
Merging Code clarity and Rename pass.

共有 33 个文件被更改,包括 614 次插入586 次删除
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 12
  4. 6
  5. 2
  6. 13
  7. 9
  8. 6
  9. 1
  10. 5
  11. 48
  12. 6
  13. 82
  14. 7
  15. 3
  16. 37
  17. 7
  18. 14
  19. 19
  20. 8
  21. 16
  22. 4
  23. 17
  24. 6
  25. 6
  26. 323
  27. 106
  28. 328
  29. 105
  30. 0
  31. 0
  32. 0
  33. 0


- component: {fileID: 7716713811812636910}
- component: {fileID: 5193415626965589893}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: GameStateManager
m_Name: GameManager
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0


- target: {fileID: 7716713811812636896, guid: f80fc24bab3dcda459a2669321e2e5a4, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_Name
value: GameStateManager
value: GameManager
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 7716713811812636910, guid: f80fc24bab3dcda459a2669321e2e5a4, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_logMode


namespace LobbyRelaySample.Auth
/// <summary>
/// Each context will have its own identity needs, so we'll allow each to define whatever parameters it needs.
/// Represents some provider of credentials.
/// Each provider will have its own identity needs, so we'll allow each to define whatever parameters it needs.
/// Anything that accesses the contents should know what it's looking for.
/// </summary>
public class SubIdentity : Observed<SubIdentity>

/// <summary>
/// Our internal representation of a player, wrapping the data required for interfacing with the identities of that player in the services.
/// One will be created for the local player, as well as for each other member of the lobby.
/// Our internal representation of the local player's credentials, wrapping the data required for interfacing with the identities of that player in the services.
/// (In use here, it just wraps Auth, but it can be used to combine multiple sets of credentials into one concept of a player.)
public Identity()
m_subIdentities.Add(IIdentityType.Local, new SubIdentity());
m_subIdentities.Add(IIdentityType.Auth, new SubIdentity_Authentication());
public Identity(Action callbackOnAuthLogin)
m_subIdentities.Add(IIdentityType.Local, new SubIdentity());


namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Just for fun, give a cute default player name if no name is provided.
/// Just for fun, give a cute default player name if no name is provided, based on a hash of their anonymous ID.
/// </summary>
public static class NameGenerator

else if (word == 1)
else if (word == 2)
else if (word == 3)
else if (word == 4)

else if (word == 15)
else if (word == 16)
else if (word == 17)
else if (word == 18)


AuthenticationService.Instance.SignedOut += OnSignInChange;
if (!AuthenticationService.Instance.IsSignedIn)
await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInAnonymouslyAsync(); // Note: We don't want to sign out later, since that changes the UAS anonymous token, which would prevent the player from exiting lobbies they're already in.
await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInAnonymouslyAsync(); // Don't sign out later, since that changes the anonymous token, which would prevent the player from exiting lobbies they're already in.


namespace LobbyRelaySample
public enum LobbyServiceState
/// <summary>
/// Used when displaying the lobby list, to indicate when we are awaiting an updated lobby query.
/// </summary>
public enum LobbyQueryState

public class LobbyServiceData : Observed<LobbyServiceData>
LobbyServiceState m_CurrentState = LobbyServiceState.Empty;
LobbyQueryState m_CurrentState = LobbyQueryState.Empty;
public LobbyServiceState State
public LobbyQueryState State
get { return m_CurrentState; }

Dictionary<string, LocalLobby> m_currentLobbies = new Dictionary<string, LocalLobby>();
/// <summary>
/// Will only trigger if the dictionary is set wholesale. Changes in the size, or contents will not trigger OnChanged
/// string is lobby ID, Key is the Lobby data representation of it
/// Maps from a lobby's ID to the local representation of it. This allows us to remember which remote lobbies are which LocalLobbies.
/// Will only trigger if the dictionary is set wholesale. Changes in the size or contents will not trigger OnChanged.
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<string, LocalLobby> CurrentLobbies


get => m_userStatus;
m_userStatus = value;
m_lastChanged = UserMembers.UserStatus;
if (m_userStatus != value)
m_userStatus = value;
m_lastChanged = UserMembers.UserStatus;


namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Current state of the local Game.
/// Set as a flag to allow for the unity inspector to select multiples for various UI features.
/// Current state of the local game.
/// Set as a flag to allow for the Inspector to select multiple valid states for various UI features.
/// </summary>
public enum GameState

/// <summary>
/// Awaits player input to change the local game Data
/// Awaits player input to change the local game data.
/// </summary>
public class LocalGameState : Observed<LocalGameState>


/// <summary>
/// A local wrapper around a lobby's remote data, with additional functionality for providing that data to UI elements and tracking local player objects.
/// (The way that the Lobby service handles its data doesn't necessarily match our needs, so we need to map from that to this LocalLobby for use in the sample code.)
/// </summary>
public class LocalLobby : Observed<LocalLobby>


using UnityEngine;
/// This is where your netcode would go, if you had it.
/// Just for displaying the anonymous Relay IP.
/// </summary>
public class ServerAddress

m_IP = ip;
m_Port = port;
Debug.Log($"Connected To Game Server: {ip}:{port}");
public override string ToString()


namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Anything which provides itself to a Locator can then be globally accessed. This should be a single access point for things that *want* to be singleton (that is,
/// when they want to be available for use by arbitrary, unknown clients) but might not always be available or might need alternate flavors for tests, logging, etc.
/// </summary>
public class Locator : LocatorBase
private static Locator s_instance;
public static Locator Get
if (s_instance == null)
s_instance = new Locator();
return s_instance;
protected override void FinishConstruction()
s_instance = this;
/// <summary>
/// Allows Located services to transfer data to their replacements if needed.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The base interface type you want to Provide.</typeparam>

