInstance != null) return m_GameManagerInstance; m_GameManagerInstance = FindObjectOfType(); return m_GameManagerInstance; } } /// Rather than a setter, this is usable in-editor. It won't accept an enum, however. public void SetLobbyColorFilter(int color) { m_lobbyColorFilter = (LobbyColor)color; } public async Task AwaitLocalUserInitialization() { while (m_LocalUser == null) await Task.Delay(100); return m_LocalUser; } public async void CreateLobby(string name, bool isPrivate, int maxPlayers = 4) { try { var lobby = await LobbyManager.CreateLobbyAsync( name, maxPlayers, isPrivate, m_LocalUser); LobbyConverters.RemoteToLocal(lobby, m_LocalLobby); await CreateLobby(); } catch (Exception exception) { SetGameState(GameState.JoinMenu); Debug.LogError($"Error creating lobby : {exception} "); } } public async void JoinLobby(string lobbyID, string lobbyCode) { try { var lobby = await LobbyManager.JoinLobbyAsync(lobbyID, lobbyCode, m_LocalUser); LobbyConverters.RemoteToLocal(lobby, m_LocalLobby); await JoinLobby(); } catch (Exception exception) { SetGameState(GameState.JoinMenu); Debug.LogError($"Error joining lobby : {exception} "); } } public async void QueryLobbies() { LobbyList.QueryState.Value = LobbyQueryState.Fetching; var qr = await LobbyManager.RetrieveLobbyListAsync(m_lobbyColorFilter); if (qr == null) { return; } SetCurrentLobbies(LobbyConverters.QueryToLocalList(qr)); } public async void QuickJoin() { var lobby = await LobbyManager.QuickJoinLobbyAsync(m_LocalUser, m_lobbyColorFilter); if (lobby != null) { LobbyConverters.RemoteToLocal(lobby, m_LocalLobby); await JoinLobby(); } else { SetGameState(GameState.JoinMenu); } } public void SetLocalUserName(string name) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { LogHandlerSettings.Instance.SpawnErrorPopup( "Empty Name not allowed."); // Lobby error type, then HTTP error type. return; } m_LocalUser.DisplayName.Value = name; SendLocalUserData(); } public void SetLocalUserEmote(EmoteType emote) { m_LocalUser.Emote.Value = emote; SendLocalUserData(); } public void SetLocalUserStatus(PlayerStatus status) { m_LocalUser.UserStatus.Value = status; SendLocalUserData(); } public void SetLocalLobbyColor(int color) { if (m_LocalLobby.PlayerCount < 1) return; m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyColor.Value = (LobbyColor)color; SendLocalLobbyData(); } bool updatingLobby; async void SendLocalLobbyData() { await LobbyManager.UpdateLobbyDataAsync(LobbyConverters.LocalToRemoteLobbyData(m_LocalLobby)); } async void SendLocalUserData() { await LobbyManager.UpdatePlayerDataAsync(LobbyConverters.LocalToRemoteUserData(m_LocalUser)); } public void UIChangeMenuState(GameState state) { var isQuittingGame = LocalGameState == GameState.Lobby && m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value == LobbyState.InGame; if (isQuittingGame) { //If we were in-game, make sure we stop by the lobby first state = GameState.Lobby; ClientQuitGame(); } SetGameState(state); } public void HostSetRelayCode(string code) { m_LocalLobby.RelayCode.Value = code; SendLocalLobbyData(); } //Only Host needs to listen to this and change state. void OnPlayersReady(int readyCount) { if (readyCount == m_LocalLobby.PlayerCount && m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value != LobbyState.CountDown) { m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value = LobbyState.CountDown; SendLocalLobbyData(); } else if (m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value == LobbyState.CountDown) { m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value = LobbyState.Lobby; SendLocalLobbyData(); } } void OnLobbyStateChanged(LobbyState state) { if (state == LobbyState.Lobby) CancelCountDown(); if (state == LobbyState.CountDown) BeginCountDown(); } void BeginCountDown() { Debug.Log("Beginning Countdown."); m_countdown.StartCountDown(); } void CancelCountDown() { Debug.Log("Countdown Cancelled."); m_countdown.CancelCountDown(); } public void FinishedCountDown() { m_LocalUser.UserStatus.Value = PlayerStatus.InGame; m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value = LobbyState.InGame; m_setupInGame.StartNetworkedGame(m_LocalLobby, m_LocalUser); } public void BeginGame() { if (m_LocalUser.IsHost.Value) { m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value = LobbyState.InGame; m_LocalLobby.Locked.Value = true; SendLocalLobbyData(); } } public void ClientQuitGame() { EndGame(); m_setupInGame?.OnGameEnd(); } public