using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Unity.Baselib.LowLevel; using Unity.Burst; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Jobs; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.Networking.Transport.Utilities.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Networking.Transport.Protocols; using ErrorState = Unity.Baselib.LowLevel.Binding.Baselib_ErrorState; using ErrorCode = Unity.Baselib.LowLevel.Binding.Baselib_ErrorCode; using Random = Unity.Mathematics.Random; namespace Unity.Networking.Transport { [BurstCompile] public struct WebSocketNetworkInterface : INetworkInterface { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS && !UNITY_WEBGL private class SocketList { public struct SocketId { public Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle socket; } public List OpenSockets = new List(); ~SocketList() { foreach (var socket in OpenSockets) { Binding.Baselib_Socket_Close(socket.socket); } } } private static SocketList AllSockets = new SocketList(); #endif unsafe struct BaselibData { public NetworkInterfaceEndPoint BoundAddress; #if !UNITY_WEBGL public Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle ListenSocket; #endif } unsafe struct ConnectionState { #if UNITY_WEBGL public int Socket; #else public Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle Socket; public WebSocketPacket Packet; public WebSocketPacket PendingSendPacket; public ulong RemainingPacketSize; public int HeaderSize; public int PacketStart; public uint Key0; public uint Key1; public uint Key2; public uint Key3; public long CloseTimeStamp; #endif public int ConnectState; } const int WebSocketMaxHeaderSize = 14; const int ConnectionSentClose = 16; const int ConnectionIsClient = 8; const int ConnectionKnownByDriver = 4; const int ConnectionStateMask = 3; unsafe struct WebSocketPacket { public fixed byte Data[NetworkParameterConstants.MTU + WebSocketMaxHeaderSize]; public int DataLength; #if !UNITY_WEBGL public void ConstructBinary(void* payload, int payloadLen, bool useMask, uint mask) { // fin + binary int headerLen = 0; Data[headerLen++] = 0x82; byte maskFlag = (byte)(useMask ? 0x80 : 0); if (payloadLen < 126) Data[headerLen++] = (byte)(maskFlag | payloadLen); else if (payloadLen <= 0xffff) { Data[headerLen++] = (byte)(maskFlag | 126); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)(payloadLen>>8); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)(payloadLen&0xff); } else { Data[headerLen++] = (byte)(maskFlag | 127); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)0; Data[headerLen++] = (byte)0; Data[headerLen++] = (byte)0; Data[headerLen++] = (byte)0; Data[headerLen++] = (byte)((payloadLen>>24)&0xff); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)((payloadLen>>16)&0xff); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)((payloadLen>>8)&0xff); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)(payloadLen&0xff); } if (useMask) { Data[headerLen++] = (byte)(mask>>24); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)((mask>>16)&0xff); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)((mask>>8)&0xff); Data[headerLen++] = (byte)(mask&0xff); fixed (byte* ptr = Data) { var maskBytes = ptr+headerLen-4; byte* dst = ptr + headerLen; byte* src = (byte*)payload; for (int i = 0; i < payloadLen; ++i) dst[i] = (byte)(src[i]^maskBytes[i&3]); } } else { fixed (byte* ptr = Data) UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(ptr+headerLen, payload, payloadLen); } DataLength = headerLen + payloadLen; } public void ConstructPong(void* payload, int payloadLen, bool useMask, uint mask) { ConstructBinary(payload, payloadLen, useMask, mask); Data[0] = 0x8a; } public void ConstructClose(ushort status, bool useMask, uint mask) { ConstructBinary(&status, 2, useMask, mask); Data[0] = 0x88; } #endif } #if UNITY_WEBGL static int s_NextSocketId = 0; private const string DLL = "__Internal"; [DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketCreate")] private static extern void WebSocketCreate(int sockId, IntPtr addrData, int addrSize, IntPtr data, int size); [DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketDestroy")] private static extern void WebSocketDestroy(int sockId); [DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketSend")] private static extern int WebSocketSend(int sockId, IntPtr data, int size); [DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketRecv")] private static extern int WebSocketRecv(int sockId, IntPtr data, int size); [DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketIsConnected")] private static extern int WebSocketIsConnected(int sockId); #else unsafe struct SHA1 { private void UpdateABCDE(int i, ref uint a, ref uint b, ref uint c, ref uint d, ref uint e, uint f, uint k) { var tmp = ((a << 5) | (a >> 27)) + e + f + k + words[i]; e = d; d = c; c = (b << 30) | (b >> 2); b = a; a = tmp; } private void UpdateHash() { for (int i = 16; i < 80; ++i) { words[i] = (words[i-3] ^ words[i-8] ^ words[i-14] ^ words[i-16]); words[i] = (words[i] << 1) | (words[i] >> 31); } var a = h0; var b = h1; var c = h2; var d = h3; var e = h4; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { var f = (b & c) | ((~b) & d); var k = 0x5a827999u; UpdateABCDE(i, ref a, ref b, ref c, ref d, ref e, f, k); } for (int i = 20; i < 40; ++i) { var f = b ^ c ^ d; var k = 0x6ed9eba1u; UpdateABCDE(i, ref a, ref b, ref c, ref d, ref e, f, k); } for (int i = 40; i < 60; ++i) { var f = (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d); var k = 0x8f1bbcdcu; UpdateABCDE(i, ref a, ref b, ref c, ref d, ref e, f, k); } for (int i = 60; i < 80; ++i) { var f = b ^ c ^ d; var k = 0xca62c1d6u; UpdateABCDE(i, ref a, ref b, ref c, ref d, ref e, f, k); } h0 += a; h1 += b; h2 += c; h3 += d; h4 += e; } public SHA1(in FixedString128 str) { h0 = 0x67452301u; h1 = 0xefcdab89u; h2 = 0x98badcfeu; h3 = 0x10325476u; h4 = 0xc3d2e1f0u; var bitLen = str.Length << 3; var numFullChunks = bitLen>>9; byte* ptr = str.GetUnsafePtr(); for (int chunk = 0; chunk < numFullChunks; ++chunk) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { words[i] = (uint)((ptr[0]<<24) | (ptr[1]<<16) | (ptr[2]<<8) | ptr[3]); ptr += 4; } UpdateHash(); } var remainingBits = (bitLen&0x1ff); var remainingBytes = (remainingBits>>3); var fullWords = (remainingBytes>>2); for (int i = 0; i < fullWords; ++i) { words[i] = (uint)((ptr[0]<<24) | (ptr[1]<<16) | (ptr[2]<<8) | ptr[3]); ptr += 4; } var fullBytes = remainingBytes&3; switch (fullBytes) { case 3: words[fullWords] = (uint)((ptr[0]<<24) | (ptr[1]<<16) | (ptr[2]<<8) | 0x80u); ptr += 3; break; case 2: words[fullWords] = (uint)((ptr[0]<<24) | (ptr[1]<<16) | (0x80u << 8)); ptr += 2; break; case 1: words[fullWords] = (uint)((ptr[0]<<24) | (0x80u << 16)); ptr += 1; break; case 0: words[fullWords] = (uint)((0x80u << 24)); break; } ++fullWords; if (remainingBits >= 448) { // Needs two chunks, one for the remaining bits and one for size for (int i = fullWords; i < 16; ++i) words[i] = 0; UpdateHash(); for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) words[i] = 0; words[15] = (uint)bitLen; UpdateHash(); } else { for (int i = fullWords; i < 15; ++i) words[i] = 0; words[15] = (uint)bitLen; UpdateHash(); } } public FixedString32 ToBase64() { FixedString32 base64 = default; AppendBase64(ref base64, (byte)(h0>>24), (byte)(h0>>16), (byte)(h0>>8)); AppendBase64(ref base64, (byte)(h0), (byte)(h1>>24), (byte)(h1>>16)); AppendBase64(ref base64, (byte)(h1>>8), (byte)(h1), (byte)(h2>>24)); AppendBase64(ref base64, (byte)(h2>>16), (byte)(h2>>8), (byte)(h2)); AppendBase64(ref base64, (byte)(h3>>24), (byte)(h3>>16), (byte)(h3>>8)); AppendBase64(ref base64, (byte)(h3), (byte)(h4>>24), (byte)(h4>>16)); AppendBase64(ref base64, (byte)(h4>>8), (byte)(h4)); return base64; } private fixed uint words[80]; private uint h0; private uint h1; private uint h2; private uint h3; private uint h4; } static byte ApplyTable(byte val) { if (val < 26) return (byte)(val + 'A'); else if (val < 52) return (byte)(val + 'a' - 26); else if (val < 62) return (byte)(val + '0' - 52); else if (val == 62) return (byte)'+'; return (byte)'/'; } static void AppendBase64(ref FixedString32 base64, byte b0, byte b1, byte b2) { var c1 = ApplyTable((byte)(b0>>2)); var c2 = ApplyTable((byte)(((b0&3)<<4) | (b1>>4))); var c3 = ApplyTable((byte)(((b1&0xf)<<2) | (b2>>6))); var c4 = ApplyTable((byte)(b2&0x3f)); base64.Add(c1); base64.Add(c2); base64.Add(c3); base64.Add(c4); } static void AppendBase64(ref FixedString32 base64, byte b0, byte b1) { var c1 = ApplyTable((byte)(b0>>2)); var c2 = ApplyTable((byte)(((b0&3)<<4) | (b1>>4))); var c3 = ApplyTable((byte)((b1&0xf)<<2)); base64.Add(c1); base64.Add(c2); base64.Add(c3); base64.Add((byte)'='); } static void AppendBase64(ref FixedString32 base64, byte b0) { var c1 = ApplyTable((byte)(b0>>2)); var c2 = ApplyTable((byte)((b0&3)<<4)); base64.Add(c1); base64.Add(c2); base64.Add((byte)'='); base64.Add((byte)'='); } private static void WebSocketDestroy(Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle socket) { Binding.Baselib_Socket_Close(socket); } private static void GenerateBase64Key(out FixedString32 key, uint key0, uint key1, uint key2, uint key3) { key = default; AppendBase64(ref key, (byte)(key0>>24), (byte)(key0>>16), (byte)(key0>>8)); AppendBase64(ref key, (byte)(key0), (byte)(key1>>24), (byte)(key1>>16)); AppendBase64(ref key, (byte)(key1>>8), (byte)(key1), (byte)(key2>>24)); AppendBase64(ref key, (byte)(key2>>16), (byte)(key2>>8), (byte)(key2)); AppendBase64(ref key, (byte)(key3>>24), (byte)(key3>>16), (byte)(key3>>8)); AppendBase64(ref key, (byte)(key3)); } private static unsafe int WebSocketIsConnected(Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle socket, in NetworkInterfaceEndPoint address, uint key0, uint key1, uint key2, uint key3) { var error = default(ErrorState); var sockError = default(ErrorState); var sockFd = new Binding.Baselib_Socket_PollFd { handle = socket, requestedEvents = Binding.Baselib_Socket_PollEvents.Connected, errorState = &sockError }; Binding.Baselib_Socket_Poll(&sockFd, 1, 0, &error); if (sockFd.errorState->code != ErrorCode.Success) return -1; if ((sockFd.resultEvents & Binding.Baselib_Socket_PollEvents.Connected) != 0) { FixedString32 end = "\r\n"; FixedString512 handshake = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n"; FixedString32 key = "Sec-WebSocket-Key: "; handshake.Append(key); GenerateBase64Key(out key, key0, key1, key2, key3); handshake.Append(key); handshake.Append(end); FixedString128 host = "Host: "; handshake.Append(host); fixed (void* dataptr = handshake.Append(NetworkEndPoint.AddressToString(*(Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress*)dataptr)); handshake.Append(end); handshake.Append(end); var count = (int) Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( socket, (IntPtr)handshake.GetUnsafePtr(), (uint)handshake.Length, &error); if (sockFd.errorState->code != ErrorCode.Success || count != handshake.Length) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Failed to send WebSocket client handshake."); #endif return -1; } return 1; } return 0; } private static unsafe int WebSocketIsHandshakeComplete(ref ConnectionState connection) { var error = default(ErrorState); FixedString4096 recvHandshake = default; int receivedBytes = (int)Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Recv(connection.Socket, (IntPtr)recvHandshake.GetUnsafePtr(), (uint)FixedString4096.UTF8MaxLengthInBytes, &error); if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) return -1; if (receivedBytes == 0) return 0; recvHandshake.Length = (ushort)receivedBytes; // If handshake does not end with \r\n\r\n it was an invalid or incomplete message if (recvHandshake.Length < 4 || recvHandshake[recvHandshake.Length-4] != '\r' || recvHandshake[recvHandshake.Length-3] != '\n' || recvHandshake[recvHandshake.Length-2] != '\r' || recvHandshake[recvHandshake.Length-1] != '\n') { // Invalid header #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received invalid http or incomplete message for handshake."); #endif return -1; } int lineStart = 0; int lineEnd = 0; while (recvHandshake[lineEnd] != '\r' || recvHandshake[lineEnd+1] != '\n') ++lineEnd; int firstLineEnd = lineEnd; var headerLookup = new NativeHashMap(16, Allocator.Temp); while (true) { lineEnd += 2; lineStart = lineEnd; while (recvHandshake[lineEnd] != '\r' || recvHandshake[lineEnd+1] != '\n') ++lineEnd; if (lineStart == lineEnd) break; // Found a line - analyze it int keyStart = lineStart; while (recvHandshake[keyStart] == ' ' || recvHandshake[keyStart] == '\t') ++keyStart; int keyEnd = keyStart; FixedString128 key = default; // Not allowing whitespace in keys while (recvHandshake[keyEnd] != ':' && recvHandshake[keyEnd] != ' ' && recvHandshake[keyEnd] != '\t' && recvHandshake[keyEnd] != '\r' && recvHandshake[keyEnd] != '\n') { byte ch = recvHandshake[keyEnd]; if (ch >= (byte)'A' && ch <= (byte)'Z') ch = (byte)(ch + 'a' - 'A'); key.Add(ch); ++keyEnd; } int valueStart = keyEnd; while (recvHandshake[valueStart] != ':') { if (recvHandshake[valueStart] != ' ' && recvHandshake[valueStart] != '\t' && recvHandshake[valueStart] != '\r' && recvHandshake[valueStart] != '\n') break; ++valueStart; } if (recvHandshake[valueStart] != ':') continue; ++valueStart; while (recvHandshake[valueStart] == ' ' || recvHandshake[valueStart] == '\t') ++valueStart; FixedString128 value = default; int valueEnd = valueStart; while (recvHandshake[valueEnd] != '\r') { value.Add(recvHandshake[valueEnd]); ++valueEnd; } // Trim trailing whitespace while (value.Length > 0 && (value[value.Length-1] == ' ' || value[value.Length-1] == '\t')) value.Length = value.Length-1; headerLookup.TryAdd(key, value); } FixedString128 keyMagic = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; FixedString128 connectionHeader = "connection"; FixedString128 upgradeHeader = "upgrade"; FixedString128 headerValue; var invalidConnection = !headerLookup.TryGetValue(connectionHeader, out headerValue) || headerValue.Length < 7; // Scan for "upgrade" in a coma separated list if (!invalidConnection) { invalidConnection = true; int upPos = 0; int len = 0; while ((len = headerValue.Length - upPos) >= 7) { invalidConnection = ((headerValue[upPos+0]|32) != 'u' || (headerValue[upPos+1]|32) != 'p' || (headerValue[upPos+2]|32) != 'g' || (headerValue[upPos+3]|32) != 'r' || (headerValue[upPos+4]|32) != 'a' || (headerValue[upPos+5]|32) != 'd' || (headerValue[upPos+6]|32) != 'e'); if (!invalidConnection) { if (len == 7 || headerValue[upPos+7] == ',' || headerValue[upPos+7] == ' ' || headerValue[upPos+7] == '\t') break; invalidConnection = true; } while (upPos < headerValue.Length && headerValue[upPos] != ',') ++upPos; // Skip , ++upPos; // skip whitespace while (upPos < headerValue.Length && (headerValue[upPos] == ' ' || headerValue[upPos] == '\t')) ++upPos; } } var invalidUpgrade = (!headerLookup.TryGetValue(upgradeHeader, out headerValue) || headerValue.Length != 9 || (headerValue[0]|32) != 'w' || (headerValue[1]|32) != 'e' || (headerValue[2]|32) != 'b' || (headerValue[3]|32) != 's' || (headerValue[4]|32) != 'o' || (headerValue[5]|32) != 'c' || (headerValue[6]|32) != 'k' || (headerValue[7]|32) != 'e' || (headerValue[8]|32) != 't'); // Receive handshake, different handshake depending on if PayloadSize is 0 (server) or > 0 (client) if (connection.Packet.DataLength > 0) { var invalidStatusLine = (firstLineEnd < 14 || recvHandshake[0] != 'H' || recvHandshake[1] != 'T' || recvHandshake[2] != 'T' || recvHandshake[3] != 'P' || recvHandshake[4] != '/' || recvHandshake[5] != '1' || recvHandshake[6] != '.' || recvHandshake[7] != '1' || recvHandshake[8] != ' ' || recvHandshake[9] != '1' || recvHandshake[10] != '0' || recvHandshake[11] != '1' || recvHandshake[12] != ' '); if (invalidStatusLine) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Could not parse http status line."); #endif return -1; } FixedString128 protocolHeader = "sec-websocket-protocol"; FixedString128 extensionHeader = "sec-websocket-extensions"; FixedString128 acceptHeader = "sec-websocket-accept"; FixedString128 wsKey; if (invalidConnection || invalidUpgrade || headerLookup.ContainsKey(protocolHeader) || headerLookup.ContainsKey(extensionHeader) || !headerLookup.TryGetValue(acceptHeader, out wsKey)) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (invalidConnection) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with invalid or missing Connection key."); if (invalidUpgrade) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with invalid or missing Upgrade key."); if (headerLookup.ContainsKey(protocolHeader)) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with a subprotocol != null."); if (headerLookup.ContainsKey(extensionHeader)) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with an extension."); if (!headerLookup.ContainsKey(acceptHeader)) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with a missing sec-websocket-accept key."); #endif return -1; } // validate the accept header FixedString128 refWsKey = default; GenerateBase64Key(out var clientKey, connection.Key0, connection.Key1, connection.Key2, connection.Key3); refWsKey.Append(clientKey); refWsKey.Append(keyMagic); var hash = new SHA1(refWsKey); clientKey = hash.ToBase64(); if (wsKey != clientKey) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with incorrect sec-websocket-accept."); #endif return -1; } if (connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { // Send the pending connect message uint count; fixed (byte* ptr = connection.Packet.Data) { count = Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)ptr, (uint)connection.Packet.DataLength, &error); } if (count != 0 && count != connection.Packet.DataLength) { // Backup the pending packet for sending later connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength = connection.Packet.DataLength - (int)count; fixed (byte* dst = connection.PendingSendPacket.Data) fixed (byte* src = connection.Packet.Data) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dst, src + count, connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength); } } } } else { FixedString512 handshake; FixedString128 hostHeader = "host"; FixedString128 