public void Provide(IIdentity identity) { ProvideAny(identity); }
// As you add more Provided types, be sure their default implementations are included in the constructor.
/// <summary>
/// Anything which provides itself to a Locator can then be globally accessed. This should be a single access point for things that *want* to be singleton (that is,
/// when they want to be available for use by arbitrary, unknown clients) but might not always be available or might need alternate flavors for tests, logging, etc.
/// </summary>
public class Locator : LocatorBase
private static Locator s_instance;
public static Locator Get
if (s_instance == null)
s_instance = new Locator();
return s_instance;
protected override void FinishConstruction()
s_instance = this;


public enum LogMode
Critical, // Errors only.
Critical, // Errors only
Warnings, // Errors and Warnings
Verbose // Everything

public LogMode mode = LogMode.Critical;
static LogHandler s_instance;
ILogHandler m_DefaultLogHandler = Debug.unityLogger.logHandler; //Store the unity default logger to print to console.
ILogHandler m_DefaultLogHandler = Debug.unityLogger.logHandler; // Store the default logger that prints to console.
public static LogHandler Get()

public void LogFormat(LogType logType, Object context, string format, params object[] args)
if (logType == LogType.Exception) // Exceptions are captured by LogException?
if (logType == LogType.Exception) // Exceptions are captured by LogException and should always be logged.
if (logType == LogType.Error || logType == LogType.Assert)


namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that message contents are obvious but not dependent on spelling strings correctly.
/// </summary>
public enum MessageType
// These are assigned arbitrary explicit values so that if a MessageType is serialized and more enum values are later inserted/removed, the serialized values need not be reassigned.
// (If you want to remove a message, make sure it isn't serialized somewhere first.)
None = 0,
RenameRequest = 1,
JoinLobbyRequest = 2,
CreateLobbyRequest = 3,
QueryLobbies = 4,
ChangeGameState = 5,
LobbyUserStatus = 6,
UserSetEmote = 7,
EndGame = 8,
StartCountdown = 9,
CancelCountdown = 10,
ConfirmInGameState = 11,
/// <summary>
/// Something that wants to subscribe to messages from arbitrary, unknown senders.
/// </summary>
public interface IReceiveMessages
void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object msg);
/// <summary>
/// Something to which IReceiveMessages can send/subscribe for arbitrary messages.
/// </summary>
public interface IMessenger : IReceiveMessages, IProvidable<IMessenger>
void Subscribe(IReceiveMessages receiver);
void Unsubscribe(IReceiveMessages receiver);
/// <summary>
/// This allows components with unrelated responsibilities to interact without becoming coupled, since message senders don't
/// need to know what (if anything) is receiving their messages.
/// </summary>
public class Messenger : IMessenger

/// <summary>
/// Send a message to any subscribers, who will decide how to handle the message.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg">If there's some data relevant to the recipient, include it here.</param>
public virtual void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object msg)
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

if (previousProvider is Messenger)
m_receivers.AddRange((previousProvider as Messenger).m_receivers);
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that message contents are obvious but not dependent on spelling strings correctly.
/// </summary>
public enum MessageType
// These are assigned arbitrary explicit values so that if a MessageType is serialized and more enum values are later inserted/removed, the serialized values need not be reassigned.
// (If you want to remove a message, make sure it isn't serialized somewhere first.)
None = 0,
RenameRequest = 1,
JoinLobbyRequest = 2,
CreateLobbyRequest = 3,
QueryLobbies = 4,
ChangeGameState = 5,
LobbyUserStatus = 6,
UserSetEmote = 7,
EndGame = 8,
StartCountdown = 9,
CancelCountdown = 10,
ConfirmInGameState = 11,
/// <summary>
/// Something that wants to subscribe to messages from arbitrary, unknown senders.
/// </summary>
public interface IReceiveMessages
void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object msg);
/// <summary>
/// Something to which IReceiveMessages can send/subscribe for arbitrary messages.
/// </summary>
public interface IMessenger : IReceiveMessages, IProvidable<IMessenger>
void Subscribe(IReceiveMessages receiver);
void Unsubscribe(IReceiveMessages receiver);


namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// In your Observed children, be sure to call OnChanged when setting the value of any property.
/// Something that exposes some data that, when changed, an observer would want to be notified about automatically.
/// Used for UI elements and for keeping our local Lobby state synchronized with the remote Lobby service data.
/// In your Observed child implementations, be sure to call OnChanged when setting the value of any property.
/// <typeparam name="T">The Data we want to view.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to be observed.</typeparam>
public abstract class Observed<T>
/// <summary>


namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Observes an Observed class, intitializes with Observed State when beginning observation
/// MonoBehaviour that will automatically handle setting up to observe something. It also exposes an event so some other component can effectively observe it as well.
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public abstract class ObserverBehaviour<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : Observed<T>
public T observed { get; set; }


public delegate void UpdateMethod(float dt);
public interface IUpdateSlow : IProvidable<IUpdateSlow>
void OnUpdate(float dt);
void Subscribe(UpdateMethod onUpdate);
void Unsubscribe(UpdateMethod onUpdate);
/// <summary>
/// A default implementation.
/// </summary>
public class UpdateSlowNoop : IUpdateSlow
public void OnUpdate(float dt) { }
public void Subscribe(UpdateMethod onUpdate) { }
public void Unsubscribe(UpdateMethod onUpdate) { }
public void OnReProvided(IUpdateSlow prev) { }
/// <summary>
/// Some objects might need to be on a slower update loop than the usual MonoBehaviour Update and without precise timing, e.g. to refresh data from services.
/// Some might also not want to be coupled to a Unity object at all but still need an update loop.

