using System; using Unity.Services.Lobbies; namespace LobbyRelaySample.lobby { public class AsyncRequestLobby : AsyncRequest { private static AsyncRequestLobby s_instance; public static AsyncRequestLobby Instance { get { if (s_instance == null) s_instance = new AsyncRequestLobby(); return s_instance; } } /// /// The Lobby service will wrap HTTP errors in LobbyServiceExceptions. We can filter on LobbyServiceException.Reason for custom behavior. /// protected override void ParseServiceException(Exception e) { if (!(e is LobbyServiceException)) return; var lobbyEx = e as LobbyServiceException; if (lobbyEx.Reason == LobbyExceptionReason.RateLimited) // We have other ways of preventing players from hitting the rate limit, so the developer-facing 429 error is sufficient here. return; LogHandlerSettings.Instance.SpawnErrorPopup( $"Lobby Error: {lobbyEx.Message} ({lobbyEx.InnerException.Message})"); // Lobby error type, then HTTP error type. } } }