using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Scripting; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using Unity.Services.Relay.Http; namespace Unity.Services.Relay.Models { /// /// A request to join a relay using a join code /// The join code is used to lookup the connection data for the player responsible for creating it. It is case-insensitive. The connection data is returned to the caller and can be used in the request to the \"join\" endpoint to join a relay server. /// [Preserve] [DataContract(Name = "JoinRequest")] public class JoinRequest { /// /// A request to join a relay using a join code /// /// The join code is used to lookup the connection data for the player responsible for creating it. It is case-insensitive. The connection data is returned to the caller and can be used in the request to the \"join\" endpoint to join a relay server. [Preserve] public JoinRequest(string joinCode) { JoinCode = joinCode; } /// /// The join code is used to lookup the connection data for the player responsible for creating it. It is case-insensitive. The connection data is returned to the caller and can be used in the request to the \"join\" endpoint to join a relay server. /// [Preserve] [DataMember(Name = "joinCode", IsRequired = true, EmitDefaultValue = true)] public string JoinCode{ get; } } }