m_subscribers.AddRange((prevUpdateSlow as UpdateSlow).m_subscribers);
public interface IUpdateSlow : IProvidable<IUpdateSlow>
void OnUpdate(float dt);
void Subscribe(UpdateMethod onUpdate);
void Unsubscribe(UpdateMethod onUpdate);
/// <summary>
/// A default implementation.
/// </summary>
public class UpdateSlowNoop : IUpdateSlow
public void OnUpdate(float dt) { }
public void Subscribe(UpdateMethod onUpdate) { }
public void Unsubscribe(UpdateMethod onUpdate) { }
public void OnReProvided(IUpdateSlow prev) { }


namespace LobbyRelaySample.lobby
/// <summary>
/// Does all the interactions with the Lobby API.
/// Wrapper for all the interactions with the Lobby API.
/// <summary>
/// API calls are asynchronous, but for debugging and other reasons we want to reify them as objects so that they can be monitored.
/// </summary>
private class InProgressRequest<T>
public InProgressRequest(Task<T> task, Action<T> onComplete)

private async void DoRequest(Task<T> task, Action<T> onComplete)
T result = default;
string currentTrace = System.Environment.StackTrace;
string currentTrace = System.Environment.StackTrace; // If we don't get the calling context here, it's lost once the async operation begins.
try {
result = await task;
} catch (Exception e) {


return response != null && response.Status >= 200 && response.Status < 300; // Uses HTTP status codes, so 2xx is a success.
#region We want to cache the lobby object so we don't query for it every time we need to do a different lobby operation or view current data.
#region Once connected to a lobby, cache the local lobby object so we don't query for it for every lobby operation.
// (This assumes that the player will be actively in just one lobby at a time, though they could passively be in more.)
private Queue<Action> m_pendingOperations = new Queue<Action>();
private string m_currentLobbyId = null;

/// <summary>Attempt to join an existing lobby. Either ID xor code can be null.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to join an existing lobby. Either ID xor code can be null.
/// </summary>
public void JoinLobbyAsync(string lobbyId, string lobbyCode, LobbyUser localUser, Action<Lobby> onSuccess, Action onFailure)
string uasId = AuthenticationService.Instance.PlayerId;

/// <summary>Used for getting the list of all active lobbies, without needing full info for each.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Used for getting the list of all active lobbies, without needing full info for each.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="onListRetrieved">If called with null, retrieval was unsuccessful. Else, this will be given a list of contents to display, as pairs of a lobby code and a display string for that lobby.</param>
public void RetrieveLobbyListAsync(Action<QueryResponse> onListRetrieved, Action<Response<QueryResponse>> onError = null, LobbyColor limitToColor = LobbyColor.None)

LobbyAPIInterface.UpdatePlayerAsync(m_lastKnownLobby.Id, playerId, dataCurr, (r) => { onComplete?.Invoke(); }, null, null);
/// <summary>Lobby can be provided info about Relay (or any other remote allocation) so it can add automatic disconnect handling.</summary>
/// <summary>
/// Lobby can be provided info about Relay (or any other remote allocation) so it can add automatic disconnect handling.
/// </summary>
public void UpdatePlayerRelayInfoAsync(string allocationId, string connectionInfo, Action onComplete)
if (!ShouldUpdateData(() => { UpdatePlayerRelayInfoAsync(allocationId, connectionInfo, onComplete); }, onComplete, true)) // Do retry here since the RelayUtpSetup that called this might be destroyed right after this.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// TODO: It might make sense to change UpdateSlow to, rather than have a fixed cycle on which everything is bound, be able to track when each thing should update?
// I.e. what I want here now is for when a lobby async request comes in, if it has already been long enough, it immediately fires and then sets a cooldown.
// This is still necessary for detecting new players, although I think we could hit a case where the relay join ends up coming in before the cooldown?
// So, we should be able to create a new LobbyUser that way as well.
// That is, creating a (local) player via Relay or via Lobby should go through the same mechanism...? Or do we hold onto the Relay data until the player exists?
/// Keep updated on changes to a joined lobby.
/// Keep updated on changes to a joined lobby, at a speed compliant with Lobby's rate limiting.
/// </summary>
public class LobbyContentHeartbeat

m_shouldPushData = true;
public void OnUpdate(float dt)
/// <summary>
/// If there have been any data changes since the last update, push them to Lobby. Regardless, pull for the most recent data.
/// (Unless we're already awaiting a query, in which case continue waiting.)
/// </summary>
private void OnUpdate(float dt)
if (m_isAwaitingQuery || m_localLobby == null)


LobbyName = lobby.Name,
MaxPlayerCount = lobby.MaxPlayers,
RelayCode = lobby.Data?.ContainsKey("RelayCode") == true ? lobby.Data["RelayCode"].Value : null, // By providing RelayCode through the lobby data with Member visibility, we ensure a client is connected to the lobby before they could attempt a relay connection, preventing timing issues between them.
State = lobby.Data?.ContainsKey("State") == true ? (LobbyState) int.Parse(lobby.Data["State"].Value) : LobbyState.Lobby, // TODO: Consider TryParse, just in case (and below). Although, we don't have fail logic anyway...
State = lobby.Data?.ContainsKey("State") == true ? (LobbyState) int.Parse(lobby.Data["State"].Value) : LobbyState.Lobby,
Color = lobby.Data?.ContainsKey("Color") == true ? (LobbyColor) int.Parse(lobby.Data["Color"].Value) : LobbyColor.None

// If the player isn't connected to Relay, or if we just don't know about them yet, get the most recent data that the lobby knows.
// (If we have no local representation of the player, that gets added by the LocalLobby.)
// If the player isn't connected to Relay, get the most recent data that the lobby knows.
// (If we haven't seen this player yet, a new local representation of the player will have already been added by the LocalLobby.)
LobbyUser incomingData = new LobbyUser
IsHost = lobby.HostId.Equals(player.Id),

/// <summary>
/// Create a list of new LocalLobby from the content of a retrieved lobby.
/// Create a list of new LocalLobbies from the result of a lobby list query.
/// </summary>
public static List<LocalLobby> Convert(QueryResponse response)


DoUserUpdate(m_networkDriver, conn, m_localUser);
public void Update()
private void Update()

// See the Write* methods for the expected event format.
private void ProcessNetworkEvent(NetworkConnection conn, DataStreamReader strm, NetworkEvent.Type cmd)
if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Data)

protected virtual void ProcessNetworkEventDataAdditional(NetworkConnection conn, DataStreamReader strm, MsgType msgType, string id) { }
protected virtual void ProcessDisconnectEvent(NetworkConnection conn, DataStreamReader strm)
// The host disconnected, and Relay does not support host migration. So, all clients should disconnect.

