using UnityEngine; using Unity.Netcode; namespace { /// /// Displays the results for all players after the NGO minigame. /// public class ResultsUserUI : NetworkBehaviour { [Tooltip("The containers for the player data outputs, in order, to be hidden until the game ends.")] [SerializeField] private CanvasGroup[] m_containers; [Tooltip("These should be in order of appearance, i.e. the 0th entry is the 1st-place player, and so on.")] [SerializeField] private TMPro.TMP_Text[] m_playerNameOutputs; [Tooltip("These should also be in order of appearance.")] [SerializeField] private TMPro.TMP_Text[] m_playerScoreOutputs; private int m_index = 0; public void Start() { foreach (var container in m_containers) container.alpha = 0; } // Assigned to an event in the Inspector. public void ReceiveScoreInOrder(PlayerData data) { m_containers[m_index].alpha = 1; m_playerNameOutputs[m_index].text =; m_playerScoreOutputs[m_index].text = data.score.ToString("00"); m_index++; } } }