keyHeader = "sec-websocket-key"; FixedString128 versionHeader = "sec-websocket-version"; var invalidRequestLine = (firstLineEnd < 14 || recvHandshake[0] != 'G' || recvHandshake[1] != 'E' || recvHandshake[2] != 'T' || recvHandshake[3] != ' ' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-9] != ' ' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-8] != 'H' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-7] != 'T' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-6] != 'T' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-5] != 'P' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-4] != '/' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-3] != '1' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-2] != '.' || recvHandshake[firstLineEnd-1] != '1'); FixedString128 wsKey; var invalidVersion = (!headerLookup.TryGetValue(versionHeader, out headerValue) || headerValue.Length != 2 || headerValue[0] != '1' || headerValue[1] != '3'); var invalidKey = (!headerLookup.TryGetValue(keyHeader, out wsKey) || wsKey.Length != 24); if (invalidRequestLine || !headerLookup.ContainsKey(hostHeader) || invalidKey || invalidVersion || invalidConnection || invalidUpgrade) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (invalidRequestLine) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with invalid http request line."); if (invalidVersion) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with invalid or missing sec-websocket-version key."); if (invalidConnection) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with invalid or missing Connection key."); if (invalidUpgrade) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with invalid or missing Upgrade key."); if (!headerLookup.ContainsKey(hostHeader)) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with a missing host key."); if (invalidKey) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with a missing or invalid sec-websocket-key key."); #endif // Not a valid get request handshake = "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n"; Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)handshake.GetUnsafePtr(), (uint)handshake.Length, &error); return -1; } // Only / is available if (firstLineEnd != 14 || recvHandshake[4] != '/') { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received handshake with an incorrect resource name."); #endif handshake = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n"; Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)handshake.GetUnsafePtr(), (uint)handshake.Length, &error); return -1; } handshake = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\n"; wsKey.Append(keyMagic); var hash = new SHA1(wsKey); FixedString128 accept = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: "; handshake.Append(accept); handshake.Append(hash.ToBase64()); FixedString32 end = "\r\n"; handshake.Append(end); handshake.Append(end); var count = (int) Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)handshake.GetUnsafePtr(), (uint)handshake.Length, &error); if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success || count != handshake.Length) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Failed to send WebSocket server handshake."); #endif return -1; } } return 1; } #endif [ReadOnly] NativeHashMap m_Connections; [ReadOnly] private NativeArray m_Baselib; /// /// Returns the local endpoint. /// /// NetworkInterfaceEndPoint public unsafe NetworkInterfaceEndPoint LocalEndPoint { // error handling: handle the errors... get { var address = m_Baselib[0].BoundAddress; #if !UNITY_WEBGL if (m_Baselib[0].ListenSocket.handle != Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle_Invalid.handle) { var error = default(ErrorState); Binding.Baselib_Socket_GetAddress(m_Baselib[0].ListenSocket, (Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress*), &error); } #endif return address; } } public bool IsCreated => m_Baselib.IsCreated; /// /// Creates a interface endpoint. /// /// NetworkInterfaceEndPoint public unsafe int CreateInterfaceEndPoint(NetworkEndPoint address, out NetworkInterfaceEndPoint endpoint) { endpoint.dataLength = address.length; fixed (void* ptr = *(Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress*)ptr = address.rawNetworkAddress; return (int) Error.StatusCode.Success; } public unsafe NetworkEndPoint GetGenericEndPoint(NetworkInterfaceEndPoint endpoint) { // Set to a valid address so length is set correctly var address = NetworkEndPoint.LoopbackIpv4; address.rawNetworkAddress = *(Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress*); address.length = endpoint.dataLength; return address; } /// /// Initializes a instance of the BaselibNetworkInterface struct. /// /// An array of INetworkParameter. There is currently only that can be passed. public unsafe int Initialize(params INetworkParameter[] param) { m_Baselib = new NativeArray(1, Allocator.Persistent); var baselib = default(BaselibData); #if !UNITY_WEBGL baselib.ListenSocket = Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle_Invalid; #endif CreateInterfaceEndPoint(NetworkEndPoint.AnyIpv4, out baselib.BoundAddress); m_Baselib[0] = baselib; m_Connections = new NativeHashMap(1, Allocator.Persistent); return 0; } public unsafe void Dispose() { #if !UNITY_WEBGL if (m_Baselib[0].ListenSocket.handle != Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle_Invalid.handle) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS && !UNITY_WEBGL AllSockets.OpenSockets.Remove(new SocketList.SocketId {socket = m_Baselib[0].ListenSocket}); #endif Binding.Baselib_Socket_Close(m_Baselib[0].ListenSocket); } WebSocketPacket packet = default; #endif var keys = m_Connections.GetKeyArray(Allocator.Temp); for (int connectionIndex = 0; connectionIndex < keys.Length; ++connectionIndex) { var connection = m_Connections[keys[connectionIndex]]; #if !UNITY_WEBGL if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) == 0 && connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { var error = default(ErrorState); packet.ConstructClose(1001, (connection.