/// <summary>
/// Relay uses raw pointers for efficiency. This converts them to byte arrays, assuming the stream contents are 1 byte for array length followed by contents.
/// </summary>
unsafe private string ReadLengthAndString(ref DataStreamReader strm)
byte length = strm.ReadByte();

return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
/// <summary>
/// Once a client is connected, send a message out alerting the host.
/// </summary>
private void SendInitialMessage(NetworkDriver driver, NetworkConnection connection)
WriteByte(driver, connection, m_localUser.ID, MsgType.NewPlayer, 0);

/// <summary>
/// When player data is updated, send out events for just the data that actually changed.
/// </summary>
private void DoUserUpdate(NetworkDriver driver, NetworkConnection connection, LobbyUser user)
// Only update with actual changes. (If multiple change at once, we send messages for each separately, but that shouldn't happen often.)

if (0 < (user.LastChanged & LobbyUser.UserMembers.UserStatus))
WriteByte(driver, connection, user.ID, MsgType.ReadyState, (byte)user.UserStatus);
/// <summary>
/// Sometimes (e.g. when a new player joins), we need to send out the full current state of this player.
/// </summary>
protected void ForceFullUserUpdate(NetworkDriver driver, NetworkConnection connection, LobbyUser user)
// Note that it would be better to send a single message with the full state, but for the sake of shorter code we'll leave that out here.


protected override void ProcessDisconnectEvent(NetworkConnection conn, DataStreamReader strm)
// When a disconnect from the host occurs, no additional action is required. This override just prevents the base behavior from occurring.
// TEMP logging
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Client disconnected!");

/// <summary>
/// In an actual game, after the countdown, there would be some step here where the host and all clients sync up on game state, load assets, etc.
/// Here, we will instead just signal an "in game" state that can be ended by the host.
/// Here, we will instead just signal an "in-game" state that can be ended by the host.
/// </summary>
public void SendInGameState()


if (m_networkDriver.Bind(NetworkEndPoint.AnyIpv4) != 0)
Debug.LogError("Failed to bind to Relay allocation.");
StartCoroutine(WaitForBindComplete()); // TODO: This is the only reason for being a MonoBehaviour?
private IEnumerator WaitForBindComplete()

yield return null; // TODO: Does this not proceed until a client connects as well?
yield return null;

/// <summary>
/// Host logic: Request a new Allocation, and then both bind to it and request a join code. Once those are both complete, supply data back to the lobby.
/// </summary>
public class RelayUtpSetupHost : RelayUtpSetup

protected override void JoinRelay()
RelayInterface.AllocateAsync(m_localLobby.MaxPlayerCount, OnAllocation);
RelayAPIInterface.AllocateAsync(m_localLobby.MaxPlayerCount, OnAllocation);
RelayInterface.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId, OnRelayCode);
RelayAPIInterface.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId, OnRelayCode);
BindToAllocation(allocation.RelayServer.IpV4, allocation.RelayServer.Port, allocation.AllocationIdBytes, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.ConnectionData, allocation.Key, 16);

/// <summary>
/// Client logic: Wait until the join code is retrieved from the lobby's shared data. Then, use that code to get the Allocation to bind to, and
/// then create a connection to the host.
/// </summary>
public class RelayUtpSetupClient : RelayUtpSetup
private JoinAllocation m_allocation;

if (m_localLobby.RelayCode != null)
RelayInterface.JoinAsync(m_localLobby.RelayCode, OnJoin);
RelayAPIInterface.JoinAsync(m_localLobby.RelayCode, OnJoin);
m_localLobby.onChanged -= OnLobbyChange;


// Allocation
float timeout = 5;
Allocation allocation = null;
RelayInterface.AllocateAsync(4, (a) => { allocation = a; });
RelayAPIInterface.AllocateAsync(4, (a) => { allocation = a; });
while (allocation == null && timeout > 0)
{ yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
timeout -= 0.25f;

// Join code retrieval
timeout = 5;
string joinCode = null;
RelayInterface.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocationId, (j) => { joinCode = j; });
RelayAPIInterface.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocationId, (j) => { joinCode = j; });
while (joinCode == null && timeout > 0)
{ yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
timeout -= 0.25f;

// Joining with the join code
timeout = 5;
Response<JoinResponseBody> joinResponse = null;
RelayInterface.JoinAsync(joinCode, (j) => { joinResponse = j; });
RelayAPIInterface.JoinAsync(joinCode, (j) => { joinResponse = j; });
while (joinResponse == null && timeout > 0)
{ yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
timeout -= 0.25f;


public override void ObservedUpdated(LobbyServiceData observed)
if (observed.State == LobbyServiceState.Fetching)
if (observed.State == LobbyQueryState.Fetching)

else if (observed.State == LobbyServiceState.Error)
else if (observed.State == LobbyQueryState.Error)

else if (observed.State == LobbyServiceState.Fetched)
else if (observed.State == LobbyQueryState.Fetched)
if (observed.CurrentLobbies.Count < 1)


