# Change log ## [0.9.0] - 2021-05-10 ### New features * Added support for long serialization and delta compression. * Upgraded collections to 1.0.0 * Added a new network interface for WebSockets, can be used in both native and web builds. ### Changes * Minimum required Unity version has changed to 2020.3.0f1. * The transport package can be compiled with the tiny c# profile and for WebGL, but WebGL builds only support IPC - not sockets. ### Fixes ### Upgrade guide ## [0.8.0] - 2021-03-23 ### New features * Added overloads of `PopEvent` and `PopEventForConnection` which return the pipeline used as an out parameter. ### Changes ### Fixes * Fixed some compatility issues with tiny. * Fixed a crash when sending messages slightly less than one MTU using the fragmentation pipeline. * Fixed a bug causing `NetworkDriver.RemoteEndPoint` to return an invalid value when using the default network interface. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.7.0] - 2021-02-05 ### New features * Added `DataStreamWriter.WriteRawbits` and `DataStreamWriter.ReadRawBits` for reading and writing raw bits from a data stream. ### Changes * Optimized the `NetworkCompressionModel` to find buckets in constant time. * Changed the error behavior of `DataStreamReader` to be consistent between the editor and players. ### Fixes * Fixed a crash when receiving a packet with an invalid pipeline identifier. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.6.0] - 2020-11-26 ### New features * An error handling pass has been made and `Error.StatusCode` have been added to indicate more specific errors. * `Error.DisconnectReason` has been added, so when NetworkDriver.PopEvent returns a `NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect` the reader returned contains 1 byte of data indicating the reason. ### Changes * The function signature for NetworkDriver.BeginSend has changed. It now returns an `int` value indicating if the function succeeded or not and the DataStreamWriter now instead is returned as a `out` parameter. * The function signature for INetworkInterface.Initialize has changed. It now requires you to return an `int` value indicating if the function succeeded or not. * The function signature for INetworkInterface.CreateInterfaceEndPoint has changed. It now requires you to return an `int` value indicating if the function succeeded or not, and NetworkInterfaceEndPoint is now returned as a `out` parameter. ### Fixes * Fixed a potential crash when receiving a malformated packet. * Fixed an issue where the DataStream could sometimes fail writing packet uints before the buffer was full. ### Upgrade guide * `NetworkDriver.BeginSend` now returns an `int` indicating a `Error.StatusCode`, and the `DataStreamWriter` is passed as an `out` parameter. ## [0.5.0] - 2020-10-01 ### New features ### Changes ### Fixes * Fixed display of ipv6 addresses as strings ### Upgrade guide ## [0.4.1] - 2020-09-10 ### New features * Added `NetworkDriver.GetEventQueueSizeForConnection` which allows you to check how many pending events a connection has. ### Changes ### Fixes * Fixed a compatibility isue with DOTS Runtime. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.4.0-preview.3] - 2020-08-21 ### New features * Added a new fragmentation pipeline which allows you to send messages larger than one MTU. If the `FragmentationPipelineStage` is part of the pipeline you are trying to send with the `NetworkDriver` will allow a `requiredPayloadSize` larger than one MTU to be specified and split the message into multiple packages. ### Changes * The methods to read and write strings in the `DataStreamReader`/`DataStreamWriter` have been changed to use `FixedString` instead of `NativeString`. The name of the methods have also changed from `ReadString` to `ReadFixedString64` - and similar changes for write and the packed version of the calls. The calls support `FixedString32`, `FixedString64`, `FixedString128`, `FixedString512` and `FixedString4096`. * Minimum required Unity version has changed to 2020.1.2. ### Fixes ### Upgrade guide The data stream methods for reading and writing strings have changed, they now take `FixedString64` instead of `NativeString64` and the names have changed as follows: * `DataStreamReader.ReadString` -> `DataStreamReader.ReadFixedString64` * `DataStreamReader.ReadPackedStringDelta` -> `DataStreamReader.ReadPackedFixedString64Delta` * `DataStreamWriter.WriteString` -> `DataStreamWriter.WriteFixedString64` * `DataStreamWriter.WritePackedStringDelta` -> `DataStreamWriter.WritePackedFixedString64Delta` The transport now requires Unity 2020.1.2. ## [0.3.1-preview.4] - 