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0, new Random((uint)Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()).NextUInt()); var count = (int)Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)packet.DataLength, &error); } #endif WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); } m_Baselib.Dispose(); m_Connections.Dispose(); } #region ReceiveJob #if !UNITY_WEBGL // this job is calling external js methods which currently does not work from burst [BurstCompile] #endif struct ReceiveJob : IJob { public NetworkPacketReceiver Receiver; [NativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction] public NativeArray Baselib; [NativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction] public NativeHashMap Connections; public Random rand; int headerSize; private unsafe bool CopyToStream(in NetworkInterfaceEndPoint address, byte* data, int dataLength) { if (dataLength < headerSize) return true; var stream = Receiver.GetDataStream(); int dataStreamSize = Receiver.GetDataStreamSize(); if (Receiver.DynamicDataStreamSize()) { while (dataStreamSize + dataLength >= stream.Length) stream.ResizeUninitialized(stream.Length*2); } else if (dataStreamSize + dataLength > stream.Length) { Receiver.ReceiveErrorCode = 10040;//(int)ErrorCode.OutOfMemory; return false; } UnsafeUtility.MemCpy( (byte*)stream.GetUnsafePtr() + dataStreamSize, (byte*)data, dataLength); Receiver.ReceiveCount += Receiver.AppendPacket(address, dataLength); return true; } public unsafe void Execute() { #if !UNITY_WEBGL if (Baselib[0].ListenSocket.handle != Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle_Invalid.handle) { var error = default(ErrorState); var socket = Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Accept(Baselib[0].ListenSocket, &error); if (socket.handle != Binding.Baselib_Socket_Handle_Invalid.handle) { var address = Baselib[0].BoundAddress; Binding.Baselib_Socket_GetAddress(socket, (Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress*), &error); #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning($"Failed to get address {error.code}"); #endif while (!Connections.TryAdd(address, new ConnectionState { Socket = socket, ConnectState = 1 })) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Duplicate address - test next"); #endif // FIXME: HACK: probe for another address which is unique ushort* port = (ushort*)&(((Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress*)>port0); *port = (ushort)(*port + 1); } // The client is responsible to send a UTP connect message which will be propagated to the driver } } #endif headerSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf(); var keys = Connections.GetKeyArray(Allocator.Temp); WebSocketPacket packet = default; for (int connectionIndex = 0; connectionIndex < keys.Length; ++connectionIndex) { var address = keys[connectionIndex]; var connection = Connections[address]; #if !UNITY_WEBGL // Process any pending partial send if (connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength > 0) { var error = default(ErrorState); var count = (int) Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)connection.PendingSendPacket.Data, (uint)connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength, &error); if (count == connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength) { connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength = 0; Connections[address] = connection; } else if (count > 0) { UnsafeUtility.MemMove(connection.PendingSendPacket.Data, connection.PendingSendPacket.Data + count, connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength - count); connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength -= count; Connections[address] = connection; } } #endif // Detect if the driver has removed this connection and clean up in case we missed a disconnect or timeout if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionKnownByDriver) != 0 && !Receiver.IsAddressUsed(address)) { #if !UNITY_WEBGL if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionStateMask) >= 2 && connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) == 0) { var error = default(ErrorState); packet.ConstructClose(1000, (connection.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0, rand.NextUInt()); var count = (int)Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)packet.DataLength, &error); if (count != packet.DataLength || error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); } else { connection.ConnectState |= ConnectionSentClose; Connections[address] = connection; } } } else #endif { WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); continue; } } #if !UNITY_WEBGL if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionStateMask) == 3) { // Client waiting for server to close connection // If server did not close the connection within 30 sec the client can close it if (connection.CloseTimeStamp - Receiver.LastUpdateTime > 30*1000) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Server did not close the socket fast enough, closing it on the client"); #endif WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); } // Read and throw away just to check for disconnect messages, if more data was sent after websoket close - just close the socket var error = default(ErrorState); var receivedBytes = Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Recv(connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)(math.min(connection.RemainingPacketSize, NetworkParameterConstants.MTU)), &error); if (Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Recv(connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)(math.min(connection.RemainingPacketSize, NetworkParameterConstants.MTU)), &error) > 0 || error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { // Disconnected WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); } continue; } if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) != 0) { // If we sent a close request and did not receive a reply within 30 sec just close the connection if (connection.CloseTimeStamp == 0) { connection.CloseTimeStamp = Receiver.LastUpdateTime; Connections[address] = connection; } else if (connection.CloseTimeStamp - Receiver.LastUpdateTime > 30*1000) { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Remote end did not send a websocket close handshake fast enough, closing socket"); #endif WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); continue; } } #endif if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionStateMask) == 0) { var conState = WebSocketIsConnected(connection.Socket #if !UNITY_WEBGL , address, connection.Key0, connection.Key1, connection.Key2, connection.Key3 #endif ); if (conState == 0) continue; if (conState < 0) { WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); continue; } ++connection.ConnectState; Connections[address] = connection; } if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionStateMask) == 1) { #if !UNITY_WEBGL var conState = WebSocketIsHandshakeComplete(ref connection); Connections[address] = connection; if (conState == 0) continue; if (conState < 0) { WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); continue; } #endif ++connection.ConnectState; Connections[address] = connection; } #if UNITY_WEBGL while ((packet.DataLength = WebSocketRecv(connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, NetworkParameterConstants.MTU)) != 0) { if (packet.DataLength < 0) { // Disconnected WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); break; } if (!CopyToStream(address, packet.Data, packet.DataLength)) { Connections[address] = connection; break; } connection.ConnectState |= ConnectionKnownByDriver; } #else bool pendingData = true; while (pendingData) { // Time to read if (connection.RemainingPacketSize > 0 && connection.PacketStart > 0) { var error = default(ErrorState); var receivedBytes = Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Recv(connection.Socket, (IntPtr)connection.Packet.Data+connection.Packet.DataLength, (uint)connection.RemainingPacketSize, &error); pendingData = receivedBytes>0; if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { // Disconnected WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); break; } connection.RemainingPacketSize -= receivedBytes; connection.Packet.DataLength += (int)receivedBytes; if (connection.RemainingPacketSize == 0) { if ((connection.Packet.Data[1]&0x80)!=0) { var maskBytes = connection.Packet.Data+connection.HeaderSize-4; var wsPayload = connection.Packet.Data+connection.PacketStart; int maskLen = connection.Packet.DataLength - connection.PacketStart; for (int i = 0; i < maskLen; ++i) wsPayload[i] = (byte)(wsPayload[i]^maskBytes[i&3]); } connection.HeaderSize = 0; connection.PacketStart = 0; // This was not the final fragment, so wait for more if ((connection.Packet.Data[0]&0x80) == 0) { Connections[address] = connection; continue; } if (!CopyToStream(address, connection.Packet.Data + WebSocketMaxHeaderSize, connection.Packet.DataLength - WebSocketMaxHeaderSize)) { Connections[address] = connection; break; } connection.ConnectState |= ConnectionKnownByDriver; } } else if (connection.RemainingPacketSize > 0) { // Read and throw away var error = default(ErrorState); var receivedBytes = Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Recv(connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)(math.min(connection.RemainingPacketSize, NetworkParameterConstants.MTU)), &error); pendingData = receivedBytes>0; if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { // Disconnected WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); break; } connection.RemainingPacketSize -= receivedBytes; } else { // No remaining packet or skip size, so we need to read a new frame header var error = default(ErrorState); if (connection.HeaderSize < 2) { int receivedBytes = (int)Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Recv(connection.Socket, (IntPtr)connection.Packet.Data + connection.HeaderSize, (uint)(2 - connection.HeaderSize), &error); pendingData = receivedBytes>0; if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { // Disconnected WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); break; } connection.HeaderSize += receivedBytes; if (connection.HeaderSize < 2) { Connections[address] = connection; continue; } } // Calculate the header size int payloadByte = connection.Packet.Data[1]&0x7f; var wsHeaderSize = 2; if ((connection.Packet.Data[1]&0x80) != 0) wsHeaderSize += 4; if (payloadByte == 126) wsHeaderSize += 2; else if (payloadByte == 127) wsHeaderSize += 8; if (connection.HeaderSize < wsHeaderSize) { int receivedBytes = (int)Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Recv(connection.Socket, (IntPtr)connection.Packet.Data + connection.HeaderSize, (uint)(wsHeaderSize - connection.HeaderSize), &error); pendingData = receivedBytes>0; if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { // Disconnected WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); break; } connection.HeaderSize += receivedBytes; if (connection.HeaderSize < wsHeaderSize) { Connections[address] = connection; continue; } } // Full header is available - figure out how big the payload is ulong payloadSize = 0; if (payloadByte == 127) { payloadSize = ((ulong)connection.Packet.Data[6]<<56) + ((ulong)connection.Packet.Data[7]<<48) + ((ulong)connection.Packet.Data[6]<<40) + ((ulong)connection.Packet.Data[7]<<32) + ((ulong)connection.Packet.Data[6]<<24) + ((ulong)connection.Packet.Data[7]<<16) + ((ulong)connection.Packet.Data[8]<<8) + (ulong)connection.Packet.Data[9]; } else if (payloadByte == 126) { payloadSize = ((ulong)connection.Packet.Data[2]<<8) + connection.Packet.Data[3]; } else payloadSize = (ulong)payloadByte; var masked = (connection.Packet.Data[1] & 0x80) != 0; var isClient = (connection.