# Unity Lobby Beta Welcome to the Lobby Beta! Go to the [Lobby Dashboard](https://dashboard.unity3d.com/lobby) to learn more, find documentation, and get support. ## SDK Documentation The SDK is documented using XML comments. These will work with most IDEs to provide IntelliSense and inline documentation. ## Sample Lobby comes with a simple usage sample to help you get started out of the box. Make sure you've followed the **Get Started** instructions on the [Lobby Dashboard](https://dashboard.unity3d.com/lobby). To use the Lobby Hello World script, use the **Project** window in Unity to copy `Packages/com.unity.services.lobby/Samples/HelloWorld/LobbyHellowWorld.cs` into your **Assets** folder. Add `LobbyHelloWorld.cs` to a game object in your scene and hit *Play*. The script will run a simplified logging demo that performs several common Lobby workflows.