void EndGame() { if (m_LocalUser.IsHost.Value) { m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value = LobbyState.Lobby; m_LocalLobby.Locked.Value = false; SendLocalLobbyData(); } SetLobbyView(); } #region Setup async void Awake() { Application.wantsToQuit += OnWantToQuit; m_LocalUser = new LocalPlayer("", 0, false, "LocalPlayer"); m_LocalLobby = new LocalLobby { LocalLobbyState = { Value = LobbyState.Lobby } }; LobbyManager = new LobbyManager(); await InitializeServices(); AuthenticatePlayer(); StartVivoxLogin(); } async Task InitializeServices() { string serviceProfileName = "player"; #if UNITY_EDITOR serviceProfileName = $"{serviceProfileName}_{ClonesManager.GetCurrentProject().name}"; #endif await Auth.Authenticate(serviceProfileName); } void AuthenticatePlayer() { var localId = AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId; var randomName = NameGenerator.GetName(localId); m_LocalUser.ID.Value = localId; m_LocalUser.DisplayName.Value = randomName; } #endregion void SetGameState(GameState state) { var isLeavingLobby = (state == GameState.Menu || state == GameState.JoinMenu) && LocalGameState == GameState.Lobby; LocalGameState = state; Debug.Log($"Switching Game State to : {LocalGameState}"); if (isLeavingLobby) LeaveLobby(); onGameStateChanged.Invoke(LocalGameState); } void SetCurrentLobbies(IEnumerable lobbies) { var newLobbyDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var lobby in lobbies) newLobbyDict.Add(lobby.LobbyID.Value, lobby); LobbyList.CurrentLobbies = newLobbyDict; LobbyList.QueryState.Value = LobbyQueryState.Fetched; } async Task CreateLobby() { m_LocalUser.IsHost.Value = true; m_LocalLobby.onUserReadyChange = OnPlayersReady; try { await BindLobby(); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogError($"Couldn't join Lobby: {exception}"); } } async Task JoinLobby() { //Trigger UI Even when same value m_LocalUser.IsHost.ForceSet(false); await BindLobby(); } async Task BindLobby() { await LobbyManager.BindLocalLobbyToRemote(m_LocalLobby.LobbyID.Value, m_LocalLobby); m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.onChanged += OnLobbyStateChanged; SetLobbyView(); StartVivoxJoin(); } public void LeaveLobby() { m_LocalUser.ResetState(); #pragma warning disable 4014 LobbyManager.LeaveLobbyAsync(); #pragma warning restore 4014 ResetLocalLobby(); m_VivoxSetup.LeaveLobbyChannel(); } void StartVivoxLogin() { m_VivoxSetup.Initialize(m_vivoxUserHandlers, OnVivoxLoginComplete); void OnVivoxLoginComplete(bool didSucceed) { if (!didSucceed) { Debug.LogError("Vivox login failed! Retrying in 5s..."); StartCoroutine(RetryConnection(StartVivoxLogin, m_LocalLobby.LobbyID.Value)); } } } void StartVivoxJoin() { m_VivoxSetup.JoinLobbyChannel(m_LocalLobby.LobbyID.Value, OnVivoxJoinComplete); void OnVivoxJoinComplete(bool didSucceed) { if (!didSucceed) { Debug.LogError("Vivox connection failed! Retrying in 5s..."); StartCoroutine(RetryConnection(StartVivoxJoin, m_LocalLobby.LobbyID.Value)); } } } IEnumerator RetryConnection(Action doConnection, string lobbyId) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); if (m_LocalLobby != null && m_LocalLobby.LobbyID.Value == lobbyId && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lobbyId) ) // Ensure we didn't leave the lobby during this waiting period. doConnection?.Invoke(); } void SetLobbyView() { Debug.Log($"Setting Lobby user state {GameState.Lobby}"); SetGameState(GameState.Lobby); SetLocalUserStatus(PlayerStatus.Lobby); } void ResetLocalLobby() { m_LocalLobby.ResetLobby(); m_LocalLobby.RelayServer = null; } #region Teardown /// /// In builds, if we are in a lobby and try to send a Leave request on application quit, it won't go through if we're quitting on the same frame. /// So, we need to delay just briefly to let the request happen (though we don't need to wait for the result). /// IEnumerator LeaveBeforeQuit() { ForceLeaveAttempt(); yield return null; Application.Quit(); } bool OnWantToQuit() { bool canQuit = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_LocalLobby?.LobbyID.Value); StartCoroutine(LeaveBeforeQuit()); return canQuit; } void OnDestroy() { ForceLeaveAttempt(); LobbyManager.Dispose(); } void ForceLeaveAttempt() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_LocalLobby?.LobbyID.Value)) { #pragma warning disable 4014 LobbyManager.LeaveLobbyAsync(); #pragma warning restore 4014 m_LocalLobby = null; } } #endregion } }