using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace LobbyRelaySample.UI
/// User permission type. It's a flag enum to allow for the Inspector to select multiples for various UI features.
public enum UserPermission
Client = 1,
Host = 2
/// Shows the UI when the LobbyUser matches some conditions, including having the target permissions.
public class UserStateVisibilityUI : ObserverPanel
public UserStatus ShowThisWhen;
public UserPermission Permissions;
public override void ObservedUpdated(LobbyUser observed)
var hasStatusFlags = ShowThisWhen.HasFlag(observed.UserStatus);
var hasPermissions = false;
if (Permissions.HasFlag(UserPermission.Host) && observed.IsHost)
hasPermissions = true;
else if (Permissions.HasFlag(UserPermission.Client) && !observed.IsHost)
hasPermissions = true;
if (hasStatusFlags && hasPermissions)