using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace LobbyRelaySample.UI { /// /// Basic UI element that can be shown or hidden. /// [RequireComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup))] public class UIPanelBase : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] protected UnityEvent m_onVisibilityChange; bool showing; CanvasGroup m_canvasGroup; List m_uiPanelsInChildren = new List(); // Otherwise, when this Shows/Hides, the children won't know to update their own visibility. public void Start() { var children = GetComponentsInChildren(true); // Note that this won't detect children in GameObjects added during gameplay, if there were any. foreach (var child in children) if (child != this) m_uiPanelsInChildren.Add(child); } protected CanvasGroup MyCanvasGroup { get { if (m_canvasGroup != null) return m_canvasGroup; return m_canvasGroup = GetComponent(); } } public void Toggle() { if (showing) Hide(); else Show(); } public void Show() { MyCanvasGroup.alpha = 1; MyCanvasGroup.interactable = true; MyCanvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; showing = true; m_onVisibilityChange?.Invoke(true); foreach (UIPanelBase child in m_uiPanelsInChildren) child.m_onVisibilityChange?.Invoke(true); } public void Hide() { MyCanvasGroup.alpha = 0; MyCanvasGroup.interactable = false; MyCanvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = false; showing = false; m_onVisibilityChange?.Invoke(false); foreach (UIPanelBase child in m_uiPanelsInChildren) child.m_onVisibilityChange?.Invoke(false); } } }