
Updated Readme with help of the markdown preview

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- Relay Service Joining
# Service Setup
** Create an organization.
**Create an organization.**
- Follow the attached guide to set up your cloud organization:
[url=https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/208592876-How-do-I-create-a-new-Organization-]Organization Tutorial[/url]
- In the project, navigate to **Edit => Project Settings => Services**
![Services Editor](Documentation/Images/services1.PNG?raw=true "Service in Editor")
- Select your organization from the drop-down, and push **Create Project ID**
![Services Editor Complete](Documentation/Images/services2.PNG?raw=true "Service in Editor set up.")
- Follow the attached guide to set up your cloud organization:
[Organization Tutorial](https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/208592876-How-do-I-create-a-new-Organization-)
- In the project, navigate to **Edit => Project Settings => Services**
![Services Editor](~Documentation/Images/services1.PNG?raw=false "Service in Editor" )
- Select your organization from the drop-down, and push **Create Project ID**
![Services Editor Complete](~Documentation/Images/services2.PNG?raw=false "Service in Editor set up.")
**[url=roomsAPIURL]Rooms API[/url] **
**[url=relayAPIUrl]Relay API[/url] **
- Navigate to https://dashboard.unity3d.com/landing
- Navigate to https://dashboard.unity3d.com/landing
- Select Relay from the drop-down list
![Relay](Documentation/Images/dashboard1.PNG?raw=true "Relay location.")
- Select your project
![Project Select](Documentation/Images/dashboard2.PNG?raw=true "Project Select")
- In the bottom left, select "Get Started"
![Get Started Location is Bottom Right](Documentation/Images/dashboard3.PNG?raw=true "Bottom right for Getting Started")
- Follow the steps until you hit "Relay On"
(For this project, you can skip downloading the Transport)
![Relay: On!](Documentation/Images/dashboard4.PNG?raw=true "Hit Relay On")
- Select Relay from the drop-down list
![Relay](~Documentation/Images/dashboard1.PNG?raw=true "Relay location.")
- Select your project
![Project Select](~Documentation/Images/dashboard2.PNG?raw=true "Project Select")
- In the bottom left, select "Get Started"
![Get Started Location is Bottom Right](~Documentation/Images/dashboard3.PNG?raw=true "Bottom right for Getting Started")
- Follow the steps until you hit "Relay On"
(For this project, you can skip downloading the Transport)
![Relay: On!](~Documentation/Images/dashboard4.PNG?raw=true "Hit Relay On")
![Lobby Menu](Documentation/Images/mainMenu1.PNG?raw=true "Lobby Menu")
![Lobby Menu](~Documentation/Images/mainMenu1.PNG?raw=true "Lobby Menu")
**2. The Join menu Queries the rooms service for available Lobbies, there wont be any right now.
**2. The Join menu Queries the rooms service for available Lobbies, there wont be any right now.**
![Join Menu](Documentation/Images/joinMenu2.PNG?raw=true "Join Menu")
![Join Menu](~Documentation/Images/joinMenu2.PNG?raw=true "Join Menu")
**3 The Create Menu Lets you make a new Lobby**
**3. The Create Menu Lets you make a new Lobby**
![Create Menu](Documentation/Images/createMenu3.PNG?raw=true "Create Menu")
![Create Menu](~Documentation/Images/createMenu3.PNG?raw=true "Create Menu")
**4 Enter a Lobby Name of your preference and go!**
**4. Enter a Lobby Name of your preference and go!**
![Create Menu Name](Documentation/Images/createMenuName4.PNG?raw=true "Create Menu Name")
![Create Menu Name](~Documentation/Images/createMenuName4.PNG?raw=true "Create Menu Name")
**5 This is the Lobby, It has a room code for you to share with your friends to allow them to join.
**5. This is the Lobby, It has a room code for you to share with your friends to allow them to join.**
![Lobby View](Documentation/Images/lobbyView5.PNG?raw=true "Lobby View")
![Lobby View](~Documentation/Images/lobbyView5.PNG?raw=true "Lobby View")
**6 TheLobby holds up to 4 players and will pass the Relay code once all the players are ready.**
**6. TheLobby holds up to 4 players and will pass the Relay code once all the players are ready.**
![Relay Ready!](Documentation/Images/lobbyViewIP6.PNG?raw=true "Create Menu Name")
![Relay Ready!](~Documentation/Images/lobbyViewIP6.PNG?raw=true "Create Menu Name")