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# Service Setup
** Create an organization.
- Follow the attached guide to set up your cloud organization:
[url=https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/208592876-How-do-I-create-a-new-Organization-]Organization Tutorial[/url]
Follow the attached guide to set up your cloud organization:
[Organization Tutorial](https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/208592876-How-do-I-create-a-new-Organization-)
- In the project, navigate to **Edit => Project Settings => Services**
![Services Editor](Documentation/Images/services1.PNG?raw=true "Service in Editor")
In the project, navigate to **Edit => Project Settings => Services**
![Services Editor](~Documentation/Images/services1.PNG?raw=true)
Select your organization from the drop-down, and push **Create Project ID**
- Select your organization from the drop-down, and push **Create Project ID**
![Services Editor Complete](Documentation/Images/services2.PNG?raw=true "Service in Editor set up.")
![Services Editor Complete](~Documentation/Images/services2.PNG?raw=true)
**[url=http://documentation.cloud.unity3d.com/en/articles/5371715-unity-lobby-service]Lobby Overview[/url] **
We use the lobby service to create a space that our users can join and share data through.
[Lobby Overview](http://documentation.cloud.unity3d.com/en/articles/5371715-unity-lobby-service)
# Relay Setup:
**[url=http://documentation.cloud.unity3d.com/en/articles/5371723-relay-overview]Relay Overview[/url] **
- Navigate to https://dashboard.unity3d.com/landing
# Relay:
We use the Relay service to obfuscate the Hosts' IP, while still allowing them to locally host strangers.
[Relay Overview](http://documentation.cloud.unity3d.com/en/articles/5371723-relay-overview)
Navigate to https://dashboard.unity3d.com/landing
- Select Relay from the drop-down list
![Relay](Documentation/Images/dashboard1_beta.PNG?raw=true "Relay location.")
Select Relay from the drop-down list
- Select your project
- In the bottom left, select "Get Started"
- Follow the steps until you hit "Relay On"
(For this project, you can skip downloading the Transport)
![Relay](~Documentation/Images/dashboard1_beta.png?raw=true "Relay location.")
Select your project
In the bottom left, select "Get Started"
Follow the steps until you hit "Relay On"
(For this project, you can skip downloading the Transport)
# Solo Testing

**1. Start the game, and hit start to enter the Room List, It Queries the rooms service for available Lobbies, there wont be any right now.
1. Start the game, and hit start to enter the Room List, It Queries the rooms service for available Lobbies, there wont be any right now.
![Join Menu](Documentation/Images/tutorial_1_lobbyList.PNG?raw=true "Join Menu")
![Join Menu](~Documentation/Images/tutorial_1_lobbyList.png?raw=true "Join Menu")
**2 The Create Menu Lets you make a new Lobby**
2 The Create Menu Lets you make a new Lobby
![Create Menu](Documentation/Images/tutorial_2_createMenu.PNG?raw=true "Create Menu")
![Create Menu](~Documentation/Images/tutorial_2_createMenu.png?raw=true)
**3 This is the Lobby, It has a Room code for you to share with your friends to allow them to join.
For demonstration purposes we also show the Relay Code, which will be passed to all users in the Lobby**
3 This is the Lobby, It has a Room code for you to share with your friends to allow them to join.
For demonstration purposes we also show the Relay Code, which will be passed to all users in the Lobby
![Lobby View](Documentation/Images/tutorial_3_HostGame.PNG?raw=true "Lobby View")
![Lobby View](~Documentation/Images/tutorial_3_HostGame.png?raw=true)
**4 Open the second game instance in Editor or in Build, you should now see your Lobby in the list.
4 Open the second game instance in Editor or in Build, you should now see your Lobby in the list.
![Populated Join View](Documentation/Images/tutorial_4_newLobby.PNG?raw=true "Populated Join View")
![Populated Join View](~Documentation/Images/tutorial_4_newLobby.png?raw=true)
**5 The Lobby holds up to 4 players and will pass the Relay code once all the players are ready.**
5 The Lobby holds up to 4 players and will pass the Relay code once all the players are ready.
![Relay Ready!](Documentation/Images/tutorial_5_editorCow.PNG?raw=true "Create Menu Name")
![Relay Ready!](~Documentation/Images/tutorial_5_editorCow.png?raw=true)
**6 The countdown will start after the rooms data synch has completed. (It is a little slow due to our refresh rate being low at the moment)**
6 The countdown will start after the rooms data synch has completed. (It is a little slow due to our refresh rate being low at the moment)
![Countdown!](Documentation/Images/tutorial_6_countDown.PNG?raw=true "Countdown")
**7 The relay service IP gets passed to all users in the lobby, and this is where you would connect to a server, if you had one.**
7 The relay service IP gets passed to all users in the lobby, and this is where you would connect to a server, if you had one.
![InGame!](Documentation/Images/tutorial_7_ingame.PNG?raw=true "InGame")