using TMPro; using UnityEngine; namespace LobbyRelaySample.UI { /// /// After all players ready up for the game, this will show the countdown that occurs. /// This countdown is purely visual, to give clients a moment if they need to un-ready before entering the game; /// clients will actually wait for a message from the host confirming that they are in the game, instead of assuming the game is ready to go when the countdown ends. /// public class CountdownUI : LocalLobbyObserver { [SerializeField] TMP_Text m_CountDownText; protected override void UpdateObserver(LocalLobby obs) { base.UpdateObserver(obs); if (observed.CountDownTime <= 0) m_CountDownText.SetText("Waiting for all players..."); else m_CountDownText.SetText($"Starting in: {observed.CountDownTime:0}"); } } }