using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; namespace LobbyRelaySample.UI { /// /// Handles the list of LobbyButtons and ensures it stays synchronized with the lobby list from the service. /// public class JoinMenuUI : ObserverPanel { [SerializeField] LobbyButtonUI m_LobbyButtonPrefab; [SerializeField] RectTransform m_LobbyButtonParent; [SerializeField] TMP_InputField m_JoinCodeField; /// /// Key: Lobby ID, Value Lobby UI /// Dictionary m_LobbyButtons = new Dictionary(); Dictionary m_LocalLobby = new Dictionary(); /// Contains some amount of information used to join an existing lobby. LocalLobby.LobbyData m_LocalLobbySelected; public void LobbyButtonSelected(LocalLobby lobby) { m_LocalLobbySelected = lobby.Data; } public void OnLobbyCodeInputFieldChanged(string newCode) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCode)) m_LocalLobbySelected = new LocalLobby.LobbyData(newCode.ToUpper()); } public void OnJoinButtonPressed() { Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.JoinLobbyRequest, m_LocalLobbySelected); m_LocalLobbySelected = default; } public void OnRefresh() { Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.QueryLobbies, null); } public override void ObservedUpdated(LobbyServiceData observed) { ///Check for new entries, We take CurrentLobbies as the source of truth List previousKeys = new List(m_LobbyButtons.Keys); foreach (var codeLobby in observed.CurrentLobbies) { var lobbyCodeKey = codeLobby.Key; var lobbyData = codeLobby.Value; if (!m_LobbyButtons.ContainsKey(lobbyCodeKey)) { if (CanDisplay(lobbyData)) AddNewLobbyButton(lobbyCodeKey, lobbyData); } else { if (CanDisplay(lobbyData)) UpdateLobbyButton(lobbyCodeKey, lobbyData); else RemoveLobbyButton(lobbyData); } previousKeys.Remove(lobbyCodeKey); } foreach (string key in previousKeys) // Need to remove any lobbies from the list that no longer exist. RemoveLobbyButton(m_LocalLobby[key]); } public void JoinMenuChangedVisibility(bool show) { if (show) { m_JoinCodeField.text = ""; OnRefresh(); } } public void OnQuickJoin() { Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.QuickJoin, null); } private bool CanDisplay(LocalLobby lobby) { return lobby.Data.State == LobbyState.Lobby && !lobby.Private; } /// /// Instantiates UI element and initializes the observer with the LobbyData /// private void AddNewLobbyButton(string lobbyCode, LocalLobby lobby) { var lobbyButtonInstance = Instantiate(m_LobbyButtonPrefab, m_LobbyButtonParent); lobbyButtonInstance.GetComponent().BeginObserving(lobby); lobby.onDestroyed += RemoveLobbyButton; // Set up to clean itself lobbyButtonInstance.onLobbyPressed.AddListener(LobbyButtonSelected); m_LobbyButtons.Add(lobbyCode, lobbyButtonInstance); m_LocalLobby.Add(lobbyCode, lobby); } private void UpdateLobbyButton(string lobbyCode, LocalLobby lobby) { m_LobbyButtons[lobbyCode].UpdateLobby(lobby); } private void RemoveLobbyButton(LocalLobby lobby) { var lobbyID = lobby.LobbyID; var lobbyButton = m_LobbyButtons[lobbyID]; lobbyButton.GetComponent().EndObserving(); m_LobbyButtons.Remove(lobbyID); m_LocalLobby.Remove(lobbyID); Destroy(lobbyButton.gameObject); } } }