using LobbyRelaySample.Relay;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Sets up and runs the entire sample.
/// </summary>
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour, IReceiveMessages
[Tooltip("Only logs of this level or higher will appear in the console.")]
private LogMode m_logMode = LogMode.Critical;
/// <summary>
/// All these should be assigned the observers in the scene at the start.
/// </summary>
#region UI elements that observe the local state. These are
private List<LocalGameStateObserver> m_GameStateObservers = new List<LocalGameStateObserver>();
private List<LocalLobbyObserver> m_LocalLobbyObservers = new List<LocalLobbyObserver>();
private List<LobbyUserObserver> m_LocalUserObservers = new List<LobbyUserObserver>();
private List<LobbyServiceDataObserver> m_LobbyServiceObservers = new List<LobbyServiceDataObserver>();
private LocalGameState m_localGameState = new LocalGameState();
private LobbyUser m_localUser;
private LocalLobby m_localLobby;
private LobbyServiceData m_lobbyServiceData = new LobbyServiceData();
private LobbyContentHeartbeat m_lobbyContentHeartbeat = new LobbyContentHeartbeat();
private RelayUtpSetup m_relaySetup;
private RelayUtpClient m_relayClient;
/// <summary>Rather than a setter, this is usable in-editor. It won't accept an enum, however.</summary>
public void SetLobbyColorFilter(int color) { m_lobbyColorFilter = (LobbyColor)color; }
private LobbyColor m_lobbyColorFilter;
#region Setup
private void Awake()
// Do some arbitrary operations to instantiate singletons.
#pragma warning disable IDE0059 // Unnecessary assignment of a value
var unused = Locator.Get;
#pragma warning restore IDE0059
LogHandler.Get().mode = m_logMode;
Locator.Get.Provide(new Auth.Identity(OnAuthSignIn));
Application.wantsToQuit += OnWantToQuit;
private void Start()
m_localLobby = new LocalLobby { State = LobbyState.Lobby };
m_localUser = new LobbyUser();
m_localUser.DisplayName = "New Player";
private void OnAuthSignIn()
Debug.Log("Signed in.");
m_localUser.ID = Locator.Get.Identity.GetSubIdentity(Auth.IIdentityType.Auth).GetContent("id");
m_localUser.DisplayName = NameGenerator.GetName(m_localUser.ID);
m_localLobby.AddPlayer(m_localUser); // The local LobbyUser object will be hooked into UI before the LocalLobby is populated during lobby join, so the LocalLobby must know about it already when that happens.
private void BeginObservers()
foreach (var gameStateObs in m_GameStateObservers)
foreach (var serviceObs in m_LobbyServiceObservers)
foreach (var lobbyObs in m_LocalLobbyObservers)
foreach (var userObs in m_LocalUserObservers)
/// <summary>
/// Primarily used for UI elements to communicate state changes, this will receive messages from arbitrary providers for user interactions.
/// </summary>
public void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object msg)
if (type == MessageType.RenameRequest)
{ m_localUser.DisplayName = (string)msg;
else if (type == MessageType.CreateLobbyRequest)
var createLobbyData = (LocalLobby)msg;
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.CreateLobbyAsync(createLobbyData.LobbyName, createLobbyData.MaxPlayerCount, createLobbyData.Private, m_localUser, (r) =>
{ lobby.ToLocalLobby.Convert(r, m_localLobby);
else if (type == MessageType.JoinLobbyRequest)
LocalLobby.LobbyData lobbyInfo = (LocalLobby.LobbyData)msg;
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.JoinLobbyAsync(lobbyInfo.LobbyID, lobbyInfo.LobbyCode, m_localUser, (r) =>
{ lobby.ToLocalLobby.Convert(r, m_localLobby);
else if (type == MessageType.QueryLobbies)
m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyQueryState.Fetching;
qr => {
if (qr != null)
er => {
long errorLong = 0;
if (er != null)
errorLong = er.Status;
else if (type == MessageType.ChangeGameState)
{ SetGameState((GameState)msg);
else if (type == MessageType.UserSetEmote)
{ EmoteType emote = (EmoteType)msg;
m_localUser.Emote = emote;
else if (type == MessageType.LobbyUserStatus)
{ m_localUser.UserStatus = (UserStatus)msg;
else if (type == MessageType.StartCountdown)
{ BeginCountDown();
else if (type == MessageType.CancelCountdown)
{ m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.Lobby;
m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 0;
else if (type == MessageType.ConfirmInGameState)
{ m_localUser.UserStatus = UserStatus.InGame;
m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.InGame;
else if (type == MessageType.EndGame)
{ m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.Lobby;
m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 0;
private void SetGameState(GameState state)
bool isLeavingLobby = (state == GameState.Menu || state == GameState.JoinMenu) && m_localGameState.State == GameState.Lobby;
m_localGameState.State = state;
if (isLeavingLobby)
private void OnLobbiesQueried(IEnumerable<LocalLobby> lobbies)
var newLobbyDict = new Dictionary<string, LocalLobby>();
foreach (var lobby in lobbies)
newLobbyDict.Add(lobby.LobbyID, lobby);
m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyQueryState.Fetched;
m_lobbyServiceData.CurrentLobbies = newLobbyDict;
private void OnLobbyQueryFailed(long errorCode)
m_lobbyServiceData.lastErrorCode = errorCode;
m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyQueryState.Error;
private void OnCreatedLobby()
m_localUser.IsHost = true;
private void OnJoinedLobby()
m_lobbyContentHeartbeat.BeginTracking(m_localLobby, m_localUser);
private void OnLeftLobby()
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.LeaveLobbyAsync(m_localLobby.LobbyID, ResetLocalLobby);
if (m_relaySetup != null)
{ Component.Destroy(m_relaySetup);
m_relaySetup = null;
if (m_relayClient != null)
{ Component.Destroy(m_relayClient);
m_relayClient = null;
/// <summary>
/// Back to Join menu if we fail to join for whatever reason.
/// </summary>
private void OnFailedJoin()
private void StartRelayConnection()
if (m_localUser.IsHost)
m_relaySetup = gameObject.AddComponent<RelayUtpSetupHost>();
m_relaySetup = gameObject.AddComponent<RelayUtpSetupClient>();
OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.LobbyUserStatus, UserStatus.Connecting);
m_relaySetup.BeginRelayJoin(m_localLobby, m_localUser, OnRelayConnected);
private void OnRelayConnected(bool didSucceed, RelayUtpClient client)
m_relaySetup = null;
if (!didSucceed)
Debug.LogError("Relay connection failed! Retrying in 5s...");
m_relayClient = client;
OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.LobbyUserStatus, UserStatus.Lobby);
private IEnumerator RetryRelayConnection()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
private void BeginCountDown()
if (m_localLobby.State == LobbyState.CountDown)
m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 4;
m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.CountDown;
/// <summary>
/// The CountdownUI will pick up on changes to the lobby's countdown timer. This can be interrupted if the lobby leaves the countdown state (via a CancelCountdown message).
/// </summary>
private IEnumerator CountDown()
while (m_localLobby.CountDownTime > 0)
yield return null;
if (m_localLobby.State != LobbyState.CountDown)
yield break;
m_localLobby.CountDownTime -= Time.deltaTime;
if (m_relayClient is RelayUtpHost)
(m_relayClient as RelayUtpHost).SendInGameState();
private void SetUserLobbyState()
OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.LobbyUserStatus, UserStatus.Lobby);
private void ResetLocalLobby()
m_localLobby.CopyObserved(new LocalLobby.LobbyData(), new Dictionary<string, LobbyUser>());
m_localLobby.AddPlayer(m_localUser); // As before, the local player will need to be plugged into UI before the lobby join actually happens.
m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 0;
m_localLobby.RelayServer = null;
#region Teardown
/// <summary>
/// In builds, if we are in a lobby and try to send a Leave request on application quit, it won't go through if we're quitting on the same frame.
/// So, we need to delay just briefly to let the request happen (though we don't need to wait for the result).
/// </summary>
private IEnumerator LeaveBeforeQuit()
yield return null;
private bool OnWantToQuit()
bool canQuit = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_localLobby?.LobbyID);
return canQuit;
private void OnDestroy()
private void ForceLeaveAttempt()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_localLobby?.LobbyID))
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.LeaveLobbyAsync(m_localLobby?.LobbyID, null);
m_localLobby = null;


