using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace LobbyRelaySample
[Flags] // Some UI elements will want to specify multiple states in which to be active, so this is Flags.
public enum LobbyState
Lobby = 1,
CountDown = 2,
InGame = 4
public enum LobbyColor
None = 0,
Orange = 1,
Green = 2,
Blue = 3
/// A local wrapper around a lobby's remote data, with additional functionality for providing that data to UI elements and tracking local player objects.
/// (The way that the Lobby service handles its data doesn't necessarily match our needs, so we need to map from that to this LocalLobby for use in the sample code.)
public class LocalLobby : Observed
public bool CanSetChanged = true;
public Action> onUserListChanged;
Dictionary m_LocalPlayers = new Dictionary();
public Dictionary LocalPlayers => m_LocalPlayers;
#region LocalLobbyData
ServerAddress m_RelayServer;
public LocalLobby()
LastUpdated.Value = DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc();
LobbyID.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
LobbyCode.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
RelayCode.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
RelayNGOCode.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
RelayServer.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
LobbyName.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
LocalLobbyState.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
Private.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
AvailableSlots.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
MaxPlayerCount.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
LocalLobbyColor.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
LastUpdated.onChanged = (s) => { SetValueChanged(); };
/// Used only for visual output of the Relay connection info. The obfuscated Relay server IP is obtained during allocation in the RelayUtpSetup.
public CallbackValue LobbyID = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue LobbyCode = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue RelayCode = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue RelayNGOCode = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue RelayServer = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue LobbyName = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue LocalLobbyState = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue Private = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue AvailableSlots = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue MaxPlayerCount = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue LocalLobbyColor = new CallbackValue();
public CallbackValue LastUpdated = new CallbackValue();
public int PlayerCount => m_LocalPlayers.Count;
public void ResetLobby()
LobbyName.Value = "";
LobbyID.Value = "";
LobbyCode.Value = "";
Private.Value = false;
LocalLobbyColor.Value = LobbyRelaySample.LobbyColor.None;
AvailableSlots.Value = 4;
MaxPlayerCount.Value = 4;
/// A locking mechanism for registering when something has looked at the Lobby to see if anything has changed
public bool IsLobbyChanged()
bool isChanged = m_ValuesChanged;
m_ValuesChanged = false;
return isChanged;
void SetValueChanged()
m_ValuesChanged = true;
bool m_ValuesChanged;
public void AddPlayer(LocalPlayer user)
if (m_LocalPlayers.ContainsKey(user.ID.Value))
Debug.LogError($"Cant add player {user.DisplayName}({user.ID}) to lobby: {LobbyID} twice");
Debug.Log($"Adding User: {user.DisplayName} - {user.ID}");
m_LocalPlayers.Add(user.ID.Value, user);
public void RemovePlayer(LocalPlayer user)
void DoRemoveUser(LocalPlayer user)
if (!m_LocalPlayers.ContainsKey(user.ID.Value))
Debug.LogWarning($"Player {user.DisplayName}({user.ID}) does not exist in lobby: {LobbyID}");
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Lobby : ");
sb.Append("ID: ");
sb.Append("Code: ");
sb.Append("Private: ");
sb.Append("AvailableSlots: ");
sb.Append("Max Players: ");
sb.Append("LocalLobbyState: ");
sb.Append("Lobby LocalLobbyState Last Edit: ");
sb.AppendLine(new DateTime(LastUpdated.Value).ToString());
sb.Append("LocalLobbyColor: ");
sb.Append("RelayCode: ");
sb.Append("RelayNGO: ");
return sb.ToString();
// This ends up being called from the lobby list when we get data about a lobby without having joined it yet.
public override void CopyObserved(LocalLobby oldObserved)
// CopyObserved(oldObserved.Data, oldObserved.m_LocalPlayers);