2020-06-05 ### New features ### Changes * Added a new `requiredPayloadSize` parameter to `BeginSend`. The required size cannot be larger than `NetworkParameterConstants.MTU`. * Added errorcode parameter to a `network_set_nonblocking`, `network_set_send_buffer_size` and `network_set_receive_buffer_size` in `NativeBindings`. * Additional APIs added to `NativeBindings`: `network_set_blocking`, `network_get_send_buffer_size`, `network_get_receive_buffer_size`, `network_set_receive_timeout`, `network_set_send_timeout`. * Implemented `NetworkEndPoint.AddressAsString`. ### Fixes * Fixed an issue in the reliable pipeline which would cause it to not recover if one end did not receive packages for a while. * Fixed `NetworkInterfaceEndPoint` and `NetworkEndPoint` `GetHashCode` implementation. * Fixed invalid use of strings when specifying the size of socket buffers in the native bindings. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.3.0-preview.6] - 2020-02-24 ### New features ### Changes * Pipelines are now registered by calling `NetworkPipelineStageCollection.RegisterPipelineStage` before creating a `NetworkDriver`. The built-in pipelines do not require explicit registration. The interface for implementing pipelines has been changed to support this. * NetworkDriver is no longer a generic type. You pass it an interface when creating the `NetworkDriver`, which means you can switch between backends without modifying all usage of the driver. There is a new `NetworkDriver.Create` which creates a driver with the default `NetworkInterface`. It is also possible to create a `new NetworkDriver` by passing a `NetworkInterface` instance as the first argument. * `NetworkDriver.Send` is replaced by `BeginSend` and `EndSend`. This allows us to do less data copying when sending messages. The interface for implementing new network interfaces has been changed to support this. * `DataStreamReader` and `DataStreamWriter` no longer owns any memory. They are just reading/writing the data of a `NativeArray`. * `DataStreamWriter` has explicit types for all Write methods. * `DataStreamReader.Context` has been removed. * Error handling for `DataStreamWriter` has been improved, on failure it returns false and sets `DataStreamWriter.HasFailedWrites` to true. `DataStreamReader` returns a default value and sets `DataStreamReader.HasFailedReads` to true. `DataStreamReader` will throw an exception instead of returning a default value in the editor. * IPCManager is no longer public, it is still possible to create a `NetworkDriver` with a `IPCNetworkInterface`. * Added `NetworkDriver.ScheduleFlushSend` which must be called to guarantee that messages are send before next call to `NetworkDriver.ScheduleUpdate`. * Added `NetworkDriver.LastUpdateTime` to get the update time the `NetworkDriver` used for the most recent update. * Removed the IPC address family, use a IPv4 localhost address instead. ### Fixes * Fixed a memory overflow in the reliability pipeline. * Made the soaker report locale independent. ### Upgrade guide Creation and type of `NetworkDriver` has changed, use `NetworkDriver.Create` or pass an instance of a `NetworkInterface` to the `NetworkDriver` constructor. `NetworkDriver.Send` has been replaced by a pair of `NetworkDriver.BeginSend` and `NetworkDriver.EndSend`. Calling `BeginSend` will return a `DataStreamWriter` to which you write the data. The `DataStreamWriter` is then passed to `EndSend`. All write calls in `DataStreamWriter` need an explicit type, for example `Write(0)` should be replaced by `WriteInt(0)`. `DataStreamWriter` no longer shares current position between copies, if you call a method which writes you must pass it by ref for the modifications to apply. `DataStreamWriter` no longer returns a DeferedWriter, you need to take a copy of the writer at the point you want to make modifications and use the copy to overwrite data later. `DataStreamWriter` is no longer disposable. If you use the allocating constructor you need to use `Allocator.Temp`, if you pass a `NativeArray` to the constructor the `NativeArray` owns the memory. `DataStreamReader.Context` no longer exists, you need to pass the `DataStreamReader` itself by ref if you read in a different function. The interface for network pipelines has been changed. The interface for network interfaces has been changed. ## [0.2.3-preview.0] - 2019-12-12 ### New features ### Changes * Added reading and write methods for NativeString64 to DataStream. ### Fixes ### Upgrade guide ## [0.2.2-preview.2] - 2019-12-05 ### New features ### Changes * Added a stress test for parallel sending of data. * Upgraded collections to 0.3.0. ### Fixes * Fixed a race condition in IPCNetworkInterface. * Changed NetworkEventQueue to use UnsafeList to get some type safety. * Fixed an out-of-bounds access in the reliable sequenced pipeline. * Fixed spelling and broken links in the documentation. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.2.1-preview.1] - 2019-11-28 ### New features ### Changes ### Fixes * Added missing bindings for Linux and Android. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.2.0-preview.4] - 2019-11-26 ### New features ### Changes * Added support for unquantized floats to `DataStream` class. * Added `NetworkConfigParameter.maxFrameTimeMS` so you to allow longer frame times when debugging to prevent disconnections due to timeout. * Allow "" strings when parsing the IP string in the NetworkEndPoint class, it will use the port part when it's present. * Reliable pipeline now doesn't require parameters passed in (uses default window size of 32) * Added Read/Write of ulong to `DataStream`. * Made it possible to get connection state from the parallel NetworkDriver. * Added `LengthInBits` to the `DataStreamWriter`. ### Fixes * Do not push data events to disconnected connections. Fixes an error about resetting the queue with pending messages. * Made the endian checks in `DataStream` compatible with latest version of burst. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.1.2-preview.1] - 2019-07-17 ### New features * Added a new *Ping-Multiplay* sample based on the *Ping* sample. * Created to be the main sample for demonstrating Multiplay compatibility and best practices (SQP usage, IP binding, etc.). * Contains both client and server code. Additional details in readme in `/Assets/Samples/Ping-Multiplay/`. * **DedicatedServerConfig**: Added arguments for `-fps` and `-timeout`. * **NetworkEndPoint**: Added a `TryParse()` method which returns false if parsing fails * Note: The `Parse()` method returns a default IP / Endpoint if parsing fails, but a method that could report failure was needed for the Multiplay sample. * **CommandLine**: * Added a `HasArgument()` method which returns true if an argument is present. * Added a `PrintArgsToLog()` method which is a simple way to print launch args to logs. * Added a `TryUpdateVariableWithArgValue()` method which updates a ref var only if an arg was found and successfully parsed. ### Changes * Deleted existing SQP code and added reference to SQP Package (now in staging). * Removed SQP server usage from basic *Ping* sample. * Note: The SQP server was only needed for Multiplay compatibility, so the addition of *Ping-Multiplay* allowed us to remove SQP from *Ping*. ### Fixes * **DedicatedServerConfig**: Vsync is now disabled programmatically if requesting an FPS different from the current screen refresh rate. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.1.1-preview.1] - 2019-06-05 ### New features * Moved MatchMaking to a package and supporting code to a separate folder. ### Fixes * Fixed an issue with the reliable pipeline not resending when completely idle. ### Upgrade guide ## [0.1.0-preview.1] - 2019-04-16 ### New features * Added network pipelines to enable processing of outgoing and incomming packets. The available pipeline stages are `ReliableSequencedPipelineStage` for reliable UDP messages and `SimulatorPipelineStage` for emulating network conditions such as high latency and packet loss. See [the pipeline documentation](com.unity.transport/Documentation~/pipelines-usage.md) for more information. * Added reading and writing of packed signed and unsigned integers to `DataStream`. These new methods use huffman encoding to reduce the size of transfered data for small numbers. ### Changes * Enable Burst compilation for most jobs. * Made it possible to get the remote endpoint for a connection. * Replacing EndPoint parsing with custom code to avoid having a dependency on `System.Net`. * Change the ping sample command-line parameters for server to `-port` and `-query_port`. * For matchmaking, use an Assignment object containing the `ConnectionString`, the `Roster`, and an `AssignmentError` string instead of just the `ConnectionString`. ### Fixes * Fixed an issue with building iOS on Windows. * Fixed inconsistent error handling between platforms when the network buffer is full. ### Upgrade guide Unity 2019.1 is now required. `BasicNetworkDriver` has been renamed to `GenericNetworkDriver` and a new `UdpNetworkDriver` helper class is also available. `System.Net` EndPoints can no longer be used as addresses, use the new NetworkEndpoint struct instead.