using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity.Services.Relay;
using Unity.Services.Relay.Allocations;
using Unity.Services.Relay.Models;
using UnityEngine;
namespace LobbyRelaySample.Relay
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper for all the interaction with the Relay API.
/// </summary>
public static class RelayAPIInterface
/// <summary>
/// API calls are asynchronous, but for debugging and other reasons we want to reify them as objects so that they can be monitored.
/// </summary>
private class InProgressRequest<T>
public InProgressRequest(Task<T> task, Action<T> onComplete)
DoRequest(task, onComplete);
private async void DoRequest(Task<T> task, Action<T> onComplete)
T result = default;
string currentTrace = System.Environment.StackTrace; // If we don't get the calling context here, it's lost once the async operation begins.
try {
result = await task;
} catch (Exception e) {
Exception eFull = new Exception($"Call stack before async call:\n{currentTrace}\n", e);
throw eFull;
} finally {
/// <summary>
/// A Relay Allocation represents a "server" for a new host.
/// </summary>
public static void AllocateAsync(int maxConnections, Action<Allocation> onComplete)
CreateAllocationRequest createAllocationRequest = new CreateAllocationRequest(new AllocationRequest(maxConnections));
var task = RelayService.AllocationsApiClient.CreateAllocationAsync(createAllocationRequest);
new InProgressRequest<Response<AllocateResponseBody>>(task, OnResponse);
void OnResponse(Response<AllocateResponseBody> response)
if (response == null)
Debug.LogError("Relay returned a null Allocation. It's possible the Relay service is currently down.");
else if (response.Status >= 200 && response.Status < 300)
Debug.LogError($"Allocation returned a non Success code: {response.Status}");
/// <summary>
/// Only after an Allocation has been completed can a Relay join code be obtained. This code will be stored in the lobby's data as non-public
/// such that players can retrieve the Relay join code only after connecting to the lobby.
/// </summary>
public static void GetJoinCodeAsync(Guid hostAllocationId, Action<string> onComplete)
GetJoinCodeAsync(hostAllocationId, a =>
if (a.Status >= 200 && a.Status < 300)
Debug.LogError($"Join Code Get returned a non Success code: {a.Status}");
private static void GetJoinCodeAsync(Guid hostAllocationId, Action<Response<JoinCodeResponseBody>> onComplete)
CreateJoincodeRequest joinCodeRequest = new CreateJoincodeRequest(new JoinCodeRequest(hostAllocationId));
var task = RelayService.AllocationsApiClient.CreateJoincodeAsync(joinCodeRequest);
new InProgressRequest<Response<JoinCodeResponseBody>>(task, onComplete);
/// <summary>
/// Clients call this to retrieve the host's Allocation via a Relay join code.
/// </summary>
public static void JoinAsync(string joinCode, Action<JoinAllocation> onComplete)
JoinAsync(joinCode, a =>
if (a.Status >= 200 && a.Status < 300)
Debug.LogError($"Join Call returned a non Success code: {a.Status}");
public static void JoinAsync(string joinCode, Action<Response<JoinResponseBody>> onComplete)
JoinRelayRequest joinRequest = new JoinRelayRequest(new JoinRequest(joinCode));
var task = RelayService.AllocationsApiClient.JoinRelayAsync(joinRequest);
new InProgressRequest<Response<JoinResponseBody>>(task, onComplete);