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0; // Receiving a masked message on the client is an error, receiving an unmasked message on the server is an error if ((connection.Packet.Data[0] & 0x70) != 0 || masked == isClient) { // Bad header #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS if ((connection.Packet.Data[0] & 0x70) != 0) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received message with invalid reserved header bits"); if (masked == isClient) UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received message with unexpected masking"); #endif if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) == 0 && connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { packet.ConstructClose(1002, (connection.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0, rand.NextUInt()); Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)packet.DataLength, &error); } WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); break; } var opcode = connection.Packet.Data[0] & 0xf; connection.HeaderSize = 0; connection.RemainingPacketSize = payloadSize; if (opcode == 0) { // Continuation // validate that there is an actual packet to continue and that it's binary // and that the full packet fits in an MTU if (connection.Packet.DataLength < WebSocketMaxHeaderSize || (ulong)connection.Packet.DataLength + payloadSize > (ulong)NetworkParameterConstants.MTU) { connection.Packet.DataLength = 0; } else { connection.PacketStart = connection.Packet.DataLength; connection.HeaderSize = wsHeaderSize; } } else if (opcode == 2) { // Binary // if dataLength is > 0 we probably never got the final part of a message which is a protocol error - but utp is not reliable so just drop it // Reset the packet length, otherwise we'll just append data to it if (payloadSize <= (ulong)NetworkParameterConstants.MTU) { connection.Packet.DataLength = WebSocketMaxHeaderSize; connection.PacketStart = connection.Packet.DataLength; connection.HeaderSize = wsHeaderSize; } } else if (opcode == 8) { // Close if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) == 0) { // FIXME: should echo the status code int count = -1; if (connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { packet.ConstructClose(1000, (connection.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0, rand.NextUInt()); count = (int)Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)packet.DataLength, &error); } if (count != packet.DataLength || error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); break; } connection.ConnectState |= ConnectionSentClose; } if (isClient) { connection.ConnectState = (connection.ConnectState&(~ConnectionStateMask)) | 3; connection.CloseTimeStamp = Receiver.LastUpdateTime; Connections[address] = connection; } else { WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); } break; } else if (opcode == 9) { // Ping if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) == 0 && connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { // FIXME: should echo the ping payload packet.ConstructPong(null, 0, (connection.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0, rand.NextUInt()); var count = (int)Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)packet.DataLength, &error); if (count != 0 && count != packet.DataLength) { // Backup the pending packet for sending later connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength = packet.DataLength - count; UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(connection.PendingSendPacket.Data, packet.Data + count, connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength); } } } else if (opcode == 10) { // Pong } else { #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Received message with an unsupported opcode"); #endif // Unsupported opcode if ((connection.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) == 0 && connection.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { packet.ConstructClose((ushort)((opcode==1) ? 1003 : 1002), (connection.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0, rand.NextUInt()); Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( connection.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)packet.DataLength, &error); } WebSocketDestroy(connection.Socket); Connections.Remove(address); break; } } Connections[address] = connection; } #endif } } } #endregion public JobHandle ScheduleReceive(NetworkPacketReceiver receiver, JobHandle dep) { var job = new ReceiveJob { Receiver = receiver, Baselib = m_Baselib, Connections = m_Connections, rand = new Random((uint)Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()) }; return job.Schedule(dep); } #if !UNITY_WEBGL // this job is calling external js methods which currently does not work from burst [BurstCompile] #endif unsafe struct SendJob : IJob { public NativeQueue sendQueue; [NativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction] public NativeArray Baselib; [NativeDisableContainerSafetyRestriction] public NativeHashMap Connections; public Random rand; public void Execute() { var baselib = Baselib[0]; #if !UNITY_WEBGL WebSocketPacket packet = default; #endif while (sendQueue.TryDequeue(out var msg)) { if (msg.DataLength < UnsafeUtility.SizeOf()) continue; bool hasConnection = Connections.TryGetValue(msg.Dest, out var state); var header = (UdpCHeader*)msg.Data; if (header->Type == (byte)UdpCProtocol.ConnectionRequest) { if (hasConnection && (state.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) != 0) { // Reconnecting while the connection is still being closed, just force close it WebSocketDestroy(state.Socket); Connections.Remove(msg.Dest); hasConnection = false; } if (!hasConnection) { Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress* address = (Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress*); #if UNITY_WEBGL var addressString = NetworkEndPoint.AddressToString(*address); WebSocketCreate(s_NextSocketId, (IntPtr)addressString.GetUnsafePtr(), addressString.Length, (IntPtr)msg.Data, msg.DataLength); var conState = new ConnectionState { Socket = s_NextSocketId, ConnectState = ConnectionKnownByDriver | ConnectionIsClient }; ++s_NextSocketId; Connections.TryAdd(msg.Dest, conState); #else var error = default(ErrorState); var socket = Binding.Baselib_Socket_Create( (Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress_Family)address->family, Binding.Baselib_Socket_Protocol.TCP, &error); if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) continue; Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Connect(socket, address, Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress_AddressReuse.Allow, &error); if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { Binding.Baselib_Socket_Close(socket); continue; } var conState = new ConnectionState { Socket = socket, ConnectState = ConnectionKnownByDriver | ConnectionIsClient, Key0 = rand.NextUInt(), Key1 = rand.NextUInt(), Key2 = rand.NextUInt(), Key3 = rand.NextUInt() }; conState.Packet.ConstructBinary(msg.Data, msg.DataLength, true, rand.NextUInt()); Connections.TryAdd(msg.Dest, conState); #endif } } else if (hasConnection) { if ((state.ConnectState&ConnectionSentClose) != 0) continue; #if UNITY_WEBGL WebSocketSend(state.Socket, (IntPtr)msg.Data, msg.DataLength); if (header->Type == (byte)UdpCProtocol.Disconnect) { WebSocketDestroy(state.Socket); Connections.Remove(msg.Dest); } #else var error = default(ErrorState); int count = 0; if (state.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { packet.ConstructBinary(msg.Data, msg.DataLength, (state.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0, rand.NextUInt()); count = (int) Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( state.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)packet.DataLength, &error); if (count != 0 && count != packet.DataLength) { // Backup the pending packet for sending later state.PendingSendPacket.DataLength = packet.DataLength - count; UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(state.PendingSendPacket.Data, packet.Data + count, state.PendingSendPacket.DataLength); Connections[msg.Dest] = state; } } if (header->Type == (byte)UdpCProtocol.Disconnect) { count = -1; if (state.PendingSendPacket.DataLength == 0) { packet.ConstructClose(1000, (state.ConnectState&ConnectionIsClient) != 0, rand.NextUInt()); count = (int)Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Send( state.Socket, (IntPtr)packet.Data, (uint)packet.DataLength, &error); } if (count != packet.DataLength || error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { WebSocketDestroy(state.Socket); Connections.Remove(msg.Dest); } else { state.ConnectState |= ConnectionSentClose; Connections[msg.Dest] = state; } } #endif } } } } public JobHandle ScheduleSend(NativeQueue sendQueue, JobHandle dep) { var sendJob = new SendJob { sendQueue = sendQueue, Baselib = m_Baselib, Connections = m_Connections, rand = new Random((uint)Stopwatch.GetTimestamp()) }; return sendJob.Schedule(dep); } /// /// Binds the BaselibNetworkInterface to the endpoint passed. /// /// A valid ipv4 or ipv6 address /// int public unsafe int Bind(NetworkInterfaceEndPoint endpoint) { var baselib = m_Baselib[0]; baselib.BoundAddress = endpoint; m_Baselib[0] = baselib; return 0; } public unsafe int Listen() { #if UNITY_WEBGL throw new InvalidOperationException("WebGL does not support listening for connections"); #else var baselib = m_Baselib[0]; var error = default(ErrorState); Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress* address = (Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress*); baselib.ListenSocket = Binding.Baselib_Socket_Create( (Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress_Family)address->family, Binding.Baselib_Socket_Protocol.TCP, &error); if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) return (int) error.code == -1 ? -1 : -(int) error.code; Binding.Baselib_Socket_Bind(baselib.ListenSocket, address, Binding.Baselib_NetworkAddress_AddressReuse.Allow, &error); if (error.code == ErrorCode.Success) { Binding.Baselib_Socket_TCP_Listen(baselib.ListenSocket, &error); } if (error.code != ErrorCode.Success) { Binding.Baselib_Socket_Close(baselib.ListenSocket); return (int) error.code == -1 ? -1 : -(int) error.code; } // Update the bound address Binding.Baselib_Socket_GetAddress(baselib.ListenSocket, address, &error); #if ENABLE_UNITY_COLLECTIONS_CHECKS && !UNITY_WEBGL AllSockets.OpenSockets.Add(new SocketList.SocketId {socket = baselib.ListenSocket}); #endif m_Baselib[0] = baselib; return 0; #endif } static TransportFunctionPointer BeginSendMessageFunctionPointer = new TransportFunctionPointer(BeginSendMessage); static TransportFunctionPointer EndSendMessageFunctionPointer = new TransportFunctionPointer(EndSendMessage); static TransportFunctionPointer AbortSendMessageFunctionPointer = new TransportFunctionPointer(AbortSendMessage); public unsafe NetworkSendInterface CreateSendInterface() { return new NetworkSendInterface { BeginSendMessage = BeginSendMessageFunctionPointer, EndSendMessage = EndSendMessageFunctionPointer, AbortSendMessage = AbortSendMessageFunctionPointer, UserData = (IntPtr)m_Baselib.GetUnsafePtr() }; } [BurstCompile(DisableDirectCall = true)] [AOT.MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(NetworkSendInterface.BeginSendMessageDelegate))] private static unsafe int BeginSendMessage(out NetworkInterfaceSendHandle handle, IntPtr userData, int requiredPayloadSize) { = 0; handle.size = 0; handle.capacity = requiredPayloadSize; = (IntPtr)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(handle.capacity, 8, Allocator.Temp); handle.flags = default; return 0; } [BurstCompile(DisableDirectCall = true)] [AOT.MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(NetworkSendInterface.EndSendMessageDelegate))] private static unsafe int EndSendMessage(ref NetworkInterfaceSendHandle handle, ref NetworkInterfaceEndPoint address, IntPtr userData, ref NetworkSendQueueHandle sendQueueHandle) { var sendQueue = sendQueueHandle.FromHandle(); var msg = default(QueuedSendMessage); msg.Dest = address; msg.DataLength = handle.size; UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(msg.Data, (void*), handle.size); sendQueue.Enqueue(msg); return handle.size; } [BurstCompile(DisableDirectCall = true)] [AOT.MonoPInvokeCallback(typeof(NetworkSendInterface.AbortSendMessageDelegate))] private static unsafe void AbortSendMessage(ref NetworkInterfaceSendHandle handle, IntPtr userData) { } } }