using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace LobbyRelaySample { /// /// Used when displaying the lobby list, to indicate when we are awaiting an updated lobby query. /// public enum LobbyQueryState { Empty, Fetching, Error, Fetched } /// /// Holds data related to the Lobby service itself - The latest retrieved lobby list, the state of retrieval. /// [System.Serializable] public class LocalLobbyList { public CallbackValue QueryState = new CallbackValue(); public Action> onLobbyListChange; Dictionary m_currentLobbies = new Dictionary(); /// /// Maps from a lobby's ID to the local representation of it. This allows us to remember which remote lobbies are which LocalLobbies. /// Will only trigger if the dictionary is set wholesale. Changes in the size or contents will not trigger OnChanged. /// public Dictionary CurrentLobbies { get { return m_currentLobbies; } set { m_currentLobbies = value; onLobbyListChange?.Invoke(m_currentLobbies); } } } }