using LobbyRelaySample.Relay;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace LobbyRelaySample
// TODO: This is pretty bloated. Additionally, it needs a pass for removing redundant calls and organizing things in a more intuitive way and whatnot
public class GameStateManager : MonoBehaviour, IReceiveMessages
LogMode m_logMode = LogMode.Critical;
/// <summary>
/// All these should be assigned the observers in the scene at the start.
/// </summary>
List<LocalGameStateObserver> m_GameStateObservers = new List<LocalGameStateObserver>();
List<LocalLobbyObserver> m_LocalLobbyObservers = new List<LocalLobbyObserver>();
List<LobbyUserObserver> m_LocalUserObservers = new List<LobbyUserObserver>();
List<LobbyServiceDataObserver> m_LobbyServiceObservers = new List<LobbyServiceDataObserver>();
private LobbyContentHeartbeat m_lobbyContentHeartbeat = new LobbyContentHeartbeat();
LobbyUser m_localUser;
LocalLobby m_localLobby;
LobbyServiceData m_lobbyServiceData = new LobbyServiceData();
LocalGameState m_localGameState = new LocalGameState();
RelayUtpSetup m_relaySetup;
RelayUtpClient m_relayClient;
/// <summary>Rather than a setter, this is usable in-editor. It won't accept an enum, however.</summary>
public void SetLobbyColorFilter(int color) { m_lobbyColorFilter = (LobbyColor)color; }
private LobbyColor m_lobbyColorFilter;
public void Awake()
LogHandler.Get().mode = m_logMode;
// Do some arbitrary operations to instantiate singletons.
#pragma warning disable IDE0059 // Unnecessary assignment of a value
var unused = Locator.Get;
#pragma warning restore IDE0059 // Unnecessary assignment of a value
Locator.Get.Provide(new Auth.Identity(OnAuthSignIn));
Application.wantsToQuit += OnWantToQuit;
private void OnAuthSignIn()
Debug.Log("Signed in.");
m_localUser.ID = Locator.Get.Identity.GetSubIdentity(Auth.IIdentityType.Auth).GetContent("id");
m_localUser.DisplayName = NameGenerator.GetName(m_localUser.ID);
m_localLobby.AddPlayer(m_localUser); // The local LobbyUser object will be hooked into UI before the LocalLobby is populated during lobby join, so the LocalLobby must know about it already when that happens.
/// <summary>
/// Primarily used for UI elements to communicate state changes, this will receive messages from arbitrary providers for user interactions.
/// </summary>
public void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object msg)
if (type == MessageType.RenameRequest)
m_localUser.DisplayName = (string)msg;
else if (type == MessageType.CreateLobbyRequest)
var createLobbyData = (LocalLobby)msg;
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.CreateLobbyAsync(createLobbyData.LobbyName, createLobbyData.MaxPlayerCount, createLobbyData.Private, m_localUser, (r) =>
lobby.ToLocalLobby.Convert(r, m_localLobby);
}, OnFailedJoin);
else if (type == MessageType.JoinLobbyRequest)
LocalLobby.LobbyData lobbyInfo = (LocalLobby.LobbyData)msg;
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.JoinLobbyAsync(lobbyInfo.LobbyID, lobbyInfo.LobbyCode, m_localUser, (r) =>
lobby.ToLocalLobby.Convert(r, m_localLobby);
}, OnFailedJoin);
else if (type == MessageType.QueryLobbies)
m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyServiceState.Fetching;
qr =>
if (qr != null)
}, er =>
long errorLong = 0;
if (er != null)
errorLong = er.Status;
else if (type == MessageType.ChangeGameState)
else if (type == MessageType.UserSetEmote)
EmoteType emote = (EmoteType)msg;
m_localUser.Emote = emote;
else if (type == MessageType.LobbyUserStatus)
m_localUser.UserStatus = (UserStatus)msg;
else if (type == MessageType.StartCountdown)
else if (type == MessageType.CancelCountdown)
m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.Lobby;
m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 0;
else if (type == MessageType.ConfirmInGameState)
m_localUser.UserStatus = UserStatus.InGame;
m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.InGame;
else if (type == MessageType.EndGame)
m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.Lobby;
m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 0;
void Start()
m_localLobby = new LocalLobby { State = LobbyState.Lobby };
m_localUser = new LobbyUser();
m_localUser.DisplayName = "New Player";
void BeginObservers()
foreach (var gameStateObs in m_GameStateObservers)
foreach (var serviceObs in m_LobbyServiceObservers)
foreach (var lobbyObs in m_LocalLobbyObservers)
foreach (var userObs in m_LocalUserObservers)
void SetGameState(GameState state)
bool isLeavingLobby = (state == GameState.Menu || state == GameState.JoinMenu) && m_localGameState.State == GameState.Lobby;
m_localGameState.State = state;
if (isLeavingLobby)
void OnRefreshed(IEnumerable<LocalLobby> lobbies)
var newLobbyDict = new Dictionary<string, LocalLobby>();
foreach (var lobby in lobbies)
newLobbyDict.Add(lobby.LobbyID, lobby);
m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyServiceState.Fetched;
m_lobbyServiceData.CurrentLobbies = newLobbyDict;
void OnRefreshFailed(long errorCode)
m_lobbyServiceData.lastErrorCode = errorCode;
m_lobbyServiceData.State = LobbyServiceState.Error;
void OnCreatedLobby()
m_localUser.IsHost = true;
void OnJoinedLobby()
m_lobbyContentHeartbeat.BeginTracking(m_localLobby, m_localUser);
void StartRelayConnection()
if (m_localUser.IsHost)
m_relaySetup = gameObject.AddComponent<RelayUtpSetupHost>();
m_relaySetup = gameObject.AddComponent<RelayUtpSetupClient>();
OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.LobbyUserStatus, UserStatus.Connecting);
m_relaySetup.BeginRelayJoin(m_localLobby, m_localUser, OnRelayConnected);
void OnRelayConnected(bool didSucceed, RelayUtpClient client)
m_relaySetup = null;
if (!didSucceed)
Debug.LogError("Relay connection failed! Retrying in 5s...");
m_relayClient = client;
OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.LobbyUserStatus, UserStatus.Lobby);
IEnumerator RetryRelayConnection()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
void OnLeftLobby()
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.LeaveLobbyAsync(m_localLobby.LobbyID, ResetLocalLobby);
if (m_relaySetup != null)
{ Component.Destroy(m_relaySetup);
m_relaySetup = null;
if (m_relayClient != null)
{ Component.Destroy(m_relayClient);
m_relayClient = null;
/// <summary>
/// Back to Join menu if we fail to join for whatever reason.
/// </summary>
void OnFailedJoin()
void BeginCountDown()
if (m_localLobby.State == LobbyState.CountDown)
m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 4;
m_localLobby.State = LobbyState.CountDown;
/// <summary>
/// The CountdownUI will pick up on changes to the lobby's countdown timer. This can be interrupted if the lobby leaves the countdown state (via a CancelCountdown message).
/// </summary>
IEnumerator CountDown()
while (m_localLobby.CountDownTime > 0)
yield return null;
if (m_localLobby.State != LobbyState.CountDown)
yield break;
m_localLobby.CountDownTime -= Time.deltaTime;
if (m_relayClient is RelayUtpHost)
(m_relayClient as RelayUtpHost).SendInGameState();
void SetUserLobbyState()
OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.LobbyUserStatus, UserStatus.Lobby);
void ResetLocalLobby()
m_localLobby.CopyObserved(new LocalLobby.LobbyData(), new Dictionary<string, LobbyUser>());
m_localLobby.AddPlayer(m_localUser); // As before, the local player will need to be plugged into UI before the lobby join actually happens.
m_localLobby.CountDownTime = 0;
m_localLobby.RelayServer = null;
void OnDestroy()
bool OnWantToQuit()
bool canQuit = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_localLobby?.LobbyID);
return canQuit;
void ForceLeaveAttempt()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_localLobby?.LobbyID))
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.LeaveLobbyAsync(m_localLobby?.LobbyID, null);
m_localLobby = null;
/// <summary>
/// In builds, if we are in a lobby and try to send a Leave request on application quit, it won't go through if we're quitting on the same frame.
/// So, we need to delay just briefly to let the request happen (though we don't need to wait for the result).
/// </summary>
IEnumerator LeaveBeforeQuit()
yield return null;


using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity.Services.Relay;
using Unity.Services.Relay.Allocations;
using Unity.Services.Relay.Models;
using UnityEngine;
namespace LobbyRelaySample.Relay
/// <summary>
/// Does all the interaction with relay.
/// </summary>
public static class RelayInterface
private class InProgressRequest<T>
public InProgressRequest(Task<T> task, Action<T> onComplete)
DoRequest(task, onComplete);
private async void DoRequest(Task<T> task, Action<T> onComplete)
T result = default;
string currentTrace = System.Environment.StackTrace;
try {
result = await task;
} catch (Exception e) {
Exception eFull = new Exception($"Call stack before async call:\n{currentTrace}\n", e);
throw eFull;
} finally {
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Relay Server, and returns the Allocation (Response.Result.Data.Allocation)
/// </summary>
public static void AllocateAsync(int maxConnections, Action<Allocation> onComplete)
CreateAllocationRequest createAllocationRequest = new CreateAllocationRequest(new AllocationRequest(maxConnections));
var task = RelayService.AllocationsApiClient.CreateAllocationAsync(createAllocationRequest);
new InProgressRequest<Response<AllocateResponseBody>>(task, OnResponse);
void OnResponse(Response<AllocateResponseBody> response)
if (response == null)
Debug.LogError("Relay returned a null Allocation. It's possible the Relay service is currently down.");
else if (response.Status >= 200 && response.Status < 300)
Debug.LogError($"Allocation returned a non Success code: {response.Status}");
/// <summary>
/// Get a JoinCode( Response.Result.Data.JoinCode) from an Allocated Server
/// </summary>
public static void GetJoinCodeAsync(Guid hostAllocationId, Action<Response<JoinCodeResponseBody>> onComplete)
CreateJoincodeRequest joinCodeRequest = new CreateJoincodeRequest(new JoinCodeRequest(hostAllocationId));
var task = RelayService.AllocationsApiClient.CreateJoincodeAsync(joinCodeRequest);
new InProgressRequest<Response<JoinCodeResponseBody>>(task, onComplete);
public static void GetJoinCodeAsync(Guid hostAllocationId, Action<string> onComplete)
GetJoinCodeAsync(hostAllocationId, a =>
if (a.Status >= 200 && a.Status < 300)
Debug.LogError($"Join Code Get returned a non Success code: {a.Status}");
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve an Allocation(Response.Result.Data.Allocation) by join code
/// </summary>
public static void JoinAsync(string joinCode, Action<Response<JoinResponseBody>> onComplete)
JoinRelayRequest joinRequest = new JoinRelayRequest(new JoinRequest(joinCode));
var task = RelayService.AllocationsApiClient.JoinRelayAsync(joinRequest);
new InProgressRequest<Response<JoinResponseBody>>(task, onComplete);
public static void JoinAsync(string joinCode, Action<JoinAllocation> onComplete)
JoinAsync(joinCode, a =>
if (a.Status >= 200 && a.Status < 300)
Debug.LogError($"Join Call returned a non Success code: {a.Status}");

/Assets/Prefabs/GameStateManager.prefab.meta → /Assets/Prefabs/GameManager.prefab.meta

/Assets/Prefabs/GameStateManager.prefab → /Assets/Prefabs/GameManager.prefab

/Assets/Scripts/Game/GameStateManager.cs.meta → /Assets/Scripts/Game/GameManager.cs.meta

/Assets/Scripts/Relay/RelayInterface.cs.meta → /Assets/Scripts/Relay/RelayAPIInterface.cs.meta
